PC 84-258,'~~ 9 d- ~,.~ I ,;q RLSQLU7'IGN N0. PC84-~258 - -.-______~ A RESQi.,UTTON UF i[1F ANAHI~IM CI`.:Y PLANNTNG ~OMMISSIUN '1'yAT PETI'i'ION I'OR CONDI7'IONAJ., USE PERMIT N0. 2G34 BE GRAIVTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Cit,y Plann.i.ng Commi.ssion did recei.~e a verii'ted Peti,tion zor Conditi.~anal Use Permit fron~ .DOUGLAS F. JONf;S, ET. AL., 2095 South Harbor Bo~levard, An~heim, Cal.iforn.ia 92~02, owner, and ANAHETM REGENCY HaT~;L, 2U45 South Harbor Boulevard, Anaheim, GaliJ:ornia 92802, AmTN: t9ALTEH HONG, JR., agent for cectain real proper.ty si~~~ated in the Ci.ty of Anahetm, County ot~ Urange, State oF Calzfor.nia, des~ri.beci as: PARCEL 1: e~~;-l PARCEL I, IN THE CITY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF ~' . , ~``` j CAL?FORNIA~ AS SHOW:] ON A PARCEL MAP FILED IN BOOK 117, PAGES ~~,`7 35 A~1D 36 UF PARCEL MAPS, IN THB OrT'JCF; OF THE CUUf]TX RECORDGtt -~'~'~~ OF SAIll COUNT'Y. .. ~n~ ! PARCEL 2~ IN THE CI'!'Y OF ANAHEIM~ COUNTY OF' URANGE~ STp,7~~ OF ;"~ ~ CALIFORNIA, AS SH~WN ON A MAP FILED IN BOOK 117, PAGES 35 AND '" ' 36 OF FARC~L MAPS IN THE OFFICE; Ob' THE COUNTY 12ECOR~E~t C?F SAID ~. ; COUNTY. ,;;` ; ~~'' ! "X` ' PARCEL A : ,~~ ', THAT PORTION OP' 'PHE SOUTHEAST QUAR'i'ER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SE(:TION 27, TOWNSEI7P 4 SOUTH, RANGE 1Q WEST IN TfiE I2AVCH0 SAN ~'UAN CA.;ON DE SANTA ANAr CITY OF ANAfiEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFnRNIA, AS SAID SECTION LS ON A MAP RECORDED ZN li00K 51, PAGE 10 0~' MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, IN THE UFFICC OF THE COUNTY RECpEtDFR, DESCRZBED AS FOLLOWS: BGGINNING AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SATD NORTHWEST QUAR~'ER, SAID POINT SEING THE INTI:RSECTION OF' THE CENTER LINE OF HARBOR BOULEVARA AND ORANGEWOOD AVENUF., THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH~RLX LINE QF SAID NORTHWEST QUARTrR ADiD TfIE CENTER I,INE Or' SAIA ORANGEWOOD AVFNUE, SOUTH 89Q 93' 23" WEST G66.85 FEET TO THE WES?ERLY LIN~ OF SAID 50UTHEA~'T` QUARTEP. OF Z'HE SOUTHEAST QUARZ'ER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTEh, THENCE ALONG SAID WESTERLY LIN~, NORTH 1° 13' OS" WEST 353.05 F'EET, MORE OR LESS, TO A LINE PARALLFL WITH AND DISTAN7.' 353.00 FEET NORTFIERLY MEASUFtED AT RIv^HT ANGLCS FROM SAID CENTER LIN~ OI' ORANGEWOOD AVEDIUE~ SAID ~OINT BEING THE '!'RU~ PQINT OF DEC3INNTNG; THENCE ALONG SAID PARA.GLEL LINF NQRTH $3° 43' 23" EAST 265.04 FEET MORE OR LESS, TO A LINE PARAL~F.L WI2H AND DISTANT 265.00 F~;ET, EASTERLY MEASURED AT F-GE;T ANGLF;S FRUM S.~-ID WEuTERLY LINE; THENCE ALnNG SAID PARALI~EL LINE NORTH 1° 13' 0$" WEST IOG.G~ FEET; TIiENCF PARAI,LEL WITH ;;AID GGNTFRLIN.E OF UkAhG~;W00D AVENUE, NORTH 89° 43' 23" EASI' 40U.72 FEET !10RE OR LESS, TO SAID CENTER LINE OF HARBOR ~0397r PC84-258 .., ,J.~}~ BOULFVARD; THENCE ALUNG SAIll CENTERLINE NORTH 1° 21' 07" WESl~ 200. y3 FEE'i' Tr~ Z~;~~ NOR~'H LINE OF SAID 6~UTHEAST QUARTEK QF THE SUUZ'HEAS~.C QUARi'ER OF '!"i E N012'CHWEST QUARTE~R; T~IENCE SOUTFI 8y ° 43' 36" WEST 665.32 FEET ALONG THL rlORTH I,INE OF SAID SOUTHEAS'i' QUAP.`.CE:R ~JF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OC THE NGRTHWEST QUARTER TO THE NORTHWEST CQRNEk ~'H~REUF; 2'HEhyE .~LONG SAYD WESTERLY LIN~:, SOUTH 1° 13' 08" ~AST 306.97 FEET~ '-10RE OR LESS, TO '1'HE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPT ANX PORTION 'rHEREOF WHICH IS NOT I;dCLUDEA i~i'1'HIN 3.'HE SOUTHEAS7.' QUARTF.R OF' THE SQUTHEAST QUARTER Q~ 7'•IE NOR~'rIWE5T QUARTER OE S~CTIUPI 2'1~ TOWNSHIP 9 SGU7.'H~ i2.~NGE 1U WEST~ 1~S .~AID S~CTTON WCULD RE DEVI:LOPEU FROM A CCNTER AS JEaCRIpFD IN CASE NO. 40910 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OE ORANG~ CC~UNTY, CALT~'ORNIA. A CERTIFIr;ll COPY OF TFIE D'ECRE~ ~AS RECORD~D AfJGUST 1, 1943, IN BOOK 12~8, PA,GE 2II7, UFFICIAL RFCURDS ~ AND IN CASE N0. 410~5 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT GF pR.~NGE COUNTY, CALIFOANIA. A CERTIFIED COPY OF '.I'HL DECRFE WAS RiGORDED FGF3RUARY 14, 1951; IN BOOK 2.144, PAGE 174~ OFFICIAL k~~ORDS, SATD CFNTER LINE BEING SHCWN ON A MAP FILr;D IN BOOK 24~ PAGE 22 OF RECORD OF SURVEYS, IN THE UI'FICF OE THL COUIV',CY RFCORDRR OF SAID COUNTY. ALSO EXCEPT 7'Hr1T PO~TION OE' '1'HE NOt~TH 175.00 FEFT THEF2EQE~ MEASU^ED ~'ROM THE NORTHERLX LINE OF '.CHG LAST DESCFtIBED r~XCEPTION LYING EASTERLY' OF A LINE pA.RALLEL WITH SAID liARBnR BOU~EVARD~ AND L~ISTANT WESTERL}' 4'70.:32 FEET MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGI~~S ERQ~f THE CENTER LINE 0~' SAID HARBOR BOUL~VARD. WHBRE;AS, the City Plann.ing Com;nission atd hold a pt~blic hesr.ing at tt~e CLV1C Center in the :;i.ty of .Anah~ m on December 10, 1984, at 1; 30 p.m. ~ nota.ce o.E satd publ.ic hearing hav.ing been duly given as required by 1aw arld in accordance w:i.th the provisions of the Anahe.i.m Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence For and against sai,d proposed condi.tional uss permxt and to investigate and make f.ind.i.ngs anc] rtcommendations in connection therewi.th; and WE:EREAS, said GUmmiss.ion, after duF~ inspecli~n, invest~gat.ion and study made by .i.kself anJ in it~ behalf, and after due carisider~tion of a11 evidence and reports off~red at said h~~aring, does f{n~ and determ.~ne ~he following facts; 1. That tt~e propused use is propeXly one Eor wtitch a conditi.onal use perm.tr ts author~zed by Anahetm Mun.tctpal Code Sectiris 18.~6.08G, 18.44.05!'.010, 18.44.05Q.160 and 18.44.Q50.30U to w.it: to permit a 318-room hotel wtth accessor~ u~es includ.ing a re~taurant, autdoor elting area a~d or~-3sle alcoholic bever~ges and w.ith wa.i.ver of the followtng: SECTIONS - Mi.nimum number of aarkina s a^es ANA (561 spaces reqii=red; 350 spaces _ proposedi ~0397r _2_ P~84-258 2. That. the requested wa~ver is hereby granted on the basis ~hat the park~ing vari.ance will n~t cause an incr~as~ i.n traf~ic congest.~on tn the immed taLe v.irini~x nar adversely aFfect ai~y adjoining land uses; and that the granti.ng ot th~ parking variance undPr the cond.itions imposed, i.f any, wi.11 noc be cietrimental to the peace, hea].th, s~fety or general welfar.e of the cit•izens of the City of Anahe.im. 3. That the proposed use w.ill not ddversely afftct the adjoining land uses and the growth anc~ developm~nt of the area .i~~ wh~tch it is pr~posed to be J.ocatecl. 4. Tt~ak the s.ize and shape of the si.te praposed for. the use ts adequate ta allow the rull d~:velopment of the proposed use in a manner not detr:imental to the ~articular ar~a nor to ttie peace, hea].th, safAty and general we:ltare oF the Citizens of the C.ity of Anaheim. 5• That the uranting of the Cond.itional Use Permtt under the conditions im~osed, if ariy, will not be detrimental to the pe~ce, h~alth, safety and general wel.fare oP the Ci.tiz~ns of the Ci.ty of Anaheim. 6. That the traff.ic generatnd by the proposed use will i~ot impose an undue burden upon the streets and h.ighways designed and impruved to carry the traffic in t-~e arca. 7. That no one indicated their pr~se~ice at sa.id public hea~ing :~n oppos.itior,; an~~ that no correspondence was received in opposttion to the subject pet.iti.on. ENV_ IRONM~NZ'AL IMPAC~ FINDING: That Environmental Impac* Tteport N~. 254 was previou~ly certified by the City Counc:~l on May 11, 1982 in c~n;uncL.ion wikh the original approval of Cond.~tional UsE Permi.t Ne. ?.322 (permzttxng a si.x-story, 68-foot h.igh, 4~8-room hotel on subject property); and that the pet.itioner has stibm~tted an addendutn t~ Environmental Impact Repork No. 254 fnr Planning Commissir~n considerat.toii; ~nd that after cons.ideri.ng the addendum to Environmental. Impact P.epur.t No. 254, the Planntng Cammi.ssion does hereby appxove said addendum on the basis that tt ts :tn compliance with thc~ California Enva.rQnmentai Qual3.ty Act and the City and State CEQA guidelines and there are no significant en~~i.ronmenta~ a.mpacks identi.f ted. NOW, Z'HEREF~RL, BE I!' RESOLVEG that the Anahe.i.m Gi.ty Planntny Commiss.ion d~e~ r~erehy grant subject Pet.ition tor Conditi.onal Uye Perm.it, upon the fo].lowi.ng cond.tt.i.ons wh.ich are hereby faund to be a necessary prereq~isite tn l-he proposed use of the subject property tn order ko preserve the safety and generLl welfare ~f the Cit.izens of th~ City ot Anaheim: 1. That street ligrting Pacilities aZr~ng Eiarbor Boulevard shall he tnstal?ed as requir~d by the Ut.ilitiey General Mana~er tn accordartce w.tth spec.if~cations on file i.n the Office of Ukilities Gene~al Manager, and that securiky i.n the form of a bond, certt.ficate af 6~posi.t, latter of crPdi.t, ur casEi, in an Amount and form s~tisfactory to the Ci.~Ly of Anal:et~r, sha.ll be posted wtth the City to guarantee .the satisfactory complec..i.on of the above-ment~oned amprovements, Sa.id secur.ity shall be posted with Lhe Ci~ty of AnahPtm prior to is~uance of buildtng perm.its. 'rhe above-required improvements shall be installPd prtor to occupancy. "3- PCS4-259 ~~~ _ „~Y . . ,'~.~,.r ~'\ 2. That tr.a~•h stor~~ge ar.eas ~hall be provi,ded and maintatned in accordance w.ith approved plans on f~ile with the Street Maintenanc:e ~nd San.itati.on Di.v~isiori. 3. That pri,or tu commencem~nt of stiructural Eraming, fire hydrants shall be installed an~ charyed a~ requ.ired ancl determined t~ be necesUary by the Ch.iei of the Fire Depaxtment. 4. Ti,at subject progerty shall be ~erved b,y unclergroiand uti.].xt~.es. 5. That drai~iaye of subject prop~rty sha1.1 be d.i~i~~sa•d of in a manner sat.tsfactory to the C.ity Enya.neer. G. Th~t prior to i.ssuance of a build.in~ permi.t, the approprxate traffic signa]. assessm~nt fep shall be pa.i~ L-o the C.ity of Anahe.i.m in an am~unt as determi.ned by the City Council Eor new comm~rcial butldings. 7. That the owner of subject prop~rty shall submi.t a letter requesting terrn3.nation of Variance No. 3242 and Condi.tional Use Permit Nos, 2327., 1y82 and 183 to the Planning DepartmFnt. 8. ~~hat pr.ior to xssuance af a bui.iding permit t}-,e d~vel~per shall execute and record an agreemPn~ and po~t a bond in forms approved by khe City Attorney to g~iarantee pay~ient af ,$10,00p.00 for improvements of the intersect.ion at Ha,:i~or. Boulevard anc3 Ratella Avenue, ei.ther a) prior to final buil~ing and zoning inspections or b) at the time of award of a contraci: by the Cit.y of Anaheim for •~.he improvements at subject inf;ersecti.on , whi~hever occurs first. 9. That l-he pet~tioner shall red~sign and increase the number of parking stalls for the handicapped to a minimum of tw~ percent (2$) of the total number of parkxng stz~lls provided. .10. That the developer/hotel uwner s}~all provide a private shuttlp bus system trom the ho~el to various ~oints of interest wtthin the ~~naheim City liml.ts. Said shUttle bus system sha11 cons.tst dF a mznimum oC three 9-passenger vans. 11. ti'h~~t a comprehens.tve ~ iyning Plan for vehi~u:lar and pedestrian circulaLion sha11 be subm.i.tked Lo l-he Ctty Traffic Eng.:.neer f~r c e~~a.eu~ and approval. 12. That ttie des.ign and location of a11 taxi and bus loading and unload.ing area~ shall be subject to review and app~oval by th~ City TraEfic Engineer. 13. Th~t an Gmergency Access Plan shall be submitted to ~he ~'ire Chief for review and approval. ~4. mhe fire spri.nklers shall be i.nstalled as required by the F:ire Chief -4-- PC84-258 _ , .;;~p~ 15. Tha~ pc=~r t~ .issuance af a bu.ild.ing permit, the owners o~ subject property sha11 execute and record a c:ovenant in a f~rrn approved by the City Attorney agre~ing that .it~ w.ithin three (3) years following occ~~pancy of the hotel, the City conduc~s a traffic study wh.ich ind~cates that the off-•s~ree~ park.ing i~ .inadequate f~r the hotel ~n~ relate~3 usPS, sa.id owner sh~1.1 conscruct a parking .~tructure on the hotel property or sha11 otherwise prov:ic~e add.~tional off-street parking i.n a number and manner satisfactory to the City Traffic Enga.nePr. Additionally, prior to isyuar~ce ~f a building permi.t for th~ hotel, said owners sha].,l post a faithful performdnce bonc! with the City or submit a letter of cred.it or other guarar.tee acceptab.lp ta the C.ity in an amount as requi.red by khe Ciky Engineer to guarantee :installat.xon of. said addxtional park.i.ng, which amount sha].1 be deemed liquidated damaaes payable to the City in the event that an~ such ze~uir~d parking .is not constiructed .in a ti.mely manner. 16. That the o~aner of subject property shall pay to the City of Anaheim a fee for tree planti.ny purposes along th~ soutiierly 19 f~:et of ETarbor Boulevard in an amaunt as deterni.ined by the Cttx Council. 17o That gat•~s shal.l not be in~talled across any dr:iveway in a manner whi.ch may adversely affect vehicu].ar traffic in the ac7jacent public streets. Tnstallatxon o.f any gates within a distance of forty (40i Eeet From said publi.c street right~-of-wa~• shall be subject to ~he revi,ew and approval of the C.ity Traffic Engi.neer. 18. That the proposed parking structiare design shall c~nform ~o Engineeri.ng Standard P1an No. 4U2 pertaining to standard details Eor paxking skructures. 19. `rhat all dri.veways shall be designed to accommodace ten (10) fcot radius curb returns as requi.red by thp City Traf£.ic ~ngtneer. 20. Th~t all a.ir cand.it.ion.ing faci.lit.ies shall be properl.y shielded from vzew, anc the sound buffered from adjaGent properties. 21. That the proposal shall comply wi.th all sign.ing requiremF~ts of the CL Zone, unless a variance alluw.ing s.i.gn wa~v~rs ais approved by the Planning Commi.ssi.~n or City Counci.l. 22. ThaL an 8-foot high masonry block wall shall be constructe~ and maznta:ined alonc~ the west property l.ine. 23. That any propused parkzng area lig~iting fixtures shall be down-lxghted with a maxi.mum he.ight of 12 feet. Said Iigh~ing f~xLu~es shall be direr,ted away from adjacent property lines to prot~:ct the residential ~integr.ity of the ar`a t~ the ~ast. 'l4. That 15-g.allon trees pl~nted an 10-foot centers, with appropr.iate irri.gatioa f~cll.iti.es, sha11 be i.nfii~alled and maintained alung the west propexty line. ~5. T.hat suh ject property sh~~Il be develo~~d ~ubstanti.ally i.n accordance wtth plans an~ specifications c~i f.i~,: w~r.h the C.ity of Anahetm mark~d Exhibit t~os. 1 th.rough 10. -5- ~ PC8~4-258 26. That prior to issuance o£ a btii.l~l.ing permi.t, or w.ithan a one year from the dat~ ot~ ~hi.s r2soluti.on, whichever occurSr~ ds~~ Cond.t,tiUn NoS, 1, G, 7, 8, 9, ':L, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18 dnt~ 22 above-ment.ior~e~i, shall be r,omplied with. Extensi.ons Lor .Curtl;ec L•.i.me to complete sa.id condi.t.ions may be granted in accardance wi.th Secti~n 18.03.09G of the Anahe.im Munic.ipal Code. ;' 27. That pri.or to £.i.nal build.~ing and zoning inspections !; '~ Zr 4, 5, 14, 1%, 19, 2U, 23, 29 and 25, a~ove-mer~ti,on d,itshall ~bc~ °i ;~ complied with. ~ BE I~P FURTHER RESOLVED that the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commi~sion does hereby find and determinE that adopkion of this Resolutzon is exp,resaly predicated upon appli.cant';; compliance wit~~ each and a11 of the conditions hereinabove set forth. Should any such c~ndit.ians, c~r any parL thereof, bE declared i.nvali.d or. uner~~uzceak,l~ by the Fina1 juclgment oF any court of competent j~ri.sdiction, then this Resolut~ion, and any ~pprovals hpr~in contained, sha11 be deemed null and void. THE FOi~EGOING RESOLUTION is signed .,and approved,.;.by me this lOth day of December, 1984. fi CHAxRMArr ' t -.~.• ..,~ ~// , ANAH~7M ~IT~k`yPLAIVNING COMMISSION ATTEST; y~ ~? ~/ ~~ ~v "" Q ~ r1 ~~-~.~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM ~ITY PL'ANNING COMMISSIQN STATE OF CALIk'ORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) Sy~ CITY OF ANAHESM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secr::;:ary oE the Anaheim City P1ann.ing Commiss.ion, do hereby cert-.iFy tha~ t..h.~a foregoing resolu~ion was adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commissior~ held na b cember 10, 1984, by the fcllowiny vote o£ the members thereof: AYEfi: COMMISSION~RS; BOUAS, liUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC BUI2NEY NOES t COMMI~SIOIV~RS : PdONE ARSENT: COMMISSIONE;.ft~: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREnr I " ~ have hereunto set my hand th.is 10th day of becemher, 1984. _..~ ~ . ~ t ~ d~.C-.G'~.~ ~ SECRETAItY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMElI~SION f -6- PC84-258