PC 84-261RE~SULUTION N0. PC8~-261 [? RESOLUTTON OF THE PLA~VrIING COMMISSION OF THk; C:[TY OF HNAHEtM DELETING CONDTTION N0. 5 UF' RESO~UTTON NQ. PC81-205 ADOPTF.D IN CQNhF1C`.PION WITH CONDITIONAL USE PERNiIT N0. 3263 WH~RE45, the Planning C~~t~mission o~ the City of Anahei.m heretofoze adogt~d Resolution No, PC81-205 on SepL•ember 21, 1981, a~prov.ing an aut~mobile repair faci.lity i.n the ML Zon~; and WHERk:AS, Cond:ition No. 5 as set forth in Resolution Nu. PC81-205 prouides that ,aid ~~e shall be r.eviewed in on~ year to determi.ne whether tl~e use has had an anver.se impact on ~urround.ing land u5es, and if ~~o adverse impa~t xs found, to grant an extension ot time; and WHEkFAS, the perm.ittee hxs Piled an app7.i.cati~n for a 2-month retr~active extpnsior. of sair.i ta.me ?.imitation pursuant to the pr~~vi~ions of Sectton 18.03.093 of the Analieim Muni~:i~al Codp; anc] HiHEREAS, the permittee has also requestec~ that Condition No. 5 be deleted; and WHEREA~, the Plann.i.ng Commission held a dul~ noticec~ publi~c hear~ng on ~aa.d appl~cat~ion on December 10, 1984, at which hearing the Plarininq Commission dtd receive and cunsider evidenr.e, both oral and documeni:ary, relating thereto; and WHEF.FAS, no one indi.c:ated their presence at sa.id puUli~ hearing in o~posit,ion and no correspondenc~ was received in opposition to subject petition; and WHEREAS, the Planning C~mm.tssian herehy finds that saic; use .is being exerct.~u in a manner that is not c~ei:ri.mental to the particular area and surr~~unding land uses, nor ko the public peace, t:halc:h, safety and general welf~re; and that said candi.tiun should, ther.eEore, be deleted. NOW, THEKEFORE, BG IT RESOLV~D by the Planning Ccmmission o~ the City of Anahe:tm ~h~t Conditien N~. 5 be hereby d~leted. THE FOItEGOING RESOLUTION i.s signed ~and approy~d b;~ me thi.s lOth day of Decembec, 1984. . .__-~._.•-~ ' - ~~ _ l, i ~'~/~ ~~ ~.~ ~"t~ ~/J ~. "C~iAIRMAN, AP3AHEIM CITY LANNING COMMISSIODI A'iTEST: G~,~-~~ ~~~~y. SECFiE;TARY, ANAH~IM CiTY PLANNING COMMI~SION #0392r PC84-26I i. =31 ~ ,.; ~,~',, STATE pI' CALI'r'Q12NIA ) COUNTY OI' QRANC,E ) S;; ~ CTTY OF ANAHEIM ) z, Edith L. Harris, oecretary of tt~~ Anahe im C.i.ty Planning Commi.ssi.on, do herel~~~ certity i~hat the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted at a meeti.ng vf the Anahe.i~ri C.ity Plann.iny Comrn.tss.xon helc3 on December 10, 1984, by the fo1l~w.ing vote of the members thereof: AYES: C()MMIfi5IONE;ItS; k30IlAS, BUSHORE, FRY, HERBST, K1NG, I,A CLAIR~, MC IIURNEY ~IOES: COMMISSIONERS: PdONE P.95Et4T; COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WITNEuS WHE;REpi, I have hsreunto set my hand this lOth day of De:;ember, 1984. ~d~.~, ,~ ~ r SF.CRF'TARX, ANAfiEIM CTTY P~,ANt~ING COMMISSION .~~~'~. ':; ' ~.:::::, .: , °< ~ ~~ .: ~ ~ _~_ PCB~-261