PC 84-28~~soLU~r.io~ ~~. Pcs~-2$ A kESOLU'rIUN 0~ THE ~NAHEINI CI'.I'Y PLANNING Cl`>MMISSION Z'FIA`i' L~ETITTUN 1~OR CUNDI'I'IUNAL USF PERM2T NQ. 2538 BE DLNILD WHEREAS, the Anaheitn CiLy Planning u"ommi~ssion did r~ceive a verifiec~ Pc~tition for Conditional. Use Permil: fr.om RQBFRZ' L. WE`.P'LLER & GTHEL L. WET'LLER, 317'l2 Pa ~eo '['erraza, San ,1u~an Capist.rano, Ca1iL-ornia 92G75, owners, and RUBIN OIL COMPANY, ATTN: TqNY DRTSTOL, P. O. ~3ox 386'7, 5outki L:1 6lonte, California. 91733, agent o£ certain real prop~xty situahed i.n thE Cit~ of Anaheim, County of Oranye, State of Cali.L-ornia, descrir~ed as: THE EAST 15U.00 FEET OE' TH~ W~S'I' 242.Oa ~FET ~F THE NURTEi 170.00 FE~T OF THF SOUTH 200 EEET OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST ~U1~R'.i'ER OF' THE SOUTHWES'P QUARTER 0£' SECTION 13, IN 7.'OWNSHTP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 11 ri?EST, IN `1'HE RANCHO LOS COYOTES, AS SHOWN ON A MAP 7.'H~R~OF R~CORllED IN BOOK 51, PAGE .11, MISCELLANI:OUS MAPS~ RECO~?DS 7I' aAID GRANGE COUNTY. EXCFPT '1'HAT RORTIOIJ TftER1;OF DESCRTBED AS Et~LLOWS: '? B£GTNNI~C AT A PUINT QN 'I'HE WES`.CERT~X LIIVE Ok' SAID LAND, ~,,; DISTANT NORTHERLY 50.00 FEGT FROM THE SOUTH LTNL OF SAID SOUTHWFS7' QUARTFR; THE[3CE SOUTH ALO[~~ SATD WEaTERLY T~'lNE, ~;~' S0.00 FEET '.CO `i"L' S?!ID SOJTH LIN~ OF TEIE S~UTHWEST QUARTER~ THENCE~ L'AST ALOhG SATD ;OUTH LINE, 20~00 F~ET; THENCE NORTH 30.O~J FEET PARALLEL WITH THE WESTERLY I,IN~; OF SAID SOU7'HW~;ST ;. QUARTEFt; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY TO TH~ POI[dT. OF' BEGINNTIJG, AS GRAN'.PEU TO THF STATE OF C~LIFORN?A BY DEED RECORDED AUGUST 23, 1951 IN DOnK 2220~ PAGF' 47.6~ OFF7CIAL~ F2ECORDSr T[V TH~; OFFICE ~F THE COUNTY RECORDF;R OF SATD ORANGE COUNTY. ~,:`;f F7HER~F.a, the City Plannin~ Commission did hold a public hearing at .L,,.,, t~e c~vic Center in the i.ity oti Anaheim on February 22, 1984 at 1;30 p.m., 'r;; nc .~ct of said public hearing havi.ng been duly oiven a~ required by law and in ac:ordance with the provisir~ns of the Anaheim Munici~al Code, Chapter 18.03, t.o h~ar and consider evidence far aX~d a,qainst said proposed conditional use 1~ per.mit and to investiga~e and make findinys arid rer_ornmeric~ations =n connection therewith; and WHL'R~AS, said Commission, ~fter due inspect:ion, invesL-igai:ion and study made by itself and in its behalf, an~ aCter due considerati~n of all evidence and ceports offered at said hearing, do~s £inr~ anc~ determine the tnllowxng facts: 1. That the praposed use is pro~~r.ly one for which a conditional use ~ermit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.03.n30.010 to wit: to permit a r.onv~nience marl:et with gasolin~ sales and ~tf-sale beer and wi.ne. 2. That the proposEd use is h~reby denied on the ~asis that the proposed rptail sales inr.ludes off-sale beer and wine in a convenience :;?rket with gasoline sales and that tha acces~ibility of the beer and wine in conjuncl•ion with the sale of gaso:iir~e t•o f.uel vehicles driv~n on city streeL-s #01~4r. PC84~28 ,~,~,~ could cr.eatF a dangerous situ~ti.an with pFrsons cir.inkiny and driving arid fut~.her that the ap~roval ~f the proposed dua]. use oE l•he E~roperL-y could set an u~ldesi.rabiE precec~ent. 3. ri'hat rhe proposed use wi].1 advE.rsely a£fect Che adjoining land us~s and l-.he growtt~ and develo~~mcrit of the area in which it is proposEd to be loca~ed9 4. That tl•ie si.z~ and shape ot- the site pruposed For ti~e u:;c is not adequate to allow the full developm~r~t c~E thE propo~ed use in a manner not c~Et•rim~ntal ta the particular area nor to l-he pe~cF, hcalth, safety and general welfare of the ~Citizens of the City of. Anaheim. 5. Tha't th~ grantiny of th~ Conc7i~ional Use Permit urider the conditions im~osecl, ii any, will k~e detrimental ~o the peace, health, safety ~nd general welfare c~f the Citizer;s of the City o.f An~aheim. 6. That l:he tr.af£i~: generated py the prop~~~ed use wi17. impose an undue burden upon the streets ancl highways designed and improvtd ~o carry the traf.fic in the area. 7. That nu one indicated their ~re~ence at said public hnaL'i.~1y i.n oppositio;i; arid that no corres~ondence was received iri opposition to the subj~ect ~etitiori. ENVTRQ~IMENTAL IMPl~C~ FINDING: 'rhat t~he Anaheiri City Plannin~ Commission has reviewec~ the proposal to r~rmit a cunvenience market witY, gasoline sales ancl off-,sale beer and wine ~n a rectanaular.~.y-shapec3 parcel of land cotisisting of approximatel,y C.5 acre ~~~cated ai: the nortE~ea~t corner of Ball Road and Beach Bcu]evard, anc~ .Curther described as 934 South ~3e~ch Etoul~vard; and does her~by approve the Ncgative Declaration u~on £inding that it has considered the Negative Declaration together ~~ith any comments received during the puk~lic rsview process and further finding an thc basis of the iriitial sL•udy and any aommerits received that there is no substantial evi.denc:e that the project will have a signif.icant eff~ct on the enviranmEnt. NOW, THEREFqRE, BE JT RESOLVED that the Anaheim Cit,y Planniny Commission doea hereby dzny subject Petiti~n for Conditional Use Per.mit, ori the J7351S af ~he afarem~ntioned findings. THE FOREGOSNG RF50LUTION is signed and appro~ed by m~ this 22nd day of FeGruary, 19Q4. •/~%/GZr~~.r,~ ~,~J'=LC"~4-'' CHAIRWC~M~~', ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMIS:iTON ~~ ATTEST: O d'~-- ~ • ~`-~+~i~L.uai S~CR~TARY, ANAHFIM CI'PY PLe~ND1ING GUt4MISSTGN ;1 ;~ -2_ PC84-28 ~j!Lk'At;'.' ~~ ST~ATis OI' CAL'IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF OFt.ANGE ) S , ~ CI~'Y OF ANAHETM ) '~~~ ~~ ~ '~ ',~~','~i :';I :i, Edi.th L, Hart•is, SF~cre~ary ai' th~ Anaheim City P].anning Comrnissi.on, clo hereby certify that the foregoing resolution w~s p~ssed ~~:~r~ ado~,~ed at a meeting o.f the Anaheim Ciry ~lanniny Commission held on Februal:y 2zr 1989, by the foliowi;lg vote o~ lhe memt~Prs theraof: AXES: C~MMISSiGIVERS: BOUAS, f3USHORE, FRY, LA CL~TRE, MC HUI2NI:Y NOES: CQMMI~SIONFRS: NONE ABSL'NT: COMM?SSIONERS: FTERBS7' IN 1VITtdrSS WHEREOE~, I have hereunto set my hand this :l2nd day of Fe;~:: uary, 1gg4. _. ~ ~~-...~ - ~ SE(.RETARY, ANP,HEIM CITY PLAIVNING COMMISSTON . n;,: ~. _ , -3- PCF34-28 ~ i ~ c