PC 84-29RESOLUTtUN N0. PC$4-29 A RESQLUTIUN OF THE ANAHF'IM CITY PL."~NNING COMMTSSION THAT PETT'i'1~'.~ I'OR CONDITIONAI., US£ PERMT'I' NO. 253~ f3E GRANTED WEIER~AS, the Anaheim City P1a~lning Commxssion clid receive a verified etition for Conditional Use Permi~ from SH~'LL OTL COMPANY, 511 NorL•h Br.ookl~urst Street, P. 0. Box 48~8, Anah_im, Cali~or;.ia 92~03, owner, and TOM F. Mt~RRIS, c/o FRADICAIS ~NGINECRING, 5300 Orange Avcnue, Suite 22]., Cypress, Ca7.ifornia 90b30, agei~t of certa:in ieal prcpert•y ,ituated in the City af Anaheim, County af Orange, State of California, d~scribed as: THE NORTH 216 F'EET CF TH~ ~AST 1$0 F'EET OF THE NORTHEAST QUART~K OF S~CTION 18, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE; lU WEST, IN THE RANCHO LU~ COYO~CES, COUN'1'Y OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIF~RNIA, AS SAID SECTION :[S SHOWN UN A MAP ,RECORDLD IN BOOK 51 PA~~; 10 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, I~1 THE OF'FICE OF TH~ CGUN'J.'Y RECORDER Or^ SAID COUNTY. E.XCEP`.P THE~ EAST 30 , 0 U FLr~'Z' '1'EiFRFOF ~ ALSO EXCEP'1' TIiE NOR~'H 66.OG ~EEZ' `1'~IF;~EOH . ALSO LXCEPT THAT POR'T''!ON THEREOF ArSCI2ISED I~S FOLLOWS : BEGINNING AT A POINT O~V TH~ SOUTH LINE OF ~r.HE NC~RTH 6G.00 FEET OF SASD LANb, WESTER~,Y 6U.00 rEET 'CEiERFON FROf9 THE E.AST LINE THL~EU~'; THENCE Ei4ST 60.00 FEET TO SAID EAS2' LI~]E; '!'HEN~~E SOUTH 20.00 FEFT ALONG SATll ~~tST LINE TO A LIN~ PARALI,EL WITH APID 2U I'EET SQU'''HI;RLX ~ROM SAID SOUTH L'lNE; THF'NCE W~;ST 40.U0 FEET ALONG SATD PARALLEL LiN~; THENCE NOF'.CEiW~STERI~Y '1"0 THE YOINT OF BEGINN?NG. WfiFREAS, the City P].anning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Ci~~i.c CenL•er. in the Cit1~ of Anaheim on ~ebruary 22, ].9g4, ak 1:30 p,m., notice of said public hearin:, ~~aving been duly given as r~~quired b,y law and in acco.rdance with the pr.ovisions of the Aiiaheim Munici~al C~de, Chapter ].8.03, tu hear and cor;sider evid~nce for and against said proposed conditiona.l ~;se pe?~mit and to investi~a~e and make findings an~i recommendation~ i~i connection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, after due irispecti.~n, investigation and study made by itselL- and in its oehalf, and after d~ae cansideratiori o:E all evidence and reports off~red at said hearing, does find and det~rmine t~he following facts: 1. That Lhe proposed us~ is properly one for which a cond~tional use pe.rmik is authorized k~y Anaheim Municipal Code Section 18.4~.050,080 to wit; to per.mi~ a coin-operate~! car. wash in ari exist~ng s~~r.vic.e station. 2• That the proposed use is h~reby granted sub;ject to the pet:~tioner's stipulation at the public he~r:.ng to posl anc~ ma~ntain a sign on the propPrty at a11 ~i.mes indi.cating that there shal.l be no parking or stoppir-~ p~rmi~tec] at the exit Erom the car wash to prevent blocking the driveway. #0155r PC84-29 ~ ~ 3. ~~hat thc propo^ed us~ will nol. ~zciversely aff~ct thF~ adjoining 1Znd us~s and the growi:h and devt~loFina~r.r oF th~ area in wh.ich it is pr.oposed to be loca~ed. 4, That the size and shape of Lha site pruposed Fo.r t.h~ use is adequate to ~11ow the full de~elopmant of Che pr.~~~c.,sed use in a manc~er not detrimental to l-h~ particular area nc~r lo the ,peace, health, safety and genecal welfare of the Citizens of tt~~ City of Anahc,im. 5. That L•he granting of the Condition~il Use PP~~m' ~ tinder the conditions impos~d, if any, wi11 not be dttrimental L•o f~ peace, healt_1-,, safEty and reneral we].fare of the Ci.tizens c.t the Ciky ot: ~~naheim. 6. That the tr~~.ffic yenerai:ed by the propased use will not impose an unduE burden upon L-he street.s and l~iighwa;s designed and improvECl to carry the tr.affic in the ar~a. 7. That i:wo persons inciicated t~heir. presenc~ st saa.d public hearing in opposition; and that no correspondencp was received in opposition lo the subject ~etition. ENV:[RONM~NTAL IMI~AC`i' FINDING: Tt~at th~ Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewEd thE proposal to permit a cain-operated car wash in an existing service stat-ion on an irregularly-shaped parcel of land consisting ot approximately 0.4 acre located at the southwest r.orner ot Lincol.n Avenue ar.d Brookhurs~ Si:reet, and further desccibed as 101 South Brookhurs~ Street (She11 Oi1); and does hereby ap~ro~~e the Neyative Declarakion upon finding that ik has considered the Negakive Declaration ~ogether with any comments received during the pub:lic review process and further finding on the basis of ttie i.nitial studj~ acid any comments recpived that th~re is no substantial evidence tihat lhe project wi11 have a signi.ficant effec:t on th~: environm~nt. NOW, TiiH:,REFGRE, EE IT RESOLVED tha: the Anaheim City Planniny Comniission doPS hereby grant subject Petition £or Con~itional Use Permit, upon the f.ollowing conditians which are hereby faund ~o be a ne~es~ary z~rerequisike to ~~,~ ~ropasecl use of the subject propPrty in order to preserve 4he sa£~ty and general welfare of the c'itizens of i:h~ City of Anahcim: 1. That prior to issuance of a b~xildijlg oermit, th~ appr.opriate traffic signal as~essment fee shall be paid tu the Cit.y ~f Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Council for new commercial buildings. 2. 'I'!iat all engineering requirement~ uf the City of Anaheim along Lincaln Averiue, includin~r preparation of improv~meni: plans and installatian of ali impruvernerits such as curbs and cjutters, ~idewalks, st~reet grading and pavement, sewer and drainage facilities~ or other appurten~nt work sha11 be complied with as required by the City F.ngi.neer and in accordance with specific:akioris on file i.n the Office of the City Engineer; and that security in the L-orm of a bond, certificate oF deposit, ].etter o~ cradit, or cash, in an amaunk and furm satisfactory to the City of Anaheim, shall be posted wzth the City to guar.antEe the satisfactar.y completion of said impcovement:;. Said secur.ity shal]. be postecl with the City pr.ior to approval of improvemenL- pl~ns, to gaarantc_e the i.nstallation of. the above-required ~mprovements prior to occupar~cy. -2- P~'£34-29 ~ ~ 3. Tha~. trash stUraye areti~s shall k~e pr.ovid~d in accordance with approved p~an~ on fi:ie with ~hc= S~`:reei: Maintenance ~:~nd Sai;itation L`ivision. 4. '1'hat ~rior to issu:ince ot a buildiny ~ermit, appropriate wat~r. asses;men:: fees shal.l Le paid to the City oi Anaheim, in an ~mount- as determine~ t~y the Of.f:ice of the Util9.ties Gener.al Manager.. 5, That subject propert~y sha11 be developed sub~t~nt.ially in acr.ordai,ce wi.th plans and speci[ications +~n £i1e wirh the City u£ Anal~eim markad Fxhibit Plos. .l ~nd 2; providec9, hawever, that the trash enclosur.~ sha7.1 bc rE1oc<~ted t~7 a site acce}~tab].e to the Street Maintenance ~~~n~ Sanitat~~n Divis~on. b. That prior i:o final bui.ld.ing and zoni.ng inspection~, the p.ropert.y o~aner shall post unG ma:int:~in a sign on the ~roperl-y speciL-yi.n~ that there shall b~ no sto.ppxny ar parking at l-he exit from i.he caz wa~h to prevent blocking the driveway,. 7. Tha~ prior to f.inal buildin~ and zo~-!ing inspections, C:onc~ition N~s. 3 and 5, above-menti.oned, shall be complied with. BE iT 1 URTEIER RESOLVEA thai: th~ AnahEim City Planning Commissior~ does hereby Fa.nd and determine that adoption of this ~tesa:Lution i.s expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance wirh ~ach and a11 ~f the conditions hereinabo~ve set Corth. ahould any such conditions, or any part thexeoL-, be declared i.nvalici or unenfor.ceabl~ by the final judgcnent of any court oP competent jurisdiction, L•hen this Resoluti~n, and any apprcvals p~erein contained, shall be deemed n~all and void. TI~E I'~REGOING ]2GSOLU~I~N is ; igned and aNproved ~y tne this 22nd day of P'ebruary, ~984. __..~.ie~~~G-.l t/ ,-f J ~ /Cf~ ~r-..~„~+' .r_ CHAIRW~JMT,~ ANAHETM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION A'L'2'F~ST: V - `~ „ .° ~~L~t.c:... SECRE`i'ARY, ANI~I3EIh1 CIT`l PLANP~TNG COMMTSSION STATE OF' CALIr'OR@IIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAH~IM ) z, Edith L. tiarris, Secretary of the Ariahe~.m Ci~y Planning Comrr~ission, do hereby certify that the f:oregoing resolution was passed and adopte~ at a meeting or the Anaheim City Planning Commission held on February 22, 19~4, by the following vote of *_he members ~hEreof: AYES: COMMIS~IUNEkS: BOUAS, BUSHOR~;, FRY, KTNG, I~A CLAIRE, MC BURNL'Y NOES: COMM]:SSTONERS: NANE AB~ENT: COMMISSIONERS: FIERBST IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand ~hiy 22n6 day of Febzuary, 1984. ~j • ~ ~~~~G. G`'~Zc~'~!_ ,~ ~..~ SFCR~TARY, ANP.EIEIi•. ~ITY PLANN7NG COMtdISSION -3- PC84-2~ ~:;;, !:;_ _ . ...