PC 84-3'''~r RESp'LU'I'IUN NG. PCS~}-3 A RESULrJ~'ION OF Tf~E ANAHEIM C:ITY PLANNING COMMISSI.UN 7'HAT PETITTCtd FOft CONDITIONAL USE PGRMI'1' N0. 2527 BL DENIED WElE12EAS, the Anaheim City ~lanr~ing c:ummission dzd r.eceive ~ ver.ified °etition Eor Conditional Use Per.mit from £'RANK Fi» GREINKE AND D. ROBI;RT K,ENNEDY., P. ~. Box 1088, Tustin, California 92681, owners, and R. KRi~tiETH FLEAGLE, 13C91 L'almoutt~ Dr.ive, 'rustin, Califurriia 926a0, agent of cErcain r.ea]. pr.operty situated in th~ Cit~~ oi Anaheim, CountX oi' O.r.ange, StatP ot Califr~rnia, desczibed as: LOT 1 OG' TRACT 6383 AS S'F10Wf. ON A MAP RECORDGD 1N $OOK 244, pAGE ~~8 OF ~ISGEL~.,NNEOUy M~PS, RECORDS OI' ORANGE COUNTY, CALIE'ORNIA. WHEI2EAS, ~he City PlanrinU Commission c~id h~:ld a pual.~c h~aring at the Civic Center_ in the City of ~.naheim an J4nuar.y 9, 1984 at 1:30 p.m., not:ice of saicl public hear.ing having been dul.y given as r.equir.ed by law and in accor.dance with the pxovisions of ~hE~ AnanEim Municipal Code, Chapter ~.~.03, t~~ hear ar.d considez evidence For and against said pr.oposed condita.onal use pE r.miL and to iriveskigate anci make iindings and c'ecarnm~ndati.ons in connection tner.ewith; an<9 WHE:~tEAS, said Commission, after. du~ inspection, investigation and study made by itsel£ and in its behal£•, ac~d after_ due co7sider.ation o£ a11 evidence and reports off~red at saicl hear.ing, does £ind and deter.mine the ~oliowing facts: 1. That the proposecl use is proper.ly one fo~. ~ahich a conclitional use p2cmit is authorized by Anaheim h[unicipal C'c~de 5er.tion i:o wit: ta permit convenience r.etaxl sales and oi'f-saie beer. in an existing service station. 2. That the propased use is hereby cienied on the basis that the zetail sales ~~tould include aff--sale beer in an existing service station and that the acc:.~ aibiJ.ity of tYie beer. in conjunction with the ~ale of gasola.ne to fuel si~h?.cles dxiven on Ci.ty sL-ce~ts r.ould cr.eate a dar-ger.oiiN situa~ian with pez~sons dr.i.rikiny and cir.iving. The use is fuztr~er denied on the basis that approval ~t the pcoposed du~l use of the pr.ope:rty could ~et an undesir.able pr.ecpdent. 3. Tha* the proposed use including off-sale beer. will adversel.y affect the adjnininy land uses and th~ growth and develo~~ment of the a~cea in which i.i: is pro~osed to be l.ocated. 4. That l•he size and shape ~f th~~ sit~~ pr.up~sc~d Eor Lhe use is not adequate to allow the full develop~nent ~f the pr.oposed use in ~ man~er. not detr.imental to the par.~ir.ula.r, area nor to tt~e ?eace, h~alth, safety and genezal welfar.e of the Citizens of L-h~ City of An~iheim. 5. That the gra~L•ing oF th~ C~ndi.tior~al UsF Per.mit wi11 be detr.im~ntal to ths peace, h~altk~, safety and g~ner.al welfar.e ~f the Citizeris of the City of Anaheim. #0127r PC84-3 .~~~~~1 .. .. 6. That th~~ tr.af.fic y~~~ner.ated by L-}~e ~r.oposc~d :ise will ~irnpose a^ undue bur~en ur~on the st~~e~ts and highwa.ys desiyn~d ancl i~npr.uvec~ to ca.r.r.y the tr.atPi.c in L-he r~r.ea. 7~ That two persc>>~s i~id:icat~d their. pr~~sence at said public h~ar.ing ~~~ ~Pposition; 1i,ci that no cor.r.es~~ndence ~~ass rec~ived a.r: oppositi.an to the sur~jer;t: petitiun. ENVIRONMENTAL I:4PACT kTND'lNG: Tt~at r_he Anaheim r~.ty Planning Commiss;.on has reviewed the proposal ko per.mit convenience r.etail sales and off-sale beer, in an ~xisting ser.~~ice station on a r~ctanqtilar.ly-shape~ parcel of land consisting of a1~pr.nx.imaL-ely 0.6 acr.e located at th~ southwest cr~r.ner.~ oL O::a.~gefai.r Lane and Raymond ~ver.ue; and fuT~ther descr.lued as 1431 North Raymand Av~nuE; anc] cio~s hereby ~pprove ~he Negat-ive Decyar.ati.on upon f.inding that it has cor~sider.F~d the iVeSative neclar.at~.on tog~L-her wi.th ar.y comment:; receivad dur.ing th~~ public •~eview process and fur.thez finding on the basis af ~:he initia:l. ~kudy and any con,ments r_eceived that i:her.e is no subs~.ant:.al evi.dence ;;hat the pcoizct will have a sigi~ifii:ant effect on the envir.onment. NUW, THGR~eORG, LlE IT RESOLVH D (:hat: the A:~aheim C9. ty Planning Commis~ion does her.~by den,y s~bject. Petir_ion Po.r. Co~lditional Use Permit, on the basis of the aforementioned findings. ~i'hE r^URE~OIr3G RESOLUTION is signed ancl appr.oved by me this 9th day of ~Tariua~:y, 1~%89. i "//~' f~ , /'/~i Gi-r-~~. ,,~ ~~-,~ rL-, CHAIRWOMAN, A~ H~IM CtTY PLANN:[NG COMMTSSION ( ~' P,TiES2' ; ~ i ' ~ ! '~....~~~~ti~Q SECRE'!'ARY, ANAI3r~IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION S'1''~'1'G OE' CALIE~RNIA ` COUN'~Y p~ ORRNGE ) ss. CI7.'X OE ANAEiEIM ) l, Edith L. Elarris, Secr.eta.ry, of the Anaheim City Planning Conimission, c]o her.eby cPr.tify that the Eoregoing r.esolution was passed and adop~ed at a:neeting ~~f the Anaheim City Planning CommiGSion held on January 9, 1984, by tk~e fc~ilowing vote of the members t.her.eoF: AY.ES: CGMMiSSIUNERS: BOUAS, BUSHOFtE~~ L'P.Y~ EiERBS`t', KING, LA f;LAIRE, MC I3l'JR~IEY NOr~S: COMMISSIONERS: NOP7L ABSENT: COMMISS:IONERS: NONT~ IN WI`PNESS WHERGOF, i havc hereunto sec my han~ this 9th day of Janu~~y, 19a4, ______=1z~~C.~- x° ~~~~'~-.-+ ;.ECRGTARY, A~11~HETM CI`PY i~LANNING COMM:[SSION -2- PC24-;~