PC 84-31krsaL;~~rzo~ Na. i~ce~-~a. A I2L•'~ULU~i'ION UE' THE ANAf~1LIM CT't'Y. PI~ANNINC COMMTSSIQN DEN"tNG ~F;NLRAL PLAN AM~NUMEN'1' NU. 1`~0-LAA~U USE F LEMEIJ`.C WHL~tGAS, t}7e City C~uncil of' thc Ci.ty of: Anaheim cii.d adupC ~he Ana:~eim General Flan by Resolut-ian No. 69R-644, showing t;~e gen,~ra1 ~escra.ption and extent of p~ssible fuCure develapment wlthin t~he City; and WHEFEAS, pur.suant to a request from the ~roperly owner for a General Plan Am~ndment at~dy, City staff prepared a Gener.a.l Plan AmPndment for an area consisting oL- approxin~ately 9.6 acrea located on the sauth side of Wilhen Way, approximately 615 Ee~t ~ast of thp centecline of Harbar Boulevard; and WHLREAS, the 1~].anning De~~~rtment deemed it appropriate, pursuant ~o the provisicns of the c;alifornia Environmen~al Quality Act, .-~Fter ceview of th~ proposal and Initial Study and linc3ing no :~ignific~~t environmenta.l impact, t:hat a Negative D~claration be appr~~ved~ and WHL•'11LA5, the Anah~im City P.lanning Commission did hold a public -~eariny at the Anaheim Civic Center., Council Chamber, 200 Suuth Anaheim Boulevard, on l~ebrtiary 22, 1984 ak 1:3U p.rn., n~tice of said public hearing having been d-aly given as r~quired by law and in ac~cordance with trie provisions ot trie Anat~cim Municipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for and against said amer-dment to the General Plan and to invesligate and make findings and recommen~9ations in connecLion t.hE~rewith; and iaHGREAS, said Cummi.ssion, after c~ue consideration, inspection, investigat:~n anrl study m~~de by itself, and after due cAnsideratinn of all evicience and reports offered at said hearing, DOES HERGf3Y F~TN~); 1. That the current Low-MHdium pensity Residential designat.'•.on (up to 18 dwelling units ~er acre) i~ :~till appro~riate for the atudy area. 'l. 'Phat khe propo ~ed Mediurn Density Re:;idential de~ignakior. would l,e incompatible with thE exisCing Low-Density Resid~ntial usps to tt~e ~orth and east o!: the study acea. ENVIRONMENTAL I;~1~ACT FTNUING: That the Anaheim City P.lanning C~mmissi~n has reviewed thP F~oposal to change the current Law-Medium Uensity Residenlial de~ignation to Medium Density Residential dn a rectangular:y-shapec3 parcel of 7.and consi~tiing of approximatFl; 9.6 ~cre~ located on the south ~ide oi Wilken Way, approximately 615 feet e~;t o£ the centerline oi Harbor. Boulevard; and does hereby disa~prove the Negative Beclarar.ion from the requirement to pre~are an environmental impact repart on the ba3i~ that there would be aiyniffcant individual or aumu~ari~e adverse environmental impacts involved in r_his proposal; and tha~ an environmer.ta~ impact re~ort wou.ld be czquiced ~rior to approval of this proje~t. NC3W, findings, the Am~ndment No. 2'H~RI~EOR~., Bk: IT RESqLV~U, that pursuant to the foreyaing Anatieim City Pl.anning Comrnission does hereby deny General Plan 19 . #01~8: pC84-31 ,^"'^+~ ~ i' 7'EIE ~0~2F:GOING ~2ESOLU7'ION is signed ~ind ripprovr-.d by me this Febru~ry 22, 1984. . ~'/ ~I ~ ~ ~ %,~`~ ~ ~~~ ~i , ~ ~~1 - CE•IAIRWUMAN, ~ H~,IM CII'Y pLANNING COMMIS: TON / ATTEST: L J ' ~,,~ ,~'? • _~~~~ Y'I...LE°J SECFtETARY, ANAHEIM C:L'TY PLANNTt1G COMMISSTON S~'AT~ OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OI' ORr~idGl: ) ss . CITY vF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith I~. Harris, ,ecretary ~f the Anaheim rity planning Commis~ion, do hereby ccrtify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted ak a meeting ot- the Anaheim Cii:y Planning Co:nmission h~ld an February 2?., 1~a4, by the following vot.e of: the membQr~ th~reof:: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: BnUAS, BUSHURE, kRY, K.iNG, MC f3UR~]LY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE A$SENT: COMMYSSIONFF~'a: HERBST ABS7'AIN: COMMISS.IONFRS: LA CLAIRE IN WITNESS P~HERLOF, I IiavP hereunto s~t my hand this 22nd day of E'ebruary, :1984. -~~.~ ,~° , . ~~ ~~~~ SGCRETARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLAtJhING COMMIS:iION ..Z_ PC84-31