PC 84-38Fth,;;OLUTIUN NU. pr_~c}_3~ A RGSC)LU'PTON OE 'i'!iL ANAFiE.TM c:I'!'Y i~I~ANNTNG CnMM1,SSTON THA`1' !~~'!'i'!'TOtd }?Ck VAItIANCF. N0. 3375 13E Glt.f~,N'.1'EU ~~ WHEREAS, tt~ie Anahei.m City P.l:,nniny Cc~mmissioi; did rrceive a~~eritie~i ~et~.tion £or V~r.i~~nce Erom F;IIEN,~J A. URUIE~E; 316 North Siesta, Anahezm, ;~ Cal!Lornia 92801, owner c~f~ certai~ real pruperty Ane~heim, County of Oranc~e, State of Ca1if ,rni~ dE.,cribed~l~sed in the City of ~ ~, ~'ARCEL 1, i%AItCEL MAP 79-23~ WHEftEAS, the City k~:lann.inc,~ Comrnission ciid hold a public r,earing at the Ci.vic Center in the City of. Anah~im on Febcuary 22, ].9g4, at 1:3G p.y~., noCice pf said p~blic hearing having becn duly given as regtiir.ed by law and in accordance erith the provi.;ions of l•tie Anahe~,m Municip~i Code, Chapter 16.03, ;:o I~ear and cons.idcr evicence Eor and ay~irtst said inve~tigaL•e and mak~ f.indings and recommendatioris in connectionVtherewith;r~and~ 41iiEREAS, said Comrs.ission, after ~iue inspect.ion, investiyati~n and stud,y made by itself ind in it.s behalt, and ,clec due consider.ation ~f all evidence and reporl:s r,.;f.ered ak said hearirg, do~s f.nd ana determine the fullowing fact,: 1• Thak the ,petitioner propor.~s a waiver of tt~e following ro cortstruct a duplex: SECTTON 18.3"l.t163.022 - Minimutn ~~idevar.d s~tback. (~1 feet required for a builclinR wall containiny windows; 10 feet proposed) 2. ~Tl~at thp above-mentioned waiv.~r iU th~at there are special circumstances applicab:~ to~theby granted on the basis shupe, topography, lncation or surro~andings, which dor~rot tapplyh to ether identically zoned prapaxt;ea in tti~ vicinity; that strzct application of the Zoning Ccde deprives t~~e ;~roperty ~g nrivileges enj~y~r~ b ok'r~er identical zoninq :.las~ification in the vicinity. y proPertips itt 3• 't'hat there r,r~ exce~tionu~ or axtra~r.dinary circumstances or conditions applicable to tihc property i,nvolved oc ~o the intended use of the property th:~l• do not apply yenerally eo the pro~~erry or class of u;ce in the same vir.•inity and zone. 4• ~'har ~fl(' rec;uesr~~ v.ar. xance .1:~ nece~s,.K}~ ~OC rhf~ c ; and ~enjoyment ot ~: substantial pxoPt~ty ri.,~ht possAs~ed h L~re,~ervat_on the ~ame vicinit,y an~+ •r.onE, an~ dcn:ed to ~h~ p~~p~rty fn y°~her property iri :~ue~tion. `-~• That the rQquFS~ed vaxiance will nol bc mateciall d. to tne ~aublic weltare or injur.ious to the Y eerimental v.icinf ty ar~d 2one in whici, Che ~ ~ ~=0~'eC ~y °r i:nnrovernents in 3uch {~rapec,.y i~ locat?•3. b• 'L'hat one per~;on inciicated th~~ir prese7ce ~t S~~id ~ fn ~ppoi:i~ion: and thar. n~ corrt~~{~onder~ce was re~.etved ~n o~'~'lic he.tti.ng ; subjec~ ~;Ctitir~n. ~poHit.ton to ` MU:62r PC~39-38 ~'~~j ~ , LNVIRO~IMEN'SAL .1MPAC'r ['IN.U:[NG: 'Chat the Anaheim City l~.lanniny Cotnmission has revi.ewed r.r-e pro~~osal ~o reclassi£y subject pro~erl•y from L•~~~p RS-72UU (Re~idenCia.l, Single-~'amily) Zon~~ ~o L-h~ RM-240U (Residentia.l, Mu1L•iple-Fami:Ly) 'Lone L•o construc~ a du~.lex with waivEr of m:ir~imum sideyard sekb~ack un a recl•angularly-shapec~ parcel or lancl consi:~t:ing of approximate~.y O.1G acre, t~,~ving a Eront~~e of approximaLely 5U Leet on the e~s~ side ~L- [iarding Drivc, ~nd further ciescriued ay _l2~ Sc~uth ~iarding 1)rive; and da~:s here~~y a~prove tl•ie t~egative DeC].aCdtioll upon findine~ that. it has considered the Ne~aL-ive Aeclarar.i.ori toyether wilh ~any comments receivecl dtaring tt,e public revie~a proc:ess and £urther. Einc~ing on the b~:sis of t:he inii:i~l study and any comments received that theGe is no substanLill evi.dence that the project wi11 have a signific~nt efkect on the envix'onmPnt. NOW, THEREHOkG, BE I'i' RFSOLVED t.hat the ~naheim Ci.ty Planning Commission does hereby qranl• subjer.t Petition f~r V~riance, u~ori the fallowing condition:: c+~t~ict~ are hereby found to be a neces~ary prer~~quisite to the proposec~ use of the subjeck propcrty in order to F~re~erve the safety and general w~lfare oL- the Citiz~:ns oF tlie City ot An~heim: 1. That prior to issuance of a bui:ldinq ~~ermit, aE?propriate park and recrea~ ian in~lieu fees sha11 be pa~d lo the City oF Anaheim i.n an amount as determ.ined by khe City Couricil. 2. T1:3t prior L•o issuance oF a builc~ing permit, the appropriate traffic signal aasessment fee ;~hall be ~~aid tn the City of. Anaheim in an atnount as determine:ci by the Cxty Council for ~ach new dwelling unit. 3. 'I'hat all engineeriny requiremencs of the City oL- Anaheitn a.long Hardi.ng brive, includin~ prep~ratior~ of improvEment plan~ and i.nstzllati.on ot a11 improvements such as curbs, sidewalks; street grading and ~avement, sewer and drainage Pac.ilitie~, or oth~r appurtenant work sha11 be cam~?ied wiLti as r~qui.ted by thE City Enyine~~r an~l ii~ accord~nce with speaiPications on file in the Office of. Lhe City Engineer; and tt,at securi.ty in the form oE a bond, certificate of deposit, letter of credit, or ^ash, in an ~~maunt and form satis~actory to the City of AnaP-eim, sha11 be posted with the Ci.ty to guar~7ntee the satisfactory completion of. s.~id improvements. Said security sha.ll be posted with the C.tty prior to approval oE improv~_ment ~~la~ts, tu guaranL•ee t:h~~ inskallation of Lr~e abovP-required improvemerit~ pri~~r to occupancy. 4. That drainage of S11bjc~Ct nroperty shall be dispo~Pd of in a manner satisl:actary to the City En~ineer; includi~y C;~at, the ~arport roofs and all c•~ment pads and ~iciv~., ya shall be d~~iyned so as to prec.lude any run-off water Erum clraining onto any ar~jacent ~r.dperl•y. 5. `I'hat• thi~ Variance is yrantnd _.:;~jecL Lo the com~letion oE Recla~:sifics,tion No. 83-84-20, n~w pendi~~u. 6. That subject nrapwrty shal.l be dc~velo~ed sub,tan~iall,y in ~3ec~rdance with pl~n~ an~ sp~ciCicatiun:~ on E;le wi~h the Ci~y of Anan~im :~arkEd ~xhibit No~. 1 tFrou~t; 3. 7. . That ~.~ri~r to final. bu;..lding and zoni.ng inspectiun~, Condirfo~ ~ioa. ~ anJ :, above-~nent:.ioned, ~h,~.ll be compli~d with. -2- PCFi4-38 ~ ",~, , . sE I7~ E'UftZ~HLR KFSULVEll thaL• the Ar~aheiii; Cit•.y P:l.rznni.n~ Commission daes t~ereby tind and rle~ermirie th~at adoptioii of this Reso.lution .iy expres~ly r~redicatEd up~n ~ppl.ic~-tnt's comp.liance with cach and dll o.~ the cc~ndition~ her.Einabove ~et; F.ortla. Shou].d any ;;uch condi.tion, or any part thcr~of, be declar.ed ~.nvalic~ or unenf.occeab].~ by ~he £in~1 judg~nen~ o£ any court oE rompet~nt jurisdiction, i:hen th.i:~ Resulution, and any a~pr.~va1:~ h~rPin cantained, shall be cleerned null anc9 v~id. '.i'HE FpRGGOItdG FtESOLU't'ION is ,igned and appr.c~ved by me this 22nd day oF i~ebruary, 1984. ./~~/f,~.~ -=~~,~C ""'y'-~ ~ ~-~. =--~L.J~G CHATR4vOM}1P~, ~ ~FIEIM CITY PLANNI:NG COMMI~SSTVN A'i'TEST : ~ ~ ~ ~ ' -- - ~ 2~._~... SEC~.~:xARY, ~.NAyCIM ~I'PY PLANN~NG COb1Ml'SSION STATE OA' CAi~iFURNIA ) COUNTY OE ORANGE } ;;s, CI7'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. FIarris, Secretary of the Anaheim ~:ity Planriing Commissi.on, d~ hereby certify that tt~e ~oi;egoing reuolutiun was passed and aclo~ted at a meeting of l:he Anaheim Ci.tv Pl,anning Commission held on FPbru~ry 22, 1984, by the fol.lowing vote of the rnemt~e~:s thereof: AYES: CUMMISSiONEftS: BOUAS, BUSHORE, K_TNC;, I,A CLAIR~, MC f3URNEY NOE:: COMMISSTONE]tS: iJONE AI3SEN'1': CQMMZSSTONERS: E'RSi, !-iERBS'[' IN WITN~SS WHEHEUE, I have hereunto set rny ha:~d this i?.nd dav of Fet~ruary, 1984. ''C~~~ ..C: ~ . SECRETARY, ANAHEIM C:['i'Y PLANNtNG COMMISSIOt~ ~3~ PC84-3f3