PC 84-4~.:t>h,` kESOLU7'ION N0. .PC _L~. A k2}~SOLUTIUN 0~ T!iG ANIiHF''i M CITY PLANNZNG COMMISSION ~'[•IAT PC ~ITION ~C'R CUNDI`~'IONAi, USF P~'RMIT N0. 2528 BE GRANTED WHERrRS, `he Anah~im C:ity E~lanriing Cummi:~sion di.d rece~~.ve a ver.ified Petition for Conditional Use Per.mit Lr.om KENNETH DALE AIVD LOUIE B. CLAUSEN, '1795 West 'Lincoli: Aver~ue, Anaheim, Califc~r.nia 92801., owners, and AGEt3CY 1tENT-A-CAR, DAVID J. LOV'J4JJ, 6660 Res~da houlevaza, ~; 1.U2-11, Reseda, C~lifoznia 913:t5, agent of certain r.eal pcop~zi:y situated in the City of Anaheim, Counky o£ Orange, Stat.e of Cali.Eornia, de~~r.ibed as: PARCEL 1: THG SOUTHERLY' 253.U0 ~'LET OF THE 30UTH~tiBT QUART~R OF Tf:~ SOUTHEAST t~U~1RTER OF THE SOUTE3WEST QUARTER C?~' SECTION 12, TO~INSHIP 4 SOUT[~~ RANG~ 11 WES'I', IN THE RAN:.KO LOS CQYOTEa ~ AS I~ER MAP RE~Oh.OED I N BOOK 15 ~ PA. G ~ .~ 1 ~~I` MTSCELLAN~;OUS MA1~S, IN ~i'HR Ol FIC~ Ok~ 'rH~ rnUNTY RECORDER qb' SAIA ORANC,~ COU~I'.PY. EXCEPT TF~AT PORTION C~NDE~INLU TO THE STATF OF CALTFORNIA, BY FI.NAL ORUER QF CONDLMNA'TION, H CER'1'.T_FI~'D C'JPY UF WH3:CH WI~S RECORDEU JULY 28, 1957, TN BOOK 3989, PAGE 1.53, OEFTCTAL REC(?RDS . 47H~REAS, ti~e ~ity Pl:~ning Commission did hold a public hear.ing at the Civic Center in the City ~f Anaheim cn ,7anu~r.y 9, :L984, at 1:30 p.m., noti~e oF said p:.iblic hear.ing having been duZy givFn as r.equired by law and in accor.dance with the provisions of th~ Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter. 18.03, to hear. and consi.dez evidence ~c,r, and agaznst said pr.oposec cQnditional use pexmi'.: and ~o inves .igate anc~ make fincings and r_ecommendations ir, cnnnection kherewitr,; and 4VHEREAS, said Commissio~, aft?.r due 'nsp~~tion, inv~stigatior; and study made by ~tself and in its behalf, and after due considexation of all evidence a:-d r.eports offezpd at said hEa.r.ing, do~s fin~ and detexmine the followxng facts: 1. That the propos~d use is prqperly one fnz which a conditional use pezmit zs ~uthorizecl by Anaheim r9unicipay Code SECtian & 18.06.080 to wit: to zetain an automobile r.ental agency in the CL (Commercial, L.imite~) ~one with w~iver of khe following: SECTION ]. - Mini~~iurn number of park.inc{ sEaces. ^ AIVD (173 spaces r.equir.ed; 160 spaces existing) 2. That Ghe r.equested waiver. is I-~~r~by grante~ on the basis tt~at ~Yie parkiny variance wi11 not cause an incr.e~se in tzaff.ic; congestion in the immediate vicini.ty nor adversely a£fect any aci joining land uses; and that the yranting of tr,e par.king variance undex the conditions imposed, if any, will not be det.r~imental to the peace, heal.th, safetx or. gener.al welfar.e of the citizeris of the Ci,ty of Anaheim. 3. Thai: the proposed use i.s h?~:eby granted su~ajecL- to ~he petitioner'~ stipulations at the public hearing tnat ther.e ~hall be no m~r.e than ten (10) vehicles stcred c~n the premises at any one time, that all vehi.cles shall be stored on the r.ear. portion of the pr.operty and i:hat theKe st~all be na vehicles displayed Cor aclvertising purposes. #0?2Sr P ~B~~ 4. 'G'i~at ~he F~r.ol~~~:;ecl u:~e wi1.l nut ~~dver.;;ely ~ifEt?Cr the ~~c'l~oining land use~rs and ~h~ c~rowlh ar,c:i ~,evelo~ment o£ the ~.~-~~a in wh.ir.h i~ i;. ~.~r.pE~o:~ed ~~ be .l~~c~~tt~rJ. ~. 'J`t~al: thc :;i.~i: c~r~d shapc~ ~.~C Che ~~.ite pr.c~pusecl for. t:he use is acae~yuaC~~ tu allow the tu.l.l d~~v~l.at>mrnt of: th~ pr.opu ~c~d use .in a manner. n~t c1et,:irtiental Lu Lh~: par.ticular. ~~r.e,~ f1C~r Lo the E~c'~~r,e, l~eralth, safety and yener.al welf:ar.e oC th~ Cll:izt:r~s of l-hF Cit:y of Anaheim. G. 'I'har. thc gr.antin~~ uL t~~~~ Conditional Use ~?er.miZ under the canditJon~ imposeci, if any, wil.l ~ no~ be detr.im~~nta7 . to the ~eace, hea lhh uC IL~ity and g~r~r.a1 w41Ear.e oi ~}~~. C'lt.l'1,er1U c~i lhe cir.y . , oE !-n~theim. '. 'I'hat lhe tr.aEfi~ ocner.ated by the pr.opo:ed use wi.l1 not impuse an undue bu~cd:.an upcn the sL-r.ects and hiyhways c)esignefl and impr.oved r~.~ car.r.y the tr.affic ~r~ the ~r.ea. u. That no one indi cated tt~eic pr.esence at ,aid public hear,.ing in oppositi~n; and that r~o ror.re:.pnr,denue k~as r.ecei.ve~] i.n or~~usition to the subjecl petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMI~r1CT F'INUING: That the An~aheim City Planning Cvmmissior- t,as Keviewed the proposal to r.eLain an automur~iJ.e ~ental agency in Lhe CL (C~mmer.cial, Limi.ter~) 7one with waiver. af r~iinimum number. ~E paKki.n3 spacPs on a r.ectangulazly-sh.aped garcel of land consi.sti7g of a~pr.~ximately ~~29 acrey, haviny a frontage of appr.o:tirt~ately 470 fe~t o~ r.he nor.th side of Lincoln Avenue, and Lurther desczibed as ~827 We:;r Linccln Avenue (Agency Rent-A-Car.); ancl do`s t~ereby appr.ove thc Ne~r ~~ i.v~ Declar.ation upon finding that it has consxdeKec+ trj~ Negalive Declarat:c~n tcgethEr ~~uith any commPnts~ ceceived duriny ~tie public r.eview pr.ocess and fucther. finding on the basi~ of. tt~e initi~~l study and any comments r.eceived that thQr.2 18 no substantial evidence that the project wi11 have a siqnificar~t Affect on the envir.onment. NOW, TH~1,EF'ORG, BL IT RE;~ULVED that t!~e A~laheim Cit-y Planr~i:tg Gommission does hcr.eby gr.a:~t subject Petition for. Conditional UsP Per.mft, u~on the Followiny conditions which ar.e her.~by Eound to be a necessary pr.erequisi.tc~ to the pr~p~std use of the ~ubjcct pr.oper.•ty in qr.der to prr_servF the ~afeL•y and gener.al welfare uf ~:he Cit•izens of tihe r.ity of Anaheim: 1. ~'hat subjecL• pr.operty shal.l be d~veloped ~ubstantia;ly in accor.dance with pla~zs and speciEicati.on,~ r.n ~.ile with the City of Anaha.im m~rkpd Exhib~t Nos. 1 and ~. 2. That Co:~dition No. 1, abov~~-mentioned, 3ha11 he completed wikhin a per.iod of ti0 days Erom the date uf thi~ r.esoluti~~n. 3. Tt~c;: tner. e ~;na.l l b~~ n~ r~or, c~ tt~an t~n (10 ) r. Enta1 vehicles ~+ar. ked osz tt~e pro~er.ty aC any one tir~e and that all vehicle~ sh~a~1 be sCor.ed ~n the r.e~r. por.tlon of thr. pr.np~r,ty. 4. Tt~at th~r.e sha.ll G~ no vehzc:le~ d.i~p.lay~d for ~aclvertisiny pur.poses. -"l- PCE34-~1 :.xc..,~ ~.,~„ E3E3 t`i' [ UR'1'HI::'? RESOLVGD that the Anaheim ~~i ry P. lanning Commlr•,aion d~es hereby ii:-d and dc:t~r.mirie thai: ado~tion of ~hi ; 12esoluti~~n is ex[~r.ess.lY predicated upon a~plicar~t's comz~liance with e~ch and a].). ot k•.he conditions h~r.einabove sel E~rLh. Shr~ul.d any s.tch cc~ndit~ions, ar. any par,t t.h~reof, bc declaxecl i~~valid or unenforceabl~ by thc final iudgment of any cour.t ~E c~m,petent jurisdictior~, then ~his I~esolukion, an~~ e~ny a~pr.ova4:> herein cont~ined, shall k~e deemf,~d nu11 an~l void. TfiE FORFGOING ~ZESOLU7'IUN is .:,iqnec3 an,~ of January, 1989. , ~,, :,,~~;~. CCi11IR'AUMAN~ AN; ~ ATTEST: ..~ ~ ~,~.° _L~~ SECRE;TAt<X, ANAHEIM CI'1'Y PLANN.LNC; COt9MISSION STATr OE ~;ALIFO'.:NTA ) CQUNTY 0~' ORA'~,GE ) :.~~. CITY UF ANAHEIM ) appr.oved by m~ t111S 9rh day ~ r~ - .~. ~~~~..~~~... CIM CITX ~~LANNING c:OMMISSION I, Edich L. Har.ris, Secr.etaxy c~f tt~e nn.at-eir~ City Plar-ning Gommission, do hexeby cer.tify that the fozegcing resolution was pass2d and adopred at a meeting of Lhe Anaheim City Planning Corrmission held on January 9, 1984, by i;he follcwing vote oE the member.s ther.eof: AYF.S: COMMISSION~ftS: ?3~UAS, ~3USHORF., FRY, HFkHST, KIN~, LA CLAIfiE MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NON~: ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: NONE IN WI'i'NESS WHEREO~, I have hereunto set my hand this 9th day of Jan~ary, 19a4. ~r~~tl.~- ~,,,j SECEtE'P}~RY, ANAHE:IM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -,~- PCE24-4