PC 84-41~~~.~ KESOL,UTTI~N N0. PCF34-41 A kk;SOLU'PION UF '.PHE :~1NAHEIM CI`~1: ~'LANN2NG COMMISSION TEIAT PE`I'I'1'IUN FOR VAkIANCE N0. 338Q T3C GRANTED WHFREAS, the Anah~i~n C.ity Pl.anninc~ C~mmi.ssion c7id receive a vErified P~tition tor Var.ianr,~ from JO~QUIN SUEIRO & AGNES 5. ~IATL, 1909 Deer Creek Circle, Anaheim, CaliL-ornia 92807, owners, and CASEY B. JURAD~~, 2821 W;~~testar. Ave-1ue, ~C, Anaheir~i, California 928U6, agent of cer.~ain real property situated i-1 the City of Anaheim, County of U.range, Stat.e of: CaliCornia c7escribed as: LO`1' NO. 20 O.F T.RACT N0. 7G76 AS PLR M:~P RECORll; D IP] BOOK 297 ~T,GES 15r 1G AN.D 17 OF MISCGL,LANEOUS MAPS IN T'TC OFFICE O[' THE CUUNTY RECURDGR OI' SAID COUN'P`.C. WHEREAS, ti~e City Planning Cc~mmission did hold ~ public hearir.~g a~ the c.ivic Ceriter in the City oF Anaheim cn Ee~r•uary~ 22, 1984, at 1.30 p.m. , notice af said p~iblic hearing t~aving l~een duly yiven as requi.red by law and in acc~rdance with `~.h~ provisions of t}~~e Anahei~n Municipal Code, Chapter 1C.03~ to hear and consider evicience for an~l against said proposed vari~3nce and to investigate and make findings and recommendati.on~ in connection therewith; and WfiE~tEAS, said Commission, after due inspection, investigatio~l and stucly ~n~~dF by it~elf and in its behalf, and aftPr du~~ considexaf:ion oF all evadence and reports oPfered at said hearing, does f:Lnci and determine the tollowing #acts: 1. That the petitioner proposes a waiver of t.t~~ Collo~ding to construct a roam addition; SE::TI~N 18.27.06~ .01U - Maximum ].ot coverac~e. (35$ maximum pErmitted; 43~ proposed) 2. '1'}~at the above-r~ent:i~ned waivec is hAreby granted on the ~asis that there are sp~cial circ~.imstances applicable tc~ the praperty such as si.ze, sha~?e, toprgraphy, locati~n or surroundings, wi:ich do IIOt apply to other idQntically zoned propf,r~ies in th~ vicini~y; that stricr applical;ion of the Znnirg Code depri~~es the propert~l of privileges enjo,yed by o±her properties in identical zcning classa.ficati.on in the vi.cinity. 3. That the:e are exceptional or extraord.i.nary circumstance:; ur conditions applicable to the pZOpert.y .involv~d or to the intended use of the pro~erty that do not apply yerierall.y t~ the prap~cty or ~.lass of use in the same vi~ini~y and zone. 4. T~.at i:he requested variance is nece~;sary for the przservation and ~nj~ymen~ of a substantial property right posse~sed by otl•ier ~coperty in the same vicinity and zone, and den~ed to the pro~Prty in g~aestio~t. 5. That the r^quested variance w~ll not b~ -n~tc~rially d~~rirnentaJ. to the pub~ic welf.arp or iiijuri~us ta the pr~~erty or impro~~ements in such viciniL-y artd zone in which the propecty is locate~. b. ~'hat no one indicated their ~resence at said pub~ic he~ring in opposikion; and that nn corres~,ondence was received in opposition to subject petition. #0165r PCS4-41 ..• 1 .,,.~~\ ,,...,. EIJVIRUNMGN`1'Ai~ ~MPACT _ I'TNDIN~~: '1'he Plannin~~ Dir.ector or his auttaorized represF:nl-a~iv~ has c~eterrnined l-.h~t the pr~~p~sed project fall~ within the d~Eini~ian of Cateyorical Exemptxons, Cl~ss 5, as def:ined i.n the State GIR Guidelinea and zs, therefore, categoric~lly exempi. fr.om the rec~uiremer.t L-o pre~are ~n EI~t. NOW, 'PH~REr'ORL•;, BL IT R~SOLVEG that the Ar.aheim City P:J.anning Commission does hereby yr.ant subject Petition foz variance, upon the fo.llowing conditi.onU whicYi arp hereby found t.o be a necessary preG~c~quisit~ to the pzoposed use o~ the subject pro~erty in ~rder to preserve the safety arid gEtieral welfare oC L-he Citizens of- the City of Anaheim: 1. Th~t subjc-ct property shall be develo~ec] subsi:antiaily in accordance with plans and specifications on Fi.le with L-he City af Anaheim n;ark~d Exhibit No. 1. 2. That prior to final building and zon~.iig in~pections, Condition No. 1, above-mentionad. shall be comp.l.ied with. BE IT I~UR'PH~:R RE;SOLVEll +-t.at the Anai~eim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determi.ne thar adopticn oP this Resrlution is expressly predicatec~ upon applicant's .;ompliance with each anc~ ~11 of the eor,c3itions hereinat~ove set torth. Should any such c~ndition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or ;anenforreablc by L-he fi.nal juclgment of any court of compntent jurisdi~tion, tnen this Resolution, and any approvals i~erein contained, shall be deemed c~u1i ~enc~ void. THE FUREGOINC RGSOI.,U~'IQN is signed and apprcved by ine lhis 22nd day of February, 1934. ~ ~ ,, '~~ . % 'L-Lt-• ~..i . .JL~"'~.~cN---~~' CHAIRWOMF.N, AHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTESZ'; ~ ' ~ ~ ~~' `. .,~.~2~ SECFtETARY, ANAHr,TM CITY PLANNING COMMI:~STON STATF OF CALIFURNIA ) COUNTY OF' ORANGE ) ss. ~ITX OF AtJAHEIM 1 I, Eiiith L. Harris, Secret~ry of the Anahe.:m City Planning Commission, do heret~y certify that the foregoing resolution was passed and adopted ak a meeting of ~~Y-e An«heim City Planni.ng Commission }Ze1d on Febraary ~'l, 1984, by the following vote o= L-he nernbers thereof : AXES: COMNIaSI0NER5: BOUAS, BU~kIORE, KING, L~A CLtIIRE, MC BURNFY I30ES: COMM:ISSION~RS: NONF AE3S~N'1': COMMISSIONERS: FRX, I{ERBST YN 4vITNESS 4JHFRE;UE', I have her~~into set my h~n~ fhis 22nd day of ~'ebru.xry, 1984. _.~.~_~1 ~.~:.~~ iC ~ ~/,, ' ___-~'f~~-~ SCCRC'~ARY, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNING COMI9ISSXON '2- PC84-41