PC 84-42(:~,~.,, '~ ~~~° i~~ y, I ~ 't?.~ ,t~t~ ~ 4~~~ 1 i i RL;;OLU'i'ION NU._ PCii 1-q7 A:~k;SUC,U'I'ION U1' '1'C~l: ANAtI~;IM C'!'I'Y pI,ANNTDIG ~Oi~1M15SION T[IA7' PL7'T'I.':[UN ['(ik VAftIAivCF' NO„ 333.1 E1f; Ghr1N'f'ED WHEREAS, t:he AnahPim City Glanning Comm.is.^,ion di~i receiv~ a veri£ied Peti,li~n i'or Va~iance from WALTEP, E. CUOK ti~:ATHERiNL; A. COOK, 504~} Elolbrook sr.reer., Anahei:n, California 9'2807, awners; and CAaEY B. JURADO, 2$21 Whi.hestar Av~nue, pC, Acia}~eim, Calitor~~ia 9:8U6, Ggent oE certain real properly situated in the City of Anahe.im, Co~i-1Ly oP ~~r.anqF, Sta~e of Ca:li.forni~ describ~d as: L~~'1' G4, UF '1'TtACT N(i. 6686, AS L~ER hIAPS 1?ECOFtI)I;L TN POOK 7.51 ~ PAGCS 41 AIVD 42 OE' MI,.~'iCCLLANEOUS MAPS~ TN 'L'HE pFl~jC$ OF TFIL~' COUN'1'Y RECORDER UF SAiD COUNTY. WEIGREAS, the ~ik:y Pl~nning Commissi~n did hold a uublic hearing aE kl~e Civic C:enter in the City of Anaheirn or~ I'ebruary 22, 19~4, at 1:30 p.;n., no~ice of s~id public l~earing having be~n du1.y yj,y~n as required by 1aw and in ~~ccordance with the pc~ovisions r~f th~ An~~heim Municipal Code, Chapter 18aQ3, to }~ear and con:~ic3er evidence for ~nd a~ainst sai~~i prop~sed variance and to investigate and rnake findings anc~ recommendations ii~ connectio-t therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commission, atter d~e inspectio~, investigation and study made by itself .3nd in its b~half, ~nd a£ter due consider.al•ion of a11 evicence and reports offered at sai.d hearing, does find and determine the followin_y facts: 1• That ti~c pet~it.ion~r pro~~oses a wa.iver of the fol.lowing to construct a r~um addition: SE.;;TTON .1E3. ~7.062.02U - Maximum lot cov~_P ( :s5i~ maKZmum pc~rmi~ ted; 43$ ~ proposed, 2. 'rh~t the ai~~ve-mentioned waivers a:e hereby yranted on tL•e basis tF-at there are sp~cia.1 circumsr.ances ~p~licab.le t~ the property such as size, ~hape, L•opography, loc~tio-~ or surroundings, which do not apply to nttier id2ntically zuned propEr.ti.es in the vfcinity; that strick applicarion of tt;e 7,oning Cod~ deprives tt~r_ proper~y of priviley~s enjoyed by ~ther properties in identical zuning classification in the vicinity. 3. Ttiat ttiere are exccpt~onal or F~xtraor~3inary circurrstance~ or conditions applicable to tt~e pro~erty invo: v~d or ta the int~~nued u~e of the pro~er.ty that do no': apply generall.y 4o tt e propert.y c~r class oE use in the sam~ ~~icinity and ~one. 4• That the requested variance :s nccessaxy for the preservation and en joyme:~t of a sub~t~r.tial p~operty rig,~+~ pos:,essed by othec ~roperty in ~be same vicinity and zone, and denied to the ~rcpPrty in qu~sii~n. 5. 'Phat the reque:ateci variance ~ill not be materially detrimental ko Che puhlic welfa-e or injurio~•s ;o the pruperty oc improvements in such vicinity anr9 7one in :~hich thE ~roperty is lacated. ~• Thak r~o on~~ in~jicated tne f r presenc~ at ~aid public h~aring .tn oppositfon; ~nd tha[. nu corre:;pondence was received in a~position to subject petition. 1U166r PC84-~42 ~ ~ L•'NVIRUNMEN`1'AI~ I~1PAC'i' FiNi)INC;: '1'hE~ E~lanning Uirc~ctor or his ~autt-ori :ed r~E~rr~sent:~t.iv~~ ~I~~as c~etermined t.iiat th~ ~ropo~=ed proj~cl f-a:lls wikhin th~ definit~iori of: C~~t.eg~r.ical ExemFtia~~c, Clas~ 5, as defined in khe 8t~t~ LI}t Guideline~ and is, thereL~oc'~~, caLCyor.ic~~lly exempt from th~ requircment to prc~par~ Gn GIIt. I~U~J, `i'Fll~RE~?CiltL, [3L I2~ :~H'SOLVL.U that the Ariaheim City Pl~nning Commassion does her~by granG ~ubject Petitian for Varir~nce, upon the fol.lowing condition~~ wh+.ch are hereby f:ound ta bc a ne~.essary ~.~rerequisite t.o the proposed use oL the s~abi~ct pro~erLy in order to preserve ;:he safety and yeneral welfar~ of lhe~ ~:it.izens oL the City of ~lnaheim: 1. 'Priat subject ~roperry sha11 be develoE~ed sul~stanL•i.ally in accordance wit.h plans and spec:.ificatio~s on r.ile with the City uf Anahe.im marked Exhibit No. 1. 2. That prior ;:o final building ar~d zon:ing inspectians, Condition No. l, ~bovp-rnentioned, sha11 ~e complied witt~. PE IZ' FURTHER RESOLVE~n thak thc Anah~im City P.lanning Commission does hereby Ein~ and cietermine th~t acloption of this Re~olutinn is expressly predi~ated upon applir..an~';~ compliance with ~ach and all of the conditiuns hereinabove set rorl-h. Should any such c~r~dition, or any part thereof, be declared invalid or unen~'orce~ble by tt~e fin~1 judgment ~f any court of compet.ent jurisr7iction, ~hen thi~ Resolution, an~~ a.tiy approvals her~in contained, shall be d~emed nu11 and void. 1HE FUREGOING RE~OLUT70N is signed and approved by me this 22nd day of Fefaruary, .19~4. ~,~y ~ ~~ _ '~//~%L~f `~ _'."l ' ~/~lG~~ /.._. CHAIRWOMAN, Apl G7M CITY PL,P.NNiNG COr!MSSSION ATTi:ST : _~ ~ ~•~ S~CkErARY, ANAHEIM CITY FLANNING CUMMISSION STATE OF CALIf'ORNIA ) CGUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith I.. Hacris, Secretar.y ~~f the Anahei.m City Planning Commission, do here~y certi.ty that the faregoing r~sclu~ion was pas~ed and adopted at a meeting of the An~heim Cily Planning Commis;,~on held on February ?.2, 1984, by the to.llowing vo~e of the mE~rnk~er~ ther.ecf : AYES: CUMMISS'i0NER5: BUUAS, BUSHORE, KING, LA CI,P.IRL, Mc: t~UP.NEY NOE:i: I:OMMISSIONERS: NONE: Af3:;E;N'1': COMNiISSIUNEP,S; FFtY, HERE3ST IN WI'I't~ESS k'HEREOF, I havF~ h~reun~o set my h~~nd r_his 27.nd c~ay oE February, 1954. ~~~ ~ . SECl2~TARY, ANAHEIM CZTY F'LANNING COt4MISSION -2- FC$4-42 : ;;=:~ ;