PC 84-46RGSUT,UTIC)N N0. PCR4-~6 A~2ESOL,U`i'ION OF THE ANAHEIM CITY .?'L'ANNING COMM:LSSIOP7 '1'HA`.P FE;TI'i'ION i'O~t ~~ARIANCE N0. 3383 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim Cily Plann.iny Commissi.on d.id r.eceive a verified Petit,i,on for Variance from KEN~.[' LA.ND COMPANY, 1080J. Diational Boulevard, I,os Angeles~ Cal:.f.ornia 90064, owner, and MO`I'IVATIONAL SYST.~MS, TNC., 823 West 7.3rd Stre et, N~tzonal City, CaliFornia 92050, agent of certai ri real property situated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, State of ~alifornia de.scrl.bed as: PARCEL, 1: THAT ~OFtTI~N OF i07'S 1, 2, 3 AND G OF `I'R:~CT NO. 865, IN TH~ COUNTY OL' ORANGE, STATL Ur" CALIFORNIA, AS PER MAP 1~~COE2DLD IN BUOK 28 PAGE 18 O~ MTSCELI.,ADTEOUS NAPS, IN THE UFFICE OF TI-iE COUNTY R~CORDGI~ OF SAID COrJNTY, DESCRIBED AS £'OLLOWS : BEGTNNItdG A'~' THE INTERSrCTION UF 'J'HE SOUTHWES~'ERI,Y LINE OF Si~Ill '.CRAC`r NU. 8G5 WITH xHE CLNTER 'LINE OF TIiE STATE HIGHWAX l0U E'EET IiV WIll`i'H, ~ESCkIBED IIV TfiE DEED TO THE STATE OF' CALIFORNIA, RECORDrD IN BOC~K 662 PAGG ~4 OI' OFFIC~~,L I2ECO~iDS~ IIJ TE~F~ OI'FI(:E OF THE COUNTY RECURDER OI' SAIn CCUNTX~ S;AID POTNT BEiNG ON A CU}2VE CGN~AVr NORTHERLX AND EIA~,~ING A RADIUS OF 5UU0 FGET, AND DISTANT THGREON %7, 79 FEET TqESTERLY EZOb1 THE E~ISTFRLY END OF SAID C'URVL, S~IU ENn Ok' CURVE BEING SHGF7N A~S STATIUN 80+ 27.92 ON A MAPIILED IN BOOK 2 PAGE 1 OF STATE HIGHWAY MAPS, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER UF SAID (;OUNTY; THENCE EAS'.CGRLY, ALONG SAID CURVE, 77.'": FEET '.PO END OF SATD CURVE; THENCE ALONG CGNTER LINE OF SATD STATE HTGH~TAY TI,NGEIJT Z'0 SAID CURVE, rIORTH 76° 28' EAST 20~1.3U FEET TO THE BEGTNNING OF A TANG~NT CURVE A'1' STF~TION 101+ 09 > 22, CONCFtVE $OU'!.'H~RLY AND HAVTNG A RAnIU~ Of 250f1 FEET; THENCE SOUTEIEASTERLY ALUNG SAIA CURVC THROUGH f1 CENTP.AL ANGL~ ~F 30 DEGR~,ES ~}5 MINUTES .1341.72 ['GET TO 'PHE END OI' SAID CURVE; TH~NCE ALONG SAID CENTER J~INE AND TANGENT TQ SAID C[1RVE SOUTIi 7U° 47' EAST, .I386.45 FEET TO A CR.OSS CUT Iid THE PAVEMENT; TiiENCE LEAVING SAID CCNT :R I,'tNE SOUTH 24° 55' 45" EAST, 933.:10 FFE2' TO A ONE-TNCH ~:PC IN T~:E SOUTHEASTERLY LINE Ob' SAIll TRACT N0. 865; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY LINE SOUTH 63° 02' 30" 4dES`.l', 4128,20 FEET TO THE MOS`C SOUTHERLY CORNER OF SATU TRACT.; 'I'HNNCE AI~GNG THE SOUTHWESTERLX LIN~ UF SAID '1'HACT [~ORTH 27° 1%' ~5" WFa`!', 31Fi6.51 FEET TO THE POINT OF IIEGINNING. EXCEkT TH~RFFR~M THAT PnRT.~UN OF SATll LAND ~ONVEYED TO STATE OF CALIEORNIA BY DEED RECUFtDCD NOVEMt3ER 23, 1951 IN AOOK 2256 PAGE 126, OFFICIAL RE~ORDS. FARCC,L 2; TJIA`I' CERTAIN REA~, PkOPER~.PY ?N THE RANCEIO SAi7TIAC0 llE SANTA ANA, COUP~'.PY OF ORANGE, SZ'ATE OF CAI~IFORNIA, PARTICULART,Y BOUNDED AND DESCttIBFD AS L'OLT,OWS: ~0172C L~C8~-46 " NEGTNNI.NG A'P `i'H1; IM'1'~;RSEC."~'IUN UH '.['NE SOU'J'HWL''S'1'ERI,Y L:[N1? OI' T'IZAC:'1' NU. E365, 1~S 17c:R MAP RLC;ORllGI) IN fi00K i8 P~IGL .1f3 OE' MISCI'.'I~LANEOUS MAI>S. 12L•'CORDS U[' ORANGL CUUh'PY, WITH '1'HE CENTIsR LIGVI'~ OE '1'HE; '.i'PA'r~ HiGEIWAY, lUU.OU ['GC'I' IN WIU'i'fl, DL•;SC12:[BFD IN TEII~ liEEU 'i'U TIIE: S'1'11TG U.~ CJ~LI['ORNIA~ E2ECORDL•'D IN BOI.IK 682 AT E~AGE 54, OI' OE'E'lCTAL RE~CORDS, SA'1.D PUIN`P ABING UN A CU12VE; COMCAVE NORTHCRI.Y AIvD EfAVING A RnllIUS Ui' 500C1.0~ FEET~ AND UISTAN'1' WES`i'ERLY 77.79 ['GET f~ROM 'i'li~ L''ASTGRLY `CERMTNUS OI' SAT.B CUItVE; THENCE 50UTH 2'7° 1?' 45" SL;C:UNll5 FAST~ 31$6.51 L ~E:`L' ALONG 'i'f~IL SUU`l'HWLSZERLY LINE OC SAIll `i'RACT N0. £t65 TO `I'HE MOa'I' SUU'rHERLY COI:NLFt THF.R~,OL'; T~iL•'NCE SOUT~I 27° .'.7' 45" EAS~r 1029.40 ['Ek;T NGR'i'H 89" 54' 30" WE'S'i' 3961.b7 1~G~;'P `1'0 A 4" X 4" u2'AKk; AT '!'EIE; SOUTHF.AST CURNCI2 OF `i'RAC`l' N0. 117, AS PFR MAP RECURDLD IN I300K 11 PAGE 1.`~ OE MTSCELI ~1NEOUS :~APS, IN THE UF'~iCL UC TNF. COUNTY RGCORDE:R OE' SAID COUN'.CY; THENC~ NOF~'i'H 0° OS' 30" WEuT 3541.2t3 FEE'i' AI..ONG TEI~ EAS`t LINE; OF SAID TRACT, TO COUR~E IN 2'HE C~N'i'E~: LING OF UTA`.CE HIGHWAY 'AHICH HAS A iiEARING l~~' SOUTH B6° 38' 00" ~AST, SAIU PnINT OE` tNTGR~ECTION BEING DI57'ANZ' EASiERL~Y 134.60 fEET FRUM 'PHF' WF.STERLY TERMINUS UE' SAID COL'R~I ;'PHL'NCL' SUU'I'EI 86° 3$' GAS`1' 38.7U ~EET ALOtdG SAID CGNT.Eit GINE `PO THE BFG~i~lc~.T.NG Or A CURVL CONCAVE NURTHi:RLX HA\~TNG A RADIUS OF ~.300. UO rEE2'; Z'HG~1CE EAS'i'ERLY 206.SS FE~T ALONG SA.D CURVE; THENCF NOR`rH 84° 15' EAST 1357.3d FEET ALUNG SAID CEN'PEk LII~E TU THE BEGINNING CURVE COIdCAVr, NOR'1'HERLY AND HAVING A FtAniUS OF 5000.OU FEET; `PHENCE NOR7.'HF'AS'PERLY ~26.9U l'EET AI,ONG SAID CURVE 'i'0 ~i'HE POINT OF BEGIN~INr,. WHEREA;, the City Planriiny .:om~ni: sion did ho.ld a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on March 5, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., noric~ ~f said public hearing having been duly yiven as reguired by law and in accordance with Che provisiuns of the Anaheim ~Iunici~al Coc!e, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evide ::e Cor ancl againsL said peoposed variance 1nd ko investigate ar.d make findiny~ and recommendakions .in connection therewith; and WHERLAS, saia Commission, after due irispecti.on, investigation and stucly made by itself and in its behal£, and after due consicieration of all evidence and re~orts o.ffere~l ~t said heaxing, doe~ f.ind and deterrnine the folluwing Eacts: 1. That L-he pF.titioner pCUpos~~:~ waivers of th~~ followiny to permit a temporary frepstanding trac~ siyn: A? SEC:TI4N :L6.U5.U72.022 - Ma;cimum ~quare Coota e (96-square feet C~ermitted; 200-sc;~are fee~~o~ed) k3; S~C'IIUN 18.05.072.U'~3.1 - Ftar.imum heiUht (14 ft~t ~~ezmitt.d; 24 feer, proposed) -2- PC94-46 ._,..:~ ~ '1.. '1'}~at l•he eik~ovt~-rn~~ntioned waivErs a~r-. here~y ~,~rant~d on hhe basis l-.hat the petitioner ciemon ~tral_ed thar ~a h~~rdship exists in that L•here c~re s}~~c.i.al circum.;tance;~ a~pliczible to the topogr~phY~ loc~-tion or ~• Property such a~ :=i.;e, shape, Uurrounding~, which ci~~ not ap~ly eo okhtr :td~i~tically 2orted properties in fhe vic.ini~y; and that skricL applicacion oE thc~ Code deprives l•.h~ pro~erty of rivi.le e; Zoning identica.l. z~ning r.lassiliaation .in~the vi9ini.~Yn~oyed by other ~roper•l-ie~ in 3. Tt~~at tt~c reque:;cecl v~irianc~ is granted Eor a t;emporary period af one (1) ycat~ un.less addi~ional extensions o£ l-.ime are apprc-ved by the Ci~y Council pursuant o~ Anaheim Municipa.L Code Sect:ion 1",05.072. 4. `r;~~~L ~h~re ar~ exceptional or caxtr.aordinary c:ir.cumstance.3 or conditions applicable to the proFerL•y involved r.~t• to ti~e intended use oF the property that do not apply generally t~ the p~or,e.rt•y or class ~f use in the same vicinit:y ~nd zone. 5. ~i~~it the reqiaested variance is nece;~sary and enjoyment of a substantial pro~erL-y r:ight pos:se:3sed the samE vicinity anc~ zon~, and denied to the ptoperty in G. Th.~t the rec~uested variancf wiJ.l not be n to the public welEare or. inaurious to the E~roperty or vi~inity and zone in which the ~ropert~~ is la~;ated, for the preservation by o~her property in question. ~aterially detr.imenta3. irnprovements in su~~h 7• That no one i.ndicated their pres~~~nr.e at s~id public hearing in op~osition; and that no correyponder-ce w~s rece.tved in ~~~p~sition to s~ibjeal•. petikiun. ENVIRONMEN~t'AL IMPAC'i' FINDING: The Planning Directur or his authorized representative has determined th~t the proposed project falls with.in the definit•ion of Caregorical L•':c~mption~, Class 11, ~s deFined in the State ~.IR Gu.idel.ines and is, therPfore, categorically exempt fr~m the re~uirement to pr~~;.~are ~n E.ik. NUW, THERL'F.'ORL•', BE I~i~ RESOLVED ~hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby gzant subject Petiti.on for Variar~ce, upon t:~e follow.ing conraitions whxch are hereby Eound to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the ~u.bject properly in order tn preserve the saEety ar~d yeneral wel€are ot the Cikizens ~f the City of Anaheim• ].. Tha~ sign plans shall be submitted to thE Building DivIsion showi.ng complianc~ ;;h the minimum standards of the City ~f. Aaaheim Buildinc~ Code. The apNropriate permi~s sha11 ~,~ obtai~ed frotn tbe 6~iilding Division. 2• 'J'hat subject l•ract sign ,hall be permittEd on ~ tempor.ary basis for a peri.od not to exr.eed one (1) y~ar Lrom the date o£ constrnclion, unl~ss :~dditi~~nal ext~n ,ions r~t ~ime are approve~ by th~ Ci~i:y C~uncil, F,~trsuant to Anaheim Muni.cipal Code Section I8.05.0?2; provided, h4wr~ver, th~t if the initi~.l sa.le of all u it~ ar lots an the F'ast Hills P.l~nnec] Comrr.unity is c~mpleted during any of the permitte~9 ;:ime perioas, :;ubject tract :~iyn ,hall be removed. 3. That subjeat tract sign sha11 not bt_ illuminated. -s- PC84-46 ~ ~7 ~ t.;~ , . . .. ~,,. '~~r,.. ~ ~ .. ''l~ , . ~ ~ ~~1 . . . i, 11. That prior to construch.:ion ot: uubject trar.t Uign, approved by thi.s resoluti.on, ~h~ exlsting yG-syuarc~ Ec.,l: i11eg~1J.y con.~truci:ed tracL• sign sha1J. be removed. 5• ~'l~~at subjacL- prap~rty ~ha?.1 be d~velo~.ed ~~ubs~an~ial.ly in accoraance wi.t,h p.lzns and specificat:ions ori file wi.th the City uf Anaheim ma.rkec~ Lxhi~it Nos. 1 thr.~u~h 3. 6. That prior to the cummencement ef. the act:Lvil•y authorizec~ und~r this r~solution, or priur to lhr time that a building permit is i~syued, or within ~~,eriod of one year From the date of this resoluti~n, whichever occurs firsL, Conditian No. .1, abuve-mentiGned, sha11 ue complitd wi~h. Exk~:nsions for. further t,ime to c~mplete said conditions may be granted in ~~ccordan~~e with S~ction 18.03.Oy0 of the Anat eim M~:nicipal Cod~. EE IT FUR`1'HF'R RESOLVEU that the Anaheim Citv P~~nr~ir:g Commission does her.eby find and determine that ad~aptior~ af this Rcsolution is expressly preclirated upon applicant's curr,pl.iarice with each ac~~ ~~1.1 of the cor~ditians her.ei~nabo~•e set Lorth. Shoulcl any such c~ndirion, or any part thereof, be declared invalid ar unenforceable by the final judgment ~L ar.y couct of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein can~ained, shall be deemed null and void. THE FOREGOlNG RI;SOLU`rIOt~ is signed and approved by me this March 5, 1984. %~:r / ~~ ~' _ ~ ~"~ ~~/ '% , . ,%,'C-..y~,r,_F. CHAIRWOt~, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING Cr,MMISSION i, A~'TEST : ` ~_~,. ' '~~ _ i~~, (~.c~.c--~ ;'' / %~ ~~~ ~ SGCRETARY, ANAHFIM C.ITY PLAPlNING COMMISSIO[~ STA'PE OF CALIF01'tNIA ) C:OUNTX OE~ ORANGE ; S;; , CITY Or'' ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. HaLris, Sec:rr~t~~r,y oF the Ana.heim City Planning Co~nmission, do hereby cer~if;+ that the Foreyoing rssolution was passed and ado~ted at a meeting of the Anaheim C~ty Planning Commi~sion hel~l on blarch 5, 1984, by the following vote ot the memhers ~here~f: AYCS: COMMISSION~f2S: BOUAS, BUSHORL•', FRY, HGRaST, KING, LA CLAIRF, NOES: COMMIS^aIUNERS: NUNE ABSENT: COMMISNIUNER$: MC BURNEY IN WITNESS P)I1E12EOF, I have hereunto ~et ml hand thts 5th day oE March, 1984. < <~- • - t~'~'=r~.`_`- ~. ,~~~ ~% '/,~~ ~~.~, SECRGTARY, ANAHF.'IM CITY YLA- NNING C0~4MISSION -4- PC$4-9 6 Raaaw.a~~__.,.~. „~