PC 84-47~~ =uK1 R23u0LC1`1'IO~I NUe IaC9~}-~~7 A kFSOLUTTON UF THE ANAHEIM CT`1'Y PLANN.TNG COMMISSION THA7.' F~E`.L'ITTON FOR CONDJ:`1'IONAI. USk: P~RMTT N0. 2544 BE DG[JIEll WHEREAS~ thc Anaheitn City P1lnning Commissior- did receive a ver.ifi.ed Petition for Condi~ional Use P~rmit fr.om ELIaA WHTTE YOUNGBLO~D, 8450 [9e11s Road, Westrninster, California 92G83, owner o.t' c:ec•tain real property situat~a in the City oF Anah~~im, County of prange, State of Californi~, described as; LUT 30 OF '1'RACT Nq. '1993, AS PER Mfi1~ THEREOF k~ECC)F2DLn INF300K 69~ PAGE5 45 ANli 46 OL' MISCELt,ANE0U5 MAPS, F2EC012I)S OF ORANGE COUN'1'Y, CAI,IE012D1:[A. WHEFtEAS, the City Planning Commission did k~o1d a public hearing at the Civic Center, i-~ the City ot Anaheim on Mar.ch 19, 1984 ak 1:3G ~,.m., notice of said public tiearing having been duly given as req~zire~l by law and in a~cor.dance witFi th~ provisions o~ the Anaheim Munic~pal (:ocie, Chapter 18.03, Lo hear anc] consider e~~idence for and againsl said propased condii:ional ~ise pern!ii: and to investigake and make Eindings anci r.ecommendations iii connecti~n therewith; a-ld WHERE;AS, said Commi.s::ion, after due insper' '.on, irivestigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, ar~d afL-c:r due consiclerati.on of. a11 evi.cience and reports oLf.ered at said hearinq, does f.ind and c~etermin~e the followir,g tacts; 1. That the proposed use is properly ~ne For which a. conditiorial use permit is authori•r.ed by Anaheim bt~inicipal Code yection 18.26.050.U10 kn wit: to expana a State-licenscd residentiaJ. iacility providi~~~ cace and ~upervi~ion for a ma,:imum of 13 ~~du1L•s. 2. That th~: prupo~a.l is t~ereby cfen.i.ed qt7 the basis that S1?.d expansion woulcl be creating ~~ business and c:ommercial i~npact in a r~~sidenti.al area ~inc~ the tiome-.l.i.k ~ atmesphere rPCOmmended £or residents of State-licensed residential facilitiFS would Ue clestroyed; and on the basis that the :;ize af the facil.ity incl.ur~ing the proposed expansi.on, would not be adequate to accommodate 13 people in home-like s~croundings since there is no common dining area and 'che bathrnom fac:ilitiies (2 1/'l bathrooms f~r 14 peopJ.e) would noL be adequate. 3. '1'hat the pra~csed use will adverse.ly a.ffect l-,h~~ adjoina.ng land uses and the yrowth and development ~f the area in which it is prapo~eci to he located. 4. 'rh~~zt the ~ize ancl shape of the site pr~posed for the u~c, is not adequatce to a11ow th~ fa11 develupment uf. ~he proposed use in a mann~r nat detrimE~ntal to the parlicular area nor to the peace, hea~.th, safety and general wel£are of tre Cil•izens of th~ City c~l Anaheim. 5. Tha-: Che granting ~f the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wili be aetrime~ital ta tl~e peace, hEalth, safety and yenetal welfare oi Lhe Citizens of the City of T,nat~eim. ,~i~ ~0173r PCa4-.t7 ,~^~. b• 'Chat th~ traEfic generateci by th~ pr.aposed usE will impose an undue F~U1dG11 ii~on the streets ~ind hiqhw~ys designed and improvPd to caxr.y the traffic in the area. 7. That 18 persons indicated thc:ir pr.~sence at s~io ~~ublic hearing a.n opposition; and that six ( G? .letters anc~ petit•ions containing apprc~ximately 51 signatures were recei.ved in oppositi.o~i tc~ the subjc~ct petition. I:NVIRONP9EN~PAL Th1PACT rINDIP7G: ~'hat tn~ Anaheim City P1~nnirg C~mrnission has reviewed thc pr~~posal L-o expand a State-.licensed resiclential L•acilil~~ proviaing care and supervision foc ~ maximum of 13 adults on a rectanyularly-shaped parce:l of .land consis*ing of agproximaL•s~y 6540 square ~eet located at the sout~k~west ,.orner of ~rlington Avenue anci Mznteer Stree~, and furth~r described as 12~9 North Minteec Street; and does h~reby appr~ve the Negative Declarati.on upon finding t;hat it has considered the Negative t~r:~claration together with any commen~.U received ciuring the pub~.ic revi ew ~r~ocess and further .finding on the bas.is oF the ini~ial study and any comments receiv~d that there is no suLstaatial evidence l:hat the pro;jPCt will have a significant effect on the environment, NOW, 'I'HER~;FOItE, BL IT FESOLVLD that the Anaheim City Plannzng Commissior~ does hereby deny subject PeLition for Conditional Use Permit, an the basis of. the aforementioned findinga. THE FOREGGING RF.SOLU`rIUN is signed and appruved by me khis l:th day of t4a.rch, 1984. ___~ ~~ CFiAIRWOMA ANAHLIM ~'!TY PLANNING COMM:ISSYON ATTES'1' : ~ ' l - ~~~~~"" "'~ ^, / ~/~~.~ SE(;RETARY, ANAHEIM CI'.I'Y PLANNI~G COMMISSI~JDI STATE OF ~CALZFURhIA ) COUNTY UF OKANG~ ) ss, CIZ'Y OF' ANAli~IM ) I~ Edi.th L. Harris, Secr~tary of the Anaheim ~ity Planning Commission, do hereby certify ttiat the forp~oing resolution was passed and adopted at a ineeting of the Anaheim City Planning Commission hc~ld on ~larch 1~, 1984, by ~:he fallowing vo~e of L•he m~mbers tl~erEOf.: AYES: COMt4ISSIONC;22S: BOUAS,, IIUSHO:tE, FRY, EfERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE, MC ItURNEY NOES: CUN,MTSSIUNGkS: NONE AkiSL•'N't': C:OM:IISSIONLRS: NOtJE TN WITNESS WHERF'OF, I have hereunto seC my hand this 19tt~ day of March, 1984. '~ ~ / " ~ C .~• ~ ~~il~t~.~ ~~ SCCR~;TARY, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION -2- PC$4-47 s~v,~ , .. _ ,