PC 84-49~ RGSOT,U`!'ION N0. PC$4-49 A RESOL,U`i'T~N Ok' THE ADiAHCTM CITY PLANNI.NG CUM~MISSION H~1T PG7.'I'.PTON I'OR CONDITIONAL US£ PERMT'.I' N0. 2546 DE GRAN'.CL'!1 WHLkEAS, the Ariaheim ~a.ty Planniny Commission did receive a verified P2 , n for Canc~itional Use Permit from BU1~NE`i".i'-EHLIN~ PFtOPGRTIES, 2050 Sant~~ Cr~. cree~, ;'~100, Anaheim, California 92805, owner, and SHAMROCK VENTURES, 1~~ Mo.: ain Vie~~~, Trvin~, Calif.ornia 92715, ATTh: JOHN T. EIARTX, aqen~ of certazn rP property si~:uated in the City ~~ Anaheim, Co~anty of Orange, State of c' :~tornia, dc~scr. ibed as : PARCEL 1: ~rEiAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER 0~' THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF' SECTTUN 26, 't'OWNSH:[P ~! SOUTEI, RANGL~ 10 WEST, CITY' Ob' ANAHF.IM, AS SHOWN (~N A MAP REC~RDED :N BOOK 5.~, PAGF 10 OF MISCFLLANEOUS MAPS, IN 'P.HE 0~'FTCF OF `1'H~ COUN'1'Y RECOkI~'R OF tiAID COUNTX, D"c;~CI2IB~D AS FOLLOWS: $EGINNING AT THE EAST QUARTER CORN.ER QF SAID FkACTTOIJAL SF~TION, AS SA.T.D EAST QUAR`.C•r;12 CURNER IS SI30WN ON THE MAP FIL~E1? IN BOOK 43, PAGE ~7 OF' REC'ORD 0~' SURVEYS, IN 7'HG OF'FICE Of THE CG~NTY RE;CQRDLR; THENCE rlc)~~H 0° OS' 00" iaES`i' A.LQNG TH~ CFNTER LINE OF PLACENTTA AVENUL AS S1iC'W1V ON SAID ~'ILED MAP, 336.76 FE~T; THENCE SOU'1'H 89° 59' 35" WEST 631.98 F~ET TO rHE EAS'.P~RLY L:LNE OF THE LAIJD UESCRiBE'J ID] THE ~UITCLAIM ll~LA TO FALSTAH~F BRLWING CORPORATION RECOFtDED JUNE 20, 196t IN BOOF 5759~ FAGE; y21 OI' OFFICIAL REC~JROSi REI;ORDJ OF a^AID C~~IN`t'Y; THENCG SGUZ'H O° 41' 11" EAST, ALUNC SAID FASTERLY .LINE, 335.65 FEET TO THE SOUTH LINE OF SF~ID NOR`1'HEAuT QUARTER; THENCE SOUTH 89° 59' 41" EAST, i4LOPIG SAID SOUTH LItIE 628,74 FEET TO THF POINT UP BEGINNING. EX~FP`l' TH~ SOUTHERLY 200.00 FEE;~' UF TH!3 EASTERLY 203.00 ~EET THER~;Ob' . P,ARCEL 2: 'rHAT PORTION OF THE SOU`?'HEA.r,T QUARTER OF THE NORTHEA~T QUAR2ER OH SEC~IUN '26, T06JNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RA[~GE 10 WEST~ IN' '.PHE RANCHO a^F~N JUAN CAJUN DE SANTA ANP., AS SHOWN ON A MAP RLCORD~;ll It~ BO~JK 51, PAGE 10 CiF MISCELLAtJEOUS MAPS, IN THE Or^b'ICE pF THL' CUUN'PY RECU?.tDGR OF SAID CdUNTY, DE;SCRIBEll AS FOLLOWS: 'rHE SOUT~l~RLY 20U FEFT OF TH~ EASTEkLY 203 FEET OF 'I'HF POLL'OWING: B4GZNNING AT THE EpST QUARTEh CORNER OF SAID FRAC~IAhAT~ SE(:TION, AS SAID EAS ~ QUAR~'ER CORNER IS SHOWN QN T:IE MAP F'IL~D IN BOnK 43, pAGE 37 Of' RFCORD5 OF 9URVEYS, IN THE OFFTCE OF SA'ID ~OUr]TY RECURDER; THENCE NOP.TH 0° 08' 00" WEST ALONG THE CENTER I,TNE OF PLACENTIA ~1VENUE AS SHOWN OPd SAID #0175r ~C~4-4~ EIL~D MAP~ 335.76 FEET; TFIENCE SUI..['H 8~° 59' 35" WEST 631.98 FLP;T TU `I'F1E E~AS'xF'RI.,Y I~TNL•' OF 'I'H1~ LAND nGSCRIBED IN TEiE QUI'.CCI.AIM DEED 7'0 F`ALS'.PAFF ~3REiJtTIG CCIRPC~FA`.['ION RECORDED JUNF 20, 1961 IN BOUK 5759~ PAGE 9~1 OF UF'E'ICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY; THENCE ~OU`1'H U° 41' 11" LAST ALUNG SAI'D EAS'1'GRLY LINE~ 335.65 FGET TO THE SOUTH L2NF UF SA.ID NO;tTHEAST QUAR7'ER; '~'HENCE SOUTIi 8y° 59' 41" F,AST~ ALONG . AID SOU2'H .L7NE 6"Z£3.14 FEF'.C TO THG P~.LN'r OE' ~EGINNII'7G. SAID L.AND IS SHOWN qN A MAP FILG IN IIOOK 76, PP.GE ~0 C~~' RECORD OF SCJRVEYS, TN THE OFIICE UF 5A:[D COUNTY. Rk;CORDER. WHEREA~, the City Planning C~mmiss~on did hold a public hearing at the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on t~9arch 1~, 1~$4, at 1:30 p.m., nati.c:e oi saa.d public heari.ng having been duly yiven a~ required hy 1aw and in accordaazct wi.th the provisiuns of the Anaheim Muni.cipal Cade, Ct~apter 16.03~ to hPar and consi.der ~vicl~nce £or and against ,aid ~roposed conc?itional use per.mit and to investigate and make ti.ndings and recommendations in connec~:ion l:t-ierewith; and WHL1~E~.S, sai~ C~mmission, after du~ inspection, invesl-igati.~n anc3 study macle by itself and in its behalf, and afi:er due considerati~n of all evidPnce and reports offNred at saicl hearing, does Eind ar~d determa.ne the fallowing facts: 1. That the proposed uae is properly ux-e for which a conditional. use pcr.mit is authorized by Anahei;t~ Municipal Code SecL-iony 18.41.050,030, 18.41~U5U.183 and 18.41.062.U13 to ~•ait: to permit a 12-story, 190-foo4 high cammercial oftice camplex includ~ng a semi-enclas~d restaurant with an-sale alcoholic beverages and with waivers of th~ followi~g: A.) SECTION - Maximum structural height. (57 feet 6 inches permitted at 115 feet frnm aingle-Fami._y Rpsidential `Loning; 1.09 and i90 feet proposed) B.) SEC~.CION 18.41.U63.030 -~ Minimum stzuctura~ setback. (10 feet f.rom an interior properky lin~ requirea; 7 feet proposed) 2~ ~hat the proposed us~~ is hereby granted subject to the petitioner's stiQulation at thF public hParing ~ha~~ parking shall be pravided in conformance with Code requiremerit•s a:: a'_1 times unle~s a variance is approved bv the Planning Commissi~r. or City Council allowing waiver o~ the mini~num riumaer o£ parkin~ spaces. 3. That the propoGeG use wil.l not adversely affe~t the adjoining land ~ises and the growth and devplopment c~f th~ arc~a in whic:h it is proposed to be 1oCat~d. ~. That tt~~e size and shape of the site proposec9 for the use is adequate to allow the fu11 development of the proposecl ~ise in a ma~ner not det;rimental to the parLir,ular area nor l:o rhe peace, health, safety and general welfare vf the Citizens of th~ City of Anaheim. -'l- PC84-•49 5. That thc granting of tt~e Conditional Use Permit u nder the conditions imposed, if any, wi11 riot. be deL-rimental to th~ peace, health, safety and general welfare of thr Citi~ens af the City of Anah~im. 6. 'I'hat the kraific gener~Zted by the pr~posed use will not impose an unciue burd~n u~on the street:s znd highways dcsigned and improv~d to carry the traffic in i:he area. '7. That no o~1F indic.ated their presence at said public hearing in opposit9.on; and that no correspondencE was received in opposition to the subject ~+e~ition. LNVIRONMENTAL IMPAC`i' kEP0I2T STATUS: ~nvironmental Impacti Rep~rt No. 25U was pzeviously certi.fied by the Planning Commission on Novem~er 30, 1961, in casljunction with F~cl.~ssificai~i~n ivo. 81-82-9 and Gondztic~nal Use Permit No. 22650 NOW~ THERFF~RE, ~lE IT RE;SU.LVFD khat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby grant ~ubjec~ P~tition for Con~itional Use Pe rmit, upon Ll~e following conditions which are hereby found to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed us~ ol the subject prep~rty in arder to preserve t he safety and general welfare of the Citizens af the City ~f ~naheim: 1.. 'i'h~t prior to issuai7c.e of a building permit, the appropriate L•raftic signal assessmer;: fee shall bP paid to L-he City of Anaheim in an amount as determined by the City Council for new commerrial buiidings. 2~ That prior to issuance of a buildiny p~rmit, appro~:riate ~aater assessment Eees sha11 be paid L-o the City ~f Anaheim, in an amount <,s ~etermined by the Office of the Utilities General M~nag e r~ 3. Thak the owner of s•,~bj~ct property shall by recorded deec~, irrevocably affer. to dedicate to ttie City of Anaheim a strip of land 66 feet in wiclth from the cerit~rline ~f the str.eet along State ColZege f~oulevard and a strip o~ lanci 64 fA~t ~z~ width along 0.rangewood Avenue (for the ~aslerly approximately 150 fe•~t of subject prop~rty) for streec widening purposes. 4. Tha~ tYie exisring curb, gutter and sidewalks, sh~ll be r emoved and reconstrur.ted to provide a riyht tur~i 1~ne on Stat e Co11Pge Boulevard anci a bus bay cn Orangewoo3 Ayenue~ including preparation of. improvement plans and insta].?atiun of a11 improvemen.ts such as cu:bs an~ gutters, sidewzlks, street grading a-~d pavement, sew~r and drainage facili.ties, or uther appurter~ant work which shall be complied with as req~.ired by the City Engineer ancl in accordance with specifications on ;Eile in l•he ~ffice of the Ci.ty E:lgineer; and ti;at secu::ity in the fur~m of a bond, r.ertificate of deposit, letter of credit, or cash, iri r~n amount and form satisfactory t~ the City of. Anahein, sha11 be posted with thE City to gua rantGe the sai:isf.actory completi~n of said improvemen::s. Said security shall ~~ posked with ..he City priar i:o apPraval of zmi~rovemen~ lans, to guarante~ the installation of- the a~ov~-required improvemcnts prier ko occu~.anny . _3_ PC84-49 5. Thal the existing street ~ights alon~ State Colleqe goulevar.d and Or~tngewood Avenue shall be r~moved and si~a11 ue reinstalled as required by th~ Utilities General M~n~,ger zn accordance with specifications on .Eile in the OLLicF oL Utiiities ~eneral M~nager, and thah sacurity in t.h~ Porm of a bond, cer~.i~icate of de~+osit, letter of credit, or cash, in an amounr and f:orm s~ti5factory to the City of ~1nat~eim, shall be p~sted with the City to guarantee 'the satisL-aci~ory completion c~f the above-mer~~ion~d irnprovements. Sa?d security shall be post~d with t:he City oF Aiiaheim ~rior to ap~roval of imp; ~vement~lans. The above-reguire~ iroprovements sha11 be installeci prior to occupancy. 6. 2'hat drainage of subjec:t proper~.y sha.ll be disp~sed of in a manner satisfactory ta the City Engineere 7. Thai: prior to commeneement ~f sL-ructural framing, fire hydrant~ shall be installed and chaz~gnd as required and determined to be necessary by the Chi~~t af the ['ire D~pari:ment. S. Z~hak £ire sprinkler.s sha1: be installed in a11 structures as ~ required t~y the ~itv oi Anah~irn Fire Department. y. Z'hat krash storage areas shall be provided in accordan~~e with approved p.lans an iile with the Street Maintenan;.e and Sanitati~n llivisic~n. lU. That subject property shall be servcd by underground utilil-ies. 11. 2'hat wi.thin bJ c~ays o.f the dat~ herein, Che owner of the subjer_t pror~exty shall fund (or partici~ate in ~he funding of) a comL~rehensive land use study, to be dir.~ct~d anc3 controlled by the Ciky, at a cost not ta exceed $70,000 for the St~d;.um Industrial Area to identify the Estimai:ed extent anc9 intensity of development a.nd service constraints and opportunities associated therewith including infrastructure and circulai:ion. in the ev~nt such study rias been funded by anotlier p~rty pursuant to ~ similar condition of approval aZtach~d ro a different project, d~veloper ~ha11 pay to the City thirty-six percent (~6~) of khe cost of such study, or $25,0~0, whichever i~ less, prior to t5e issuancP of building permits, t,~hich sum sh,~ll be in lieu of the requarement f~r ~unding such study coiitained in this ~onditian and which sum sha.ll be reimbursed by the City to the party initiatino, and funding such s~udy. In the event the developer is the party i;~il•iating and funding such study, thQ City shall reimb~arse to developer an,y amount collected from any other par.ty as such other party's shaze af tYie cost uf such study. In order ta ~chieve limely completion of i.mr~rovements which may be found reasonably necessary bv tl~~e study, the owner of the property sha11, prior ho the issuanr.e oi ; buildzng per~nit for the property, record a covenant agairi ,t th~ property a.n a form appro~,~Pd by the City :~tcorney agreeing that in th~ event such study results in the creation of an improvement district or benefit area which includes such prop~rty and whi• .~ wo~ild oth~rwise require tY~e paymFnt of a fee as a conditicn ot building permit issuan~e for the contii.ruc~ion of public i.mprovements of benefit to, ur reason~'~ly necessitated by, such develapment, the awner sha11 pay to the City, upon demand -'~- PC$4-49 tl~eretar, thE~ apNlicable Gee ot.herwi:~e I~ayat,]c as its Lair :~hare ot the co:;l c~f such improvements notwithstanciing tkie pr.ior approv~~l ~f bui.lding ~ermi.~ti for such developme:nts. Said cov:.~nant sha11 conL•ain a waiver uf rhe riyl~t L-o contes~ thc ct:e~ti~n of ar-y such im~rovement c1i.,trict: or bene~iL- area but nci~l~er thi.s conditian nar said r.oven~znt stiall conslitu~e a waiver by th~ own~~r o1 any right such owner would o~herwi.s~ have l~i~d prior t.o i.ssuance o~ building ~~ermits to cont~~st ( i. ) thF~ determination of b~nefit of such impcovements tv the :~ubjecL• pcu~~erty. ( ii ) ttie properties included in sai.d dist:ri.ct or area, (iii) L-he mann~r in which said feP is determined o~ (iv) the manner i.n which said improvement c~sts a.rF spread. In the event t_he subject~. ~roperl-y iy hereinaEter incluri~d in any such c~istrict or.• area, any c~sts o~ the aEoresaid study p~~ic] by tt~e ownec and nol otherwis~ reimbursed ro own~r, together with the costs ~f any off-site improvements required i:.o be made by th~ own~t ~~ursuant to Co:~dition Plc~. 4 herFOf ~ shall. be credited ~o owner's obliqations under :uch di:trict or area to the txten~ pertnitted by l~w. 12. 7'hat lhe owner(s) of subject proE~erty shall. execute and record a covenant in a torrn approved by i:he City Attorney's OEfi.ce wherein such owner(s) agree not to ~ontest the forniarion of any as~es~ment distri`t(s) which may t~ereaftec be ~ormed pu:.~~uanl to Lhe provisions nE Development Ayreement No. 83-U] between th~ City of Anahcim and Anaheim Stadium A~sociates, which district:~s) could incl~r]e such owner's property. .~n thr~ event the ~~.:k,ject proPerty is her.ei.nafter included xn any such assessmc~it district, ~rty co~t ~ p~~id by th~ owner ~~ur~uant to Condition No, 1.1 above, and not othErwis~ r.eimbursed to owner, shall Lie cr~dited to owner's obligations under such ascessir,enL dis~rict, to ~he extent PermiL•Ced by law. 13. That thc~ own~er of suuject propecty sha].1 pay ta th~e City of Anaheim a t~e Loc tree planliny purposes alony State (:oll~ge F3nulevard and Orangewo~d Avenue in an amount as determineci by the City Council. 14. 'lhat the elec:trica.l t:•ansformec luc~tion ~r~ai1 be subject to the apptova]. of the Air2ctor of Publi.c Utilities. i5. That all acce~sways for t,~ash ~oll~ction ancl/or E.ire vehicles shall maintain a minimum vettical clearance o1 14 feet. 1G. That a tight-turn lane st-a11 ~e i.nstall~d along State College Boulevard in conEormance wi~h c:ity oi Anahexs~ plans ~~n~ specifi.~a~ions ~n:l ~u the satisEac*_ian of thF. City Tra~fic Engineer. ]7. That ti~~. developer ~hall con~tr.~.~ct a norr.herly extension ~~~ the exi:;ti~~y median isl.and on Staee College E3oulevard to Che sat.isf<~cti~n oE ~he City Traffic Fnyi,neer. 18. 'Pnat a bus t.urn-out arc~a shall bc E~r~~vided ~~lon~3 ~ranyewood Aven~~e near the int~rseckicn of StaLe Co.lleg«~ F~vulevar~.i to the s.~tisfaction of th~: City Tr.uCfic c:ngineer. -5-- I~C84-49 ?' 19. '.l'ri~zt pr.~.i.or ~o iss~~~ini;e oL build:ing per.mits, spc~ciLic plans Lor the ~~'; k>ro~osecl park:ing stZUCL'ur.~~ ~z~~~ Lruck dnr.ic/servic~ area shall b~ submitteri and a~~~raved Uy the CiLy '1'ratfic ~r~yineer. ,; ~ 20. 7'Lat the sa1~ oL- aJ.cr~hol, as approved her~~.i.n, shaJ.l he l,imited to tl~c: prop~s~rl reskaurant and it:;; outdoor palxo dining are~~. 21. That p,r~ior to issu:~nce uf a building ~ermit, t:he appl:cant shall submit wrxtten Ev.ic]r~nce to the City showing that a L,etter of Man Amenrlment has bc.~en ob~a.ined frorn t:he f'ederal Emeryency Manar~emtnt Agency, unless the City L'lovd Elazard Reduction Ordinance (No. 4236) is Lo bc~ satisfied. Z~. 7'h~~t the proposal shull comply with all siyning requi~emEnts of the CU Zone unJ,e~s , a vaciancc is a~~proved by the Planning Commission or City Council allowin9 sigr wa:'tvers. ~3• That withiri 1~ days Eollaw.ing Condition~l Use I~ermii: No. 2546 becoming final (37 days from the date herein zf no acti.on i~ ~ahen by the Cit;y Council oc I5 clays ~;fter City Council acti4n), rhe owner ~f subje~t property sha11 subrnit a letter reyuestir;g r~nnination of Conditional Use l~~rmit Nos. 1U40, 2265, and 2280 tu the Planning Uepa r tn-en l . "l4. 'i'i~at subjcct pro~erty sh~ll be developed sub,tancially i.n acc;ordance Wxrh Pla~s ?:~ca spcciLic.,tions on fil~ with the City oF Anaheim rnar.ked £;xhibit Nos. 1 thr~ugh 4. 25• That prior to the cotnmenr.eme~t of the activity aulhorized und~r this r~~olution, or prio~' to the timr~ that ~ building ner.mit is issued, or wikhin a peri~~d of ~ne year from the ~7ate of this reso.lution, whictiever occur~ i'ir~t, Condition Nos. 3, 4, 5, ?2, 13, dnd ~~ above-menti~ned, sha11 be complied YJ.Lth. Extensions for further time to complet~ sa.id conditiun:; may be grunted in accordance with Section 18.03.09~~ of. the Anaheim Munir..ip~l Code. 2G. Th~t prior to final buil.ding a.nd zoning insp~ctions, Condition Nos. 6~ 8~ 9, 10, 14, J.S, 16, 17, 18, 22 and 24 u~iove-mentioned, shall be compliecl r!i.th. EE .I1' FUR`l~HEft RE50LVE;A that the Ar~aheim Cit! Planning Commiss.ion does hereby :ind and ~eterrtiine that adoption of this Resolution is exFres~ly prec~icated upon aprlicant's c;umpl.iance witf~ eacl~ e~nd al]. of r_}~,~ conditions hereinabove set fortti. Shoald any sucl~ conditions, r~r any part ther~Qf, be declared invalid or une:~forceablr~ by the fznal judoment of any court of competen*_ jucisdi.ccion, then this R~Uolution, and any approva:ls herein contained, sk~al.l be deemed null and void. x'NF E'QRL•'C;pING kL50LU2'IUN is s3.gned ancl aE~pr~ved bX me this ] 9th day oL March, 1984. ~ / /~~ ~i~/~1~G4~'/ CHAiRWOMA~J ANAHEIM CITY PI,AN~IING CON'!MISSION ATTF;ST: ~~,~ , ~ ~ ' ,:~C~) ~ / SECREZ'ARY, ANAHEIM CI'i'Y PL1iNNING COMMZSSIUN -6- PC94-~l9 . }', . ~, :~~ J "~'f ,.,iAi;,~..., . .. . STA`Z'E Ok' CI~L,:~N~ORNIA . . , ... . ,... . :.:~;,~~ ~, ;'~; CUUN'1'Y U~' nR~1NGFs ) ss . CI`.CY OF ~1NAHEIM ) 1, ~~iil:h L. Harris, S~cretary of ~he Anah~im City I~lanning ~ Commission, do hereby cerhify that l-.t~e Core~oing rpsolut.ion was passed and adopLed at a meeting of th~ Anah~im cit.y Planning Commission held on March 19, p 1984, by the .foll~wing vote ~f. the member.s thereof: ~: AXE~: COMMISSIONERS: ~UUAS, ~3USHORE, FRY, HEABST, KING, L,A C'LAIRE E~ MC 13URNEY ~; NAE5: (;OMMISS70NF~RS: NONE ~ A6SEN'.C: COMMISSIONLRS: NONE ~ IN WT~'I~E;:5 WHERL•'UF', I have hereuntc set my hand tk~i:; 19th day of ~ March, 1984. , /? • _ ~ -~- ~.~_~ . ~a '- ~ ~~ SECRETARY, ANAHEI.M CI'PY PLANNING COMNiISSION ~ ..~_ PCE4-49