PC 84-52RESOLU`i'ION NU. ~'C$4-52 A R}:SOLUTION UF '.['HL ~1NAl~3ETM CI'!'X PLANNING COMMISSION '1'F.RMINATING A.L~L PROCEE~I)IIVGS IN CONNEGT]:ON WT`PH VARIANCE NO. 2680 WHk;REA5, on March 3, 1975, V~,r.iance No. 26a0 was granted under R~solution Nu. PC84-52. by the An~zhei.m C'~ty Planning Commissi~r- to permit an automobile bocly and paint repair Facili.ty on property consi.sting of approximately Q~4 ac:re located at the soutllwest corizer af North Street and Anaheim Boulevar~,ancl Further described as 777 Nc~rth Anaheim Boul~vard; and WHL~E;AS, on Pebru~sry 28, 1977, Variance Pdo. 2908 wa5 granted by the Anaheim Ci.ty Planning Commission to waiver p~rmitteci iises ~.o ~stablish ;zn automobi.le re~.~air shop and automobile sales ar~d a condition of ~ppr~val required the applicant to submit a letter requesti.ny termination of Variance No. 2680. aaid Condition was -iev~:: satisFied by t.he applicant; and WHEI2EAS, the applicants, Herman and Uor.othy Gallardo, property own~rt have s~abmitt~d a request to termi~~ate Variance 130. 26a0, as a result of a file investigation for. a business licer~se change o.f ownersh~p. NOW, THERLFORE, BE I~~ RESOLVED tl~at the Anaheim Cil.y PJ.anning Commission dues her~by ter.minate a].1 proceedings in ~onnec~ion with ~~ariance No. 26a0 or- the basis of the Fore~~oin~ findings. THE FOREGUING RESUI,U'1'I~~N is signed and approv~ci by me thi :~ 19tti day of March, 1)84. ~ ~ ~~`~~` ~~ CEIAIR4JOMA ANAHFIM C^.'PY PLANN:ING COMMISSION ATTEST. /~ , / ~~~1,c.,~, _ ~~~ ~ ~~.~z, SECREZ'ARY, ANAHEIM CT'I'X Pf•~NNING CUMMISSION ST~1TE OF CF.LTF'URNIA ) CUUNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAfiEIM ~ I, Edith L, Harris, Spcretary of the Anui~eim ~`':.;' Planning Commission, do hereby certify that th~ f.oregoing resol~t!: i:;c- was passed and adopted at a meetiny of the Anahcim City Plar,ning Commission held or~ March 19, 1984, by the following vote of the members ther~of: AYES: COMt9I5STONERS: BOUAS~ BUSH012E, FRY, fiERBST, K:[P~G, LA CLAIR~, MC BURNEI' NnE~: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABSr~NT: (:OMMISSION~RS: NONE IN WITNESS WHEREOF', 7 have t~ereun~co set my hand this 19th day of ~~ March~ 1984. .~. ` rl ,G.~~ c~ / "~' G~~- -~ _ SECRETP.FtY, ANAHEI[4 CI'I'Y PLANNING COMMISSION #017~3r PC84-52