PC 84-53, m'.~ RLSOLU'i'ION NU. Fc~84-`~3 A RESOLUTi01~ OE' :['Hh, ANAtIG.CM ::I'i'Y PI,ANr7INC, COMh1ISSJON '1'HA'1.' PE`1'T7'TON i'C11t CUNDI'1'IONAL USf~ PGRM:['.i' NU. '1543 13r, GRANT[.1) WH~;R~;J~S, thP Anaheitr, City P1<annwng C:ommission ~]iJ receiv~ a verified Pe~ition £or Conr~iLion~~l U:,e Per.m:if: from PROJCCT ANAHCIM, 274U West Lincoln Avenue, Anaheim~ Califoriii:~ 9'Z80.1, A'1"CN: WAFtI2L'N 5. L~[U, owner, and SAN ~7UHN HUANC;, 479U East; Pacific Coast Eiiyt~w~ay, Long Beach, Cali.Cornia 9C~80~1, ayent c~f certain rea:~ k~ro~er~y ~.ituated in the City o£ Anahcim, County of Orange, State aF c:alifornia, d~scribed as: THE F'AS`l' 190.00 I'EE'.I' OI' 'i'EIG WES'1' 315.OU FEE`. UF THL NOR`i'HEAST QUAR`L'ER OF TH~ NOR'PEIWEST QUAR'i'LIZ OE' TNE IVOR'.I'EIEAST QUARTEF2 OF SEC'i'I~1t~ 13, `L'UWNSHIP 4 SOU'rH, hANGL 11 Wf.ST, !N THE RANCEIU LOS Cc)YO`i'ES, AS SE~OWN ON A MAP RG~ORUED :[N BOOK 51, ?AGE 11 UF i~1TSCELLANE0U5 Mf1P5 IN T:IE OEFJI:E UF `I'ElE ~OUNTY RE(':ORDGR Oi~' SAID COU~I'P`l. WfiEREAS, ttie City ~~lanning Commission ~3id ilold a puali.c hearing at the Civic C~nter in tt~e Ci~y of Anaheir~ on April 2, 19a4, at 1;30 p.m., notice of safd public hearing having been du.ty given as required by law and in accordancP wit?~ the pro~isions of the Anahei.m Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence Lor ~nc~ against said proposed conditional use permit and to investigate and make findings and cecommendations in cennection therewith; and WHERL•'HS, said Commi.ssion, aFter dt!e inspecti.on, investigati.on and study m~xde by itsel~ and in its behalf, a~d aPter due consideration cf all eviden~Q ar,d reports cffered at said t~earing, does find and determine Eh~ following facts: 1. That the pcoposPd use is pro~erly one for which ~ conditional use ~ermit is authori.zed by Anaheim t4unicipa~. Code SPCtion 18.4~3.05~.200 to wit: to permit a 4G-space ~ecreational vetiicle park in conjunction w{tti an existing rnoiel w.ith waivers of t:he folluwing: (a) SEC't~ION - Maxir~ium structural height. (3 feet 6 inches permitted; 12 fezt 6 inches proposed along south proper.ty line) (b) 5~C~rION 18.4h.063.040 - Minitnum land~caped ~etback. ( 10 f`et requi.red; 7 and 1 feet proposecl £rom ~outt- ~roperty line) (c) 5ECPIU~1 ].Ei.44.U68 - Re.~uired : ite screenir~. (6 foot hi.gh masdnr.y wall re~uired; 6 foot high unslatted chain link fence existing along sau~.l~ pc~operty line) (d) SF;C'1'SON 1~.04.0~33.102 - Maxi.mum fence height: ~~ (6 f.eet E~e~niittcr]; 6 feeC pro~osed along a pocrinn o.~ the ~ast ~r~~erty ]in~) ~U179r PCaA-53 . . ~`. ,. .,.,-~,.~..:...,.,:'r:t9~ "'y\ Z• 7'hwt the F~ro~~osed use is herek~y gran'.~d sut~ject tn the following si:ipulatiuns mad~ by ~he ~eta.tioner. a- L-h~ puk,lic h~aring: (a) '.chat ~ siac (6) foot high solicl m~so~nry w~a11 cha11 bt~ con,tructed on th~ east praperty 1i.nr~ beginning eight (H) fe~t Erorn th~ s:idewa.lk a.long Linco.in AvAnue ~~nd extending southerly oi~e hundred inrty-~our (144) Eeet (adjacenL to ~he ~xistiny wholesale nurs~:ry) ar,d that an ~a.ight (8) foot tiiyh b~lid ma~onry wa11 sha11 bc con~trucl:eci sautherly ~rom r.hat point For the remainc3er. of the e~sl propcrt-y line (udjacent Eo the Four exi~t.ing sing1e_FAmi.ly r~~sidence~) ta pro~~idc~ sound and visual protecL•ion. And further th~t 15-gallor~ Cypress lre~s st~all be c~nters to Planted on five (5) foot provide Eurther pcote~~tion Fram visu~l intrusion along the ~ntire 8•-foot hic~h bJ.ock wal.). o;i ~he eastern property line. (b) Tliat thc~ maximum stay at the recre~tional veh.icle park sha.ll be limited to one ~:.~.; 29-day ~erioci per vehicle and there shall be no tent cam.ping. (c) Tliat wheels st~all not. be removed from any r.c;~cr~atica~] vehicle or h.rai.ler nnr sha'.1 any skirting be installed nor ~hall any temporary or per.manent s~~ructares t~e placed on any individual recreational vehicle sp~ces. 3. That the p.-oposed use, as yzante~, wa11 not adver~ely affect the adjoininy land uses and ;:he yrokth and devPlopment of tt~e a~ea in which it is proposed to be located. 9• '!'hat the size and shape ot the site ~roposed far the uyP is adequate to allow the full development af the proposed use zn a n~anner not detrim~n~al to the pacticular area nor ko the peace, health, saft~ty and yeneral welf~,r.e of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5• That the grantiny of the Conditional Use Per.mit unc~er the condition~ imposed, iE any, wi.l.l not L•e detrimenta:l to the and general we1£arp of the Citiz~ns o~ kne Ci.ty o.f Anaheim. peace, health~ satety 6. That the L-raffir genetat~d by khe prupostd use will not impo~~ an undue burr]en upon the street~ and I~~ghways cle~igned arid ir~pr.~v~d rn carry the trafPic in the area. 7. That 3 persons in~3icated their presence at said March 19, 1984 hearing and 4 persons indic.~ted their presence at the Aori1 2, 1984 hea:fngs in cpposition; and that a petition cont~ining six (6? signatur~s was received in oppositiun ~o r.he subject petition. ENVI.~ONMENTAL TM~ 2`N •NDING: ~hat the Anat~eim City Plt~nning Commfssion has reviewed the t~ pcoposal to permit ~ 46-:~pace recreational vFhicle park in ~onjuncL•ion with an exis~ing motel wich waivers of maximum structur~rl height, mfnimum lanascaped :~Qtback, required site screeni~g and maximum fence hei,yht on a rectang~alaKly-~haped parcel of land con:~isting of aE~proxfmateiy 2.62 ocres, having a fronta~~e o£ ap~roximatnly 190 £c~et on khe south sic~e of I,inc~ln AvPnue, And further ~.ie~eribed as 279G WesC Linc:o.in Avenue (AnahAim i'own and Country t4otel); and doe~ hereby approve the Negativc UeclaKation upon ffnding that it has cansiderec3 ~he Negative Der:Iazat.ion CO!JntFl~?C with any comment~ received dur.ing the public ~eview proc:c:sy and £urtt~er findirig on the bar~is oF the initial study and any commen~s received that th~re ie no substantia:l evid~nee that thc project will have a signific~nt efiecr, on the environm~nt. ~._. . -2~ PC84-53 NU~V, THERE['qRG, BC: I7' I:};SOLV~D tr~at ti~~e Anaheim C'ity P.lanning + Comm;ission does hereby grant-. subjcr,t [~~tiL•~i.on tor Co-7d:iti~nal. Use Permit, upon , th~ tol.l~~wi.ng cc~nditions which are hereby .Eouncl L-u bc a necessary ~rerequisite ~ ~ to the propo:;ed use of ~he subjec~ ~roperty in urder to presc~rv~ the s~fety ~ and ger.er~l welPare ~E the Citizens ot hhe ~it:y of Anahe.im: j ~ 1. 'i'h~zt trasl~ ~L~r~~~e areas shall be pr.ovided in accordance with ~ approved pl.ans on Eilr: with the Street Maintenance and Sanitati~n ~ Division. ~ 2. '1'hat pr.ior to issuance of a bui.lding E~errnit, aporopriate water as~essment Cecs sha11 be ~aid tio tl~~e City of Anaheim, in an amount ~~s determined I~y the Of.Eice cf th~ Utilil.ies General Manager. 3, '1'hat ~he owner oi subject. pr.op~rty shzll pay to the City of Anaheim a~ee for stree~ li.ghtinq along Lincoln nvenue in an amou~it as determine~i by t!j~: City Gounc:il. 4~ ihat -~;.ior L-u issuance oL ~a biailding permit, l•he apprapriate traftic signal assFSSment tee shal.l be paid to the City of Anaheim in an amount as determined by thr_ City Cuuilcil £oz ea~h new recreational vehicie space. 5. Thar the existinc most easLerly dr.iveway an L,i~icoln Avenue shall be removed and replaced witk~ a standard curb, gutter, sidewalk ancJ lan~iscaping . G. Thrit tt~e existing two most westerly driveways shall be redesigt,ed wiL•h ten (10) foat cadius curb returns r,o the satisfacti~n oE the C.ity Traftic Gngineer. 7. That the drivF~way wiclth be~ween the existing poolside canopy and the managers uni.t and motel buildiny :~hall be i~ic:easnd from 18 and 14 f:eet to 20 fer.C. E3, That dr.ainagr~ of subject pcoPerty shall be di.spnsed of in a manner satiafactory to the City k;nyineer. 9. Th1t subject prut~c:rty sha11 be ~ervtd by ~ndergruund ut.ilities. 10. That the owner oF subject prop~rty sha.ll submit a letter requesting termination of Canditional Use Peri~it No. 1720 to the Planning De~artment. 11. '1'hat subjec~ ~rop~rty sha11 be developed 5ubstantially in ~cc~rdan~e witii p.lans and specifications on f.ile with t::e Cily oF Anaheim marked Ext~ibit Nos. 1 t.hrouyh 3(Revision No. 1); pro;rided, however, that a six (G) foot high ~oli~ ma~onry wu.ll shall be con~tructed on the east pro~~erty line begi.nning eighr !a) feet from the side w«lk along Ginc~.lr~ Avenue anc~ extending southerly ane hundred forty-£our (] 44 ) feet (.~d j~acent to the ~xis~ing wh~~Iesale pla:~t nursery) anr~ that an eight (8) Eo~t high soli.d masonry wa11. shall bP con~tzucted 3outh~~rly from that ~~i.nt Eor the remainder. oF thc east property linc ~nd (adjacent to the four Pxi~ting single-f.amily residences); and that rr~inimun~ ].5-gallan Cyprt~:;~ trees shal.l be plar-ted -3- PC84-5:3 --., on fiv~ (5) ivot ~ent•~r: alony the a-f.ool-. high block wall on the eayt property line. 12. That prinr to rhe comrnencement of i:he acl:ivil:y authorized ~znder hhis resa.lution, or pLior ko the time that a building permil: is issued, or within a periocl ot orie year fy:om hhe date ~f this r~:olution, which~yer occurs £irst, Cc,ndi.tiun Nos. 3 and 7.0, aUove-mentioned, ~ha11 be compli.ed witt~. [;xtensi.ons For furthc,~ timP to complete said conditions m~y be grante~ in accorclance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Munir.ipal Code. 13. That prior to final buildiny aild ~oning inspections, Conditi~n Nqs. 1, 5, 6, 7, &, 9, acid 1.1. ~b~vc-mentioned, shall be complied with. 14. '.PhaL• the maximum stay at the recrealion~l vehicl~-: park shall b~ limited ~~ one (1) ?.9--day period pcr vehicle. 15. That wheels sha1J. not be removed From any rec:r~ational rehicle or trailezs noc shall any skirt.ing be insL-all~d n~r shall any tempnrary or permanent structures be placed on any indivi.dual recreationa~ vehicle spacps. BE IT t~~UR'i'HLk RGSOLVED that the Anaheim cir.y planniny Com~;~is:~ion cloes hereby find and determine tt•aat radoption of Chis Ttesolution is expressly predicaLed upon applirant's oompliance witlz each and all of the condiLion: Yiereinauc~ve set ~orth. Shou~ci any s~zch con~itinns, or any F,art thereof, be declared invali~i or unenforceable by the fina.l judgment of any c~urt of competent jurisd~ction, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein con~airied, shall be de~mec3 null ~n~ •~oid. THE FOREGO~NG RES~LUTION is Gigned and approved by me thi.s 2nd day of April, 1984. .- ~I ~ ~ ~, ~~"~.s~~ Cf.aAIRWOMT.N,i~~EiEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION ATTEST: J /~ r ~~'-~ ~1~..~ . Sr.;CH~TAFX, ANAHEIM CI'i'Y PLANNING COMMIaSION STATE OF (:ALIF'ORNIA ) COUNTY OE ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edifh L. H,3xris, Secretary of t.he Anaheim City Plar-ning Comr~ission, do hereby certify that the fore~oing resol.ution was passed and adopted a~ a meeting of the Anaheim City P~anning Cnrnmission held on Apri1 2, 1984, by the fo~l~wing vot~ of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSIONf:22S: BOUAS, BUSfiORL•', FRY, HERduT, KING, LA CLAIRE N0~5: CO[4MISSION~RS: NOt~E ABSENT: CQMMISaIONERS: MC: P.iJRNk:Y IN WITNESS WHF.REOE, I have herrunto ~et my hand this 2nd day of April, 1984. _~ ~' ,~ ~f-~ f •l ~ e~._,~,~~ SECRETARY, ANAHGIM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION -4- PC84-53