PC 84-54l2ESULU7'I~JDI IJU. PC84-54 A RfSqLUTIQN Ul' THE ANA[iL:[M CITX PL~ANNING COiMMISSIUN llGNYtNG GENGRAL PLAN AME,NDMrN7' N0. 192 - L~ANll U5E ~Lk:MENT WI~IERFAS, the City Council ~.f tl~c C,ity of Anaheim did adopt th~ Anar,eim Gerieral Plan by Resolut;ion No. G9R-644, showing the gen~ra.l d~scription and extent of pos~ible fut:ure developmEnt with.in the City; and WEI~REAS, pursuant l:o a request f:rom the property owr~~r for a Ge-seral P1an Amen~3ment Skudy, City staff ~reparer~ a ~eneral Plan Amendt~et~t F~r. an area consisting o~ ap~r~~ximately 1.25 acres lc~cated on the soulhwest corner of Santa X~na Canyon l~aad acid Mohler llrive; ancl WHEREAS, the Plannin~ DepartmcnG d~emed it app.ropciate, pursuant to ~he pr.ovisions oL the California Environmental Qual.ity l~ct, after review of the proposal and Ini.tial Study anc] fin~~ing rio significant enviranmental impact, that a Negative Decl~,ratior~ be appr.oved; and WHEKEAS, the Anaheim City Planning Comrnissi.on did hold a public hearing at the Anaheim Civi.c Center, Council Chamber, 200 South Anaheim Boulevurd, on April 2, 1y84, at .1:30 p.m., notice of sa3.d public hearing having been duly given as requirec] by l~w ~nd i.n ar_cordance wilh the pruvisions of the Anaheitn Mun.icipal Code, to hear and consider evidence for ancl against said amendm~nt to thc~ General Plan and t:o inv~st:igate and make findings anci recommendations in connection therewith; and WH~REAS, said ~:ommissic~.r~, after d~e consider.ation, inspeckion, investigati.on and study made by .itself, ~nd af.ter due consi.deratinn of a11 evidenc:e at~d reports offerec! at said hearing, DOES HEREBY FIND; ].. That tr~E curren{~ Eiillsidc EstaEe DPnsity Residential designation is still appropriai:e for the stuc~y area. 2. That tl~e proposed Commexcial 1?raEe:sional designation woulc~ be incomp~tible with tt~e exzsting 1ow density residen-:ial uses currenl•1y in the surrounding area. ENVIRONMb'.N'.CAL IMYACT ~Z~IDTNG: Thal: the Anaheim Ci.ky Plannin~ Commissi~n has reviewed tt~e pruposal to chanae the currer~t Hillside Estate Der~sity Resicienlial design.ation ta Commernial Professional aiid to rezone the property Crom RS-A-43,OU0 (SC) (Residential•-,~gricultural, Scenic Cor.ridor. Ov~rlay) Z~ne to CO (SC) (Commercial, OFfice ancl Professional, Scenic Corridor Oveclay) Zone nn an irr.egularly-shaped parcel of land cansistfng of approximately 1.2 acres located at the suutl~west corner o£ Santa Ana Canyon Read and Mohler Drive and furthe: des~ribed as 111 South Mohler Drive; an~ cioes hereby approve the Negat.ive Declaration upon f~nding that it has considered hhe Neg~a~ive Dc;claration together wikh any corr~mettts re~ei~ed during the public review proce~s and further finding on the basis of th~ Initial Study and any comments received that there is no subskanki~l evidence that the project wi11 have a si~ni.ii.cant ef£ect on the environment. ~0186r PC-54 J"^~e~ NOW, `~HFREI'ORE, L~E :I7.' RE:iOT~VGD, that pursuant to tY~e foregoing findings, the An~h~im City P:1a~~niny Comir~ission does hereby deny Gencral Plan Amendment No. 192. TE1L FO1~LC~OING RLSQLU7~IOlV :is signed and approved by me this 2nd ~~y of A~ril, 1g84. ~ ____~11~~1` 1CLG~G~'~c.~LCL,/ r CHAIRWOMAI~y~ ANAEIEIM CI'rY PLANN:[NG COMMISSIO1V ATTES'1' : ~ ~, / ~r~, ~ ~~ ~ _ SECRCTARY, ANAE:EIM CITY PLANNING COMNIISSION $g~p~~ C~~ CALIFORNIA ) COUN`1.'Y UF 9RANGE 1 5 a• CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, ~;dith L. Har.ris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Planning Commi:.~idn, do hereby cerL•ify t~haL- the for~going reUolution was passed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim Gi.ty Planning Cummission held on Apri1 2~ 19K4, by the following vote of the members thereuf: AYES: COMMISSIONER~: BQU.AS, flt7SElORE, FRY, fIERBST, KING, UA CLAIRE NOES: COMMISSZONEE~S: NONE ABSk;NT: COMMISSIONERS: [di; BURNEY IN Fii'.['N;:SS ~iJHE22L•'OF', I tiave hereunto sel m,y hand this 2nd day nL Aprzl, 1984. 1 ~ ~ ~,~-; ~ `" ~.-~...~._ l~ c SECRETARY, ANAHE;IM C:IT PLANNING COMMIS£ION _?_ PC84-54