PC 84-55~-•~ RESOLU'i'TON IVU. I?C$~1-55 A RLaULUx'ION OI' 1HE ANAHr;Ibl CI'.t'Y PLANNING COMMiSSION THZ1`1' PETI'.CION FOk RECLASSIC'ICA2'TON N0. fi3-$A°•22 EiF: DENIED WH~R~AS, the Ariaheim City Planning Canmission did r.ec~iv~ a v~rified petition for Recla:~sificati~n fcom F12ANK MINISSALE AND SARAf•i F. MINTSSALG, ll.l aouth Mahler Drive, Anaheim, C~lifarnia 92807, owner.s, and EMTL B~NES, 14081 York~a. Tustin, Calitornia 92G8Q, ag~nt oF certain rea.l property situai:ed in the City of Anaheim, County of Orarige, State o~ Califurnia, desr.rib~c? ~s Eollows: PARCEL 1, : THA7.' POR'rTnN UI' THE SQUTHEAS'I' QUAR`C}..R OE' SECTTON 36, '~'OWNSHTP 3 SOUTH, Ri4NGE 9 WEST, SAIV B~RNARllINC? BASL AND MERIDTAN, DGSCRIBED AS FU~LOWS; BEGINNING AT `!'HE SOUTHEAST CURNEI2 UF SAIll SFCTION 36; THENCE WEST `PO A POINT, 195 FEET EAST OF THE SOUTHWEST CaRNFR ~F THA'i' CERTATN PARCLL OF .LANll CONVEYEU TO WILBUFt E. RASE~ AN1) WIrE BY DF'Ell RECQRDGB tN BCOiC 1230, PAGE 230 OF QFI~'IC:IaL 12ECOHDS; THENCE NOEtTH 26° U1' WEST AI,ONG TFIE SOUTEiIaEST~RLY LINE OE' ~.['HA~ CERTAIN 2ARCEL ~F Le~ND CONVEYED m0 MICHAEL C. CiINDGR AND WIFE BY 1)~Ell RECORD~D IN BOOK 1~.~2, PAGE 86 l~F Ob'FICYAL N.ECO~tDS `i'0 A PO1NT 64,83 ~EET SOUTHi,ASTGRL~' FFtOM A[3 T~JTL•'kSLCTIQN TH~RFOF WITH '!'H ~ SOUTHEAS`.CGRLY LINE OF THE 100 FOOT S'PRIP OF LAND DFSCFtIBCD IN DEET~ TO STATE OF CALIFOItNIA, REC:ORAGD IN BOOK 6$0, FAGE 165 OF OI'F'ICIAL RECORDS, SAID i~OZN'1' Br^.,ING ]:N AN ARC OI' A CUR~IE, COIVCAVE SOUTHEASZ'ERLY HAVING A R1IDIUS OI 8454,00 FEF`P; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALON~ SAID CURVf3, k'ROM A TANGENT BEARIIaG NURTH 46° 29' 11" EAST, THROUGH AN P,NGLF. Oi 1° 41' S5", AN ARC DISTANCE OF 25f1.63 EEET `PO THE INTERSGCTION THEREOF WI`1'H THE SOUTHWEST~RLY LTNE OF THAT CERTAIN 6U FOOT S`.I'RIP OF T.F,ND DESCRIBEU TN PAR:~i~L 1 OF DEED TO HENRY F. DEL GIORGIU AND WIFE, RECOR.UED IN BOOK 268"l, PAG~ 364 OF QFF'ICIAL RECO.RDS; TH~NCE SOUTH)sASTERLY ALONG SATD SOUTHWE~TERLY LINE (iF 2'HE 6U FGUT STRIP CONVEXED TO DEL GTO1tGI0, 'r0 THE EASTERGY I~INE OF .~',AIU SECTION 36; THENC~; SOUTEIERLY ALONG SAID E;AS~CEI2LY LINE Or SAID SECTION 36 TU 7.'HE POI:NT OT I3LGINNING. PARCEL 2 THAx' PORTION OE THL SGU'rHE:AST 1/4 OE SECTION 36, TOW~ISHIP 3 :iOUTH, RANGE 9 WLST, SAN BEI~:IARDINO B,ASE AND MERIDIAN, ACQUJREA BY THE S`!'ATE OF CALIFORNIA 13Y A DEED RECO.RD^D IN BOOK 2U i 9~ PAGE 1G0 UI' OFETCIAL~ RECORDS IN THE OFFZCE 0' THE COUNTY RECOR~ER OF SAID CUUN'TY, BOUNDEll NpRTEiWGS`~ERL BY A LIVE DESCRIBEU AS FOLLOWS: #U180r PC84-55 }3~.;GINNING AT A P~INT TN THE SOU'CH LTNC; UF SAID SECTION, SAID PG:CN`i' EILING uISTANT ALU~1G SOU'.l'H LINL EAS`.L'ERLY, 2y.10 }?E~T FROM TH~ NOR'.CHEASTERLY TERMINUS OF T'r1AT CFRTAIN COURSE D~,SCRiBLD AS "NOR~PI-1 44° 07' 42" EAST, 6$G.96 FELT" IN PARCEL 1 Ok' A L1EEn RGC012DGU TP] ~3~UK 1731, PAGC 521 OC~ Ob'b'ICTAL~ RECORDa TN SAID OE'F:[CE; THENCF NORTHGAS`.PP:RLX ]:N A DIRGCT LINE TO '.CHE SOUTHL[•15TERLY TCRNIINUS OE' iIiAT C~RTA:CN COURSL DLSCI2IL~Eb AS "~OU'I'H 25° 55' 27" EAST, A I~ISTANCE OF 64.E33 b'E:FT TO 'I'HE 'iNTEP.SGC'i'ION '.CHERGOF WTTH A t:URV~" :IN A AE~n RECURDED SN BOOK 2?85, PAGk. 482, OE~' OI'~'ICIAL RECQRDS IN SAID OEI'2CE. WHFR~AS, thw City Planning Commission did hold a public hearing at the Civic Ceriker in the Cii:X of Anaheim ~n April 2., 1984 at 1:30 p.m. r noti.r.e of 5aid public heariny having }~een dul,y g.iven as requirEd by law and i.n accordancE with the provisiuns of the Anahe9.m Municipal Code, Chapt~r .18.03, to hear and curisider evidenr_e f~r and agai.nst said proposed reclassification ar~cl to irivPstigate and make findings and recommendations in connection therewith; and WEIERGAS, said Commis~ion, after du~ inspeci:ion, investigation and stiidy made by itself and i.n its behalf, and af.t~r due consideration of all evidence and reporL-s ~fEer~d at saicl heariny, C10P.S fin~ and d~termine l-.he following facts: 1. That the petil-.ioner propos~:~ r_eclassific~tion ~f subjec~ property from the RS-A-43,000(SC) (Resid~ntial/Agriculture, Sc~nic Corri.dor Uve~lay) Zone to the CO(SC) (Comrnerc.i.al, Office and Professional Scenic Corric3or Overlay) Zane. 2. ~i't~aL rhe Anaheim C~nyon l~rea General Plan desiynatcs subject property f.or hillsid~ esta~~ density residential land uses. 3. That the pr.oposed reclassification ci subjecL- property is nat necessary no,: desirable for the orderly ancl proper cleveloprnent of the community, 4. That the proposed reclassificat:ian of sub;jeci: property does not prop~rly relate to thn 'L0t1@S anu their permitted uses locall.y esi:ablished in close pro:cimity to subj~c~ property and to the zones anc~ their p~rm~tt~cl uses gerierall;~ established throughout the community. 5~ 'Phat 15 persons indica~ed their presence aL- ~aid public h~aring a.i~ opposition; and that petitir,ns conlaining approxima~ely 243 signatuc~es were received iri opposition L-o subjert petition, ENVTRONMF.NTAL IMPACT F7NDING: That the Anaheim City Planning Commission has reviewpd the pr.oposal ta r,hanye the curren~ hillside Estate density residenrial. zoning designation or~ the GenPral Plan to Ccmmercial ProfPSSional and to reclassi.fy subject proper.ty from the RS-A-43,OOU~SC? (Residential/Agricultucal, Scenic Corridor Over.lay) Zorie ~o the CO(SC) (Con-meCC:ial, Off_ce and Professienal, Scenic Corridor Overlay) Zone t~ coristruct two camm~rc~a]. offlce bui.tdir-gs with waiver of mini.mum land~capecl building setback and maximum t~uilding height on an irregularl,y-shape~ parc:el ~f land cor•sisting of apprexirnately 1.2 acres located at the southwest c~rner -7.- PC~•4-55 ~? ?;. '- ,' ~, • of Santa Ana Canyc~n Road and Mohler Drive, and fu'rtiher. d~Ccribc~i ~is :lll S~uth Mohl~r Drive; and does hereby aporov~ the Negativ~ lleclar.atinn ~.~p~n ~inding that it has consiciered i:h~ Neqative n~clar~ti.or~ together with any comments receiv2d duririg thP public review process ancl furth~r Einding ~n Ghe bzsis oF tne initial stuciy anci any comments received 4:hat tliere :iy no subs~aritial evidence that the projecl- will ~~ave a significant effecl: on the environr~en~. NOW, THEREFORE, P.E ].T RE;SO.C,~IED tha~ khe Anaheim City Pl~nning Commis, ion d~~ea hereb,y deny Petition for Rec.lassification on the basis of the ~~fo,:ementioned findings. THE L~OFEGOING RESOLUTTON is signed and approved by me lhis 2nd day of Apzil. 1984. `_..l lvll .r:' _ n"G~'-rL-~ CHAIHWO ~, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSIQN ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ C~ .[t:..~~~"~-~ ~ ~. , / ~ ,-~ ~~.~, 4 SGCRL`1'ARY, ANAHEIM CTTY ~LANNING COMMTSSrON STI~'!'E UF CALIEORNIA ) COUN'.PY OF qRANGE ) ss. CI7'Y OF ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secr.et;xry of th~ Anah~im City PJ.annin~ Commission, cl~~ hereby eertify that the foregoing re~clu~ion ~aas pzss~d and ac3opted at a cneeting of i:he Anaheim CiLy PJ.anning Commission he'ld o~1 April 2, 158~}, by th2 fallowing vote of the members thereof: AY~;S: CUMMIS~IONi~RS: BOUAS, BUS.HO.fiE, FRY, HERBST~ KING, LA CL~ATR~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NONE ABS~NT: COMMISSIONFl,2S: M(: IIURNFX TtV WT`L'N~,SS WHEREUI', T have her~unto set my hand this 2nd d~y of Aprilr 19~4. .~~~~;-~`.. ~~ i''~-,~~~'. ~ SECftG'i'ARY, ANAHL•'IM CITY PLANNTNG COMMISSION -3- pC84-55 ,' ~ ~ -, . _.. ........,,.. ,