PC 84-57~ ~~~. RESOI,UTIUN NO. PC84-5'1 - ---~---.~._.._._,__ A RE,SOLUi'ION U~ THE AN~HEIM c:ITY PI.,AlvNING COMt•1ISSIUN THAT PE'i'iTIUN f'OIt RT~C:I,ASSI~TCA'i'IUN Nn. 83-84-25 IIE GRANTED WH~K~nS, t:;~e Anaheim City Planniny Cem,nission d.id receive a v~rifiea pet.i~ion ,:,~r Itecla.ssif'ication tcoin ~EKftCLL A. W~gER Ai~ll KAREN R. W~gER, 48U Via Vista, An~hei.m, CaliCorr~ia 92~U~, owners of certain r~al in the City of An~a-~eim, Cour-ty of Oranye, State of Calif.or na p dc~, cribed ras follows: LUT 3 ANU '1'HE ~n1~5'i'EKLY 6.57 FEE'l~ OF' L07.' ~ O'r' TP.AC~i' NU. 1843, AS SHUWN ON A MAP RECURDED IN F.iOQK 53, AA~ES ~5 A~aU 46 OF MTSCET,LANL•'OU5 MAPS, RECQFtUS O[' O12ANGS COUNTY, CALIHbRNIA. EXCEF`.I'ING FEtUM SAID LC?' 3 TE3G WCSZ'~RUy b.57 FEE; Z'HEREOF. WEiEREAS, the Cit.y Y.lan~~in~ Comrnission did nold a public heacing aL• ttie Civic Center in the City of. ~rahtim on Apci.1 7., 1984 at 1:30 p.m., nati.ce o~ ~aid public h~aring having b-~en duly given ~i;: re uireci b accordance with the provisions of the Anaheim Munici~~al Code. hapter 18.03n to hear and consider evidence Eor and against sai.ci propose~9 r~classi£ication and ~to invPStiyal:e and make findi~igs and recommendatioris in connecri~n therew.ith; and WfiEREA5, sai.d ~ommissi~n, after due in~pection, investiqation and sttidy made by itself and in ic:a bef,alf, «nd after due r.onsideKation of a.ll e~idence ~nd report~ ufFer~d ,t said :~ear.ing, does fi!;d ann det?rmfne the followii~g facts: 1• Thal the petitioner proposES re~las~ification of subject pr4perrY frorr the RS-720U (Single-Family, Residential) Ione lo the CO (Comm~,rcial, OfticE~ and Professicnal) Zone. 2• That the Anat~eim General Pla~ design:.~tes subject property for Commprcial Professional land uaes. 3• That the proposed reclassification of subjr:.ct property is necessary and/or desirable for tl~e orderl,y and pcoper develapmcnt of the community. 4• Tha~= tr:e proposed reclas~siFicatinr~ of subjFet ~ro~aArty doe~ jroperly ~elate to the zones and thei.r pQrmitte~d ~ses Iocally ~stablished in clo~e pro~<imity L•o ~ub;ject propetty and to the zon~,, a. ~ r.n~.ir generally eFtablished tt~.~roughc,ut the communitf. ^~ Permitted u~es 5• Th~t Lhe ;,ranosed reclassiEicar.i~n af :;ubjF,ct ~ar~~erty rEquires l•he dedicaLi~n a.;d impcovement of abut~in~~ stcee'r,s an~ al,leys in acc:ardance wi~h Ghe Circula~ian ElPmene oE ~he General Plan, due Co tF.e anr_icipated frtcrea;~e in traff=c whict~ will b~ q~nerat;.~d t,y khe intr:nsifica~ion of land a~n. 6• Thar. no one indir.~i~~d r_h~~ir ~cE~senCP 3C safd public he::fr.y in cpp~sttion; anc; tha~ no CUC[nS~011r]~I1C~ was r~ceive~ ir: oppo~cition Co vubjeet , petitLon. 00182r P~84-57 ; ...\ BNVIFtONMi,N`PAL TMPACT FINUING: 'I'hat the Anaheim City Planning C~mmission has r~viewed L•he prapusal tc~ reclassity sub~ect property £rnm the RS-7?.UO (Sin~7'~-Fami.ly, Ft?sidenti.a.l) Zone t:a the CU (Comtner.cial, Office and Professional) 70-~~ to permit ~~. prof.cssion~al oCfice ~!se an a tcs~dentia]. sLruc~ure on an irregu.lar.ly-shaped parce.l of 1anc9 consisL•in~~ of appraxi.maL•el.y 8500 yquare E~~~t hav~ ny a~rontage of aL pr~ximatHly 58 ~'eet on the north side oE I,incc.ln Avenue, ~nd Euxther clescrik~ed as 2203 E~si Lincoln Avenue; and dues hereby aE~pr~~ve the Negative u~clar.ation upon findittg that it has con~:Idered the Negative U~claration together with any comrnents received during the pub.lic r.eview process and furthEr findiiig on t'~e basis ot the initial study and any cotntnents recti.ved that th~re is no substantial evidence that th~e pr.oject will have a siynificant effect on thc environmFnt. NOW, 7'HEREF~RE, 13E IT RESOLVEU thaf the 11nah~:im Cily P?.anning Commission does hereby grant subject Petiti.on for Reclassitication an~, by so doin~, that Titl.e 18-7oning of the Anaheini Municipal C:ode t.,e amended to exclude the abcve•-described propert~~ frcm the RS-720u (Single-Family, Residential) Zune and ro incorporate said described property into rh~ CO (ConmerciaJ.~ Office and ProEe:,sional) Zor-e upon the following cor~ditions which are hereby found to be a necessary ~rerequisite ~o the proposed use of ~ubject property in ord~r to preserve the safety and general wel,`.~ce of the CitizeriF of the Cit~~ of Anah~,im: 1. That the owner of ::ubject property l~y recurded deed ~hall icrevocsbly offer to dedicate to the i.ity af Rnaheim a strip of land 53 feet in width ~rom the centAr?ine o£ th~~ street ~long Linco.ln Avenue fo.r street widening purpo:•es. 2. 3. 4. ~rhac. comPlel•ion oF t}~eae reclassi.ficakion pr.oceedings is contingent upon the granting af Conditional Use Petmit No. 2554. That the vehiciilar access rights, except at approvec3 access points, to I.incoln Avenue st~all be dedicakec L•o the City of Anahei.m. That the own~~r oi subject property a fee for. street l~.ghting alony a~r.e~mined by the City Council.. 5. That thp uwner o.f ~f]h;JP_C:r property a fee for tree planting purNcsAu as determined by the City Council. shal.l pay ~o ~he City of Anaheim Linco;n Avenue in an <~mount as sha11 pay ta L-he City of. Anahei;~i alony Lincnln Ave-iue fn an amount 6. That I~rior t~ the introductior~ of an ordinance =Pzoning subject proper.y, ~:~n:lition Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 ar~ :,, above-mentioned, shall be compl~ted. 'Phe provision~ ~r c:ght.s granted by this res4lution ~hall b~come null and voi.d by acti~n ~f thA F~lanning Commission unlews said cvnc~itions ure com~~lied wit;: ~,~ithin one year from the date ot this res~lutfon, or ~•ur.h Eur.ther lime as the Planning Commissi.on may yrant. -2- PCH4-57 t3E Yfi E'U2Z'i'HI3ft FtT'SOLVFD that L-hE: Ar~aheim Ci~y Plannang Commission doe:~ hereby f.ind and deterrnine that acl~ption ~.f tl~is Resolution is expressl,y pCGdlrcll:@d up~n applicant'~ compliancF with each anrJ a].1 of the ~~onditions hereinabove ~Pt torth. Shauld any such coi~dition, or any part tnereoE', be declared invalid or ur~enEorce~ble by tt~~ fina.l judgemnt of any courr nf competEnt jurisdiction, then this Re~olutiion, and any approvals herein con~ained, sha11 be deemed nu11 and void. 7'H~ E'OREGOTNr, KFSpLU't'ION is signed ~~nd a~~pr.oved by me Lhis 2.nd day af April, 19K4. r~~ ~,~ - .`~_.f f/JC~-~-, ~'--v~/ CHAIRWUMAN,~ AHf IM C:7'`t'Y PLANN7NG COMMI;;;ION ~~ A'~TEST : ~ , ~.z~-~~_~-~'~..~..~ SECFtETARYr ANAHEIM CITY P~.ANNTNv COh1M'iuSIOPd STATE p~' CALIFt~Rtd1A ) C.OUNTY UF ORANG~; ) ss . CI'I'Y OF ANAHGIM ) I, Edith L. Harric, Secretary of the An~heim City Plar.ning Commission, do hereby certiLy that the foregoing resolution was ~assed ancl adapL•ed at a meeting ~f the Anaheim City PJ.anning Cammission held on April 2, 1984, by tt~e followiny vote of. the membFr~ thereof: AYES: CO6IMISSIUNk;RS: F30UAS, BUSHOFE, FRY, EIERBS'1', KING, LA CLAI.TtF. NOES: COMMISSIANERS: NONG ABSENT; COMMISSIONERS: MC BURNEY IN ~]I~NF~S~~ W'r1EREUI', I have hereun~o set my hand this 2nd day oE Apri1, 1984. %~ ~c_ ~~ .. ; ~ ~~~.~._ _ SE;CRETr1RY~ ANAHEIM CITY PI,A[~7NING CUMMISSION -3- ~'C8~}-57