PC 84-61~ Y i'r ~ RESULU`i'ION NU. PC84-6:1 l~~'1 A I~F;SULUTTON UH~ 7.'H1~ ANAHLIM CT`i'Y PLANNING COMyTSSTON 7.'HAT PL•'7'T7'ION F'UR c:ONDITTON~1:., USF PERMI:'P NO. 254:1 BE GRANTGD~ IN PAR`.T' WHEREAS, the Aiiaheim Cit~.y Planni.ng Comm.i.ssiory di.d receiv~ a varifiec? Pelition for Condii:ional Us° P~rmit irom K:~ISER DGVLLUPt9ENT GOMPANY, ATTI~: CLINTGN DAVIS, P. U. Box 30£3, Carlsuad, California 92008, owner of certain real prop?rt-y sit:uated in the City of Anaheim, County of Orange, Si:ate of. Califol-nia, described as: PARCE'L 1 OI' PARCE;L MAP NO< 83-7.39, IN THE CITY C~F ANAH~IM, COUNTY OL' URANGE, STATE OF CALIf'ORNIA, AS PPR t41~P RECO:~DED IN POGIC J 84 PAGES 1~ AND .11 OF PARCEL P9APS, IN ~.PHE OFFICL n£ THE COUNTY RECORll~R OE SATD COUNTY. WHLREAS, tF~e C:ity Plar~ning Commission did hold a pi.tblic t~e~ring at the Civic Center i.n the City of Anak~eim on April 16, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., :~otice ot- said public he.?ring laaviny been au7.y given as reo~zired by 1aw and in acc~rdance with tl~e provisions ot- the Anaheim Municipal Code, ~hapter 1.8.03, to h~ar. and consider evidence for and agaicist s~id proposed r,onclitional use permit and ta investiga~F ,and mahe findings and r.ecommendatiuns in connection therewith; ancl WHEREAS, said Commissi.oi~, afcer c7ue i.nspection, investigati.oi~ and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after. due consi.cleration at a].1 evidence and repart.s offer.~ed at said hearing, does find ~nd deL•ermzne th~e following facts: 1. Thak tkxe p.ropo~eci use is proper].y one far which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Coc]e Section 1$.41.050.135, 18.41.05U.11U dncl 1~'.84.062.031 to wit: to permit an 18-10~, planned commercial office arid light indusi:rial complex that includes a hotel, restaur~nt and driv2-through financial instituti.on with ~~a~v~r. of the follo~.aing ~ SEGTION: - Maxirn~lm buildin hei tit. (35 ~eet ~ermitted; 30-63 L•eet ~roposed) 2. Thal the requestec~ waiver is not ner.essary because approval of this conditional use permit in connecti.on with Coae Section 1.8.34.Of2.031 allows buildings exceeding 35 E~et in t~eight. 3. That ttiis petition is approved permiktin~ uses consisting of a planned commercial o£fiee and light inciustrial comp'lex witih a hote', resl-aurant, ctrive-thrUUgh finaric;.al institution and buildin~s ex:~eedi.ng 35 feet in Y~eight. 4. That the buildir~g heights incJ.udiny those over :35 f~~t are approved on tre specific loi:s as Pollows: a. Lots ], 6 and 18; 20 feet for Lhe resta~irant b. [~~ts 2, G ar~d 18: 30 feek ~or the financial institution ;~0189r PC8~-61 . . . . .. . . . . : .. ..... ... . ~. .re:U~~. ~ c. Lots 7~ 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, :L7 and 18: 3U feel-. for research ~-~nd develo~~m~nt buildings d. Lots 2, 3, 7, 8 and 9: 5U feei: L-or th~ 3-sl-or!r affi.cc buiJ.dings e. Lots .l, 2 and 5: b3 feec for Eh~ 4-si:ory of.Cice buildings F, i,ots 1, 2 and 3; 52 fe~t for lt~e 4-story hotel Furth~r, that khe ori.yinal documer~ts of the coven~nts, conditions, and restrictinns .for subj~:ct property sh~l]. be reviewed and approved by the Ci.ty Attort~ey's Office, ac;d said CC&RS shall includP the requ~r.ernent that the property owner sha11 record a covenant~ to be enforccable by the C~i:y of Ariaheim in a form app~oved by the Cit.~ Attorney's Otfice limiting the m~x.imum building heights f or ~ach ~arcel as stat~d above, 5 That the propo~ed uses are hareuy yranted sub ject to the peti~ion~r's stipulation L-r.at the uses for the research and development builciings sh~ll be .timited to those sho~an on Exhibit A, with no r~tail saleU permitte:d, and that a eovenant enforceable by khe City sh all be recordad against the property reatrict.ing the us~s of Parcel 7, 8, 5, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15, 17 & 18 i:o ~chose shown on Exhibit A. 6. ~.i'hat thE proposEd use wil.l nut adversely affeat the adjoining lancl uses and the growtl~ and development nf the araa in which it is proposed to be J.ocated. '/. That the sizc and sha,p~ of~ the site proposed f:~r the use is aclequate to allow the fu11 clevelepment ~f thE pro,posed use in a manner IlOt dei~r.imental to the par.tic;ular ~~rea ncr to th~ peace, nealth, ~afety and general. welfare of the Ci.ti.zens o£ the City of. Anaheim. F3. That the granring o~ th~ Cr~nditional Use Permit urider the c~nditi~ns imposed, i:E any, will not be detrimental to the peace, health, saf.ety and general we3.fare of the Citizens of tk~e City of A-iaheim. 9. 2'hat Y.h~ traffi~ general-ed by t.}-,e proposed use will no~ impose a~- ur.du~ hurden upon the strePts and highways designed and improved to carry the traffic in l-he area. 10. Ttzat no une indicated tt~eir presEnce at said public heaz-ing in oppositian; and that no correspondence was received in oppositiori to th~ subjcct pe~ition. CNVIRONMENTRL IMFACT f'INDING: That Envir.onmer~tal Tmpact Report No. 25E was previously c~rtified Eor subject properi:y by the Cily Council on ,7une 8, 1982, and the Planning Commission has reviewed ~nd consa.derEd an addendum to EIR ~do. 25C in COt1JllI1Ct10t1 wir.t~ the subject property, in additic~ to rev.iewiny the final Env,ironmental Impact Report No. 25G. Nf~W, TE~E:~~FORI;, aE IT RESUL,VED that the Anaheim Cit:~~ Planning Commission does herEby grant subject Petit.ion for Conditi~nal Jse Permit, upon the Eollowing cond~tions which are hEre~y f~und 'co be a necessary prerer,u.i~i.te 'r.o the pro~>ased use of the sub ject pror~ert-y in orcer to preserve the sa£ety and general welfare of the Citizens u.t the City of Anaheim: -2- PC84-E1 ~ 1. That ~~c.ior t~c~ is:~u~:~ncc~ oti ~~uilcl.ing ~,erriit:s, pcim~ary water ma.tn ext~nsioii l:ees sf~a.11 be ~~~aici to `h~ City o~ An~hcim; i.n ~i~7 atnattnt as determined l~y thc~ Of:i:ir.e oE L-hc~ UL-.ilit.i~s C;~ncral Manayer. 2. '1'h~~t al..l .lc,t.~ wi.thin th.is cl~~velupmen~-. sha1: t~c~ s~~rved by uncl~~t~,yroun~] utilities. 3. That prior lo rumr~c:ncement: oL strucL•ur.a_1 Eram.in~, Cir~ hydr.ants Uhal.1 be 1Cl~.talle~:1 and chargea as requirecl ~~nd determined to be necessary t~l the Chiei: ot tl~e E'ir~~ Depar~.ment. ', 4. '.Ph~t ttash storage arras sh~all be provided in uccordance wirh ap~aruved plans ~~n ~il~ with th~ Street t~aint~r~anre anci Sanitatir,n I)ivis.ion. ~. That thi: Condit.ionaJ. U:;e PermiL- is grante~3 subject to tY~e completion of Rec.lassification Nos. 77-78-64 and '18-7)-46, now pending. 6. 'i'hat prioc to i.ssuance at building ~ermits, Parcel M~p 8~-233 sha'!.1 be fina:lized and recor:~ed in L-he Off`ic~ oL the Orangc~ County Ftecorder . "/. `l:hat prior to issuanc~ oi wui.ldiny pac-mik: , a Tra'fic Circulation Plan shall bF submitted tc~ a:~d approved by the City Traffic Engineer. 8. iha~ prior to issuanc:e ~f bui.ldiny ~ermits, a Trash Removal. Plan indicating the location of all re~.~uired trash enclosures shall be submitlt~ ~o Und a~~rovs~] k,y the Stre~t M~i.ntenartce and Sanitation Division. 9. That dr~inrage ~f subject pro~~er.ty sh~~ll bE disposed of in a manner satistactory t~ the c:it~~ Enyineer. 10. 't'k,ar_ subject pro~F~rty shall comply with all signing requirem~~nt~ for thr~ CO(SC) 'Lon~ ur~les~ a variance allowing si.gn waivers is approved by the Planning C;ommission or City Counci.l. 11. That no uuilcling PermiLs shall be issued for construc:tiun on any parc~l unless plans h«ve heen ~ubmitted to t:he City Planning ~-~parL•ment anr,~ the City Traf£i.c Engineer i;~dicatiny that the minimum ~~urnbec ~~t ~arking S~aces required by Code E~ark.ing wi.il be provided £oc each praposed loi: and use. 12. '1'hat suhj~ct ~~roperty sha11 be dev~~l~ped generally in accor.dance ~ith p~ans an., specifications on fi.1c~ with the CiL•y ~£ Rnaheim markea [:xttibit Nos. 1 chrough 6. 1.'.. 'I~h~-~t pcior ro final bui.lding arid 2oning inspections, Conc:it{~n Nos. 2, 4, !i, ~0 an~~ 12, al,r~ve--mentioned, ~hal.l be c:umplied with. 14. '1'hat no-rooF mo-~ntec3 ~c;~~inmenk sha11 be ~er.mittec3. 15. Thak pr~or ta issuance ~: buildiny ~~rmits, the original docsuments oF the covenanes, c~~nditiona and restr?ctiort~ (CC&Rs), and a letter ~d~:ressed ~a the dev~~lo~er's tit1E~ company a~~~horizing r•~corciation -3- PCf34-61 ; ~ ~ c thereoi~ sh~l.l l:e subntitLt~d tn anci t~C~~~c~~vc;~d k~y fhc. City AttortlEy's UEtice. 5~~ic~ C:c:&Rs ;;ha1.l. incliacic_ ,-~ rec~uir~~rnent that the~ uwner aE L-he pru~er~y ::;h~~.11 record a cov~n~arit, enfarccable by the ^ity oF Anahe.irn, i*~ ~~ Lorm <ip~.~rovec~ by ~hF~ City AtLorn~y's Office, re,tricliny niaximui;~ heighit lim~ls or_ ..pec:i.fic 1oL•s as fol.l~ws: ~~. I~ots 1, 6 anci .18: 2U F~et .Cor thE rest~~~,rani: b. LoL•s 2, 6 a nd 1~: 3G Eee~t t~r th~ L-inanci~il inst.it~atiun c. LOts %, 8~ ~~~ 11 v 12, Z3, -1~1. 15~ 16, .17 and 18: 3U Ee~t for research and develo~~ment bui.ldings d. Lots 2, 3, 7, 8 ~~nc~ 9: 5G Leet for tne 3-si:o.r~l oEfice buildings e. Lo~s 1, 2 a nd 5: 63 ieet .Ear the ~l--story ctEic~ k,uildings t. Lots 1, 2 ~nd '3: 5"L Leet Eor th~= 4-stor~ hoL-c! 16. Z't,at the CCa~fis ref~rred to Condi.ti.a~ Na. ).5, aEoremenL-ioned, s:~al.l also in~~lude a reqairement that the ow-i~r oF the properky shal.l xecorr] ~3 coven.t~t~ entarceable by t}zP City, ir~ a form approved by the City Attorney`s Office, restricting l-he uses oi the research and de~~eloprnent buildings on L~ots ~, ~, ~r 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, ].6, .17 and i8 to those uses shown ~n Exhibit A, attact~ed, with no retail sales bein, permittec]. 17. That prior to i~suar~ce oF a k~ui]ding per;nit, evidence of recocdar_ion (with L-h~ Coullty Recc~rde:'s Uffice) oF l•he CC&Rs re£erred Lo in Condition N~s. 15 and lu, aFurert~entio~i~d, shall i~e submitted to the Ci~y. [3E IT FUR~HER RESOLVED t_hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby f.ind and determine that adoptian cf th.is Resolution is expressl,y nr~ai~~t~a upan applicant's compli.ance with eac;h and ~~11 of the conditions herei.nabove set fortb. Should a~y such condi~ions, or any p~rt thereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by L-he final judgmenr. of any court of competent jurisdic~ion, then this Rcsolution, and any approvals herein c~ntained, shall bc deemed null and void. 'l~HE E'QREGGING RLSOLtJ'PION is S.1~JI1P_C~ ai~d approved by me this 15th d~y of April, 1984 ~ r "L!~ c . f~' ..L~ CHAIRFIUMAN, JAhEiM CITY PLANIdING CUMMISSIOIJ A'PTBST : % • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~1.G~';~., ; rQ ~_~ SEC:RE7'ARY, ANAHEiM CITY FLANNING CUhIMISSlGN -4 PCE4-61 ~ ~, ~ S'.l'AZ'C O~ CAL'!1'ORNTA ? COUN`~Y O1? ORANG~: ) ss. CI`1'Y UF 3~NAEiF1M ) :L, llclil-.h G. Ha.rr,is, S~crct;ary ut t.he Anaheim Ci.ty Plannin~ t;~mmissic~n, do her~by cer.riiy L•hat the foregoing resol~ation wa~ pas~ed and ado~tec] ~~t a meeting ot th~. Anaheim City F1ann.ing C~mmission r~eld or~ Apri.l ].b, 1g84, by the L-ollawiny ~ote o.f thc memb~rs tr~ereof.: AYES: COMMISSION~RS: E30UA5, DUSHORr, E'RY, ElER13S'r, KING~ MC BURNEY '~OFS: ~C)MMISSIUNER.`'i: NGD1F~ ,.h;,c~NT.: COiKMTSS:IONERS: LA CLAIIZG IN WITNESS wx~r~LOr, I have hereunt~ set my hand this 16th day of April, 1984. ^ ~-~ ~~. ~~~~ SECRETARY, ANAH~IM CITY. PLANNING COMMISSTON -5- PC84-E1 ~Gf ., ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ,. :~.~. I~XH:CBT`[' A T.hat t:~e speciLic businesse~ approved a.n conn~ct_ion with Conditiol~al UsE~ Permit No. 2541 sha.ll cc~ns.ist oF research and d~velopment, designo engineering, tesL-iny, exi~erimnnting, assenibling, packa~i.ng, 1ighL tnanui`acturiny, procesuing, servicii~~1 and; cr fabricati.on of the following: ].) Precision instru~nents such as optical, dental, medical gh~tographic or draf.ta.ng, campunen~s anc! ~roducts. 1) Drugs and ph~~r~tiactuticals and c:;ther similar produc:ts. 3) C~smel-.ics, per.fume:; and other toil.etries preparata.ons. 4) Electronic computing eauipm~nt, a^cessories Gna/or components. 5) Electronic data X~rocessing services. 6) P~ns, peiicils and other otEice and artists matAriais and supplies. 7) Jewelry, silverware, p.l~ted ware and ather similar goods. 8) Laboratories, experin~ental and/~r research. 9) Copying, blueprinting, publishing, book binding and r.e.lated services. 10) Scientific equiYment assemb.ly. 11! ~ammunication equipm~n;., cc~mponer~L-s and/or .u~plies. 12) Electrical and/oe electronic accessories, equipment, camponents and/or products. 13) Rese~rch, development, and/or ~esting laboratories a~nd Cacilities. 14) Saund and audio equipm~nt, companen~s, accESSOries and/or products. 15) Uses er-gaged primarily in c]esign activities. 16) Musical instr.uments ar~d re.lated acc~~ssories. 17) Toys, amu~~ment;, sE,ortin~ ~~ncl athletic and other similar gnods. 18) 5pecialized light industry e,quipm~nt. 19) Accessary uses incider-ta.l t:o the operation of the primary activity suct~ as of.fices, cur.Ferences roamc, ~r~~ning classrooms, storage, warehousing, distribukion, cafeterias, snack bars an~9/or delicat.essens. -6- PC84-61 20) Educ~tional, tr.a~e ancl/or voca~.:ianal schaols. ~11 Any other use which may be simi.lar. in ct~aracl•.er: ur nature to these uses, as expressed~.~+ a~prove~i l~y tl» Cx~y. No r.etai~ sales ~;ha].1 be ~er.iriitt~d on L~ts 7, 8~ 9, 1.1, 12, 13, 14, la, 16, 1'7 anr~ 1t3. ~