PC 84-63~+ RESU'LU'I'ION N0. PC84-63 A}2ESQ[.UTIUN UI '1'HL ANAHE'.CM CI'1'Y PI,AIVNING COMM:L>SION THAT '~'E`l`T'1'ION I'OF2 CUNDITIONAL USE PERMI`1' N0. 2547 Br DGPIIED WkiERCAS, the Anaheim City Planniny Commission did receive ~ ver,ified P~ti.tion for Conditional Us~a Per.mit from ANN PREN'sICE, 1101 Reseda, Anaheim, California J28U6, owner, and MOBIL dTL CORPnFA'.PTON, P. O. Dox 22.11, 'I'ustin, California 9~660, ay~nt of cer.tain real pr.operty situaCed i.n the City o~ Anaheim, Coitnty ~f Orange, State ot Ca:lifornia, descr.ibed as: THA'1' F'QIt'i'ION OE `i'HE IVOR`I'HWEST QUAR'~ER QUAftTE;R 'J1' S~C'I'ION 12~ TOWNSEiIP 4 SOU`PH~ THE RANCEiQ SAN JUAN CAJON I)E ST,NTA ANA, STA'i'~ OF CALTE'UI2tJ:C.A, AS SHOWN ON A MAP F PAGF~ lU OF b1ISCELLAI~~0U5 MAPS, t2LCOHDS CALIi~OF2NIA, DESCHIBED AS FOLLOWS: OE 7.'HE SOUTHEAaT RANGE 10 WEST, IN COUNTY OF ORANG~, ,ECO'~2D~D IN AOOK 5]. OF ORANGE COUNTY, 6EGINNING AT THE IN2'ERSECTION UF TEIE CENTER L:INES OE' SUNKTST STREET AND ANAHEIM-OL~VE RD., AS SAID CENTGF. L,INLS ARE SHOWN ON MAP OF TRACT N0. '1490, RECOP.OLll IN BOUK 79 PAGES 45 AND 46 OF NIISCEI.,LANEUJS MAPS, RECORI~S Ue 012~~NG~; COUNTY,. CALI.FOFtN.iA, THFNCE J~LONG 5AID CCNTER LINE OF SUNKIST STREFTr BGIN(; ALSO THE 4v'EST~RLY LIN:t, OF S;4ID SOUTHEAST QUARTER, SUt]TH 1° 04' 07" WES~l.', 111.48 FFL•'T TO Tr'~ TRU~ PUIN'r O[' BEGINNING; T.HENC~ SOUTHERLY Al'~O1VG `rHE WFSTERLX LTDIE OF SAID SOUTHWES'r QUARr!'ER ].24.00 FE~'E~l'i T.H~NCE EAS7.'ER'LX AT RIGHT }1NGLE,S .TO SATD WFSTEP,LY LTNE, 171.00 EEET; TH~NCE NORTNEASTERLY IN A nIRECT LINE TO A PUIN7.' TN THG SOU`i'HWGSTERT~Y LINF's 0~ '1'Y.E LANll DES~RI6ED IN FINAL ORDER OF COND~MNATION TO ~'HL STATE OF CAL~IFORNIA, A CER7'IG'IED COPY OF WI•~ICH WAS RECGRDED SEPTEMBE;ft 1, 1964 IN BOOF~ 7203 PAGE 704~ (~FFICIAL RECORD5, SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LTNy CIZ'LU AS "SOUTEI 68° hl' 38" EAST 14.1.8~3 b'FET", SAID POINT BE:ING AISTANT SOUTHEASTE1tLX THrREON, 57.00 FEET i~ROM THE NOR7.'HWES~'~KLY TE~2MTNIIS TfiEREQP'; THEDICG CONTINUTNG ALONG SAID UIREC`.I' LINE TO 'i'HE NORTFfERLY LINE OF THE JaA~D Dc~SCRIR~D IN ULEA FROM THE STATE OF l':ALIFORIVIA ~0 ANN PRENTICE, A WIDOW, RECORDEU APRIL 8, I.970 TN BOOK y258 PAGE t342, OFFICIAT~ RF:CORDS; THENCE ALONG S~ID NG'RTHERLY LINE AND THE NOFZTHW~STERLY AND WESTERLY LIP7ES TO THAT C~RTAIN COU'RSE DESCRIDLD AS "SQU'.['H $$° 55' S3" EAST, 57.Q0 FEET" TN SAIB FINI~L ORDCR Or Cc?NDEMNAlION; THENCE h~ESTERLY ALONG SAID :;ERTATN CUUR~SE TO THE TRUE POINT 01~ ElEGIDINING. WHEREAS, the c.ity Plannir~g Commission did hol.c] a public hearing at the Cxvic Cente~ in the Ci~y o~ Ar-aheim on April 16, 1984 at 1:3~ p.m., notice of said ~ub.i.ic hearing having been duly given as required by law and in accordance with the provisions of the Anuheim Municipal Code, Cha~ter 18.03, to hear arid c:onsider evidence for and against s~id p.roposed conditior.al use permit and L-o investigate and makc finding~ and recommenda~ions in connectior. therewith; and ~G191r PC84-63 WHEREAS, said Commission, aLtec d~e inspection, invest.igatio~ and st•udy made by itself. and in its behalf, an~ after due r,onsiderati~n of all evidence and rep~~rtis otfer.ed at said hearing, cloes find and determine the following facL-s: 1. That thc proposed use is properly ar.~ £or which a con~litiona.l use p~rmit is authorized by Anaheim Munici~a.l Coc1e Section .'10 to wit: to construct a conve~iierice market wikh gasoline sales and ~f.f-sale beer and wine. 2e That the pror~osed use is llereby denied oi~ the F~asis thal- ~he retail aales would ancluc3e otf-sale beer and wine in an existiny service station an~ that the accessibility of the be~r in r:onjunction with the sale of gasoline to fuel vehicles driven on City streets could create a danyerous sit~~~tion wikh pe:.,:ons drinking and driving. The use is furth~r denied on the b~:: s that approval of the proposed dual ~;se of thc property, could set an unu~:sirable precedent. 3. That c.h~ proposed use including off-sal~ beer anc7 wine wi11 adversely af£ect t.he ~djcining larid uses and the growth and developme~~t of the area in which it is propos~d to be 1oc:ated. 4. 2'hat ~he si.ze ancl shape of the site proposed ~ar the use i~, not aciequate to allow the fu11 development oF tr,e proposed use in a mannEr not detriment.al ~o the particular ar.~a nor to th~ peaCP.r health~ safety anc~ general weifate of the Citizens of the City uf Anaheim. 5. ThaL• the grantinq of the Conditiana.l Use Permit wi1]. be detrimental tu the peace, hea~th, safety ancl general welfare af the Citi~ens ~f Lhe ~~ity of Anaheim. 6. 7'hat the tra~fic yen~rated ~y tiie progosed uwe will impose an undue burden upon the stzeets and highways designed and improved to carry the i:raffi.c in the area. 7. That one pers~~n indicated hez presence at said puk~lic hear.ing in opposition; an~ that no correspondence was received i~l opposition ::o ~he subj~ct, petitian. FNVIR~NMENTAL IMPACT 1'INUING: That i.he Anah~im City P'lanna.ng Commission has r~viewecl the proposal to permit a convenience market with , yasuline sales and off-sale beer and wine on an :rr~gularly-shaped parcel of land consisting of approximately 0.5 acre located at the southea~t corner of Linc.oln Avenue ar-d 5unkist Str~el, and further d~scribed as 2500 East La.ncoln Avenue; anci does her.eby approve the Negative Declar.a: ion ;~pon finding tnat it has considered the N~gative Declaration together with any comments recei~red during lh~ public review proc~ss and furt:her fi.nding ori L-he basis of thE initial stucly and any commen~s received that there is x~o substantial evic~ence that thc project will havP a significant effer.i~ on ~he environment. t3~JW, THEREF4RE, ?~E IT RESOLV~.U that the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hertay a~ny subj~ct Petition for Condit~~nal Use Permit, on the basis of tt~e aforementioned findings. _2_ PC84-63 ~' ~~ . THE FpREGOING RF;SOLiJTION is signed an<~ a~,proved by m~ ~his 16th day af A~ril, 1984. /7,.%'/'~ ' ~-`' ~ %`" !~~ ...~ •~~F ?c/~C,:-~,~.~~ CHAIRWOMAN, AHF~IM CITY PLANNING ~OMMISS:IOi~ A7.'TEST : ~~r ~~ ~~ . SECRETARY, ANAHETM CI`i'Y PLANN,.T.NG COMMTSSTOIJ STATE OF CALIFORNIA j COUN'.~'1' OE~' ORANGE ) s s. CI'1'1~ QF ANAHFIM ) I, Edirh I~. Harris, Secretary of th~ Anaheim ~~Ly Platining Commission, do hereby certi.fy that the foreg~~ing r~solutior. was passed and adopted at a meeting oE th~ Anaheim City Planniny Commissi~n held on .Apr.ii 16, 1984, by Lhe follow~.ng vote of the members thereof: AYES: COMMZSSTQfdERS; BOUAS, BUSEIORE, ~'RY, HERIIST, KZNG, MC BURNEY NOES; COMMISSIONERS: NON~ ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: LA CLAIRE IN WITNESS WHFREOF', I have her.eunto set my han~ this 16th day oi-' April~ 1984. _ ~ ~~ ..~ ~,~~~.~. SECRETARY, ANAfi~,IM CI'.CY PL~ANNING COMMySSI0i3 ~. -3- P~84-63 ^;