PC 84-64RliSOLUTION N0. ~C~4-69 A 1~~SU.I,UTIUN UF THE ANAHEIM CITY. PLANNING COMMISSION THA7' PLTITIDN FUR CONUITIONAL USE PERhI.LT N0~ 255' BE GRANTED, IN YART WHEREAS, th~ Anaheim City Planninh Commissi.on c~id receiv~ a verified P~tition for Conditional Use k~~rrnil from ROBEk'i' K, WALKER, GT AL., 1901 East 4th Street, Satti:a Ar~a, California 92705, owner, and MOBIL OIL CORPORATTON, 3655 South Soto Streer_, L~os Angeles, California 9005a, agent of certain rsal praperi:y sit~;ated ir. the City of Anaheirri, County of Orange, State of California, described as: PARC??L 1: THL SOUTH 89 FEET 0~ TEiE NOFtTH 254 FEFT UP THE WES'.C 1c~0 FEEZ' OF THL IVUI2fiH 5 ACRES OF THE WEST 20 ACRES OF THE NOkTH HALF OF' THE NORTHWEST QUARTER UF SECTION :~8, 2'UWNShIP 4 SUUTH, RANGE 1U Wk;ST IN 7'HE kANCHC LQS COYOT~S AS ,SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDE;D IN BOGK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISC~LLANEOUS MAPS~ RECORnS OF' ORANGE CUUN'PY, CALIFORNTA. k'ARCL;L 2: TH~ W~ST 13J EEET OF THE NORTN 1-~i5 FEET Ob' TEI~; NORTHWEST QU~IRTER uF SECTION 1$, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST TN THE I~ANCHG L,OS COYO'I'ES ~ AS SHG'iVN ON A MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCEI~LANEOUS MAFS, RFCORDS OF OrAi~GE C:nUNTY, (;ALIFqRNIt~, EXCEP`rIIVG TEIE;REFROM ~.['HE NORTH 66 FEFT. ALSO EXCEP7'ING THEREFROM THE ~OLLOWING: BEGLNNT.NG AT A POIN'1' IN THE SOUTH LINE OI' 'i'HE NORTH 66 FEE'1` OI' 'rHE WEST 168 P'EGT OF THG NORT.HWESZ' QUARTFR OF SAID SECTION 18, DISTANT ALONC SAID SOUTH LINE EASTERLY 7C'.00 FEET rROM THE W~ST LINE OF SATU SEC7'ION; TI~iI:,NCE ALONG SF,ID SUUTH LINE WESTERLY TO SAID WEST LINE; THENCF ALONG SAIA WEST LINE SOUTHERLY TO A I.,INE WHICIi IS PARALLEL W?TH AND DISTANT SOUTH~RLY 20.U0 EEET, MEASURED AT RTGfiT ANGLES, FROM SAiD SOUTH LINE; TH~;LJCE ALONG SATD ~'ARALLEL LTN~ F~ASTERLY 50.00 FEE`P; 'I~FIENCE NORTHE?1STERLY IN A DIRECT LINE TG THE POINT OF ~1rGTNNTIdG. PARCEL '3: THE EAS7.' 35 FEE'i' U~ THE WEST 168 FEET QF TH~ NC'l2TH 1G5 FEET OF `PHL NORTHWEST QU?~RTER OF SECTION 1$, '.CUWNSf?IP ~ SOUTH, RANGE 10 WEST, IN THE RANCHO LOS COYOl'ES, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED T~V BOOK 51, PAGE lU OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, F~CURDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIk'ORNIA. EXCEPTING THFREFRUM THE NCRTH 6G FEET. P~RCEL ~l: THE EASZ' 12 FEET OF THE WEST ].80 FEET OF THE NORTH 165 FEET OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF' Sf:CTION 1~, TOGdi~SHIP 4 SOUTH, RANGE lU WEST, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECOFDED IN BO~K 51, YAGE 10 OF MISCLI,LANEOUS MAPS, RECORDS OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. #0192r PC84-64 EXCGP'rING THEREI'ROM THE NOR'ril 66 F'EET :.S CONVEY~D TO ~l'HE STATF O~' CALICURNTA TiY DE~D RECORDLT) AUG[JST 30, 1955 iN BOOK 3192, PAGE 16B OF OF:'ICTAL RECOkDS. PARCGL 5: 2'HE FAS'!' 5G FECi' OP `I'HE WE;ST 230 FEET O[' 'i'ElE NORTH 254 l'EET vF 2'HL' NOF22'H4tTF'SZ' QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE P10r?THWEST Q~JAK'1'ER OT SECTION 18, T.OWNSHTP 4 SOUT.H, RANGE 1C WEST IN THE FANCHO LOS COYOTGS, AS SFiOWN ON A MAP REC~ORD~D IN BOOK 51 ~ PAGE ],Q OI' MTaCk;LLANLOUS MAPS ~ 12ECORDS QF QR~11vvE COUN1'Y, CALIFOP.NIA. ~XCEPTING TFIE NOR'I'H G6 FFE7' Ti31~RFOF, ~1S CUNV~YF'A TO TH~ S'rATE OF CALIFQRNiA £iY DEED FEC;OY2DLU AUGUST 30, 1955 IN L~UOK 3192, PAGE~168 OF OFFICIAL RECORDa. 6~H~REAS, the City Planning Commission cl:icl hold a public heari.nc~ at the Civic Center in the Cit}~ of Anaheim ~n Apri1 16, 1984, at 1;~0 p.m., notice of said public he~iring l~avir~g been duly given as reruired by la~a and in ccordanc~ w~th i:h~ pravisions of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consic]er evidence Por and against said proposed conditional ase permit anci to invest:igate and .;~ahe findings and recomm~ndatians in connection thezewith; and WHGREAS, said Commission, af.ter du~ inspecticn, investiga',•ion and study made by itself and in it~ beha;.f, and aft~r. due consider.ation of a.11 evidence ~~nd reports offered at said l~earing, does ~ind ancl detertnine the following facts: ].. That the proposed use is ~r~perly one Eor wnich a conditional use permit ie authorized by Analieim N~unicipal Code S~ct~on 18.G:3.030.U10 to wit: to p~rmit a convenience markec wi.th gasoline sales and off-sale beer ana wine. 2. That the ~roposed use is hereby g+:anted, in part, disapproving the sale of beer and wa.ne at this facility, as stipulated to by the petitioner. 3. That ttle pra~:~sed use, as granked Por the aci1P. af "snack" items, is subject to the closuc~ of the Existing most northerly driveway on I~agnolia Avenue and the existing most westErly driveway on Lincoln A~~enu~, said driveways ~o ~e removed and replaced wii:h a standard c~arb, guttex~ sidewalk and 1ar.dscaping. 4. That the propnsed use, as granL•ed withou'r. ofE-saZe beer and wine, wi11 not adversely affect the adjoininq land uses and the growth and develoNment o~ the area in which it is prop~~sed to k~e located. 5. 'rhat the size and shape o.E the site proposed for the use, as grantcd, i:., ac3equate to a.llow the full dev~lopment of i:he proposed u; e in a manner not detrimental to ~he partir_ular area nor to the peace, nealth, saf.ety and general w~lfare of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 6. That the granting of the Conditional Use Pecmit, rzs granted, under thP c~nditions imposed, if any, wiil not be detrimenta.l to the pcace, health, saf et•y and general welfare of the ~itizens of the Ci+~y of Anaheim. -~' P~84-64 e r~ i~ 1 ;i '~ `i wi:ll no~ inp~~eha r,1t'f.ic F :~ er~er.ated , ~ ~ u ndue r,ur~i~-, , imprUVe~i l~ ~arr Y the tr~ffic in upon thF ' tl .;trc etS ` r.oposed use ~ and highw~ S~ Y as granred, ~ ; . ~~ ~Ce~3. c csiyned ancl 8• Thai: no one ii~dicat~:~d their preUence ,:it oE~po~il•ian; c~nd hh~~L no carYNs c,n~{e said subject F~et~tion. ~- nce was ~ nublic fiearing i.n rccelv~~d in oPPo~itic~n ~:a rhe ENVIRpNF1EN':'AL TMPAC~' N' r , Commission }~as r~, ----•~~UIV~; Zhat ~ v.iewed the t.F~~ ~n~~t~~'im g~sa.line ~.• ~• PLOposal to permik C1tY Planning .~a1e~ ~~nd o£f~sale beer and wine on a cectancularl1encc marke~ with land c,~nsisting ot ~a g ppreximate1 0 Y-•shaped pax~~l af L•incoln ~lvenuc~ <~nd Magna.lia Averi~enandaf artheocaeed ~~~ the southeask c~orner of Avenue; and does hereby approve thE Ne ~cribed as r has cr~nsidered ~he Ne ar_ivc ,, 9ative Declacatipn up noOfi di g t4tt9at ~it durin~l lhP public r„ y Dc.c,.ara~ion togettier tvirh view process and further Findin an~ ~Ommcnts r.eceived initi,~.l s~udy ~nd an~, ~omrn~nt:s cece.~iv~d that th~~ ~°n the basis of ~hP that the project; wi11 },a~e a si.cJnificant Ce ls r~o substantial evidence e~Lect un the ~nvir~nmenl. NUW~ 7.'H~REFOkL•'. IIE I:1' HESOLVEI) ~~:,~F Commi.ssi.on d~es hereby yrant subjec~ p~~iCion for Condi lonall ~ Cit the followin y ~'lanning 9 condiLxons whicki are i~ereby f~ound r~ S~ Permit, upon ~o the proposed use oF the subjcct ~ be a necessa~ .- proposed use Proper.ty .in or~ier tp ~y ~'~~requisil•e 01: the subje~l- ~rop~rty in order to ^~'rerequisii:e to the gener~I welfare of ~he Citizpns of the c;it preUerve tt~e sa.Eet Y of nnahe.im : Y •~nd 1• ~'".at thc existiny most nort.her]v dt'.veway exist.ing rnast westerly drxvew..1 on LincalnnAvenue~ shalle be an~ the remover~ and replaced with a standard curb, ~~uttrr, sidewalk and landsca in 2• ThaE the owner of subject. p~~ a fee for tree ~'r°PeLty shall ~ay to the Cit Avenue in an amou ~t nu ln9 putp~s~' alony I.~~ncoln Av~n~~ and~Magnolia ~lete~mi.~ed by the City Council. 3. `1'I~at trash st~ra e ~• aPp.~oved plans on~ t:i.le tkithst~he be l~rovided in acco.rdanc;e with Division. Street Maintena~~ce and 5anitation 4• 7'hat the owner oE ~ubject que.~ting termina~ion of Varic~~nc~~ No. ~2467r~~ th,e 1Plann na 1 epartrtient rc ^ 5• 2'hat in acc~rdance wit}~ ~~~~, the ro.ilowing rninimum s~andard~e~hall ~n~ ~~ rhe City ('ire Marsha:ll, PP•lY : a• That disE~er~:~ing devic~s ~ha.11 be lo te~;t from a located a minimum distance of v~.~111C1@ ;,,,.• prOE'erty lir~e and .^.o located that aIl ~ ~n~ secv:c~~d wi1.1 be un E;rivate Pac•t„ oF M Property. b• 2:hat diUp;:nsi-~~~ GnV1CE'S shall be from any o~si.lain~ located noC le;~s than 10 rP~t Such clevices .• ~ Wh.ich is not f ire reUistive conr~truction. ~ha11 al~o be l~cated :,~ that ~ hose :s tul.ly exC~~nded~ shall nnr_ h~ nozzl~+ bt:ilr~ing of~enin~. re~ch within 5 ,"' Wh~n Ee~t of any -z- PC84-64 c.. '1'h~~t c:iis~~ens.i:~g d~vices shall k,~ proL-ectec3 ~iga.tn~t darnay~ Erom vehi,cles l~y rnounL.in~~ on a concret~ .island apminimum of 6 incl~es in heic~hr.. Al.<.ernaL•e methods of proti~idin~ cyuivalent prot~ctiai~ inay be pcrmithe~l ti~hen ~Z~pr.oved by thc ChieF. d• "t'h~t d.ispensing ~.E gasolin~ intc ~h~~ fuel tank or into a cor,t.ainer sh~ll at a.ll times b~ under thF supervision o.E a qualified atl.encl~:nt. e• That tl•,e attend~ant's primary Puncti~n .~hall be to supervise, observE~ and conl•r~.l the disrensing of c~asolxne. f• Tk~r~t thc c;ispcn~ing of gasoline sha.il not be into containers un.less s~.ich containers ar.e ~~L' ~ k~orLable pproved material ar~d canstruc~ion, havincT a tight closurc~ with ~crewed or spring cover, :;o des.igi;ec! that the contents can bc~ ciispensed wiLhnut spilling. g. `I'ha*_ it sha.ll be the atL•endant's re~ponsibility to control sources of ig~ition ~-~nd immediat~ly handle acci~ental spills and fire extinyuishers if necessary. h. Thak emergency controls sh«11 be installe~ a~ acceptab.le to the t'ire D~~ artment ~~,r a 1~catio~ p ~ contrc~ls shal.l not be more than 100 feel £rom dispensers. i• That instructions fr~r khe operatian of dispen~~rs sha.il be conspi~uou~ly ~ost~d. j- 'Phat r~mote pcesct-type devices are to be in the "of-f" pos.ition whi.le not in use so t:he disp~nser cannor be ar.ti.vated w.ithout the kn~~wleclge of the atkendant. 6• 'i'hat subject properky shall be developed sub~tantial.ly in accordance witt~ plaj~s and specifications on ~ile wi.th the Cil-y ~f AnaF~eim marked Exhibit No~. 1 t;hrough 3. 7. Tt~at prior to th~ commencement of the activit}~ aulhorized urz~er this re~olution, or within a periocl of one year fzom thP date o£ this resolution, whic}~ever occurs f.irst, Conditior~ Nos. 1 through 6, above-mentioned, ~hall b~ complied with. Extensions for further tin~e to complet~ ~ai.d conditions rnay be granr.ed in accordance with Section 1a.03.090 of thn h„aheim Municipal Code. 8• Z'iiat thc a~proved use shall con,iNG of th~ sa~e of "snack" items anci there shall be no s~le oL beer and wine or r~thc~r alc;oholic bevera~les o~ ~ny kind on the ~~remise ~. II~ T'P ~URaHEh RESOLVED that the Anah~.:m ~ity Flannir~c Commissfon doPS t-ereby fxnd and determine that ado~~t:cn oi thi:~ Re~so2ution is exprer,sly pceciieated u~on ap~,licant's c:orr,pliancF w.ir_h ~ach and all u£ the ~ herein.above ~et forth. ShouJ.d an,y sucti condir.ion, c~r ~ny ~art Chereof,l~be declared irivalia ar unentocceable by tne £inal ju~Jgm~nt o: any cour+~ of competent juri~diction, Ct~en Chis Reso.luti~n, arid ~ny approval~ hercin c:ontained, sha1.1 be deeme~ null and void. ~4 PCf34-64 ~r•~, . _ _ .. _ , ~.~; --, ' "' } ~ ~~ ~. ~. 7't~1L COl2LGQING ItESULUTTON is signed and a~~proved by m~ this 16Gt~ of Apzil, 19 a ~ . f,~~~ ~ ~ ~ ...~_~! ~~'d'~c•~ ~~ ll~.',~:rt/_..~v CEIAIRWOMAN AN~1FlLIM C~TY I~LAr1Nil~1G COMMTSSION A'.i"P E S T : ;'~_~~ ..~•.~~,~(..''z~' - SEI:RE`PARY, ANAHEIM C[TY. P..ANPdING CUMMTSSION S7'ATE 01' CALILORNIA ) CUIINTY. OF qRANGE ) Ss • CITY OF ANAHETM ) I, L•'dith L. Harris~ Secretary of the Anaheim City °lanniny Camm:issian, do herek~y certiiy that the for~~goin~~ re~olution was passed ancl adopted ~t a meeting oi tt~e Ar-aheim City I~lannii~g Commi~sion held on Apr:.l 16, 1J84, by thP following vote of the members there of: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: T30UAS, BUSHOFtE, FRY, H~RE3ST, KING, tdC BURNEY NOES: COIdMISSIONERS: NO~IE pgSENT: COMMISS'iONf:RS: I~A CI,A:LRE IN WITtdES5 WHE~REOE, I have hereuntn set Ry hand this 16th day of April, 1984. ] . ~(~ J GQ.C~G~~-~ ~~ //1if i ~ SECRE`l'AF.Y, ANAHL•'IM CITY P~,ANNING COMMTSSION -~'- -5- PC84-64 .,~~~ ~t:;,~