PC 84-651~ES~~LU~1'IU(v Nl~. PCF34-65 A R1;SOLU'I'ION UF 'PHL ANAH[~TM C1TY L~LAN~I7NC; CUMMTS:;:LON TEIAT PG'i'I'a'IUN I'OR C,ONDt'1'TONAf~ USE: PLRM:L'1' N0. 2559 ~3E GRAN'1'F:D WHEREAS, i:tie ~+nahieim Cit,y Plannirig Commission did receave 1 verified Petit.i.on .Eor Candi.tional Ue~e Perini.t f:~rom H~~~iL OI' '!'HF MINISTF:P.ING ANGEL, DORIS GI650N SMALL, Presiderit, l.ll West 17th 5tr.e~~, San1:a ~lna, California 92706, owner ot certain r~a.l propet~hy situatcd in the City af Anahc~im, Cn~znty ~F Orange, Srate of California, de~c~:ibeu as: THQSE PORTiUNS OF SEC'I'ION 1. IN `.I'OWNSEI:iP 4 SO[1TH,, RANGF: 9 WFST, SAN E3F'RNAI~D]:NO }3ASE AND MP;RIDTAN, DLSCRTBED AS FOLI~OWS: P~1RCL;L 1: BEG7NNING A7.' THE SOfJTHLAS~'E;LY CURNER OL' THE PAk2CEL OF I~ANL~ DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 OE THE DEGD TO KARL BAUEP. AND W:~FE~ RECORDED MARCH 1$, 1:'59 TN DOOY 4631~ PAGF 165, I~FFICIAL RECORDS, IU `1'ElE OFFTCG OF 'PH~ COUN`1'Y RGCORDFR OF SAID nRAtJGE COUN'~Y, ~NU RUyNING `I'HENCE NURTH 7$° 25' 40" WES`1' ALO[~1G ~H~ 5UU`.i'HER.LY LINE UC SAID LAND AND :['PS WESTEKI~Y PROLONGA`.PION 459.68 FEET '1'O `rhE /~ES`.CE12LY LINE OF TIaAT CERTAIN lZ.('0 ACR~ PA~CEL OF LAND SHOWN ON A MAP OF SURVEY RECORDLll IN l30UK 2G, P11GE 20, RFCORD QP SURVEYS, IN `1'HE OFI':[C'T' OI' THG COUNTY. RECQFtD~:R OF SAIU ORANGE Cc~UNT~; T.HLNCE ALONG Z'HE WEST~;RI~Y LINE OE' SAID 12.(lU ACRE PAIZCEL, SOUi[•l 11° 33' 20" ~,~TES'.P 32~~.13 FEGT TO A POINT ON THE SUUTHEf':,Y BOUNDA}~Y ~,71VE OF THE 2b.07G ACRE L~F.RCEL 0[' Lf.ND SE(QWN ON A MAP OF SURV~Y, RECORDED IN BOOK 14r PAGE ~9, RECORU UF SURVEYS~ IN TE?E UFFICF. OF THE COUNTY KECORDGR OF SAIp JRANGE CCUN7.'Y; THENCE SOU'rEi 35° 32' 10" EAST ALONG SAID BOUNAAI2Y LINE 2$9,U2 FFET 'PO AN ANGLE POTNT `rHEFEIN; '1'EiENCE NQRTH 45° 3~' QO" EAST 3$3.7G I'EE;`P TO AIJ ANGLE POINT IN SAID BOUNDARY, SAID POINT ALSO EiE'liVG tN 2'rlt: SUU'PHWES'.~ERLY BOUDIDARY OF irlL LAND DESCRTBEU I[~ THi' DEED '.i'0 r,Ai~DrlEit A. aWENSnN AND W1: E, RECORDEU SEP'I'E;MBF.R 17, 1957 IN F3GOK 4039, PAGG 55, QFFiCIA.~ RECURUS, I[d THE OFE'ICE OF TfiL•' CQUN'rY RECORDF.R OF SAID ORANGF COUNTY; Z'HEIvCE NORTH 3$° 12' UO" WES~' AI~ONG SAID SOU'i'HWESTERLY BvUNDAItX 55~Q0 EEET TO TfiE MOS'P WESTEFtLY CORNER OF SAID LANU; '~HENCE NOR7.'H :35° 13' `'i5" EAST ALONG THE NOI2THWESTERLY BUUNDARY. UF SAID I~l1iJD, 187.98 Fk;ET 'i'G TFiE PUINT UF B~;GTD',t.T_.":~. 19HEkEAS, the City Plannin~3 C~~mmissi.on did hold a puhli.c he,~~iny at the Ci.vic Center in tile ~:it.y of Anaheim on Apri1 16, 1984, at l:3Q p.m., nol•.icn of s~id E~ublic h~~r~ring hav:.ng bnen du.ly given ar~ ;-Equired by law and in accocdance with the pr.ovi; ions o:: the Anah~im htunici~al '~ode, Chapter 18.Q3, to h~ar and consider evidence for and against ~aid propos~d conditional use permit and to investigate and make tinding~ and recommen.:ations in connection therewi~h; and W.EiEREAS, said Co:nmission, alt::r d~:e ins~E?c:l:lOflo 'L11VE?Stigar.ion and study made by its~lE and ;.n its behalf., ~~r~d aEter du~ con:;ideration of aJ.t evidence and report.s offered at said t~~arin~, does find al-~-l deterrni.ne the following facts: ;~01~~3r PC84-65 1. '['hal: thc proposcci use i~ pr.~pcrly onc~ Lor whicta a r.onditiona:l. use pcrm:i~ is ~uthc~rizec~ by Anahe9.rn Mu~ii.ci~~a;l Coc]~ Sr-.ctioi~ 1f3.23.050.O1q t•o wit: L-o ex~ana el boardiny and lodginy home frc~;n 1.8 to ~U children. $ 2. ThaL• l•!~e pr.opo~ec~ usc will not advers~ly a£-fnr_t kh~ acljoining land uses and th~ yr.owth and d~vel.ol~ment of t-.h~ arca in which it is ~rop~sed to be located. 3. `1'hat L-k7e size and shape o£ the site p~:opuyec3 for khe u~~ is adequat~ ~o a11ow the ful.l development of t.he pro~os~d use in a mann~r noL- detrir~ental t~ 4•he part-.icular area nor l-.o the peace, health, safety and gener.al weliar.e of the Cil.izcn:~ of tt~e CiLy o,E Anaheim. 4. That the granL•ing of thE~ c:onditi~nal Use Pertr~ik under the cond.itions imposec~, if an1, will noi: be d~trimental tc ~h~ peace, he~lth, saEety and yeneral welFare ot- the Cit.izens of ti~e Ciry af Anaheim. 5. `1'hat t:~e tr.atL-i.c generated b~ ~:he propos~d use wi11 not impose an undue burden upon the street~; and hiyhways des~gned and im~ruved to carry the tr~affic ir? the area. 6. That no on~ indicahed t;~eir presence at :aid publi.c hearing in opposition; ~.;id rhat no corresponr~ence was eeceivec~ in oppasitio~i to the subject petiL-ioil. E;M7:[RONMENTAL IMPACT FTNDING: °.'hat the Anaheim Ciry Plannin~ Cammissic,n has reviewed the proposal to e;cpand ~ boarding ar~~i l~dging home fr.~m J,A t~ 2U children on an irreyularly-shaped par.cel of. land cor,sisting of approximate.ly 4.3 ar.res located approximately 300 feet southerly of tl~e ~nte~secti.on of Arboretum Koad and ~u:intana Drive, and furth~r desr,ribed as 233 Quintana Drive; and does hereby ~zpprove the Negative Declaration upon fi~icli.ng th~t it has considcred the Negativ~ Decl,~rat~~n together with any comments r~ceiver] during rhe public review p~'oc~ss anci further Einding on the basis of t;he initial study and any com~ments receivec3 that there is no substantial evidence that ti~E project wil.l have a significant ef.fect on thp environment. NOW, TFiEFtEFURE, BE I7 RESOLVED that the rlr,aheirn C:i+~y Planr~ir.g Commission does hPreby grant subject Petit.ion for Londitional U~e Permit, upon the fo.lluwiny condi.tions which ~~re hereby Lound to be a necessa~y prerequi.si.te to the proposecl use of the s~bject property in order to preserve the saf.ety and yenera]. welfare of the Citizen: ~f the t:ii:y of P.naheirn: 1. 2'hat prior to is~uance o[ a buildiny perrniL, primary water maa.n extension Fec:s sl~all be paid to thc City of Anaheim, in an amaunt as determin~d k~y the Otfice ~f the Utiliti.es General Manager. 2. '?'hat all buildings on subj~cc ~roperty shall comply with a11. applicable standards of the City of Anaheim Fire Marshal.l and State E'ire Marst~all. 3. T.hat subjpct p~operty shall be d~veloped sub~tantially in accordance wit:h plans arid specifications or, fi.1e with the City of Anaheim markec: Exhibit nos. ]. through 5. 4. Tt~at prior to final buildiny an~l zoning iclspections, Cond~.t.ion Nos. 2 arid 3, above-mentioned, snall be com~lied ~~i.th. _z_ PC84-65 `~ a<< i °~?4~ ''~ ~.a.~ `~ B~ IT E'UI2THG12 FtLSULVGD traat the Anahe:im City P].anning Commise' ~n cices kiereUy .tincl ~and determine th~t adoption of th:is R~s~~lution is ~xpressly predica~cd upon applicant's compli~~nce with each and all of the conditi~ns herein~bov~ ser Earkh. Shoulcl any sucl~ conclitioris, or ar~y par~ i:hereof, be d~clared invalicl or unenf.orceable by ~4he fina.l judgme-zt of any c;ourt oE compet~ent juri~diction, then ttiis Resolution, and any appr.ov~ls herein contained, sP,all be deemFd null and vo.id. '.t'HE F.'URF'GOING :et13SOLUTION is signed ~nci apprc~ved by me this 16tti day uf Apzil~ 1984. ~~ ~/-%,> ~ /~ ...~,,i-~ __..~C ~,,r2;~~e.,• .,.. ~' . ~jG~e' lt .-~' J CHAIRWOMA AyAHEIM CITX PLANNING COMP9ISSION r, AT~'EST : ~ ~~ ~' ~{c.,~ ..~- ~~~T~'1.~"'".,... SECRETARY, ANAHFIM C.I'I'Y PLANNINU CUNIMTSSION STA~'E OF CALTf URNIA ) COUNTY 0~' OHANGE ) ss. CITY OF ~N,AHEIM ) I, Edith L. Har.ris, Secz~etary oL the ;Anaheim City Planning Commission, elo he.reby cet tify that th~ L•oregoing resolution was Aa:iSC-'C3 and adopted ~t a me~tiny of thF Anaheim City Planning Commission held on April 16n 1984, by the tollo4~ing vol~ of the members thereof: AYES: COMMISSION.~RS: I~OUAS, BUSHOfiE, FRY, HE.RBST, KING, M~ BURN~Y NOE~: COMMISSIUNERS: NONE ABSE~NT: COMMISSIUt~ERS: LA CL~IR~ IN WITNESS WFIEREOF, I ha~~n hereunto set my hand this I6th day of A~r.il, 19$4. ~~-./~L~ -~-'~---v-~-~ i(~7 L =~ S~CRBTARY, }1NAHEIM C.'ITY PLANNING COMMISSIO'~ -3- PC84-65 ~,,`. _. . _