PC 84-66f2ESULUTIQN N0. PC84-66 A RESULUTION OF TF1E ANAHEIM CI`i'X PLANNIN~ COMMISS[ON THAT PLTI`1'TON lOR COD1llZ`1'IONAL USE P~RMIT N0. 2~~53 BE GRAN`.~''Ell WEIEI2EAS, khe Anaheim CiL•y Planriiny Commissi^n di.c~ recei.ve a verified betitiun Lor Cc~ndi.tional UsF Pertnit from GDf~IAKD E. NIATTEIEWS, c/o P'AIt WEST SAVINGS & LOI~N ASSOCIATIqN, 400'1 MacArthur F~uulevard, Newpor.fi IIeach, c:alifornia 92660~ c~wner, ~~nd E'AR WEST S~IVTNG ;& LOAN ASSOCIATION, A~rTN; D, KENT f~AHLKE, 4001 Macl~rthur Boulevar.d, New~ori: t3eac'llr Calitornia 926ba and JO ANN ZWANZIGFF, 2323 Go1dHr~ Meadow Drive, Duaxte, Califoxnia 9107.0, agent of certain real praper.ty situated i.n the City of Anaheim, ~ounty of Qrar.g~;» State of California, r9escribed as: PARCEL 18 IN '1'HF C'ITY OF ANAE3EIM, OF A MAP E'ILED ZTI ROOK 168 PAGP~ 27 OF ~e1RCGL MAPS Ob~ THG 0£'FTCL OF THE rOUNTY RECORDER OF SATD COUNTY. 4VHEREAS, the Ci.ty k~lanniny Commi ~sion did hoXd a public ha~aring at ~he Civic C~nter in L-h~ City of Anaheim on April 16, 1984, at 1~30 p.m., notice ot said public hearinq having be~n duly given as required by la~a and in accordanr~ with the provisions of the Anaheim Munici~al Cod~, C:hapter 1A.~3, to hear ant! con~~ider evidence for anc~ against said proposed conditinnal use perrrtit an~ to investigate and make firidings and recommendati~ns in connection therewith; and WEiEREAS, said Commission, a~ter due inspecti.on, investi~~alic~n and study rnacle by itself. and in its bel•,a1f, and after due considera~ion of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does f.ind ~ind determine ~he foll~awi.ng L-acts: 1. That t17e proposeU use is ~roperl,y one for wl~ich a canditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Secti.cn 18,03.030.010 tc~ wit: to nermiL• an ,indoor baseball a.cademy in the MT.,(SC) (Industrial, Limi.tcd- Scenic Corriclur Over:lay) Zon~ orith 30 parking spaces. 2. That the ~roposed use witk; a minimum of 3U par.king spaces, is heceby granted subject to the condition that a11 activities shall be c4nduct~d wr,olly inside the building. 3. That the propose~9 use 41.111 not adversely affect the adja.ining land uscs and ~he growth and d~velopment of khe az~a in which it i s propc~ed to be locatecl. 4. That the siz~ and shape o~ the site proposed for the uae is adequate to al].ow the full developmPnt of the proposed use in a manner not detrimental ~o the partic~lar ur~a nor to the peac~, health, s~.Eety and general we.lface of the Citizens r~t tt~~ City or: Anaheir~l. 5. Thak the grantiny of the Cor.ditiona:~ Use Permi.t unc]er the con~itions imposzd, if any, will not be cletrimental t.o the peacer health safety and yeneral welfare of. ~he Cit.izens of khe City , of Anaheim. 6. 7.'hat the traffic generated by the proposed use will nol• impos2 an unc3ue burden upon the streets anci higtiways design~d and improved t~ c~~rry the traff:ic in the area. #0194r PC84-66 ~ ,r_, 7. That ane ~erson indicated his presence al- sai.d public h~ariny in opposi~i.nn; and L-hat no c~rXesp~n~lence uras received in opposii:ion to L-he subject petition~ ENVIRONMEN'I'AL IMI~ACT FINDI~U: That i:he Anaheim City Y1~nning Comm~ission has reviewed the p:opoual ~o permih. an inr'a~or bas~ball academy in the' h1L(5C) (Inc~ustrial, Limited - Scenic Corridor Over.lay) Zone with 30 parking spaces on an ~rregularly-shaped ~~arcel of lar.d consisting of approximately 0.68 acre, having a fr.ontage ot approximately 214 feet on the soui:h si.d~ ~f Fi.senhower Circle and further desr,ribed as 4581 Eisenhower CircJ.e; c3ild does hereby ap~zov~ the Negative D~:c;laration upon f.inding th<3t- it has considered the Negativc Declaration together wii:h any comment~ rec~ived dur.ing i.he public revi~w proct~ss and further finding on the basis of the initial stud~ arid any comments r~ceived tl~al-. there is no suUstantial evidence that thc proj~~cl- wi.ll have a significant e£feci: on the environment.. NOW, THEREFOR~, BL I'i RLSOLVED that the Anaheim City YZanniny L'ommission does hereby .,~~.rant subject Pel-itioit f.or Coi~ditional Use Permit, upori the following conditioils which are hereby found to be a necessary pre~equisite to th~ pro~osed use af. t~e subjeci: property in order L•o prescrve the safety and general welFare of. the Citizens of the City oF Anaheim. 1. Tt~at prior to issiaance of ~ building perynit or cotnmenc~ment of th~ ~~activity herein a~proved, whic:hever occurs first, a traffic si.grial assessment fee equaling the difference between the industrial and conune~_cial assessment fees sha11 be paid to the Cit,y of Anaheim zn an amotlnt zs determin~~d by the City Council.. 2. That trash storage areas shall be provided i.n accordance with a~praved plans oc~ file witl~ the Str.eet Maini:enance ~nd Sanitation Uivision. 3. That aue to ~he charige in use and/or occupancy of ~he buildina, plans sl:all be submil-ted ~o the Building llivision shawing cumpliance with ~he minimum standards of the i.ity of Ar.aheim, including the Uniform t3uilding, k~lumbi.ng, El~ctrical, Mechanical an~ Fir? Codes as adopted by the City of Anaheim. Th~ appropriaL-e permik~ shall be obtairied for any necessary work. 4. That the proposa]. shall comply wilh all signinn requi.rements o€ the ML Zone, unle~s a variance ~llowing si~~n waiver.s is approved by tti~ Plar~ning Cummisaion or City Council. 5. T.~at subject property sh~.ll be developed substankially in accordan~e with plans and s~ecificati.ons on file with the City oi Anaheim marked E;xhibit Nos. 1 and 2, 6, 7'hat ~rior L-o the ~:ommenc~ment_ r~E the zctivity authorized under thi~ r.esolution, or prior ~o the time that a bui.ldinq per.mit is issuec3~ or r~ithin ~ peri.oa of one year f.rom the date of this resolution, whichever. occurs first, Condition No. 3, abuve-mentioned, shaxl be comp?.ied with. ~'xt~nsions f~r iurLher time to complcts said co~ic?iti.on~ may :~e grariL•e~9 in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of ~he Anahe.im Munici~al Code. -2- PCB~}-66 ~ym,+~~~ i, r;~„~, ~ ,~~ ~ ~ 7. :t~ prior Lo final building and zoning inspections, Condition Nos. and 5, above-rneni:ionnd, sha.ll be compli~d with. 8. That all activities sha11 be conducted who.lly insi~'e trie builda.ng. 13E IT I'URTHk,R P,P;;~OT~VE,D that the Ana~-~im City Flanning Commissian does ~:reby find ~nd detQrmine that adoption of this Resolution is expressly pr~dicated upon applir,ant's complianc~ wi.th each and a11 of the cunditions hereir.aboue set forth. Should any such conditi.ons, ~r. any part thereof, be declared inva.licl or unc~nforceable by the :Ei.nal judgmsnt of any court of c~mpetent jurisdiction, then this Res~lution, and any appravals hercin contai~zed, shall be decmed null and void. THE E'OREGOZNG RESOLUT ~ON is signecl and approve~l by me thi ~~ 6Lh day of April, 1984. ~i~/' ~..L/r... ~ r L_..~`~ G•~C~"..-til~'`~ ~ ~{ CHi~IR[9~~M71N, ' A.HF~IM CT.'1'Y PLANNING ~~OMMISSInN ATTEST: ' ~ n ` ~ e~~-r~ - SLCHETARY~ ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING CUMMISSIQN STA'I'L Or^ CALIF012NiA ) COUNZ'Y OF' ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) I, Ed~ti~ L. Harris, Secretary ~f khe Anah~im City Planning Commission, do hereby certify rh~t the .foregoing ~:esolu.tion was passed and u~:lopt~ci a~ a meetiny of thn Anaheim City Fl~nning Commi.ssion held on April 1G, 1984, by khe fol.lowxng ~~c~e of Lhe members khereo~: ,~y~S: CnMMISSIONEkS: BOUAS, BUSHOkE, FRY, HERD~T, KTNG, b]C 3URNEX NOES: COMMISSION~kS: NONE ABSENT: COMMISSIONERS: LA C1~A1R~ tN WITNESS WHEHEO.L', I have hereunto set my hand thi.s 16th da,y of Apri.l, 1983. _.~ ~..G~ %~ ' ~ ~ '~~~~.v , SECRETARX, l1NAH~IM t:ITY PLANNING COMMISSTQN , 5 1 j; ' .''~ ~ ;4~,;s ~ '~.t ~'i [ '~, ~ 'J ( ~~~~ i~ ~j ~.l ~:,, 4 ,: E ~~:` .~ _3_ pc6~-66