PC 84-67HEuOLU2'ION N0. PCa4-b7 p, RE50LU'I'ION OF TE1F ANAE:E:IM CITY PLANNlNG COMMISSION THA'I' PE2'I'i'ION L OR CUNDITT.ONAI., USE PFIt~1TT NU. 25`_i2 B~ GRANTE~ '~JHEREAS, the An~~~~eim City Plannin, Commission cid receive a veri~ied Petition for Conditiorlal Use Permit frc~m N. ARETTA MERKE`.~, FT AL., 3430 West Brady Avenue, Anahezm, ~alifornia 92~04, owner of certain real property aituat~d in the City of Anaheim, County of Urange, State of Calif.ornia, desar ibed z~s ; LU`P 6U l~F `.['RACT 1098 AS PGR MAP RECORT~i3D 1:N IIOOK :39 PAGES 1 AND 2 OF MISC~LI,ANE~OUS MI~PS IN `CHE OFFICE OF 'PHE R~COitDER OF Si~ID COUN`PY. WHEHEAS, thc City Plarininy Commission dici holcl a nublic hearing at the Civic Cent•er in the City of Anaheim on I~pril 16, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hc~.r: ng having been du]~y given as recluired by Iaw and a.n accordanc~ with khe provisioi~s of the Anaheim hiunicipal Code, Chap•~er 18.03, to h~ar and consider evidence for and against said proposed t::ondiLional use per.mit and ta inv~stig~te and make findings ar-d recommendations in ^onnection t•herewith; and WHFREAS, sai.c:l Commission; aiter due inspection, investig~tion and study made bX itself and in its uehalf, and after due consideration of all eviaence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine i:t~e following facts: 1. Tha~ the proposed use is proper:ly one f:or which a conditianal use permit is authorizecl by California Govexnmen~ Cod~ Section G5852.1. to wit: to convert ~n existiny accessory structure t4 a second-famil,y (granny) unit. 2. That the prop~sed u~e wi.11 not advecsely affect the adaoinzng land ~~ses and the grow~h and development of ttie area in which it is pr~Posed to be locatec~. 3. 'Pl~at the size and shape oL- the site proposed for the use is adequate ~o a11ow i~he fu1l. deve.lopment o.f the pxopos~d use in a manner not detrimental to the parY.icular area nor to the ~eace, health, safety and g~~er.al we].far~ oi t~e Citizens of the Ca.ty of Anaheim. 4. That the granting Qf the Conditional Use Pc.rmit uncler the conditions imposed, i.f any, wi.l1 not be dekrimFnta] to the p~ace, health, safety and gen~ral weltare of the Cir.izens of l-he City of Anaheim. 5. That the tra£fic generatEd by L-he oroposec~ use wi.11 not impose an undue buxden upon the stree~s and liighwa~~s ciesignei~ and impr~~v~c] to carry tY-e tra~£ic; in the arza. 6. That no one indicated tt~eir presen~e at said public hearing in opp~sition; and that nu corres~ondence was receivc:d in opposition -.o the subject petition. >j .~ "! #0196r ~ ~i , ~ ~~~ ~, ~ PC84-h7 ,~, ,,._ti LNVIRONNIE[~'i'AL IMPAC'i' FINDTNG: `.Chat '~he r'lnaheim City Plann:ing Commission has review~ci the ~ropUSal to convert; an ~xistii~g accessocy si:ructure ta a seconcl-famiiy (granny) unit: on a r.ertangularly-shaped plrr.el of I~nd cor~Nisting ~~t approxa.mately 7425 sguare fet=t. ha~ing a L-rontage of approximately 55 feet on the suuth yi.de of F3rady Avenue, and further described as 3930 West Brady Avenu~; and do~s hereby approve thr Negative Declar.ation up~ri finding that it has coilsidered tY~e Negakive Declaration together with ~.ny commerits receit~ed during the puk,lic revi.ew process and ~urtr~er Linding ~n the basis o~ the initial study ancl any commnnts recPived ~hat there is no substantial evidence t:hat thi~ groj~ct• will have a siynificant eFfect on the envir~nment. NC`W, THE~tE.I'OR~, BE IT RESOLVEt) i:hat the Anaheim City Planning Comm:~ssion cloes heretay ~~rant subject ~etitior~ for Conditior~al. Us~~ Permit., ugan th~ following coridiL-ions wh.ich are herPby fc~und i:o be a n~r.essary prerequisit~ L•o the prop~ ~td use oE the stzbj~ct proper.ty in orc~er to pe•~~serve the safety arid g~neral welfare of the Citiz~ris o.f the City oE Anaheim: 1.. That du~Y to th~~ change in us~ ai~d/or occupancy of tl~e stru.rture, plans sha:ll Lie su bmitted to tt~e Buildir-g Division shuwing compliance with the mini.mum standarc3s of the City of Anahexm, including th~ Unif~~ rm Building, P1uinUing, El~c:l.ric~~1, Housing, Mechanical and P'.ire Ccdes a:; adapted by the Ci ty af ~naheim. 'Ph~ appropriate permil,s s1ia7.1 be ~btainPd £or an;1 n~cessary wark. 2. 't'hak the owner(si of subject property sl~a11 restrict the oc~upancy of the granny unit t~ c~ne or two adulc.s, both oP whom are over sixty (GO) ye~es of age, and sha11 record a cov~nant agair~st the property so restr.icting the occtzpanc:y of s~id unit. Said covenant shall be submitted to the Plann~ng D~parhment Lor transmittal L•o tt~e City Ar.rorney's Office for revie~,~ and approval prior, to recordation and thai, prooL• of r~~ordation shall then be submitted to t:~e City. 3. '~'ha~ prior L-o issuance of ~ i~uildiny permit, primary water extension fees shall be paid to i:he City ot Anaheim, in an amount as d~termineci by the Office of the UtilitiES Gen~rai Manager. 4. That prior to iss~aance of a bui.lding permiL-, the appropriate traffic signal auses:<mer.t fee: shall be paid tc~ i:t-~e CiL•y of Anaheim in an aniount a:~ d~etermin~d b,y the City Council for ear.h new c]welliny unit. 5. That. pzior ro issuance oL a builc]ing permit, the ~pplicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the Ctii~f Building Irispector tY~at the residential units will be in c~nformance with Noise Insulation Standai::is apeciLied in th2 California Admi.nistrative Code, Title 25. G. ~'hat prior t~ issuance of a bui~ding permit, th~ applicant sha7.1 pr~sent evic~ence satisfact~ry to the Criie~ Auilding Inspector tha~ the proposed p*oj~ct i.s in cunformance wi.th Council P~licy Number a42 "Sound Att~c:uation in Itesidentia"1 Projects". 7. 'Phal- subject propecty sha11 be devel~pec7 suY:stantial.ly i.n acr.ordance with plans anc? sp~cificati.ons on file with ~he Ci.ty uf Anaheim marked L;xhibit Nos. 1 through 3. _2_ PC84-67 ~~,,. . ~ ., .._ . . . .~z11 8. 7.'hat prioi to the comrn~ncement of ~he activ.ity auL-horized under this resolu.tion, ox~ ~rio-: to the time that ~ buildin~ permit is issued, or within a period of one year f.rom kl-ie clate cf th:is resolution, w.hichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, above-m~ntion~d, shall be complied with. Extensions f-or, further tirne tu complete said coticlitions ;,ay bc nraizted in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anaheim ~~ui~icipal Code~ 9. That prior tu .final building ~~nd zoning inspect~.ions, Conditicn Na. 7, above--menL-ianed, .,ha~l bp complied with. 6E IT F'URTHER RESGI~VE:D i:t;.~t the Anar~eim City P.lanning Commissi~n ciaes hereby firic~ and deternine that. adoptian of this Resolution is expressly px~edi~ated upon arplicant's cor,iplia;ice with each and all of the conditions hereinabnve set forth. Should any such condii:ions, or any part thereof., be declarecl invalid or uneriforceable by the final judgment of any c~~urt of competent jur.isdict-.ion, then this Resalution, an~~ an,y anprovals h~r~in containec~, stia:ll be deemEd null and voicl. ~'HE I'ORF;GOING RESOLU`i'TC N is siyned ancl approved by me this I6th day of April, 1984. ~ .~ ;;' ~ ~~~-~'.t7 ~ .J`L.L c.t ~,.r C:HAIP•.WOMAr IV~~NAhEZM CTTY PLANt1ING COMMISSION / A'i'TEST : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ . _~ SECRETARY, ANAHEIM CTTY LANNTNG CUP9MIS,~'IOI~~ STA"_'E OF CALIFORNTA ) COUNTY OC Of:~1NGE ) ss. CITY UE ANAHF;TM ) I~ Edith L. Harris, Secretar,y of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certify triat the f.oregoirig r.esolution was passed a; ~? adopted at a meeting of tt,e A~~aheim CiL-y Pl.anning Cornmission held on Apri.l 16, 1984, by the followiny vote of the members thereof: e1Y.~.r~: COt4MTSSI0NE~2S: fiOUAS, BU,SH;~g~,, FRY, FiGRCiST, KING, MC $URNFY NOES: C0~9MISSIQNERS: NON~: ABSEN ': COMMISSIONERS: LA CL'AIRF IN WITN~SS WI~EREOF. T have hereunto s~t my hand t~his 16th day oE April, 19a4. % ; _ _ '"~ ~Q~ ~ '/;~~ . _~~~~d.Cr~ SECRI~TAkY. ~ ANP,EIEIM CITY Pi,ANNTNG COMMTaSTON f, -3- PC84-67