PC 84-68,:^ LtLSOLU'1'IUN NO. PCB~~~~3 A RE~SOLU`i'.IUN UE '1'HI: ANAHE;Iht C;T'i'Y PLANNING (:GMMiuSIUN 7'HA`i' F~L'PI:P7.UN i~Ult CUNUI:C10N11L USE PGRMI'P N0. 255£3 F3E: GRAN'1'ED P7HEREAS~ r.l•a~a AnUhei.rn City Pl.ranniny C:otnmis:~ion ciid re~eivc: a veri:tie~l Petitiun t~or Condit.ianal U~e F'crmit from Jl~y,'S [CLNNF.`:'k{ ANl) MARION EVLLYN DLML~S`rLR, '1121 Nyon 1~1ace, Anaheim, Ca1.iF.ornia 9280G, o~rners oE certain reaJ. ~~roperty situat~~l in tl~~~ Ci~y of Ar-ahcim, CounLy o£ ~r~~n,ye, 5ta;~e of Californi~, descri.bed as: LO'1' 39 ON '1'ftAC`I' NU. 2350 A5 !'ER MAP RECURnED IM D0~)K 69 PAGC5 45 THROUGH 47 OE MI:iCGL~LANEOUS MAPS, IN 'i'I~IE Or^FTCG pF THk; COU[J'i'Y RBCnRI)cR 0[' SAID COUNTY. WEi~REA ~, ttie City Plannin~ Commission did holca a p~~bl.ic hearing at the Civic Center in the Ci~y of Anah~im on nprzl 16, 1984, at .1:30 p.m., nol-ice ~f said public hkaring hava.ng be~n duly g.iv~~n as rr-qu~.ced by law and in accordance wikh tl~e provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evide;~ce for arid aga.iils*_ sai.d proposed conditional use permit and to ir~~~estigate ancl tnake fin~ings and recommend~tions in connection 1:herewith; and WEl'r',REAS, said Cammission, uft~.r d~~e inspection, invest.igation arid study m~d~ by itself and in its behalF, c3f1G atter due consi.deratiun of all evidence and ceF~orks OffE'Ct(: at said hFarin~; d~es ~ind and de~errnine hhe followinc LactU: 1. `Phat the r~copu:~ed ~ase i~ ~roverly orie tor which a conditional use permi~ is authorizr~d by Calitarnia Government Cade Sectior- 65852.1 to wit: to ~onstruct a sPcond fami.ly (yr.anny) unit with wa.iver of tc~e Eollowing: SEC':7~~CJ 18.~b.Uh3.03U - Minimum rezr yard setback (lU LFC~t required; 5 feet propastd) 2. That the requestEd waiver i:~ hereby gr~~ntec7 on tl~e basis that k'~ere are special circum~tances a~plicable to the property such ~~s si.ze, shape, topogr<~phy, location ar~d s~~~rounciings which do nol apply tu oL-her idPntically ~oned property in the •~ ~e viciri:ity; and that ~rrict application of the zoning Cude c]epriv~s the property of ~rivileyes enjuyed by othPr r~roperties in tt-e identica.l 2one and cl~ssif.ir;ation in fr~e vicinity anc~ subje~:t to InkerdepartmenL•al Committ~e recommendations. 3. That the propoa~d use will n~t adversely uffer,t the adjoining land ~ase~ and the yc~~wr.h an~] dF~velopment of ~.he area i-t which ik is j~COp03@t~ to r~e ~~cate~l~ 4. `rt~at the size and :~hape oE ':he :~ite ~ropo~ed for. the use is adequate to a11o~ ~ f~e fu.ll d~velop~nent oi the pro~o~ed u~e in a manner not cletrim~ntal to the ~~r~ic:ular area r~o: ~o Lhc~ ~cace, health, sa£ety and general wFlf~re af khN GitLzens uC the Cit•y oE Anaheia~. 5. 2'har rht grantir.g ~E tne Condikion~.l U~e Pr~rmit und~sr the conditions impased, if. ~an!~, wiil not k,e ~JetrimenL•al to tne ~eace, health, uafEty ancl g~n~~ral welfar~: ol t;he ~itizen:~ oP the ~.ity of Anaheirn. PC84-66 ~U195r ,~ G. '.Chat tl~~e tr.~~LEic gener~~ted l.~y tf~~e prupos~d use wi11 nar. icnpose an uricluc burd~~n u~~o-~ ~I~c~ :~l:r.~~~ets ~~nd I-~ ic~l,ways ~J~~:,:igned ~.inci in~~roved L-o ~,arry the. traffic in the area. 7. That no ~n~: i-idicat:cd ~Iit~ir ;;~resence at said puul.ir, t~caring ir~ ouposiLion; and tl~ac no corres~~~~ndenc~ wa:> receivecl :i.n c~~positi.on t:o the subj~ct Netition. ENVTRUNNILN7'AI. IMI'ACT ['tNl)ING: That khe llnah~~m Cit~ Plannina Commisaion has revi~~wc~d the pruposal to c~nstri.ict a r;ecand-E~-~ily (granny) uriil•. with w~iver of: minirnum r.ear yard setback on an i rrPgularly-shapec] parcel af land cunsisti.ng of a~pzoximately 7850 ~c~uare Eeet having a frontage of aE~pt~xim~~tely 48 feet un the n~.,rCheast :~ide oF Nyon 1?lace having a maximum depth ~f approximaLely 1:?`.i f~et, and iurther de.~cribed aa '212J. Nyon Plac:e; and does her~by approve the r:egative Declarati~~n upon £;.nding that ik has consider.ed the N~gative 'Declaratic~n together wil•h a--iy comments receiverl during lhe public review tarocess and lurthar~ findiny a~~ the basis of tl~e initial stuc~y and any co-nmenLs receivea t.hat there is no substantial evidence that lhe project w:.lJ. have a sigiiificant etEect on tht~ environment. tJOW, TFiERGFORL, BE T'i' R[:SGLVED th~t the Anaheim City Plannif~g ~,ommi~sion does h~r~by grant subject ~~F~tition Eor. Conclirional Use Permit, upun thti following concli.tions which are hereby foun~3 to be a necessary prerequisite to the pro~o: e~1 use ot the subject prop;;rt.y ir arder lo preserve tt~e sztety and general w`lfare of the Citiz~ns of the City of Anaheim: 1. `1'har_ due to the c:h~r.ge in use a;idi or occupancy oi th~ bu.ilciing, olans ::~hall br~ sub;nitted to the E~ui.lciing nivision showi~ig compliance with the mirimun+ ~tandards c~f the City of Anaheim, including the Unifo rm ~3uildirig, Plutnbir.g, E:lectr.ical, Housing, Mechanical and Fire Codes as aao;-~~ci by tr~e C.i ty of ~1nahE~im. 'I'he a~~ropriate per-nits sha:Ll be obt«~.ned for any necessary work. 2. '"hat the owr.~.~r(s) of: subject pro~prty sha1l restrir.i: the occup?ncy oP the granny unit tu o~;e or tw~~ adults, both of whom are over sixty (60) yeaxs oF age, and sna11 r.ecord a covenant ayainst the ~roperL-,y so restricting t.t~e occupancy oF s7icl ~lnir_. Sai~ covPnant shall t~e submitted to tk~e Planning DeE~artment Eor transmi ttal to thc City Itttorney's ~ffice cor review and a~proval prior. to cecardation ~nd that proof of. recorciation ,ha11 then ~e submitre:i to the C?.-:y. 3. That prior to issuance uf a~uil~inu Ner.mit, primary auter extension fee5 ~hall be paicl lo th~ City oi Anahei.m, i.r, an amount as detecmined by t:l-e Ofcice oE the Utilities Cener~]. M~nager. A. That ~~rior to LS:3Ui~I1CP. 01 a bui.l~ing ~ermit, the aE~propriate traLE'ic signa]. a.;se~sment Lee shall !~e l~~xid ~o thc~ City of Anaheim in an artcour~L• as determined by tne ~ity Cauncil f:ar ~aach new dwFlling unit. 5. That subje~t prvptrt-y shall be oevrloped substaRtially in accurdanc~~ witt: E~lan:~ and Up~ciEicar.i~ns on f i.le with h_h~~ c:ity ot- Anaheim markccl Exhibit No ~. .l and 'l. -2- ~C84-68 6. `Ph~lr pri~~r tu r.he ~~omn~cncetn~nt uF tne .:~ctiviL-y auLiior.ize:d under th.i:~ resolution, c~c i rior tr, L-he time tY~aL- a bui.lding permit is lssued, or wi~hi.n a peric~d ol ~ne ycar from the date oE this rr:soluti~n, wt~inc~~ver occues Fir.st,. Cor-dition Nos. 1 anci ~, above-mentioned, shall be cc~mp.liec~ with. ExL-ensinns L~r furthGr time to camplete sair~ conciitians may be granteci in ~~ccordance with ~ectiori 18.03.090 of the An~~heim hlur~icipal Cor.~e. 7. That pcior to fiiial ~~uilding and zoning inspection::;, Conditi~~n No. 5, above-mention~d, sh11.1 bc coR~p:lic~d with. E~E IT E'UEtTHL•'R RI~,SOLVEC~ lhat the t,naheim City Plannirag Commission does hereliy f:ind ar~d determine khat ado~tion of thi.s Reso].utier~ i.~ expressly pxedicated u~~ori appl.icant's compliance wiL-li each a.nd al.'1 of the cond.it:ir~ns hereinabove set farth. Shc,u]d a-~y sucY: c.andi`.ions, oc any ~art thereof, be declared invalid ar unenfor.c~able b,~ the Fina1 judyment. oF any cuur.t ~f compel:ent juris~licl-.ian, thun l-.his Resoluti.on, znd any appro~ials herein contained, shall ee cleerned null anc] voi~3. TkiL rOREGOING RF.SOI.~UTION is szgned and anprov~d by rne "~~is 16th day of ~Uril, 19~3":. .. ~~~%~i' i_~_1 ~ .c!.-7/~`-!~ */ ~ ..._ CHAI W 71N, AHEIM CITY YLANNING COMMISST_Ot~ A7."1'ES~' ~ ~1L~• ~~~c.t., u~(;RETAI2Y,, AP~AHEtM CI'i`Y PLANNING COMMZSSION STA'.PE OC CALIFORNIA ) C~UN'1'Y OE O~tANGE ) s;~ • CI'L'Y Ok' ANAHE;IM ) I, Ed.ith L. tlarris, Secretar,y u£ the Anaheirn City Plannir.g Commission, do hereby certify '~hat tl~e foregoing r~aolution was passecl and adopted at a r~ieeting of the Anaheim City Plannin~ Comnizssion he).d on April 1.6, 1984, by the followinU vo~.e of tt~e me-nbers thereof : AYES: C0~'IMISSTONERS: nUU115, 6U5HORE, rTtY, HERE3ST, KIrIG, NSC T3U12NLY NO~'S: COyMISSIUNLR~: NONE A~SEN`i': CUMMIa:;IUt7ER5: LA CLAIT2I, 1'N Wt`t'NESti `AHEftEUP, t have hert~unto :sF.t my hand th.is 1Gth day ot April, 1984. ~ ,~ , ~ - ~~z ~ ~~_ ~ . SECKE`r 1'A::Y~ ANAHEI~4 CI'I'Y PLAN. !NG C~b1MISSION -3_ PC64-6~