PC 84-69~i~:s~t,u~t~lorv tva~ ~~~84-r,9 A RLSOI,U'1'TUN UF `l'HF ANnk~F:LM CI'.['Y P1~ANNING CQMMISSION '.l'[-!A'P PG`.PI'I'IGN i'Uh CUNUt`i'.IONAL USE; PERMIT NU. 255G BL•' GRAN~CED WEIEIt'r'.~S, th~ P.naheirn Cii.:y PlanninG Commission did receive a vErified ~et:tion Lor Conditional U;~e Permit fr.om E3I~YAN INllUS`l'RIAL PROPERTIGS, ?NC:., P. O. Hox 4486, Anah~i~n, C;aliFornia 92803, owncr, ~nU BUDGET 1 fJRNITUl.tL I~~N7'AI,S, INC., :i34U Ucean Park Boulevard, Santa Monica, Ca1iL-ornia 90405, agent o~ certain real properi:y situated in t.he City of Anaheim, Couni:y of Orange, St~te ai: Californ.ia, described ~-s: '1'HOS~ PORTiONS OF' `.~'HE SOU`rE1WEuT QUARTER OF 'I'HE SOUTHWEuT ~UA~2TE~2 qE' SECTION 6, TOFVNSHT~ 4 SOU'1'H, AAIVGE ].0 WEST, IN TEi~ RANCf1~J LUS ~:GYOTLS, CI'CY OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY 01 ORANGE,. STA1'E OF CALIE'ORNtA, AS PER A MAF.' REGORDGD 1N IiOUK 51, PAGE 10 OF MISCEL]~.,ANLOUS MAPS, IN TI~IE O~FICE UF THE CUUNTX RECGF.llER, D~SCRIBf'D AS L'OLLUWS: PARC:LL 1: '1'HAT POR'1'I~N O@' PARC ~L 1 AS SHOWN ON A MAP RFCURI)ED IN BOOi: 9 PAGE 29 OF PARCEI:, MRI~S, RECORDS OP SAIU ORANGL COUNTY, L'OUNUED Er`1STERLY $Y '1'EIE FULLOWING DESCRiBED LINL: BEGINNING AT P. ~C~TNT IN THL NORTEI LINE t~F SAII> PARCEL 1, SUU7'H 89° 21' 20" WES'.C' TfiFREUN 15U.00 EF.~ET FROM THE NORTHEAST CURNEI2 THERGOG; 'I'HENCE SOU2'H Q° 38' 40" Er1S2' 151.90 FEET TO '!'HE EAS`.PERLY PI20L:~NGATIUN UF' 7'H~ CENTERI.,INE QE' THAT POR~1'TON OE 'i'HE CE;R~'AIN 40.00 F00`i' R~~AD EASEMENT S:iOW:~ ON S1~ID MAP AS HAVING A I~ENG7.'Ii OE' SJ.1.16 F~ET; `.CHENCE SOUTH $9° 21' 20" WEST 86.00 ~'EE1', MORE QT.t i.FSS, ALONG SAID PROLONGATTON, TO THE RAS7'ERLY T.'ERb]INUS OF SAID 'Y.OF`.CION Ob SAID CENTER'LI~IE; 7'HENCE 50UTHH:ASTEFtL~' AND SOU'i'HERI,Y~ ALONG SAID CcNTERLiNE, 'PO TH~ SUUTFi LINE ~E SAID PARCI:L 1. PARCC~, 2; TE:A`i' POR'I'ION UF `i'HE NORTEIBRLY Hi4LI' UF 1,A PALMA AVENUE, f3QUNUED WESTERLY BY THE SOUTEiERL'C PROLUNG~t'I'ION OF "CHL•' EAS'rERL,X LINE OF PARCE;L 3 AS SHGWN ON SAID PARCLL MAP, A~lll EiOUNDED EAS`~ERLY BY 'PHE S~U'!'HGkLY PRULONGATIO[3 CE' `I'HE CEN'i'ERL]:NE UF 2'IiAT CERTAIN 40.U0 FO~T ROAD EASEMEN'1' SEfOW~1 ON ~AIA PAItCGL MAP. PARCEL 3: AN F.ASFMGN'P E'OR INC;~tESS AND EGRESS UVER TE1F.T I~UR'J'IOtJ Oh S~:[D PAKCEL MA° SEIqWN 11S AN EXISTINC 40.00 :OOT ROAD AND MAZNT~NANCL GASEMF,NT. F'.'l.CE.PTI~1G 'i'FiEREE 20M 't'HA'I' k~ORTTON INr.LUDED 4Ji'PHZN PARC~'L 1. PARCEL 4: '~~iAT POR'I'TUt~i OP F'ARCEt, 1 AS SEIUtJN ON A MAP RECORpF:D IN IIOC:K ~ PAGE 29 OE PARCEL MAPS~ 12ECOftD~a Ol' :;AID OKANVE COUN't'Y, BGUNU~;D WES'I'ERLY f3Y `CKE FOL'LOWING UESCRIBED LINE: #U197r E~C84-69 }3GG:fNtJTN(3 A'.l' A L~OIN'1' IN 'i'HE N~)R'1'H LINE OE' S.4I17 PARCCL 1, SOU'I.'H 89° 21' 2U" WES'1' Tl•113RGON 1~O.OU E'EL'.P E'ORM '.CHE N012'I'H~AST COIZNFI+ 'i'HEFtC;UC'; '1'HLNCL SUU'1'H U° 3B' 40" ~::AST .1a1.90 FEET TO `i'HE L•'AS`I'ERLY PIlUL~UNGAT.[UN OE' `l'HC CGN'.CL.kL:IN~ OF `.['HA`.I' PORTIUN UF '.!'I•lE Cf'kTA:[N 40.OU 1?GO`i' ROAU EASE(~1LNT SHUWN ON SAIU MAP AS HAVING A:GLNG`CH U1' G11.16 l'ELT; '1'HENCE S'JU'L'H 89° 21' 20" WL•',S`i' i36.QQ ~~EE~,'~ M012L`' 01:2 LES: ~ ALGNG SAIU r~ROLONGXITION~ TV TH}~ EASTF3tLY TGRM;INU5 OE SA:[D POR`i'TQN OL SAIU CL•'ri'1'E:RLTN~; TEIrNCE SUU'.PI•I~;AS'1'PRLY AND SOU`C[1GRLY, ALONG S~Ill Ck~N'i'FRT~:[NE, TO '.CHI. SOU`i'H LINL UF SATll E'ARCEL. 1. PA12CEi~ 5: AN EASEMI~NT ['OR INGI2F;SS A'iVD k~GRESS QVER 'rHAT PUR'1'.ION U~' SAZ1~ PARC~:L, MAP SHUWN ~; AN GXiSTING ~SO.OQ I'00'P F20AU AND MAINTLNANCG F'A:;I:~113N'.I'. GXCEP`PING TH~;RF'EROM TH~1`.t' PC~RTION INCLUDL•'D WITFI:IN PARCEL 4. WHEFt~AS, i:he City Planni.ng Commission dic~ hold ~ public: hc.aring ac the Ci.vir Center in the C.ity o~ An~~heim on April lE, 1984, at 1:3U p.mo, notice c~E said pubJ.ic heari-lg having been ~]uly ~~iven as requirec~ by law and in accordance with the ~ruvisions of the Ariaheim M~an.icipal Codc, Chap~er I8.03, L•o hear and cotisider evid~rice for and against said prop~sed c:onditi.onal use p~rmit and l;o invesL-i~ate and malce Eindin~s anc7 recommendations in connection therewii:h; and WHE;RGAS, said Commission, after due inspec.tior,, invcstigation and ~tudy macae bY itsel~ and in il-s behalt, ~~nd af~~r due consicleration oC a1'1 evidence and reports o~ferea a~ saici h~~aring, does ~ind and determ.ine the following f.acts: .1.. 'i'k-~at ttie proposed use is pr.o~erly or~c, for wr~ict~ a condi Ci0 a& use pertnit is authori.zed by Anaheim Munici~al Code .~~cti~ns 1£3.03.030., ~8.06.U60 to wit: to permit the retail sales ancl reril:al. o~ furniture in i:he ML (Industrial, Limited) Zone with waiver of the following: SECZ'IONS 18.0G.050.02'L - Minimum number of, p~rki.n snaces. 18,06.05U.031 (Ei0 spaces r~q~:'rcd; 46 space,, PxisY.i~~g) ]. 2. That the reque~tEd waiver is hereby granted on the basis l:h~t the parking varxance ~rill n~t cause ~n inccease in traf.fic cor,yesti.on in the immediate v.icinity nor adversel.y afFecl: any adjoining 'land uses; and that the grai~ting of the parking varianc~ under the con~litions imposed, if any, wi~.l not be del:rimental Lo ~he peace, health, safety or gen~ra.l welfara of thr Gitizens of the CiL•y of Anaheim. 3. That the pro~o~ed use wi11 not adverse].y atfect the ad3oining land uses and th~ yrow~h znd development of the area .in which it is proposed to be locaked. 4. That the size an~9 shape of the site ~r~po~ec3 for tt~e ~~se i.s adeq-aate to allow the fu11 ~evelopment of r_he prGpOSed use in a manner not detrimental to the particular acea nQr. t~ the peace, health, sa£ety anc3 yNr..~ral welfare oE the Citizens oi the City o1' Anuhei.m. -7- PC84-69 , . ,,,,~~ 5. That the g~:r~nl:.ing of:' the Conditional. Use Perm:it ~zncler thc condi~ioris im~~ased, if any, wJ.1.l nol- k,e detrimenl:al to lh~ ~;~ace, he~l~h saFety ar~d gener.al welf~re of the C.L~1ZC'11y of tt~e City , of AnahEim. b. ~.['hat ti~e traffic generciled l~y t}~e proposed u:~e w:i11 rioL• irn}~ose an ~u~due burden upun tlie street:s anr.! h:iyhways designecl and impr.oe~ed ~o curry the L•raft-ic in the are~i. 7. '~hat r~u one indica~ecl thnir pre ~ence at said publi.c hear, ing in op~~osition; and that no correspondence was received in opposil:ion ta the subj~:ct peL-itiori. ENV.I~tUNMENTAL IMPACT F.'INDING: That the An«heim City Planning Con~miNsiun has rev.iewed the proposal to permit the cet~zl sales and r~ntal o£ furniture in tkiN ML ( Inc.lusL-ri~1, Limited) Zone with wa.i.v~r of. minimum number of parking spac~s on a rec;rangularly-shaped parcel ~~ .land cansi.sting of approxi.mately 1.4 ~~cres having a~ronta~e af appro~imat~ly 195 fe~t on the north sa.de oi La ~al.ma Avenue, and fur~her clescribed as 2541 West I,a ralma Avenue; and does izereby ap~rove lhe Negati~ie Declaratiori upon Finding l.hat it ha~ considered the Negat:ive Uec'laration tugettier with ~t~y commPnts received durinq the public review process and further fir~ding ~,n L-he basias o.E the initia,l st4dy and any comments .received thaL• th~:re is no subs~antial evider:ce that the proj~ct wi].1 hav~ ~i signific~~nt eff~ct on l•.Pie ~iivironmenl:. NUW, TEiEFEr~ORE, BE 72' RESOLVGD that the Anahe.irn Cit} Pl~nning Commissi~n does hereb~ gran't subject Pet.i.tion for C~nditional Use Pe:rmit, upun the foll~wir-q conditions which are hereby found ~o k~e a necessary prerequisi~e L•o the proposed u.~e of tt~~ subject property in or.dGr L•o prtserve the safety and yenc~ral w~lfare oP the Citizens oF ~he City o~ Anaheim; 1. Z~hat the own~r oP subje~:,l- ~roperty sha11 pay L•u l:hc~ City uL• Anaheim d fee f~ reet 1i~hting along La Palma ~venuP zn an amc,unt as de~ermine~. th~ City Coun~il. 2. That pr.ior to issuancE oE a bui.lding permit, or commence~ment af ttie activity herein a~proved, whichever occurs first, a tra.tEic signal ass~ssment fee equaliny the difEerence between the ind,astrial and commercial assessm~r.L fees sha11 be paid ;:o the City of Anaheim in vn amour~t as determined by i:he rit,y Council. 3. Th~t trash storage areas ~tia11 be provided in accor~ance with appraved plans on file with t'~e Str.eer Maintenance and Sanitation DiVisic,n. 4. That the proposal st~all comply with a:l.l signing requirements of the hiL Zone, ur~les.~ a variance ullow~.nc~ siyn waivers is ap~roved by the Plannin~ Commis~ion or Ci.~y Cotancil. 5. ~l~t~at sub;ject proF>erty shall be dc~veloped subst~ntially in accordance with plans a~,cl specifications on f..ile with the C:ity oE ~lnaheim marked EXtllDlk idus. 1 anci 2. ~3- F~C84-69 i~ 6. ~.L~hat prior t~ tt~~e commencemer~l- of ti~e ac~ivit ;~ resolutiun, cr pri.or Lo the time th~t a Uui ding~lE~ rm t is~essthis or. wi~hiri a p~riod ot an~ y~aar from the dat~ og this resolution, 'i whichever occurs C.irsl, Con~~ikion Np. compla.~d witt~. Extensions f~r further ~ time~m to~~. co p1~te~1 said I conditions may be `~x~r~~~ in accordance with Section 18.03.090 of rhe .Anaheim Municipal Code. ~• 'i'hat pt~ior L-o commencemer-t of. th~ activity authoriz~d under this ceso].ution, or final building and zoni.ng inspecti.ons, whichever occurs firsL, Condition Nos. 3 and 5, abov~-n~~ntioned, st~a11 b~ compliecl with. ~E~ I7' FURTi-1LR RCSOLVED that thP Anaheim C.ity Plannin~~ Commi.ssion do~~ h~reby find and detecrnirie tt~at adoption of this RQ predicated upon appli.cant's c~mpliance cvith ~acl~ and a111 of ~the~conditions hereinabove set ~c,rth. Should any suct~ condi~ions, o.r an d~cla~ed invalid r~r unenfurceable b y N~rt there~f, r~ com~etent Y the final judgment ~C any court of coni:aineci, shalldbe~decmed tnulz and voi~ solution, and any approv~ls h~rei.n '.i'HE FUREGOING kESOLU'1',IOtd ,is signed and approved b~~ me this 16th ~iay of April, ,1984. i~ ``~-t-` )lJ7'..t ~ ~,! .,~ ' /~ CHAIRWOM~IDI,/ }~H~ZM CZTX PLp~NING COMMISSION AT'i'ES7.': L 7 . .~ ~' - SECRETARY, ANAHEI.9 CITY YLANNING CQMMISSION ST~:TE Of CALIFORNIA ) C:OUIJTY OI' ORANGE ) s~. CITX OF ANAHEIM ) I~ Edith L. Elarris, Secret:~ry of th~ Anah~im City Planning Commissior;, do her~by cerL-xfy that the fore ~in passed and adopted at ~~ meetir~g of the .Anaheim City Planning Commissio'noheld Son April 16, 1984, by the Eoll~wing vote oF the members thereof. AYES: COMMTSSIONLRS: BOUAS, E3USHURE, b~Ry~ HE~$ST NOES : COMMISSIONERS : NOIr'E - KING ~ MC BURNI'Y AB~EN'!': COMMISSION~RS: LA CLAIRE IN WITNESS WIIF;REOF, I have hereunto set my h~nd khis lbth day ~f April, 1y84. ~ ~ ~ SECR~;.'~Ky, ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNI~~~ MMISSJON _,~ _ FCB~-69 ~.r , ,. _ .. ,,,