PC 84-76;;f;,~;' ~ . - ~~ ~ ;k~~~~;.~ ~~,;;p'.'i ~~`;'~ ~ ~~soLU~riocv rao, z~ca~~-~~ ,, .; ___..._. ___.._.__. ~;:, A 1~E~;G'LUT:[ON O[' '1'klr ANAii~;iM CTTY PLANNING CO~MMISSIpN ; '1'HA`1' PE'i'I',l'lUN ~ OF2 CONDII'~ONAL USL; PCRMT'C NO. 2561 DE GRANTED `,; Wt1EREAS, the Ai~aheim City Planning Gommiysic,n did receive a vzrif:ied Petition fcr Condi~iona]. Use P~rmit Crom LEt40N ASSOCIATES, 146 ~GZct Orangethor~e Avc~nue, Anaheim, Californi.a 92601, owners, and SEE'S CANUY SHOPS, INC. , 3423 Soul:h t.a Ci~neya Bou.levar.d, Los Angeles, California 90016, agent of certain reai proprrty si.tuaC~d i.n the Cil•y of ~1n~hei.^~, County ~f. Orange, State of i:aliforni.a, describeci as: TEIE WFaS'1' 22U.00 G'EET UE THE SOUTH 2O0.OU rEE'.P, M~1~5UR~D ALONG TH~ WEa'1'ERLY AND aOUTHE~LY LINES~ ~JL' THL SOUTH~AST QUAR'1`ER UF Z'HE SOU`1'HW~ST QUAFcTER t~F SEC'i'ION 34, ~i'OWD)SHIP 3 ~UUTH, RANGF 10 rIE~T IN TfiE RANCHO SAN .JU~N CAJqN DL SANTt1 ANA, AS S:dOWrl ON A MAP RECORDEL I~ BQOK 51, P?1Gk: 7 OI' MISCELLANEOUS MAPS, ~2ECORDS OF ORAN~E CO[JNTY, CALIFORNIA. EXCGPTING TFI~TtE~ROM '1'HAT PORTION Z'HGR~+JF LYJ~G Pl~S7.'ERLY ANA SOUTHEFtLY OF 2'HE EAST.ERLY AND NORTHERLX LINES OF TEIE LAND CUNVEYEO TU 2'HE CITY Qf~ ANAHETM FOR STFtE.GT WIllENING PURPO~ES BY DEEA RECORDEA ,'NARCH 25, 1954 IN ~300K 2695, PP.GF 315 OF OFFICIAT. RECORDS. ., ., WHRRFAS, the C:ity Planniny C~mmissinn d.i~i t~o1u a public hcaring at the Civic Center. in the Ciry o~ Anaheim on April 3U, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., r~otice of said publia h~aring l~avir.g been duly given ay requi.rec] by law and in accor.dance with the provision~ of the Anaheim Municipal CodE, Chapter 18.03, to hear and consider evidence For and against said proposed condiliona]. use permit and to i.nvestigate and make tindings ana recommendations in connPC;t.i.~n therewith; anc] WHEREAS, said Cornmissior~, aF.ter due inspecti~n, invest.iyatian and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due c:onsideration nf all evidence and r~ports o:ffered at said hearing, C30pa find an~9 determine the following facts: 1. '!'hat the ~ropo~ecl use is prop~rly one foc whieh a eo:~citt.ional use permil• is autho~i•r.ed by Anaheim Municipal C~de Secti!~n ta wit: to permil ret:ail sal~:s cf candy ir. the ML (Inciustr:~1~ t,imitecl) Zone. 2. 7.'hat the pra~ose~t ase wilJ. nol• adyersely affect the adjoining land usc; and the growL;z and de~~~lopment: of the area in which it fs proposed to be located. 3. That thc size and shape ot the site gr~p~sed £or ~he us~ is ~dequate to all~~w the full development of the proposed use .in a manner not detrimental ko the particular are,~ nor to tt~e ~e~ce, health, safety and yeneral welfare o£ the Citizens of t.he City of Anaheim. 4. ~hat the gran~ing oE the Conditional Use Permit under ~he conditions imposed, if any, will nat bP detrimental to the peace, health, safety an~ gPn~ral weZfara of the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. #0205r PC84-75 ;},'"~j 5. That thG trafLic yeneratcd by th` propos~d use wi11 not i.mpose ;f;'~; ~ an undue burden upon the street5 clllCj hiyh~~ays ~]e:~iyned ar~d improved ~o carr.y ,,~ ~ ,,~;; the traiti.c in the area. ~; ; G. 7'hat no or~e indic~t~d thea.r ~:rt~sence at saiel publi~~ hearing in d`. opposition; and that no corresr~onc~ence was r~c:eived in opposition ta the ,~.. , subjecL- ~eti.tion. LNVIROL~MEN'J.'AT~ ]:MPACZ' FIDIDING: That kh~ AnahPim City Planning «~'~ Commis~~iunyhas reviewed the proposal. to permit retail sales ot c~ndy in the ML ,,... ~,::. ~Y;; (Tndu;tria.l, Limited) 'L.~n~ on a recL-angularly-shaped parcel o£• land con~l.sting ~;•~;:` of ap~roximately O.y acr~ l~c~~ter~ at i:he n~rtheast corner of Orai~gethorpe ;., , ~~;~= Avenue and Lem~n StrPet, and ~ur~her ~PSCri.bed ~is 75 Last. Or~angethork~~ Avenue; ~` and does hereby approve the Negative Ueclar.ati.on upc~n Eindxng tha~ iE rias ~+~i'!:~ consic~ered the Neyative lleclar~ition together with any comments received u~uring ji,;. , tk~e public re.view prucess ac~d further £i.nc3ic~g ~n the bas:s of the initia]. 1~','. study and any c~mmenta Cpr.~ived that there i~ no substantl.al evidence that. ~he ;`' project will have a si.qnificant effect on the environment. NOGV, `1'HEREFORI3, BF' I'i' RESOLVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commi.ssion does hereby grant subject Petition foX Conditional U~e Permit, upon khe foll.owing ~:;ondi.ti.ans which are 1-~er~by found to be a necessary pr~requ~.si.te to th~ proposed use of th~ subject property in order to presPrve the sa£~ky ana general ~aelfar~ of the Ci~izens of the Ciky of Anat~c~im: 1. Thal- the awner ot ~ul~je~t property shall dedicate ta the City of AnahFim a~trip oE .lai~d 53 Eeet i.n ~aiclE.h from the cenkerline of the ' stKeet alony Orangethorpe Avenue and 45 feet in width L•rom the ~ c~nterlirie oE thE street along Le-non ~treet f~r ~treet widening ~:j purposes~ z. That the p.ropotial sha11 comply with a11 signing r~quirements of. th~: t4L Zon~, -.tn3~ss a variance allowin~ sign waivers is approve:l by the Planning Commission or CiL-y Cauncil. 3. That the owner of sub ject property st~a.ll submit a letter requesting termina`ion of Vaciance N~. 221. and Conditior.al U~e Permit No. 1787 ~o the Planning Departrnent. 4. Th~t subject property sha11 be d~vFloped siibstantially in accordance with ~lari~ and specific~tions on fi.le with the City of An~heim marked Cxhibir. Nos. 1 and 2. 5. That prior to the commencement ~f the activil:y at;::horized under tlii~ resolutior_, ur prior ta the tz.me that a building permit is issued, or witti~n a period of on~ y~ar from th~: date of this reso~uti~n, whichever occu~s Eicst, Condition Nos. 1 and 3, above-mentioned, shall be r.ompiied wi~h. Extensicns for further lime to complete sai.d canditic~ns may be cranted iri accordan~e wa.th Se~tion 18.U3.090 u.C the Anaheim MunicipaJ. Code. -2- PC84-~76 BE ZZ~ ! UR'I'ti~R RESOLVEll that the Anaheim Ci.ty Planninc~ Commission daes hereb,y .{i.nd and deterinin~ ~hai: ad<~ption of this ResoJ.ution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance wi.th each and al:l af the concliti.o-as herE:inabov~ se~ i:orth. Should any s~ich condit.ions, or any par4 ther~of•, be declared inva.l.id oc unenforceab.le by thc .final judgment of any court of competent auri~dicti.~n, tt~en this Resolution, ~nd any a}~prova:l.s t~erein conLainedo sha7.1 be dcemeci nu].l ~~nd void, ;i,,;; TE1~ FOREGUTNG RGSOLUTION is signed and approved b,y mF this "~OLh day y~~:! of` AX~ri1, 1584. <;;;;1 ~ ,•-','1,~. ~ ,~ . ;~'."~ ~,,' ~ f'"%i~l ~.~'. ~l%'~~_~,~::~-. , ~~.~ ~ ~}r;~' C.HAIRWQMAN~/ANAHLIM C.T.TY PLANNING CUMMTSSION ~r,l ~, f -~~'~ '; r'~~~ A~'TEST ; ,7 ~~': ~ , . . ~ . ~~~'~~'~ .~. ~ ~ , , / ~<C, ~ / ~, L/L.~:.,~ f~''; SECKETARY, ANAHESM CITY L~LANNING COMMISS:CON a.`~~'; ~ ;~ ?~±,' STATE nF CALlEORNIA ) ~'~ COUNTY UF QRANGa ) ss. I''M..I GI'~Y Or' ANAHEIM ) ~~~'i 1 ~;i; I ~' I, Edith L. Harris, Seccetary ot the p.naheim City Planning ~,~ Commissi.on, do hereby cEri:ify that the f:oregoa.ng resolution wa~ passed and ~,:,. ~; adopted at a meet.ing af the Ar~aheim Ci.ty PJ.anning Commissaon held on A~ri.1 3, ,,,,. ±'+:~ 1984, by the following vnte of the membPrs thereof: ~at~,~ ~~~ AYES: CUMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, 3USHnRE, f'12Y, HEFtBST, KT.NG, LA ~.LAI'ttE ~'± V MC BiJRNEY NC~S: COMMISSIONERS: NOIVF ,. ABS~;NT: COMMISSIUNER~: NON:3 IN WITNESS WHEREO[', I l~ave hereunto set my hand this 30th r~ay of April, 1984. ,, , , - ~ ~-Y „_.__ ' ~; ~~ SECRETpRY, ANAHE ~M (:ITY PI~ANNING ~OMMISSION -3- PC6~-76 , ` ~r~ ., _ .. ~'~~