PC 84-77n ~,~ '`°~"~ ~ r', ~r. s' :.~ ,~ %1 'i RE.~',GLU`LTON NU. PC89-77 A RGSOL'J ~'ION UE THE ~1NAHLIM C:iTY PLANNING COMMISSIpN `~'HA'1' PETIT:[ON FOR CONDI'.CTONAL USE PGP.hi~'Y' NU. 2:~67 BE GRAN'.CED WHLR~AS, thi~ Anaheim CiL•y P.lanning Commissiun did rer.ei~~t~ a veri.f:ied Pelitican Eor CondiL•ional Use Fecmit from r1PUI,LO INN, 1741 South Wes~ Street, Anaheim, Ca:tifornia 92802, o~aner, and DC~NALD K. KNI~GHT, 3513 Honeysuckle, Chixi~, California 91710, ayent of certain real property situated in ~he City af AriaY,eim, Cuunty of Orar.ge, ~;tate of Californ,ia, described as: PARCEI, 1; ~.'HG SUUTH 15U I'Er`I' OE' 2'HG NUR'!'H ~f3a FEGT OP' 'rHE F'AST 300 FEET OF LOT 1 UF '.rRACT NU. 2$5~~ IN THE CITY OF At~~H~IM, CUUN`.PY UF ORANCE, AS PER MAP RLCUI?DED IN Li00TC 90, P1~G~'S .3~ AND ~U GF MISCBLI~ANI:OUS MAPS, IN '1'HE OFFICE OF TH~ CUU[V'rY RECQRI)ER 0[' SAID C'OUNTY. PARCE'L 2: ~'i~IE; SOU~'H 20U F~ET OF THL" I~ORTEi i85 FEL't' QE TH~ EAST 3U0 FEET GF L~`I' 1 OF TRACT N0. Z854, IN `.rHE CITY OF ANAHFiM, AS PF.R MAP RECURDED IN BOQK 90, PA~~S 39 ANU 40 OF ~~1TSCE;LLAN~OUS MAPS, IN THE UFF:[CE OF 'i'[iE COUNTY RECURDER O~ SAiD COUNTY. WHGRF'AS, the Ctty Planning Commissio;z did hoid a public hearing at the Ci.vic: Center in the ~ii:y oF Anaheim ~n ,Aprx1 :i0, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing r~aving b2en du].y givPn as r~quired ay law and in accardance ~~ith the provisions oi"- the Anaheam MunicipaZ Code, Chapter. 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for and against said pc~oposed conditional use permit and to ir,vestigate and make finciings and r.ec~~mmPndatians in connection therewith; ~tnd WTiCREAS; said Commissiar~, after clue inspection, investigat=.on and stuc]y ma4e by it~~lf and in its bFha].f, and after due consideratian of all evidence and reports u£fered at said hearing, does find anc~ determin~ thp following facts: 1. That the proposed use is prol~er~y one f.or whict~ a conc3it•ional use permit is authorized hy Anakieim Municipal Cude Section 18.06.bB0 & 1II.48.050.160 tc wit: l-a permit the on-s~le oi alcoholic bpverage~ in an existing motel with waiver of the follow.ing: SE:CT70NS •- Minimum number of park_inq spac:es AND 18.48.Q66.050 (22f) spaces requir~d; 1'l8 spaces existing) 2. That t~he requested waiver is hereby granted on the b~sis that the parking variance will no~ cause an inr,rease in traf~ic congest:ion in the immediate vicinity nor adver ~ely aEtect any adjoi.i~ing land uses; and tr~at the Srantiny ~f tl~e parking variance tinder the conditions impoyed, if. any, will not be detrimental to the peace, he~lth, safety or yer-eral welfare of the citizens of tP,e City oE tlnaheim. 3, Tl~at ~he proposed use is hereby grarited subject to the pekitioner's stipulation at the public hearing that there sha11 k,e no ~U20br PC44-77 r'1 adverl•.i.sina siyns an the outside of i:he building advertising a"5ar" or '~cocktai1 lounge" or on-sale alcol~iolic beverages to L-h~ gFanera]. publi.c; and that Che stand-up t~ar sha11 na~ be converted k~ a:.~it-down c~c:ktai:l. 1au:,ge in l•he future. 4. '~h~~t rhe prop~s~d usP, as granted~ wili not advers~:~.,y affecl: the ad;joining land uses and 'che gr.owi:h and deve].opm~ri~ oL- the area in W1~1CY1 i.t is propos~cl to be located. 5. That the size and shape of Lhe sike proposed for thP use i.s adequate to a]..l.cw the fu11 develapment of the pro~~seci use in a manner not de~rimen•ta1 to tl~e par~icult~r area nc~r t~ the peac~, hea.lth, safety and gerier~l welfare of~ the Citzzens o.t the City of Anaheim. 6~ '~helt the gr~riting ot the Corid.itional Use I?erm~t unGer Eh~ condit•ions imposed, if any, will noi: be detrimental tc~ the pea~E, heal~t-, saL-~ety and genera.l welfare of ~he Citizens of Lhe C~.ty o£ Anaheim. 7. That thc~ ~.r.a[fir generateci by the proposeci use will not~ im~~ose an undue burden upon t}~e skreeks and higtiways designed and improved Lo carry the tr~£fic in the area. 8. That no on~ ind9.c~ted their presenr.e at saici public: heac~in~~ in upposztion; and that no carrespon~i~nce was r.eceived in oppositior~ to the subject petition. E;NVIRO~IMENTA?~ IMPACT FINDING: Th•,it the Anaheirn City F1an~ning Commis~ion has reviewed the proposal to permit the on-sale of alcah~li.c t~everages in an existi.ng motel with waiver of minimum number of parkiny spaces on a r.~r.tangu:larly-shaped parc:~l of land r.onsisting of approximately 2.41 acres, l~aving a£rontage o~ approximately 350 f~et on the weat side of Wes~ 5treet, ar~d f.urther described as 1741 South West Street (Apollo Inn); and does hereLy appzove the Negative Declar~ztion ~~.pon finding that it h~s considexed the Negative Declaration ~ogether with an~~ comments received during the public re~view process and furth~r Lindiny on ~he basis of the initial si:tidy and any comments receivecl ~hat th~re is no substantial evid~nce that the oroject ~~a~ll have a signif.icant ef£ect ~n the ~nvironment. NOY~, THERr^.FOkE, BE TZ' R~SOLVED L-hat the Anahe:im City Planning Commissi~n does hereby grant subject Pei:ikion Por Conditiona:l UsP Permit, upon the following cond;.`iona which are hez~eby faund to be a necessary pr~requisite to the proposed use of i:he subj~ct ~roperty i.n ordex ta preserve the safety ~nd general welfare of the Citizens of khe Cit~~ of Anaheim~ i. That trash storage areas shall be provided in ar.cordanc~ with approved p].ans on file with ~he Street Maintenance and Sanitation uivision. 2. Tl~at subject prope~ty shall be d~velopea .. ~~stant.ially in ac;corclance with plans and specifications on fi.l~ ~ri~?, the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit 1Vos. 1 through 3. 3, That prior to commericement of the activity autl~orized under this r.esolukion, or final biaildirig and ~onirig i.nspections, whichever accurs first, Condition Nos. 1 and 2, abo•r+~-mentioned, shall be camplied with. -2- PC84-77 ~,. ..., , ; °: r'~ 4. ~l~hat the proposed st~and-up bal: sha.ll nol•. be canvertGCi to a sit-down "bar" or "cocktail 1our~ge", 5. That no si~ns advertising a"bar" ~1• "cocktail" lounge or similar sale of zlcoholic b~ver~ges ~sh~17. bc~ permitted on the~ premises for purpose of adv~rtis:ing on•-sa.le alcohol to th~~ yeneral public. E~ IT E'URZ'fiER RESGT,VED that the An~the.im City Planning ~ommission dne~ htreby f.ind and der.errnane that ac~option of this Reseluti.on is expressl,y predacated upon applicar.t's conipliance wii:h each and all o~ the conditions hereir-abave set for.th. Shauld any siich conditions, or any part t~hereof, be declared invalid or unenforceable by the ;inal judgm~nt af any court of aompetent aurisdiction, then khis Fiesolution, and any approvals hecein contained, sha11 be deemed null anci voia. Z'ElE FOREGOING RESC~L(,'7.'TON is sigt~ed and approved i~y rne this 30th day of Apri.l, 198~1. ~. /:- i9 .~ . :• ~~,G y ,,~ °t G/'~ Lt.~ C[iAI.RWOMAN,; AHEIM CI'1'Y f~LANNING COMMISSION ~ ATTEST; ' ` , v - ~.~ ,~ ~~~:~ SE(:RETARXP ANAHEZM CTTY F'LANNING COMMiSSIUI~1 STATE Or' CALIFOP.NIA ) COUfITY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITX Q~' ANAHEIN ) I, Editi~ L. E3arris, Secr.etary o.f the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do hereby certa.f.y fhat the Eoregoictg resol.ution was pas~ed and adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City P].annir~g Commissian held orl April 30, ].904, hy the followiny vote af the members thereaf: ~.YES: COMI9ISSIOf1ERS: BUUAS, F3USEIORE, FRY, HERBST, KING, LA CLAIRE M(~ BUFtNEX NOF~: COMMISSTONERS: NON~ AB~ENT: COMMISSIUNERS: NOI~E IN WITNESS WHEfiEUF, I h~~ve hereunto set ~ny hand thia :30th day ~:E Apri~, ~.9II4. I C~~a~~~ .c:~ ~ r - ~_______ SECRETARY, ANI~HEIM CITY PLANNING CQMb1I5SIl~N -3- k(:. i~..,. .. .. . . . . , PC84-%7 ; ~• ~ . ~ . . ~ .'.',1~.