PC 84-80,; w~ ItL;30C~U9.'IUN NO. PC84-80 ?1 HESOLU'1'TON Of~' '1'HE ANAEiE.TM C:1:TX (~LANNING CUMMISSIUN '1'HA'C P1's'.-.':L'i'70N I Uit VAKTANC[~ Np. 33~0 F3F: GI~AN`!'Ell WHERGAS~ the Aia~aheirn Cil.y ~lanninc~ Commission di~l receive a verifiec7 Fetii:ion tor Varianct frorn GENGI~AL, AMERICAN LIE'~ INSURAN(:E COMPANY, 1G30 Suuth Sunkist, Suite l3, Anahcim, Calitorni.a 92806, own<~r, ~~nd RU57NESS PROpERTITsS, .1763.Z Fitci~, Ir:~ine, c'alifornia 9'17.1.4, AT7'N: RI~HHRD OGLE:SBY f~ JOE WALq~HGU~t, ayents of cer~ain real propErty si~uated in t'~e City or Anaheim, County of Oranye, Slate c~f Cali£orni.a describf:d as: PARC.~L 1, AS SHOWN ON A MAP rILED IN BOUK 174, PAGF.S 29 AND 30 Of~ PARCEL MAPS IN '!'EIG OFFICE UF 'rfir COUNTY RECnRDER OE' OkANGE GOUNTY, CALI:r'ORNIA. WHEREAS, the City Planning Con~mission ciid hold a public heari.ng at the Civi.c Center in the C,itX of Anaheim on Apr.i]. 30, .1984, t7L• 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hearing having been ciuly given as re~iiired ty 1aw and in accordance with thP provisions of tr,e 1~nahe~m Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to heax and con;id~r evzdence for and against said proposed v~~r.iance and l•o investic~ate znd mahe firidings anci recommendationN in connection ther~~aith; ar~d WHEREAS, saicl Commission, after due inspection, inve~tigation and study made by itselP and in its heha).f, and at•t.er due conside~ation o£ a1Z evidc~nce anc reports o~fered at ~aid hear.ing, c9aes find ancl determine khe follow~.ng F~~cts : 1• '.Chat the petitianer prop~,es waiver of the follc,wing to construct a 6-story office bui.iding: SEC~'TC)N 18.41.OG3.03G - Minimum .Iandscap~d setback. (10 feet from an interior property line required; none proposed) 2. Th~t the above-mentioned waaver is hereby granted on the basis tl•~at tr~ere are special circumsta~lces applicable to tt~e property ~ucl~ as st2e, sha~e, topography, lac;ation ~r surroundings, which d~ not apply to other identically zdned propErties in the vicinit.y, ar.d that strict applicati~n of the Zoning Cod~ d~prives lhe property of privileges enjoyed by other rroperties i.n i~ientical zoning classif:ication in the vicinity. 3. Tha~ th~re are excep:ional or extraordinary cir.cumstances or conaitions applicable to the property invalved ~~r tn the intended use of the property tlZat do r-at appiy generally t~ the pz~opert,y r~r class of use in the same vicinity and zone. ~. 'I'hat the reque;L•ed variance i.s necessary f~r the prescrvation and eri7oyment of a subst~r,ti~l ~roperty righ!• pos~esse~ by other pruperty in the same vicini"ty and deraied to the pro~erty in question. 5. That ti~e requeste~c3 varianc~ will not be materialty detrimental ko thc public welFare or in3ur.ious to the ~roperty or improv~ments in such vic.ini~y ~nd 2one in whi.ch the pcoperty i.s located. #0209: PC84-80 .y,~:.;.....,_; . . .. ~ 6. That n~ one in~icated their uresence at sair3 public hearing~ ii, opposik.ion; and that no corr~spondence was received in opposition to subj~~t ~eti.tion. ENV1ftODIML'N'T'AL TM~AC'r FTNDING: The Flant~ing Director or his aukhoriz~d repr~s~ntative has dei:ermined thar the prop~sec~ project *a11s c~itt~xr~ ; r e def.ini~.ion ot Cat~gor~ical Exemptions, Cl.ass 5, as defined lri thc alate CIR Guidelines and is, r_;~erefor~, categorica].ly exempL from the requirement to ~r.~are an GIR. N~W, 'rHE£Ek~ORE, BE I'I~ RESOLVL•'ll th~k the Anaheirn Ciky Planning Commission does hE~reby cJr~nL subject PEL-ition for Vari.ance, ~~pon tl~e following conditions which ~tre hercb,y touna to be a riecessary prQrequisite to the proposecl use of the 5ubject property i-? order i:o preserve the safe;t~ and g~ner.al welFare ot thn Citizens of thw City cf Anaheim: 1. That t:hi~ Vzr.iance No. 3390 is granted subject to the c~mpletion of Reclassification N~. 83-04-19, noF~ pending. 2. 7.'hat the propusecl parkirig structi.ce ~esign shall conform to Engineeriilg Standarr] P1an No. 402 perkain.i ny to sLandard details for parking structures and ramp requirements. 3. That one ac3ditional driv~way st~a11 be provicled o,. ~' ~ nclair Street at the inters~ct'.on of Stadium Way, to the satisfacci~n af' the City Traffic Engi.ncer. In addition, sight di,stanc~e vi.sibility sha11 b~ mainl•ained f.or exi~ing vehicles by maintaining low 1~r~dscaping t~ L•he southwest oE subject driveway. 4. 7'hat th2 proposed driveway ~n Howell Street shall ~~ one-way in-~ound only. Control sha].1 be installed ~nd maintained to the ~atisfaction of ~he City Traf.fi.c Enqineer by the irst~llation oP either tire breakerc or ~L• ~ solid median on Ilawe].~ Stre~t, said median permit.tinc~ only on~ Na,,~ ~e£t-turn tra.tfi~ to enter the si.te from southbound Howell StrEQt. ~. That subject property ,ha11 be dev~loped substr~ntially in accordance with plans and specificatians on f-.i1~: with the ~'ity of An~heim marked Exhibit No, 1. 6. That prior L•o fina.l building and zoning ir,s~ections, Condi.ti.on Nos. 2, 3, 4 and 5 above-mentioned, sha11 be cornplxed with. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVF,D th~t the Anaheim City Planning Commis,sion does hereby find and d~L-ermine that adoption of this Resolu~ion is expr~ssly predicated upon appl:.cant•'s compli.ance witFi each and a11 oE tl~e condi.tions hereinabove set forth. Should any sucti condition, or any ~art thereof, be declared invalid or unenforcE,able by the fina.l judgment of any court of competent jurisdicLion~ ther~ th7.s Reso.lution, and any approvals her.ein contained, snall k~e dPemea null and void. ~Z~ PC~4-$0 ~,;;,, ^•~~ 'i'H.E k'ORx~GOING RESOLUTIUN is signed and approved by me trais 30th day oi April, 198~. .. ./. /'`'l,Gt ~ ~'"~ ~ ~ /~~ "~'~..~_i CEIAIRWOMA~N, I~~V";qT~~TM C'f,TY~PLANNIIJG COMMISSION A'rTE ST : `,% ~ -~°.~" , vt~, SECRETARY, ANAHFTM CI'TY PLANI~TNG COMMISSTON STAT~ OF CAI,IFORNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANGE ) S~, CIT.Y UF ANAH~IM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Plarini.ng Commissi~n, do here?.y cer~ify khat the foxegoinq resolution was passed <<nd adoptecl at a meeting ot the Anaheim City Planning Commission held oi April 30, 1984, by t17e following •~ote of the mPmbers thereof : AYES: COMM?'SSIONERS~ BOUf1S~ BUSI~IOR~, r'R:~, HERA~~', XING~ LA CLAIRE: b1C BURNEY NUGS: COMMISSTONERS: NUNE ABSENT: CUMMISSIpNE.RS: NONk: IN WI'1'NESS WH~ItE~F, I have hereunto seL- ~ny har.d this 30th ~~y n~ A~~ril, '1984, __--~'~ ?r~.~ ~ ~ .. ~ ~. ~~~,.~ SECRE'!'~RX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNTNG COMI~IISSTON -3- PC84-80 i 1 a.: ~