PC 84-82~~.~~ ~ K~:SOLUTIOIV NO.~k~Ct34-$2 r RE,,S`pLU`I'ION OI' '!'f-!E ANAHI:IM CT'.I'Y PI.~A(~1NTNG COMMISSION THAT PE2'ITI~N ! OR VP.RIADICE N0. 3394 BE GRANTED WH~R~Aa~ the Anaheim City plann;.ny Commi~sx~n did receive a verified Detition for Variance from ~~EI-CHUNG C:iAO AND ItOSANA HSU CHAU, 1560 Suuth Har.bor Bqulevard, Anatieim, Cali.Ecrnia 9280?, owners, and K. S, ARCH.ITEG`2'S, ATTN: STAN SAKAMUTO, 3833 L' onc L• W• California 9U807, a.gent of certain L~a.l ~~each Boulevard, Long Beach, Anahei.m, County oF UrangE, Sta;:e of. Cali.fc~rn a d~ cribec9uase~ ~~1 the CitX o£ PA12C~L 1: `.CHL NOR'I'H 435. UO EFsET 0~ THF' EAST 46U.00 FEET O~ LQT 1 IN '.PPAC2' N0. 2g5~, TN '.PHE CIT~ OF ANAHEIM, COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF G:1LIL'URNTA, AS PGR M1AP RECORDED IN BppF< gQ YAGES 39 ~N~ `~0- Or MISCELLANEOUS Mp,p;;~ rN ~~1~; OFFICE UF THE CUUNTY RECORDER 0~' SAID COUP]'.PY. SAIU I,AND IS lNCLUDGI? WIq~HIN g'Hk; AREA SHOWN ON n l~;Ap FILEL~ ih' SQ~K ?7 PAGF' ].5, QF F2GCORll OF SURV~YS, TN THG OF'EICT' OF THF COUN~.CY RECURUi:;I2 OI' SAIp COUN'i'X, ~,ARCEli 2 ; THE FAS2'ERLX 500. QO T'EET OF' LOT .l IN B7~QCK 15 AS SHOWN ON A P~,.AT SHOWING SUIIU~;VISION OF T~iE SOUTH HAI, TOWNSHIP 4 SOUTH, RANG~ 10 WLST , F OF SECTION 21r COLONY 'i'RAC:T, IN 7.'H~; CITY OF ANAHEIMRG~OUNTY~a~FORANGEAZRVIEW OI' CAI~IFORNIA, AS PER MAP x~c~~n~n~ZN gQpK ~- uTATE b1ISCELL'ANEfJUS RECORDS MAPS, IN '.CHL OFFICE OF PTHE COUNOY RECQkDER OF SAID COUNTY. EXCEPTING THEREFROM 1'FI.AT PURTION TNCLUUGD WITHIN THE; BOUNDP.RiES OF TRAC'~ N0. 2$54, AS PER MAP REC~JRDED IN BOOK 9Q PAGFS 39 AND 40 OF MISCGI,LANEOUS MAPS, IN TH~ OFFICE UE' SAID CpUNTY RECURPER. WHERFAS, the City Plan~ni.ng Commission did hold a the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Apri1 3~ 1984ub a~t 1:301ng at notice of said public he~ring having been dul ! ' p•'~•~ accordance wit!~ the Y given as required by law and in pr.ovisions of th~ AnahHim Mur,icipal Code, Chapker i8.p3, to he~.; and consider. evi.dence for ~nd against said znvestigate and nake findings and recamme Proposed var.i.ance and ~o ndations in connection tP,erewith; and WHEREAS, said Commi;;sion, ~fEer due insp~;ction, investig~~ion and study made by itseli and in its beha~f, and after ~ue cansic~eration of all eviclence and re~orts o.Efer.ed at said hearing, does find an~3 determii;e the following ~acts: #Q211t PCt34-82 ,....~,,.~;: . ~ i~~~. ~. . °~. 1. ThZt: tne getitioner proposes waivers of L-he following ta construct a non-illuminated ro4t stgn: (a) S~,CTIOP] - I~ermitted locaki.on ~f roof si n. r ~ (120 Leet from south property line required; .til feet pr~posed) (b) SECTION .18.05.U93.0331 - i+iinimum ~istance between signs, ~+ i300 fee1: required; 9G feeL- proposedl 2. 7.'hat th~ above-mentioned waivers are hereby grant~d on the basis tizat there are special c;rcumstances applicab'le to the property such as size, shape, topography, location anG surroundings which do noi: a.pply t.o other identically zoned property in the sam~ vicinity; and that ~trict applicatioi~ of the ~oning Code deprives ~he proper.ty of privileges enjoyeci by other properties in thc i.dentical zone and classific~tion in the vicinity and subject to Tnterdepa.rtmental Cornmitt~.e recommendati~ns. 3, That there art~ exceptional or extraordinary circumstanc~s or con4itions applicable to the ~roperty invclved or to the intended use ot the properL-.y that do n::t apply gener.ally ta the property or class of use in the same vicinit; and 7 ~e. 4. Tizat the requested variance is necessary tor the preGervation and enjoyment o~ a suUstailtiai Yiup~rtll riqht possessed by other property in ~hP same vicinity anc; zone, and d~nied to i:he proper~y it~ qupsti.on. 5. That the a:equPSted vari.ance wi11 nol• '-~ mat~erially dEtrimental to the public welfare or injurious to the property or improv~ments in such vi~:inity and zone in w;iicl~ the property is located. 6. That on~ persc~n irdi~at~d their presence at said public hearing :in op~osit-.ion; and that no corr~spondence was received in opposit:ion to subject petiti~n. CNVTRUNMENTAL IMPACT FINAIDiG: The P~anniny Director or ni.s authorized repre~entative has determined that t.he proposed project f~lls wi.lhin the definition uf Catego~ical Exempti.ons, Class 11, ass defined in the State EIR Guideline~ and is, th~refore, categorically exempt from the requirement to prepare an E,ZR. NOW~ THEREFOP.E, BE IT RESOLVEll that the P.naheim City Planniny Commissior~ doe~ tier~by gra.nt suE~ject Petition for Variance, upon the following con~iticns which are here~y founci to be a necessary prereqi~isite to the propc~-~:d us~a of the subject property in order to preserve the safety and gPneral welfare of the Cii:izens af the City of Anah~im: 1. Th~t this var.iance shall be effucti.ve only upon th~ approval of deletion of Conditi.on No. 11 aP City Council Reso].ution No~ 8?.R-385 to a11ow a 148-foot~ 11•-inch high roof sign. 2. That Lhe raof sign sha11 riot be illuminated in any manner. -2- ~~C84-82 .~- ,.,:~ ~ '~ .,, .. ''j j• That subject property sha11 b~ dEVeloped substan~:ially i.ri accord~nc~ , witk~ plans aud spec;ifications ~~n fi7.e wi~h tt,e City of AnahEim ' marked Exhibit Nos. ;. and 2 ~. That p.ri.or to the commencement of the activ.ity au+_horized urder this resolutic+n, or prior to th~ tirne that a buildin or within a period of one y~ar frnm the d~~te of pi:hi~t resalution, whir.hever occurs first, Condition No. 1, above-mentioneci, sk~a].1 be com~,lie~ with. Ext~nsions for. further time to complete ~aid conditions may be grantec7 in accordance with Section 18.03.09Q ng the Anaheim Municipal Code. 5. That prior t~ Einal building and zoning inspecti.ons, Conda.L•ion No. 3, above-menti.~n~d, shall be c~rnF~lied with. , BE I~.' F'URTHER RESOLVED that the Anahei~ri Czty P~_anning Commission da~s hereby find and determine that adaption of ~h.is Recolut~ion i~ expressly predicated upon appl:.cant's compliancP wi~h each and a'~1 of ~he conditions hereinabove set forth. Shoulc3 any such r.ondi.i:zr~n, or. an ~~ dec:lared invalid or unentorceabl~ by th~ Fina1 Y Part r_h_ eof, be competent juri5diction, then this 12~5olutiun~ p~ ~m~ ~~~ of a''y court o,~ contained, shall be ~eemed null and void. y aPl~rovals herein '1'~E F'CREGOING RESULUTTUN is signed and approved by me tY~ia 30th day of April, 1984. /~ 1%~ ~ ~,•'' --L-'~G`"'~,.~ ~l. - ~_-~r~ CHAIR6VOMAN, A~V~ FIM CITY PLAHNING COMMISSION AT'1'EST ; ~ ~ ," ~~~ ~ ~~ S.ECRETAFY, ANAH.~IM CITY 1~LAN~1 NG COMMISSION STA'1'E OF CALIFORNIA } (':OUIVTY OF ~RANGE ) ss. CITY O£' ANAHEIM ) I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary oF the Anaheim City Planning Commissiori, do hereby certify that the foreg~ing re~olution was passed and adopt.e~ at a meeting of the An~heim City Nlanning C~mm?.ssion held an April 30, 1984, by th~ fr~l.lc~wing vote of the memb~rs ther~of : AYES: COMNJISSIONERS: FRY, HERBST, KING, L'A ^I,AIR~, MC BfIRNEX NOES: COMMISSIONFRS: BOUE~ ABSENT: COMN1zSS1~DNER~; $rJSHORE IN WITN~SS WIiEREOF, I riave hereanto set my hand this 3Qth day of Apr a.l . 1984. J __._--- `~ ~"~~' " ' / ~ SECRETARY, APdAHEIM CIT:' PI~ANNING COMMISSION ~ J ~ PC$4~£32