PC 84-83~ ,, ; - ,~..~ ; ;~~-:;} ,4,_..- •fF~`r^,;i ir~y~':,, ~ j~l a, ~ ~~,~ , i Y~ i;~lr. . ;f~+ ~;LSO[,uT:CON [vo. E~C84-F33 V~~: 1 -- """ - ;;'k~" ~ 11 IlE;;ULUTION O~~~ Tf{E ANAHIs'TM Ci'1'Y YLAt7NTNG !:OMMiSSION !;;' '1'HA7' !'FTT'1'ION I~OR RFCL~AaSIf~.ICA'!'.ON NO. fl3-~iq-'l7 g~; GI;AN'PEll ~~._~ ~ ' or• ~~' WHL1~L•'AS, the Anaheim CiL•,y P.lanniny C'otnmiU„lor~ d.id rec~.ive a ve~r.i.fied `,' petition for R~clas:;ificatio~a irom '.l'EXACO ANA[tETM fIILLS INC ~'l;.. Anaheim H~l.l ~ Road, Anaheiin, C~.liCorni~ 92$p7, owner, and HUDSC~N• D~:VEI'OOPMFNTh `, 21991 Herencia, Mission Vi.ejo, Cali.furnia 92692 a r-~ ' ,~' prooerl:y ~. • ~ g nh of cer: karn real ;., ~ ~ttuated in the City of Anaheim. Court-y of Orange, 8ta~e o~ ~~~ California, de; crik~~d as tollows: «ri: PARCLL 1 SN '1'HE; CITY C:F ANAFfEIM, COUNTY OP ORANGE, STATE UP ',; ~~LZF~RN1~1~ pS PER MAP EILED IN F~OUK 14Y, p]~(iES 14 AND 15 OF PARCE;L MAPS, IN '1'KE UEF'.(CB OF `i'HE COUNTY RECORDGR OE SAID COUMTY. WHEREAS, the City Planning Comrni,s;;ion did ho.id a puu.lic hearing at the Civic Center in the Cil:y of Anaheim on April 30, ].98~ at 1:30 p.m., notice oF s~id public hearing having been duly giv~n as required by law and in accordance with the provisions oF the Anat~eim Municipal Code. Chapter 18.U3, to hear and cunsider Eviclence tor and aguinst said propose~9 reclass~ficat~on ancl to investigaLe and make findings ~nd cecommendatior.s in c;onnection therewith; and WHEREAS, said Commissi~n, after due i.nspection, inv2~tigati.on and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after duc consideration of all evidence and reports o~f~red a~. sa.i.d hearing, doe:~ find and determine the Eollowing facts: prop~rty 1. from That the petitioner pro~o~es RS~P,-43,OOQ(SC) (Residential xeclassifica~ion of subject Uverlay) O Zone , to the I2,-S,OOq(SC) (Resicle;ntial, Agri.cultural, Scenic Corridor Sing le-Fa il veriay) Zone. . m y, Scenic Corridor :. That the Anatieim General Plan designates :;ubject roperty for hillside .1ow-densir_y residential land us~s. 3• That the pro~osed recl~ssiEication is hnreby yranted subject to khe petitioner.'s stipulation to record a covenant 2imiting development of subjert firoperty to n~ more than 25 single-family uni~s plus 3 open-~p~ce .lot~. 4. That the PCOQ03~d rec).<~ssifir:~-~tion r~1~ ,Uh jEC~ pro~,erty is necessary and/or de,irat,le fnr ~he or~3erly ar~d ~roper de~velopment cf the communxty. 5. 'Ct;at the propo~e~3 reclassificatzo~~ of s~bject orr~perl•y cloes properly relatz to the zones anc? thei.r permirtc.~d usey 1~ eally estat~li~theci in cloae ~roximity ~o cubjec~ ~rrope:ty and tc~ thc zone~ and L•hcir yener.aJ,ly e~tablished throu~jhuut tt~~~ community. Permitted useE 6. 't'hat rhA propos~d :ecl,a~sif.iration a£ sub~ ~ct ~ropecty reouirQs the improvement of abutring $k[~?ptf; in acr,ordance with kt-e Circulatian ~lement oi~ khe GQneca] Plan, dc:c Co thc .an~ir.i~~t~eci inrreare in traf.Eic which wl.11 be yenetated by the inkF~nsi£ic~rion of ]ana ~se. ~Q211C PCBd-$3 0 7. '.l'hat no one inc3icat~d their. gresence at suicf public hearing in o~.~position; ancl th~7t no corrrspondence was ~-ecc~iver] : n opposition to sub~ect pet:iri.on. L:NVIRONMEN'L'AL IMi~AC'.C HINlliNG: Gnvironmenta.l Jmpzict Rc~p~rk Nc. 224 waN previously ~ertifi~d i.n conjuncti.on with Rccla:;sificaL-i.~~n No. 7a-7g-2~ Conditional Us~ P~c•mit No. 1935, apE~r.uved by the Plann.i.ng Cammi~sion aon Januar.y ..y, 1979. N~W, TEIFRLFGR~, Bf T`t~ RESOL,VGD that the ~~naheim City 1~1an~ii.n~~ Commission doe~ h~reby yr~nt subjc~ct Fetition Eor Reclassification ar~d, b,y so ; doing, that Title 18-2~ninq ~~ the n~~-~heim Munici al Code be a ' exclude the above•-desr;ribec~ ~' merided to ~ prUperty from the RS-A-43 000 incor~~orate said dESCribed propert}~ into thc RS-5 000 ~ ~^c~ ~n~ to ~ following cunditions which are hereby fourid to be a npcess ry r~re upon the `~ ~t~~ ~rupased use oT: ~ubject ~roperty in order t~ p q~l~ite to ~ ~' general welFace of. the Citizens of tht City of Anah~im pr~s~rve the s~fNty and 1. '1'hat thP c.~wner ol ~ubJ~ci: propecty shall by recorded deed irrevocably offer to dedicale to the City oP Anal~eim (a) ~~ Srrip og ].and 53 Feet in width f.rom the centerline of the street along ImperiaJ. Highway, from the northerly boundary of. subject parceJ. to t:~c sa~itherly extension oC the bour~dary between TracL- 1U407 and :t'ract 104U9 and tF~ ) a 50-Poat wide street 1abeled "A" Street on the ap~rove~7 exhibits, far street wi.denin~ purposes. 2. That all engineecing requiremencs of Fhe City ot Anahei.m along Imperial Highway from north~rl.Y boundarp oE ~:uUject pa.rce.l to the southerly extensi~n of the boundary between Tract 1U407 ana mract 10409 and along "A" Street, inc.luding pre;~~-~ration of im~rovement plans and insta.ilation of. all im~roveme::t:s ,uch as curbs and gutt•Pr~, sidewalks, street grading and pavr~~~ent, ;;ewer ar2d drainage ~acilities, or other appurtenant work ~hai.l be comp.lied with as requir~d by the CiFy Gngineer and in accordance with specifica*_ions on tile in the Office of the City Engineer; and that securit,y in the Eorm of a bond, cert.ificate of ~epo~it, letter of credit, or cash, i.n an amount and form satisfactory to thF~ City r~f Anaheim, sha11 be posted wir_h the City L•a guarantee the satisf~~ctory completion of said improvements. Said security shall be posted with the City prior to adoption o£ the ordirian~e rezoning sub7ect property. 3. That street 1igl~ti.r.y facilitiey along Imperia? Hiyhway ~rom northerly boundary ot subj~ct ~arcNl to the suutherly extension of the bour-d~ry betwE~en Tract 10~'17 and Z'ract 10409 and along "A' Srreet shall be installed ~as rec~uired by the Utilit.ies G~neral t9anagec in accordance with ~peci£ic~atiun:~ an file in the ~fffcc~ of Utilittes General M~~nagNr, and that s~r.uri.ty in the form of a bond, certiFicate of r~ep~sik, letter o~ credit, or cash, in an amo~~r,t and ~orm sat'.sfactary tc the City of Anaheim, shal.l be poated with the City to guarantee thH saeisfac~ory comp.lF~t.ton of t~~~ ebove••mentioned imPr.ovements. SaSc] ~ecurity .~ha11 he P~;~ted with the City of An~~heim pxinr ta pzi~r to acio~tion Qt thr~ or.dinan~:e rezoning aubject pro~~erty. -2- PC84-8j .~-, . ~ `~~ 4. ~'hat the owner oL- su~ ject ~rup~~r. ty sha11 ;~uk~miL• ~, letter reque;~i:ing Lermination ot c:andi~i~nal U~e C~~rmit No. 1)35 ro the Planning Ue~artment. 5. That completion o.[ these reclass.iLicacion E~roceeui.ng~ is contingent upon the granting oi: Variance No. 3395. ,i,: n:.. 6. Thal an ordin:ance rezr~ning subj~c~ property aha11 i.ri no event become Y`' eff.ective ex„ept upon or fol].uwi.ng the ~~cardaLion of a f.inal map t;;'~. -~`;:: ~~uithin the r.ime spec:ifi.ed :n Government Code Section G6463.5 ur such ~y;'; further time as t.he Planning Commissi.on or City Council ma,y yrant. 7. 7.'nat t:he is7ue rcq~rding the southc=rly exter.ai~n o~ Tm~erial Elighwa,y lllh0 the City of ~~range ~;ha.l.l be cesolvec~ c~ th~ satisfactinn ~f the c:ity Enc~incer and t•he City Traffic Lngineer. 8. That t.l~e owner of the property sha13. r.~cord a covenant on the propert,~, said covenant to be anproved by the City Attorney's Office, to limit subdivision and cfevelopment o.: subject prop~rty L•o no more than 25 sing.le.-£amily uni.ts plus 3 operi-s~ace lot~ wh3ch woul.d not be c9~ve.1c~E:d with resi~ences. Sa9.d covenant shall be r.acorded prior to introduction of an ordinan~N. 9. That pri.ar. to the i.ntroduct:ian of an ordinance rezoning subject property, all of th~ above-n~enl:ioned conditions, shall be complet~d. The pcovisions or r.igt-.ts granted by thiti resvlution :~ha11 become null and void by action cf: the Planning Commission unless said condit;ions ~re complied w.ith within one year Crom the date of this r~,oiution, or suct~ further time as the Flanning c:ammission may grant. BE TT FURTH~,K ItES~LVED that the Anaheim City Planning Commissior. do~s hereby find and ~3eLermine t:hal adoption af this Re~oluti.c~n is expreasly predicated upor: applic.ant's compliance wi.th each and a1] of the conditions hereinabove set f~rth. Sho~ild an}• ~uch r.undition, oc any part thereof, be cleclared invalid or unenfarcAable by the f.inal judgment ot any court ai competent jurisdictiu~i, then this Resolution, and any approvals herein eontained, shall be r~eemec~ null ancl voi.d. j THE FOR~GOING f;ESOL~'I'IUN is sigi~ed and approved by me thi~ 30th day ~ uF April, 1984. I . ~i,i, ~' ~ ~ ; ~L : 2.,t~;~ -L~ ~.~'rf ~ _ ; CHAiIZWOMAN, ANAHETM CITY PLANNINC COMMISSION ATTEST: _ v: ~ t,~~i ~ /{~ ! `.-E: ~ ` ~ F/'C.~ ~ G. ~, SECRE'PARY, ANAEIEIM CZ7.'Y PLANNTN~J COMMIS:iION -3- I~C84-83 'I s: ,•~.., . , ., ~ S7'1~'i'i; OE' CALIk'URNIA ) COUNTY OF ORANG~: ) s.; . ~ CI'TY OI' ANAHEShI ) t~ l;ditn ~,. Harris, SP~r~tzrY ~F tlie nnah~im City Planning Cammi~sion, d~ hereby c~rkify that the forec~oing r~,o:Lution was ado~ted at a merting o.f th~ Anah~im City Planning Commission held o n~ ~ed anci 19$4, by thG followin g v o t e o f t h e r n e m b e r s t hare~ f: P i l 3 0, AY~~• COhIMI5SI0NERS: 60UAS, .BUSEIORF, E~'kty, HERBST, KItJG, LA CLAIRE MC ~iUI2NFX NOES: COMbIISSIONF~RS: NONE ABSEN'r: COMMISSIONLRS: NONE zN WITNESS WHEREOF, I h~ve hereunt~ se~ my hand this 30th da A~ril, .L984. y of l / `T ~'+' -~ ~' .. ' ~~tr ~ " /~ i ~i! - SECRFTARY, ANAHEIM CITY PL,ANNTNG CUMMISSTQN I ~. ; I ~ i ; _4_ ' PCF34-83 ..:<:~.; ~ ~