PC 84-87rti, ftE;SULU"I'ION NU. 1'CE34-8~ ,-~.. A 12E;:i(?LU'1'1UN 01' '.I'HE' A,NAHGIM CI'l'Y PL~INNING COMMTSSION `.CHA'1' PE'1'IT.Ic)N L~UF2 i.ONUI'i'TUNAI, USE {?[;RMT'1' NO. ?.569 E3E GRAN`i'Ell WHt~REAr, ~hc Anallnirn Cit.y Planning Commission did r.ecei.ve a ver, i.f•i.ed Petition .Eor. Condi.tional Us~.~ pE~r.mik tr.om ST~Vk:N D. E11:.INft1:CH ANn i~~;11 ANNE }IE'iNRICH, 613 c,outh Br.uce Str.eet, Anahei.m, ~.aliCor.nia 9Za04, owner.s ~f c~,r.tair~ r.ea.l pr.o~,er.ty situated in the Czl•y oP Anaheim, Count~~ oC Or.ange, ~tat~ of C:a],LCOCSIl:I~ de.cr.i~ed as: PAFtCr.', 5~ AS SEIOWN UN A PARCF L MA1' !~ TLED IN BOOK 2~1, FAGE 19 OI~' PARCEL MAFS IN '1'Hli OE'E'ICG l,lE' THE CUUN'.CY RL•"C~RllI;R OC ORA~IGE CUUNTY. WEIERGAS, thF~ City Planning Commissi~n dic] hold a public hear.ing at r.he Civic Gent~r. in the c,'ily of Anaheitn on May 7.4, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., noti.ce oC s~id public hear.iny havzng been duly g.iven as r.Pqu~ir.ed by 1aw and in accor.dance witl: the ~r.ovis~ion::, ot kh~ Anahei.m Murii.cipal Code, Ghapter. 18.03, ~o hear. and c~n~ider. ~vidence far. and agai.nst sa~.d pr.o~osed conditional use per.mit and to investiyate and rn~ke ~ir~d:ings and r.ecommendati.ons in cunnec~ion ther.~~with; anc] WHEREAS, sa~id Comm.ission, aEi:er. cJue i.nspection, ilivesti~.,.,tion and study made uy itself an~i in its belZalf, and after' due consider.ation of al:l evidence and repor.ts off~r.ed at said hear.ing, does E.ind ~nci deter.mine the following facts: 1. That the pr.oposeci use la pr.oper.ly ane for. wh.icr~ a cnn8itional use permik is auchor.ized by Anahe.im Mun~icipal Cod~ Section~ 18.06.080 and 18.26.05U.020 to wi.t: tr~ per.tnit a day-car.~ center. with a m~ximum oF 12 childr.en with waiver. of the followiny: SFC`PtON 18.06.OSO.U2G3 - Re uir.ed loadiny ~nd unloading ar.ea for. AND 18.26.QG6.U10 childr.en. (on-site vehicle loading ~~nd unloading ar.ea r.equir.ed; of:~-site pr.opo~ed) 2. '1'h,~L I:F,e ~r.oposed use is her.eby gr.anted tor. ~ p~r.iod oE one (1) year., to expii:e M~~y 14, ].984. 3. Z'hat the requested wai.vE7r, is her.~by gr.~~nted on the basis l•tiar the City '~r.aftic Cngi.ne~r. t~a~ appr.oved an on-str.eet load.ing and unloading ~r.ea on Etr.uce Stceet in f.r.ont of subject pr.~p~r.L•y, ~r.ovide~ thar, said ar.ea t~ pcoper.ly designated witl~ sign.ing, and subjc~cL• t~ l-he a~pr.ova.l and adoption of a City Or.dinance esrabli~hing an ar.ea r.es~r.icte~i tu passenger. loadtng and unload.iny between the hour.s uf b a.m. to 6 p.m.; and tur.ther. ~n th~: basis thal• the par.king var.i.anee will nut cau~e ~n incr.ease in tr.a£Cic congFStion in the xmmedi.atie v.ici.nity nor. adver.sely aCtc~ct any ad;oinzng land uses; and t:hat the gr.ant:ing of the par.k:inq var. iunce «nder. rhe conditian~ irnposed, if ~~y, wxll not be detr.i.mental to the pcacn, health, saEcty nr. general w~1L•ar.e of the ciCi~ens of Che C;ty of Anaheim. 4. 'I'F-at t:he pYO~ioBnd u:.e wi.ll nc~t aaversPly ~af.tiec~: the adjain.ing land uaes and the yr.owth and dev~~loprnent ot ti~fs a-~ea in whtch it i.s pr.o~osed to be .located. #U214r. PC84-87 ~ ,"^,~ 5. '~'ha~ t:l~e si.zc ar~cl shape of t:17~ sit.c C~r.o~,osed Lc~r, the use :ts ad~quate to a11ow tlie (:ull d~v~.lo~rnenr. c~E thc~ I~r.opos~d use in a m~nner. not: detr,.i,meni:al to the par,ticular. ar.ea r~or. to the pe~~ce, hea1L-h, sa£Nty anc~ yener.al we.1P~r.e ot tht: Citizens oP Lhe City Qf Anah~im. 6. 'i'hat ttie gr.ant:is~g c~~ L-he Condi.t;ional U~e C~ermit under. the c~nc~itions .imposed, if an,y, wi.11 n~h uc detr.imeni.a; L-C ~he peace, health, safety ~znd y~ner.al WEI~ar.e a~ the Ci.tizr-~ns oE the City af Anahei.rn. 7. Tnat the t1-~fl:.ic ycne-'at~d by thP proposed usP will not impose an undue bur.den u~on the sGr.eets and h.i.ghways de,igned ancl impr.rved t-~ car.ry i:he tr.afiic .in the ar.ea. 8, Th~t one ~er.son inrl.icatec.l h~r. pr.es~nce at said public hear.•'tng :i.n opposition; anc~ that no corr.espc~ncienc~ wa5 r.ecei.ved in opposition ~o the subjecr pet.ik.i.on. ENVIRC)Nt+tENTAL IMPACT FINi)ING: That l:he An~heim Ci.ty P.lanning Commission^ has r.eviewed the pr.oposal i:o per.miL- a day-care center, wifh a ma~tzmum of .12 chilr:ir.en ~~nd wzrh wa.iv~r. of thc r.equir.ed on-site vehi.cle loadin~7 and unload.ir.g ~rea for. r.hildr.er. on a r.ectangular.ly-shaped par.cel of land consisting of appr.oximately B, 728 s~~uar.~ Lee: , hG:v.ing a Lrontage of appzcxi.mately 55 fe~t on thc: we~L- si.c7e of E3r.u~e Str.c>et, and fur.ther. descr.i.bed as 613 South F3r.uce Str.ee~; and does her.eby app.r.ove the Negativ~~ Declar.atiori upon Pinding t-.hat it h~as c~,n,.i.der~~ i r.he N~_~gative Ueclar.at.ion together. w.ith any comments r.ece.iv~d dur. ing ~he ~+ub.l ic r.evi.~.~Gr proc~s , arid Ei~r. ther. f inding ~n the basis af the ini.~ia1 ~r_ucly and any comments r.eceived that ther.e i.s no substa-tt.ial ~vidence that the pr.ojec~ w;11 have ~ signi_Eicant eEfert Un the envir.onment. NOW, TEII;REFORE~ EiE I'1' RESOLV~D that the Anaheim City P:l~nning Commi~si.on does her.e;by yr.ant ~ubject Petition .for. Conc3itiona.t Use Permit, u~,~n thc Fol].owing co~z~i.tions which a~e her.eby found to b~~ a nccessar.y pxer.equisite to the pr.oposed use of thE subj~ct pr.oper.ty in or.der. to pr.eser.ve the sa£ety ~nc~ ~;cner.al welfar.e of tt~p Citizen~ of khe City oL` ?~nahEim: 1. 7~hat- subj~c;t pr.opFr~y st~all be developed subsL•antial.ly i.n accor.dance w.ith p3.ans and ~p~c:i~ic;at.ions on file with L-he City of Anaheim mar.ked Exh.ibit No. .L. 2. 'I'hat a designated, clear.ly identifi.ed, on-str.eeC passenger. loar3inn and unloadi.ng ar.ea shall he pr.ovided on E~r.uce Str.eet adjacent to subject proper.ty in a rt~anner. satisfactor.y to ~he City Tr.a~Eic Engi.neer., and subject rc~ ~he appr.aval and acloption of a C.ity Or.iiinance est~~bli~h:ing an ar.Pa r.estr.tcted l•o pa~sengec• loaaing and unluacii.ng betw~en ~he t~our.s of 6:OU a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monciay Chr.~uqh Fr.id~~y. 3. Th«t pr. i.o-: to the c:omtnencFt7ent oC the ac~i.vity author. i.zed und~~r. ~hi.s r.esolution, or. witl~in a per.iod of ~~n~ year fr.om L•he date of th.is r.e,ulution! whichev~r. or.cur.s fir.st, Condition N~s. 1 and 2, above-menl:ioned, s1~a11 be complied witk~. Extensions for fur. l•t-er ti.rnP to ccmn.li:te sa.id conditions may bt gr.anted in accor.dance with Sect.ion 1~.:;3.(l90 ot thc Anaheim Municipal Cod~, 4. That the r.eyue~t, as author. ized by thi., r~~:;oluti~n, stiall be limited to a totaj maximum ~f twel.ve ~12) ct-ilcr.en. -'l- PC8~1-87 t"~~'~~ ~ ~ • `~ , , ;;~';. ~. , ,, ~' ~°': ~'. I ~ ' ~, ` - ' "; M~ 14 t `~• That t;h~ use is hr-.r.F~hy yr.anted E~~r. .~ pF:r..iod of o Y 1)F34 , 1 : . ne . year., Go exp.ir.e `~' ~`~~ ' ~F' I`!' I~ URiHEP. RG:iOLVED ~Ue~ her.eby f.iild and dAter ~ity Plannin mi t~e l-t C ~ ~E ~~ h~ . . g h, ~at ~c~op~,lpn ummisston pr.ed.ica~ed upan aPPl:iaant's ~eso].uti~n i ' .s ~xpr.essly com liance wi.th each and her.einabcve set f,or.th. ~ all oL- the Should `,; ~'`~ ~ny ~uch cond.it.ions canditions clec;lal-ec3 inva.I.id or. unenEorceable b ~ or, any par, t tl•~er.eof b th ., e compeEenL- jur.isd.ict.ion Y c tir~al judgment of any couxt of. conLained oluti~n h L ' , an~ an , , s al~ be deemed n ul.l ~nd void. } a~provals her.ein ,~ ~` TEIL; E'ORL.;OTNG .R.E;SULUTIUN is s.igned and appr.oved t>y me ~ o.C MaY, .1984. .`, h ~ ts 14th d~y ' ~~ ~ ' ; ~ ~-•~ c~ •c~ , . , u,°, .,~,- . CHAIRWQMA ANAHr M I I ~ry pi,ANNSNG COM ~ A'!'TESZ': MI~STON • ~ > ~ -! ~ ~ { t i ~~." `~~ ~~ SE(;RL7.'ARY, ANAHh~ PLANNING (:OMh1ISSiON ' ~ ~ ST,ATF GF' CALTFORNIA ) COUNTY UF URI~NGE ) ss. ~~ ~ITY OF ANAEIEIM ) I, Fdith L. Har.r. i.s, Secr.etac•y of thE Anahe.im Cit Commission, do her.eby CP.r.~{E~ ~h~t r_ adoptEd at ~ mee~Lng nf the Anaheim City Ila n~ ng Commi.ssionn he:l y Planning das passed anq ~984, by ~he followiny vote of the mEmbe~:s the.r.,~:pg; d~n Ma Y 1~, AYk;S: COMMISSIONERS: FRY, H~RpST NUES: CGMMISSIQNERS; ~ KING, MC gURN~Y ABSCNT: COMMISSIONERS: LA`CLAI~ESHORE IN WI'PNE;SS WHEREO~, I have h~r.eun~o se~ my hand th:ts 14th day 14, 19f34. of May ~,'~ ..~I ~ r,r-~1 ,,_,~ . SECRE'1'ARX, ANAFIEIM CITY PLANN NG COMMISS70N -3- ;t ; ~ ~'C84-87