PC 84-94RESOLU'i'TUN N0, PC84-~4 A RC,~,OLU`~IUN OP' `T'HL ANA.NEIM C:ITv p~,/~NNiNG ~:OMMISSION ~~~~1A`~' PL'i'T'PION FOR L'UNDT'L'IUNA.L USL pLFM:C'!' N0. 2569 Bk; Gk~1NTr;]) WHEREASr tt~c~ Anahe.im C:i.~y Planning Commission did r.eceive a vcrified Petil..ion for. Conditional Us~e Per.mit Cr.um CHAFtL,~, VERMEULE[V & TR~NE VERML;U',GN 11591 CiH.~o P.lace, Santa Ana, CaliEor.nia 92705 ENT~RPRISES p, n, ~ ~ owner.,, and CARL KARCHER ~ Box ~13h9, Anaheim, Gal:ifor.n.ia 92$03, AZ~~rN: R.ICHARD R~NN~1, agenl of cer.ta.in zeal pr.oper.ty s:ttuated ;.n the City o1 Anahei.m, County ~~ ~~r~~n9~, State ot Califor.n.ia, descr, i.bed as; F'ARCEL 1: THAT POR`rSON OF 'PF1E SOU'PHW~ST QUART~R Og THE SOUTHWES'r QUA_;TEF~ Ur S~CTION 23, Tp4rNSHIP 4 SOClTH, RANGE Zp WEST, IN THE RANCHO SAN JUAN CAJON DE SANTA ANA, CI'1'Y OF ANAHEIM AS SHC~WN ar~ A MP.r RECOFtllF.D IN $OOK 51, PA~E 10 OF MISC:L;LLAN~OCS MAk~S, Ih '~'F1E Ok~TCE GE THk; COUNTX RECORDER OF SAID COUN'CY, QESrHIBED A5 f~QI.,LUWS: A~GII~NING A'i' TE1F EAS'I'ERLY TBRDiINUS OF THE COUZSE SEiOWN AS "~UUTH $1 ° 11' 30" WES'i', 358. 12 F~:ET STATE HIGHWAY REL,INQUISHMGN`i' hr~~ WYTHIN Pi4RCGL 1 OF THE PAGE 345 525 ~2GCOF2DED IN r300K 8136, Of OFFICIAL RECORDS; THGNCE ALONG THE 80UNDARY OF SATD REL'1'NQUISIiMGNT THE FOLLQWING COURSES, SOUTH $].° 11~ 30" WEST 35b.12 FGE`i' TO TEiE BEG.INNING OF A CUl2V~; CONCAVE EASTERLY HAVING A RADIUS Oi~ 55.00 rEEq', WE~TERLy~ SO[)mHWES1'ERLY ANU SOUTIi~RLY 77.97 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL A~1GL5 OF 81° 13' 45", SGUTH 0° 02' 15" EAST 14.38 FEET Tv A POINT ON A NON-TANGENT CURVE CONCAVG NOR~'HE~2Ly EIAVING A RADIUS OI' 10~.00 FEET, A R.ADIAL TO SAID POI:NT }lERR5 SuUTH 29° S7' 45" WEST, EASTERLY 52.37 FEET ALONG SAID CURVE THFtQUGFI A CENTRAL ANGL.E OF 30° QO' 30" NO12TH 89° 57' 45" ~AST 4U7.68 FEE'P, NUR~'(i 0° 02' 15" ~Fg~ Z~p ~ pOINT QN ;A NON-mANGENT CURVF CONCAVE SQUTHFIES`~ERLY HAViNG A RADIUS U~' 970.OU FEk:T A RADZAj, Tp SAID PDINm BEARS NOR`.CH 55° 50' 22" EpST, NORTHWESTERLX ~~..13 FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OC 5° 3']' 08" TO '.CHE POINT OF IIEGINNZNG." ~XC~~'~' ~HEREFRCM ALL OTI., GAS MINERALS AND OTHER N':DxOCARHONS, BELOW A ULPTH OF 500 FEET, WITHOUT TFiF RIGHT OF SURFACE ENTRY, AS RESF.RVEU IN INSZ'RIJMuNTS OH RGCORU. PARCF,L 2; THAZ' POR2'ION Or' THE SOUTEiWEST SniITHW~gq~ QUARTER OF , 4UARTER OF THE WESZ'~ IN 'rHE SECTION 23, 'IOWNSHIP 4 SOU'PH, RANGE 10 RA,NCHO SAN JUAN CAJUtJ DE SANTA ANA, Ct`ry ~F ANAHEIM, AS ~ER M4P RECORnE;A IN BOOK 51 MISCELLANEOUS MAP~, IN THE O~'H".ICE UF ',PHF CUUN:PY RECORD R pF SAID COUNTY, DCSCRIf3~D AS FOLLQWS; NEGSNNING AT 'PHE EASTERLX TF72MINUS OE' TF1E NORTHERT~Y LINE p[. TiiA1' CERTAItJ FARCF.L OF I.AND AOUNDGU COMP.GE2'ELY UN ALL SIACS BY PARCEL 1 OF ~TATE [~r~Hp~Ay RELINQUIBHMEN~' N0. 525, AS SHOWN ON THE MAP hIL,~~7 IN E300K 4, PAGES 3 ANU q OE' EiIGHWAY MAPS IN THE OFFICE O? 7.'HE RECORpER UF SA.I!) CGUNTY, SAID NORTHERLY ~022Ur PC~34-94 LINE SHOWN A.S l~]AVTNG A f3~ARTNG AND D'ISTANC~. OF S()U'i'Efi 81° 1.1' 30" l9LST 35£3.12 E'~L'I'; 'I'EiENC1a AL~UNG SAID NOR`rHFRY LING ANU 'i'EiE VARIOUS CQUK~iF~S TN '1'H~ FiOUNDAI2Y OL' SA~D I,AND, SUUTF] 81'' 11' 3U" WES`I' 3~8.1'l E'FE~`.C TO '1'HE BEGI~~NTNG O[' A TANt~~NT CU.RVi~ C;UNCAVE `T'0 TL~IL SOUTHE~S'P HAVING A I~ADZUS OF 55 ['EE~'; TEIGNCF ALONCi SAID CURVE `.t'kiROUC:H A CEN'.CitAL AI~IGI,G OI' 81° 13' 45° AN ARC llIS'~ANCG O.F '77.97 G'EBT; 'i`EIF.LdCG `P~INGENT TO SAIU CUFtVE, SOUTH U° 12' 15" EF~S`I' 14. 38 1~F7.' TO TEIE B~GINtJING 0@' A N(?N-TANGrNT CUkVE CONCAVE TO TH.C NOR'rHEAST HAVING A RADIUS UF lUU F~ET A FtADtF,L LINE `~'HP~OtJUH SIaIU B~GI[VNING OE CURVE E3EARa NORTH 29° 27' 95" EAST.; TF.IENCE f~I~~NG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAI, ANGLL OF 30° UO' 3U" AN ARC DIS2'ANCE 0I' 52.37 F~E`i' TO 'i'tiE: WF,STEFLY TEHMINUS OF THE SOUTHE'EtI~Y LINE OF SAIll PI~RCEL OF LAIVD EIAVING A BEA.RING AND 1%tSTA~CG OL' [~O~t`t'H 89° 57' 45" EAST 407.6II FEET; T[iFNCE L~AVING 'r~IE BOUNDARY OF SATD PARS;EL QF 1.,AND, ALONG A CUkVE: TANGENT Tq SAID SOU'I'HERI,Y I~IN.E AND CONCAVG `r0 THF NQRTEiEAS`1' HAVSNG A RAD:[US OF 165 rEFT THROUGH A CENTI~AL RNGLE QF .18° 30' 00" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 53.28 FEET TO A P~TNT OF CQMPOIJND CU.RV~;, ~1 RADTAL f~itJF TE?ROUGH SAID POIN'P BEARS SOUT[•1 18° 27' • 15" WEST; THENCE I~LONG SAID COMpOUND CURVE EIAVJNG A RAAI(JS OF 36 FE~E'r Z'fiR~UGH A Ck;NTRAL ANGL~r OE 13U° 02' 45" AN A~tC DISTANC~, .('i[' 81.71 FEET~ 1 RAUTAL L:INF THROUGH THE E[JD bF SALD CURVE REARS NORTEI 31° 30` OU" W~ST; THFN(;E T~IIVGENT TO SAID CURV~; NORTH 5$° 30' 00" EA~T 57.Q0 FEET; THENCE NflR'rH 81° 58' 2t)" EAST 287.03 FEET TO THE f3EGINNING OF A TANGEN7.' CURVL COI3CAVE 2'0 TH~ NORTEIWEST HAVING A RADIUS 0~ 41 ['E~T; THENCE ALONG ;;A: L~ CURVE THROUGH A CENTkZAL ANGLE OE $7° 38' 15" AN A.RC ilISTANCE OF 62.71 FEFT, A :tADIAS. LINE THROUGH THE ENll OF S~ID CURVL BEARS NORTEi 8~° 20' 05" EAST; THENCE ALONG NUN-TANGENT LINE ~OUTH 39° 4G' 46" EAST 66e:1y FLET TO TH~ FOINT Ob' BEGINNIh1G. EXCEPT TH~REFROM A7.,L OJL, GAS MINERALS ANA OTHER EIYDROCARBONS, BGLOW A DEP'rH OI' S00 ti'F~E'P~ WT'~HOUT THE 12IGHT C~F SURFACE EDITRY, AS RFSLRV~;.I) IN INSTRUMEN`i'S 0[' RFCOP,D. WHEREAS, the City Plar~nin~ Comm.is:;ion did hold a public hear.ing at the Civic Center. in the City of Anati~im on May 14, 198~, at 1:30 p.m., notice ot said public hear.inc7 having been d~l.y given as required by law and in accox.dance with the prova.sioris of the Anaheim btunicipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and con:;idez evidence tor. an~ against s~id pr.oposed con~lit:ional use permit and to investic~ate and make L-indingj and r.ecumm~ndati.ons in conr.ection Lh~tewtth; and WHE~tE:AS~ saic7 Commission, aftcr. due inspection, xnvestigati.on and study made by itself and in ils behalf., and ~fter. due consi.dezation of all e~idencP and r.eNortS ofPer.ed .~t said h~aring, does f~nd a.nd determi.ne the fo1.l~winy facts: 1 Tha~ the ~~oposed use .is pr.oper.ly one Eor. which a cond9.ttonal use permit is authoc~ized by Anak~eirn Munici.pal Code Secr.i~n 18.OG.QdU & 18.44.U5U.300 to wit: to per.mit the expansion oE a dr.iv~-througts r.estaur.ant with ~aaive~~ of ~he following: ;ECTION 18.06.050.U233 - Minimum number. of~ar.kinq spaces. AND ~. (93 s~act~.^, r.equir.ed; 82 spaces pr.oposed) -2- PC84-94 ~ ,,~^~•, 2• `.t'hat L•he r.ec~uestc~d waiver is h~r.eby yr..~nked on the basis ttiat the par.king var..i.~nce will ;~ot caus~ an incr.ease in tr.aL-.f.ic cong~sti.on in thc immediate vicin:iL-y nor. aclver.se,ly aF~fect any ~d7~i.n~ng .land uses; and khat thc gr.aiitiny of: L•h~ ~ar.king var,.iance und~r. L-f~~ condi.tion:~ imposed, i.~ any, will not be d~:~r.~imental t.o l•.h~ p~~ce, h~a1L-l-~, safely or. gener.al weltar.e of the ci~izens ~f the Ciky ot Anaheim. 3• 'i'laat the prc~posed us~ wi11 noi. adver.sely atf~cl: the adjoinirtc~ 1~~nd uses and the gr.owth and develapment of- the ar.ea in wh.ich it is pr.oposecl ~o be located. 4, That the size and sri~pe c~f. the site ~.r.oposecl gr~r. the use a.s ~dequate ~~ allow the Full development c?f the pr.oposeci use in a manner not detr.imer~tal. ~o the parkicular area nor to the pPacA, health, safety and gener..al wel~are o~ the Cit.izens of_ the Ci.ty of Anaheim. 5. That the gr.ant.ing oC the Condition~l. Use Per.mik unc]er the cond:itinns .imposed, i.f ariy, tivi11 not b~. detr.i.mental to the peace, healt!-~, safety ancl g~neral welfar.e of the Citi7ens ~E the City of Anahcim. b. That the tr.affi.c g~n~r.ated by th~ pxopased use wi11 raat impose an undue bur.den upon I.he streets and t~~ighways desi.gned and :improved to car.ry the tza:EPic i.n the ar~a. 7. 2'hat no os~e indica'ted the;.r. pr.esence at said public hear.~ g in opposition; and that no c~r.r.espondence was r.eceivsd in oppositi~n to the subject petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FINDIL~G: That the Anaheim City Planning Comm9.ss~on has revi.ewe~ ~he proposal to pQr.mit khe exp~nsion o~' ~ drive-thr.ough r.estauxant with waiver. of minimum number. of. par.ki.ng spaces on an :irregular.ly-shaped p~;-ce1 of land consistin of a located at ; he northwest cor.ner. of Katella Way and Marc h s ez~ A enuc o hav9.ng approxima~e fr.ontages of 460 feet on the nor.th side oE Icatella Way and 160 feet an the west s.i.de of Manchester. Avenue and furkher. clescr.ibed as 313 ~a~t Katella Way (Car1's .;r. Restaurant); anc~ does her.eb~ a • Declarati.on upon fi.nd.iny th~~ it has consider.e~3 the eyat ve~~ eclarat.i.on togethez with any commeni;s r.eceived dur..ing khe putalic r.eview pr.ocess and furthpr. fa.nding on the bas.is of the ini.tial st~~dy and any comments r.eceaved thaL- there is ne substanti~l eviclencP that the project will have a signif.icant effect on the envizonment~ NOW, THEREFOItE, BE IT RcSOLVED ~hat the Anatieim City Pl~nning Commissxor does hereby gr.ant subject Petition Eoz Corditiona7. Use Per.mit, up~n ~f1P, foYlowinr~ cond:itions whict~ are her.eby found to be a necessar.y p;-erequisite to Lhe proposed use oF the suhj~ct pzoper.~y in or.der. to pr.eser.ve the safety and g~neral welE'a~e of the Citizens nf the Czty of An~~he.tm: 1. Thal prior. tu xssuancc of. a building permi~, the appropri~te traffic signal assessment fee sha11 be paici to the City of Anaheim :(n an amount ~s deter.m.in~d b,y l-he City Council for. new cornmer.cial buildi.ngs. _3_ PC84-~)4 ; ~ ~ ~ ~ ! } ~ 1 r'~ ; ; r rl~)~A S w:~ta~ 2. Th~t thc elevEn (11) Par.k:ing spa~~es existinn adjacPnr to Manchestel- Avenue and the ex~ensi~n of tk~e dr.:Lv~-thr.ough lane shall be r.eser.vPd [ar ~mployee ~ar.k:ing only. 3. 'rhat nr.ior. ta issuance of ~ bu:i:ldiny Z.er.mit, appr.ogriate ~~at~r, asses~ment fees shall be pai.d to Lhe City of Anaheim, in an amount as dc:L•~r.m:in~d by L-he Office o~ ~he tJtili.ti~s Gen~r.al Manag~r.. 4. Thak th~ easCer.l~ dr.ivewa~ on Kat:e11~ Avenu~ sha~]. be r.~designed k~ accommoda~e ten (10) foot r.adius cur.b ~etur.ns, as r.equ~ir.ed by thc~ Ci~y Traf~ic Engineer.~ 5. `~hat th~ owrier of subject pruper.ty shaZ1 submit a letter. r.equesting ter.rnination of Conditiona:i Use ~er.m.it No. 943 to ~he Plarining nepar.tment. G. Tt.at subjc~cl ~.7roperty shall be dcv~loped sui~stant:ially in accor.dance with plan: and ~pec:ifications ~n file with ~he City o~ Anaheim rn~rked Ehhib.iL- Nos. 1 tnrough 3. 7. That pr.ior ~o the commencement oE th~ act:ivity aiitho.r.ized under this resolukiori, or pr:ior. L-c the time tt~at a building per.mit is issued, oz withi-, a pezi~d of ~~nt year, fr.om khe date of this r.~solutzon~ whichever. occurs fir.sl, Condition Nos. 1, 3 and 5, ahove~mentionec~, sh~111 be complied with. Extensions f~r. f.urther time to complel:e said condi~iori~ may be ~ranted tn accucdai~.ce with Sectiun 18.03.0~0 uf the Anaheim Municipa). Code. 8. Tt-.at ~rior to f.inal build:ing and zoning inspection~, Condition rtos. 2, 4 and G, abc~ve-mentioned, sha11 be complied wiL•h. BE I'r rUR`.CHER RESOLVEll that the Anaheim City Planni.ng Commissien da~s h~r.eby fznd and deter.m:ine that adoptio~i ~~i' this Resolu~ion is expr.essly I7cedicated upon app'licant~`s cornpliarice with each an~3 a11 af the conditions hereinabove sel• for.tt-. Shoulcl ar,~r such conditions, or. any part ther.eof, be cieclaxed invalid or unenforcEable by the Ein~l judgment of any cou..rt of com~etent juxisdiction, then this Resolut:~or., and any appr.oval~ her.ein contaxne~, sha11 be de~me~ nu11 and voic~. THE FORFGOING RESOLUZ'ION is signed and appr~v~d by me this 7~!tli da,y of May, ].984. ~' ,~'~/.~~ CHAIRWOMA~~ RHEZM CITY PLANNING COMMISS:[ON ATTEST: n ~~'~~ ~~~~ SECRETARX, ANAHEIM CITY PLANNIiJG COMMISSIUN -4- PC84-94 ~ ,:~~ , -.~ STA~.'E Ol CAI,IFOI2NIA ) COUNTY O.F OHANGE ) SS. CI`rY OP' ANAHE;IM ) I, Edith L. Haxr.is, S~cr_etazy of the Ariaheim C:~ty Planning Com.mission, do her.eby 4er.ti,fy that the for.egoi~~g r.ESOlutioit was passed and ~dopt~Ed at a meeta.ng oE thP An~hc~im C:ity Planning Corom.ission h~~ld on May 14, 1984, U,y the following vohe oE th~ member.s ther.cof: AYESo COMM.ISSIONERS; rRY~ HFR55T~ ICIN(~ NOE;S: COMM7SSIONEFt.Ci; NONE .ABSE~I'.C: COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, LA CLAII2E, MC 3URNk;Y 1~BSTA:IN: COMMISSiONERS: BUSHOR~ IN WI'rNrss wxEH~o~, I h~ve her.eunto set my hand this 14th day of May ].4, 1984. ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~A~ 3ECRI;TAFY, ANAHETM CZTY PLz..NN7NG CC~MMISSION . ~'- PB84-94 r i I I ~ ~.Mt%tii„ r c ~ . sc~~ , , . . _ ._. . . . . .. , .. ~ ;'~ C~ i~