PC 84-95RESOLU~.rIU~ N0. Pr.84-95 ~1 RBSOLUTION OF `J'HE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COM[hISSION THA`.C PGTITION I'012 CONDTTI~NAL UGE PERMT'i' IVa. 2572 IIE GP.ANTEll WHERFAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commi;:ion did r.eceiv~ a ver.7.fied Petition .for Conditional Use PEr.mit from ROSE C. F'UKUnA, ~7.' AL., 332 P~r.alt~'~ Hills llr..ive, Anaheim, Califor.nia 92a07, owner. of cer.tain real proper.ty ~at~.tated in th~ City of Anaheim, County of O~~ange, State of Caliior.nia, descri.~ed as: PARCEL 2 Ol~ ~ARCEL MAP 83-233, IN THE CLTY OF ANAHEIM, COtJN`i'X OE' OR~,NG~, STATE OE' CALTF'OKNTA, P~R MAP ['ILED IN BOOh 184, PAGES 1 ANT~ 2 UF PARCL~L MAPS, RF?CORi)S OI' SAID COUIv'.~'Y. WHEktFAS, the City Planning Cornmission did hold a publ~c hearing at the Czvic Center, in the Ci.ty ot Anaheim on May I4, 1984, at 1:30 p.m., notice of said public hear.ing having been duly given as r.eguir.ecl by law anu in accordance wikh t~e p.rovis.ions of the Anah~im Municipal Code, Chapter. 18.03, to hear and consider evidence for. and against sai.d pr.oposed r.onditional use permi~ and to inv~stigat~ and make findin,3s and rPCOmmendations ~in connection thexewith; and WfiER~AS, said Commission, after. d~ze inspectian, investigatiori anc~ study made by itself and in its behalf, and after. due consi.der.ation of a11 ~vidence and r.eports af_.:zed at said h~ar.ing, d~es find ancl detEr.m:inE the fo11o~~~ing facts: 1. That th~ p:.oposed use is pr.op~r.ly one t~r which a conda.tional use permat i.s aui:hor.ized by Anahei.m Municinal Code Section 18.06.08G & 18.44.050.U10 to tait: to per.mi.t on-sale beer and wine in an exi5ting restaurant wi.kh waiver. ot the f~llowing: SEC?'IONS - Minimum numk~er. of parkinq spaces AND 18.44,066.U50 (62 spaces r.equir.ed; 27 ~aces exist:ing) 'l. That the r.equested wa.iver. :is her.eby granted on th~ basis that the parking var.i.ance wil.l not cauae an increas~ i.n tr.a~L-ic congesta.on in the immec~iate vzcinity nor_ adver.se].y affect any adjoining land uses; and that the gzanting of the par.king variance undez the c;ond.itions imposed, if any, wi11 not be detz~.rnenra~ to the peace, health, safety or gener.al welfare of the citizens of the City of Anahei.m. 3. 7.'hat the pr.oposecl use wtill nr~t adver.sel.y af.fect the adjoining land uses and the yzr~wth and develoginent of th~ ar.ea in which it i.s proposed to ~e located. 4. That ttie size and shape oL- the site ~~r.oposed :Eor. rhe u~e is adec1uate ~o allow the full deveiupmex-t of the pzoposAcl use in a mannez not detzxmen~al to the particular. ar.ea nor to th~ peac~, heall-.h, safety and y~ner.al weifar.e of the Citi.zens oE the City of Anaheim. #0221z PC84-95 5• That th~e gr.~;,r,ti.ng of tl•i~ Cor~d:iL•.ional G'sN Per.mit under. the conditionU imposed, it any, w.ill nat be detr.:imental to the peace, health, sa.fety and general weltare of th~ i:i.Lizens of. the City oF. Anah~im. 6• ~'hat the tzaffic gener.ated b~ the pr.o~osed use will no~ impose ~zn undue I~arden upon the strPets and highways desiqned and i.mproved to car.r.y the trafFic in the ar.ea. 7. That no one indicated their pr.esence at said public hearin~ in opposition; and that no corr.espondPnce was r.~~ex~P~ in nppos.~tion to the subject petit:ion. ENVIRONhIENTAL IMPACT rINDING: That Lhe Anaheim City Planning Commzssion has ~evic~wed the proposal to per.mi~. on-sale beer and win~ in an exi.sting r.estaur.ant with wa.iv~r of mi.iimum numbez of ~ar.k.ing spaces on a :irr.egularly-shaped parr.el of land cons.i.sting of appr.oximatel 0~33 acr.~ approximate ~'rontages of 147 feek on the no~:th side of L:in~uln AvenuF aVand furth~z described as 19Q9 East Liricnln Avenue ~nd does h~r.eby ~ppr.ove the NegaL•a.ve Ueclaxation upon findiny that it has cons:ider.ed the Neyative DecJ.aration togethEZ with al~y comments r.eceived during Lhe publ.~c r_evi~w pr.ucess and fuzkner. f.inding on tne basis of L-he initial study and any comments received that ther.e i.s nu substant:ial evidence that the pr.oject wi11 hav~ a, sign~_ficant effect on the envixonment. NqW, THERP:FOR~, 6E I~r RESOLVED that the pnaheim Ciky Planning Gammissi.on does her.eby grant subject Petition for. Conditional Use Per.mi.t, upon the f~llowing cond:itions which axe her~by found to be a n~cessar.y prerequisite to the prop~sed use or the subject pr.oper_ty in vrder ro pr.eser.ve khe safety and gener.al welF.are of the Ci.tizens of the Ci.ty af An~heim: 1. Ttiat the owner. of. subject pzoper.ky sh~zll pay to the City of Anahea.m a f.ee fo~ str.eet lighting along Center. Str.eet in an amourit as determined by the Czty Council. 2. Tha.t the own~r. of subject pxoperty shall pay to the City o£ Anaheim a f~~ :~or tr.ee plant~ng purpQSes along Center. Sczeei: in an amount as determined k~y th~ City Council. 3. 'rhat pzi~~: to issuance of a bui.lding per.mit, appr.opria~e watEr assessment Eees shall b~ paid to t.he City of Anaheim, in ari amount as deter.mined by the C~ffice of the Utilikies Gener.a). Manaye.r.. 4. That in addition ta the pr.oposed number. of on-si.te par.king spaces three (3) additional oL'f-site parking spaces shall be pravided to the satisfaction of th~ City T.raf£ic Engi.neer. and pursuant to a paxking agr.e~m~nt appr.oved by the Cit;~ At~orney's OPt.ice. 5. That su~ject prop~rL•y shall be developed subsLanti.ally in accordance with plans and spe~ification~ on fi].e wi'_h tl~~ City of Anahei.m mar.k~ci Exha.bi.t Nos. 1 thr.ough 3. 6• 'Shat prior. to the c~mm~ncement of tne activity author.ized under. this zesolutiun, or within a per.a.od of one year. fr.om the date af thi.s r_esolution, whichever. occurs Eirst, Condition Nus. 1, 2, 3, and 4, above--mentioned~ shall be complied with. Extensions .Eor. iur.the.r tim~ to complete saxd conditi~ns may be gr.anted in accar~ance with Section 18.03.090 of the Anahezm Munzcipal Code. -2~ PC84-95 ! ''.~{~ , QE :['r ~'URTHEl~ RESOLV~U thak t.he I~naheim City ~lanning Commissa.on Goes her.eby .ta.t~u and deter.rnine that adopL-ian of thi,s Resolution is expresslx p~edicated upon applicant's r.ompl.ia,n~r~ w;.,r.h Aa~h and ~Z1 oi t~ e cur~c7:t~ians hereinabove .~et fu;.th. Should any sucl~ conditions~ or. a~ny part thexeof, be dec'lar.ed invalid or, unenforceable by the ,Eina1 judgrnent of anX cour.t of competent jur.i.sdic~ion, th,en this Resolution, and any appr.ovals here:in con~;.ain~d, shall be d~emed c~u7.1, and void. TEI~ P~OREGOING RESOLU'PION is sign~d and ap~,zoved by me this 14th day of Mayr 19f34. . ~~ CHAIRWC~IA ~~ '-------- ANAHE?M CI'rY PLANNING COMMTSSION .ATTk;ST : ~~~ -' ~ . ~. ~ A i • .. SECR~TAI~Y, ANAHEIM C.LTY ~LANNING GOMM,ZSSION STATE OF CAL'lFOP,NI.A ) COUNTY OP ORANGE ) $S~ CI`r`l OF ANAHETM ) I, Edith L. Harri.s, Secr.etar.y of the Anaheim City Planning Commxssion, do her.eby cer.tify that the f~r.~egoing r.esolution wa~ passed and adopted at a meeting of thP Anaheim City Planning Commission held on May 14, 1984, by the follawis~g voi;e of the member.s ther.eof: AYES: COMMTSSIONERS: BOGAS~ BUS~I012E~ FRY, HER~3ST, KING~ ~1C IIURN~Y NOES: COMMI.~,SIONERS: NONE ABSENT: C~1MMI5SZ~NEFtS: LA CLAI12~ IN WITNFSS WHEFEC~F, I have hereunto set my hand this ].4th day of ~tay 14, 1984. ~ ~ ~° / ,~ . ~ ~~ , SECRc^,'.CAP.X, ANAH~IM CITY PLANNING COMMTSSION -3- PC84-95