PC 85-201e ,..,., RESOLUTION N0. PC85-201. A RESOLU'lION OF' THE ANAHEIM CITY PLANNING COMMISSION THAT P~;iITION FpF~ CONDITiONAL USE PERl4iT N0. 2708 BE GRANTED WHEREAS, the Anaheim (;ity Planning Commission did receive a verified Petition for Conditional Use Yermit from SCENIC CORRiDOR iNDUSTRiAL PARK "A' Bristo.l Street, ~20J., Costa F1esa, California 92626 NANCE, 5612 . 2900 East La Pa.ima Avenue, Anaheim ~ owner, and GEORGE SAllAKANE, 5620 East La Palma Avenu~ ~ Cal.ifornia 92807 and KEVIN certain rea7. property situated in the Citn~heim California 928p7, agents for of CalifoLnia, ~escribed as: Y~F Anaheim, County of Oran e 9 , State THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 6, AND 7 pF TRACT N0. 925~ AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECORDED IN Bpph Zg, pAGES 42 TO 44 OF MISCELLANEOUS MAPS RECORDS OF SAID ORANGE COUNTY, AND THAT PORTION OF THE THiRD CLASS LAND ALLOTTED TO R. G. DE LA RIVA IN THE FiNAL DECREE OF PARi'ITiON OF TNE RANCHO CANON DE SANTA ANA, CASE NO. 1979 OF THE 17TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, RECU~~DED FEBRUARY 2, 1$7q IN BOOK 2g, PAGE 158 OE' DEEGS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY~ CALiFORNIA, LESCRIBED AS FULLOWS: MAPSE IN, ,THE SHOWt~ OfOF MAP FILED IN BOOK 49, e~AGE 6 OF PARCEL OFFICE THE COUNTY RF., ~nGiFOP.hIA. CORDEP, OI' ORANGE COUNTY~ ~IHEREAS, the City Planning Commission did hold a the Civic Center in the City of Anaheim on Septembec 4, ). notice of said pubZic hearing at public hearing having been dul 985~ at 1:30 p,m,~ accordance with the provisions of the Anaheitn Mun c palr CodeeaCha ~ to hear ana y~aW and in consic9er evidence for and against said ' p•er 18.03, permit and to investigate and make findings and reco mendations~iniconnection thecewith; and WHEREAS, s,i~ ~~;;,;;,i„i~~~, atter aoe inspection, investigation and study made by itself and in its behalf, and after due considetation of all evidence and reports offered at said hearing, does find and determine the following faccs: 1• That the proposed use is properly one for which a conditional use permit is authorized by Anaheim Municipal Code Se~tion 18.6)..050,601 to wit: to cetain an automobil.e restoration and repair facility and an automobile and jet boat repair facility. z• That the proposed use will not adversely affect the adjoining land uses and the growth and deveiopment of the area in which it is to be located. proposed adequate to altloW he full devel pm nt~ofthe site proposed for the use is detrimental to the particular the proposed use in a manner not 9eneral welt:~~~ of the Citizens of.tthe Cit t~ the peace, heaith, saFety and y of Anaheim. D607r PC85-207, 1 ~~ 3: 4. That the gcanting of the Conditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, if any, wi1.3. nut be detrimenr.al. to the peace, health, suPety and general welfare ~f the Citizens of the City of Anaheim. 5• That the tcaffic generated by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and highways design~d and improved to carry the trafEic in the area. 6. ThaC no one indicated their presence at said public hearing in oppos:tion; and that no correspondence was received in opposition to the subject petition. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT FTNDING• That ------._• the Anaheim City Pl.anning Conaiission has reviewed the proposal to retain an automobile restoration and repair facility and an automobiie an~9 jet boat cepair facility on a rectangularly-shaped parcel of land ~:onsisting of approximately 8.8 acres, having a frontage of appcox.imately 535 Leet cn the south side of La Palma Avenue, anrj further described as 567.2 ;,nd SG20 East La Palma Avenue; and does hereb;~ approve the Negative Declaration upon finding that it has considered the NegaCive Declarat.icn together with any comments received during the public review process and further finding on the basis of the initial study and any comments received that there is no substantial evidence that the project will have a significant eftect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, B~ IT P.nSOLVED that tt,e Anaheim City Planning Commission doe~ heceby grant subject Petition for Conditional. Use Pcrmit, upon the following conditions wtiich are hereby Cound to be a necessary prerequisite to the proposed use of the subjECt property in order to preserve the safety and general welfare of the Citizens oE the City of Anaheim: 1. Tha[ a traffic signa, assessment fee equaiing the difference between the industrial and commercial asse,sment fees shall be paid to the City o: Aneheim in an amount as determined by the City Council. 2. That trash stora,ye areas shali be provided and maintained i~ accordance with approved plans on file with the StrePt Ma~n~nn~;;ce and Sa~7tarj0T2 ~i~;ci:.r~. 3. That the proposal shall conply with all signing requirements of the ML Zone, unless a variince allowing sig^ waivers is approved by the Planning Commission ur City Council. 4. That no outdoor storage of or work on vehicles or vehicular parts shali be permitted and that all existing outdoor storage shall be removed and existing outdoor work terminated. 5. That sidewalks shall be installed along La Palma Avenue as cequired by the City Engineer and in accordance with standard plans and specifications on file in th2 Office of the City Engineer. 6. That subject property shall b~ developed substantially in accordance with plans and specifications on file with the City of Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos, i through 3. -2- PC85-201 7. That Condition No~. 1 and 5, above-mentioned, shall be completed within a period of ninety (90) days from the dat? of this resolution. 8. That pcior to final building and zoning inspections or within a period o£ ninety (90; days from the date hecein, whichever occurs first, Condition Nos. 7., 3, 4 and 6, above-mentioned, shall. ~e complied with. BE LT FURTFSEP. RESOLVED [hat the Anaheim City Planning Commission does hereby find and determine th~t adoption of this Resolution is expressly predicated upon applicant's compliance with each and all. of the condikions hereinabove set Earth. Should any such conditions, or any part thereof, be declared in~•~iid or unenforceable by the fin~l judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, and any appcovals hecein contained, shall be deemed null. and void. THE FGREGOING RESOLUTION is signed and approved by me this 4th daV of Se~tember, 1985. ~ ~~r9 . /, .l _, L; ( c? c-c..c ~ CHAIP.WOMAN, ANAHEiM CiTY PI•ANNING COMMiSSION ATTEST: (/~.~, `LJ /1L~ ~ M~/1-Ga/ SECRETARY~ ANAHEIM CITF PLANNING COMMISSLON STATE UY CAL'[FORNiA ) COpNTY OF ORANGE ) ss. CITY OF ANAHEIH ) i, Edith L. Efarris, Secretary of the Anaheim City Ul.anning Commiss.ion, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolucion was passed ur.d adopted at a meeting of the Anaheim City Pl.anni.ng Commission held on September 4, 1985, by thE following vote of khe members thereof: AYES: CODIFIISSIUNERS: BOUAS~ FRY~ HERBST, LA CLAiRE~ MC 3UP.NEY, MESSE NOES: CUMFIISSIONEP.6: NONE ABSENT: COMMiS~LUNERS: LAWTCKi IN WiiNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my ho;~d this 4th day oE Septembez, 1985. O , j ~ , ~ ~ • SECRcTAR , ANAHEiM CITY ?LANNING COMMiSSLON -3- PC85-201