PC 86-10~~ ~ i `' ~iir~ ;'7,' ^ RFSOLUTION N0. FC86--J.0 A 1tESULU'.PIUN OL' THE ANAHETM CI'1'Y PLA[JNING COMMISSION THA'.i PETITION PUR CONllITIONAL USE PEltt•1T'C N0. 2751 DE GP•.AN'PED WE1~;P.EAS, the Anaheim City Planning Camrnis~ion di~ rer,eiv~ a verif:.ed Petition For Condi~ional Use Permit from ~TUNAmE1~1N T. Y. YEH, ET A~, 1308 E1m Street, Alhambra, Californi~a 91Fi03, ownsr ot• certain r~al property situated in tlie City oF Anaheim, C~unty of Cranye, Stc~ke of C:alifornia, described as: 'PHF; FIEST 1/ 2 Ol~ TtiF SUU'1'HWFS7.' QUARTER OF THE SOUTIiWE~'P QUARTER OT' '.:N~3 NUFtTHWI,S7' QUART~'R OP SECiIt~N i3, TOW~ISHIP 4 SOUTH, RANCE 11 WLS'C, S.B.B.M. FXCFP`PTNG THFRLI'ROi~ 'iHE SOUTH 528 ~'EF.'P TfIFRrOF, ALSO EXCEPTING `1'HFkBPROP1 TH13 WE5'P 92 F£GT THL12EUr'. W~IEREA5, thP Ci.ty Planning Commxssion did hold a public hearinq at rti~ Civic Cen~er in tlie City of Anaheim o~ ,Ianuary 6, 1986~ at 1:.30 p.m., nc~tice of. said public h?ar.ing having been du.ly given a, req~iired by law and in accordance wi4h the provisi~~ns ot the Anaheim MuniciFai Code, Chapter 18.03, to hear and cons.ider. evidence for anc] agains:. said propused conditiunal use permi~ anii i:o investigate anca :n~ake ElC1G~.11lQS and CP_COifl(rl@11CI~t~O1lS in connECtion th~rcwith; anci WH~:kk,'AS, said Con~lnission, aEter du~ ins~ecLion, inves~iy~tion and 5tudy made by .itself and iri it~ bchalf•, and after ~3ue considerZtion oE a17. evidence and reports oEfered ae said h~arinq, does find and determine the following factr; 1. Thar the praposed use is ~ro~erly on~ for which a conditional use ~ermit is aurhori.zed by Anaheim Municipal Code Section to cait : ~r~ construcl- an 18-uni.t addicion L•o ~~-n exi.stino 27--unit motel (total.: 45 units). 2. That !-he pet.itioner stipulatec] ~hat any installati.nn of ~ satellitc: di ~t~ wil]. be fully sc:reened or. wi11 be located so as nol- t~ be visible Lrom ad;j~cc.nr. str,eet~ or praperties. 3. That the prc~~used use will nut adversFly afti~ct l:he adjoining land uses and thr growth anc9 development ot ttie area .in which it is pcoposed t~ be .located. 4. That the cize and shape of the s.ite propu~ed Eor the use is adPquat~ to a11uw the full deve:lopment of the proposed use in a manner not detr.irnenta.l to the parkicular area nar to tt~e peace, health, saCety and gene.al welLare r~f the Cirizen:, ot the City of ~',nah~im. 5. 'Phat th~ yranting oE th~~ Conditional. Use 1'^rm1C under the c~ndilions im~os~dr if uny, wi11 not be detrimental ~o the p~ace, health, saFety and qancral weltiare ot the Cilizens of the City of Anaheim. G. Thal: the f:ratfic generated by the propo~ed usc will not impose an undue burden upon the atreets and highwaya desiqnec~ and improved to car.ry the traffic in the area. o4sa~ PC86-10 ~~F. ;'~~ ~~ ~:. ``~;~ ~~ryA 7. That no on~ indicatcd their presen~e at saia publir, hearing in opposition; and L•hat no ~ocre~pondence was received in op~ositinn to the subje~:t petiL•ion. SNVIRONML•'NTAL IMPAC'P FINAING: That the 1~naheim City Ylanning Commission has reviewed the proposal to construct an 1S-unit~ addition ~o a ?.7-uniL• motel 1oca~ed on ~ r~ctangularly-shaped paresl oE ].end consisL•ing ~f a~proximately U.i6 acre, havinq a frontage of appraximately ~y37 Eeet on the east side of Beach Eioulevard, anci further describEd as 9i0 ,outh Beach Boulevara (A.renal Motel); and does hereby approvt the Negative Declaration upon finding khat it has considpred tl~e Neqative Declarat?.on together wiih any r.omments recei~ed c2uring the public review pcocess ano ~u~ther finding on the basis uf the initial study and any commer.ts received ~hat l•here is no substanti.a.l evi~enc~ that tt~e pco;ecl• will have ~ signiEicant effect on the environment. NUW, TH~:RLFORL, BE I'P RESOLVED khat the An~heim City Planning Commiss.:on cc~es hereby grant subject PeL•ition f~r Conditional Use Permii:, u~on i:he follot~iny conditions which are herPby t~und to be a n~cessary prerequisike to the proposed us~~ of the subject property in ordec tu pre~erve the sa£ety and general welfare ot the Citizens of tY~e City of Anaheim: 1. '!'hak prior 1:~~ issuanca_ of a building ~ermit, the a~,pror~riaL•e t.raffi~: signal assessment fee shall be paid to the Ciky oL- Anaheim in an ainnunt as cietermined by the C:ity c;~uncil for n~w commer~ia:l bui.ldir~gs. 'l. TY~at i:rash storage areas shal~ be pr~vided and maintairied in accordance wiL•h a~pr.oved plai~s an .Eile wi.th the Street Ptaintenance anc~ San.itatzon Division. 3. ~~hat ttie ~roposal si~al.l cr~mply with a17. signing requirements o~ the CL 'Lune, unless a vaciance a.ilowing sign w~.:i.vers i~ approved by the Planning Comn~i.ssion or City Ccuncil. ~. That all air condition:i.rig Pacil.ikies and other raot and ground mountecl equipment shall be pr.operly :hielded Prom view. 5. ThaC r.he ownec ot subjecL- proper.ty shal]. submit a letcer requeNt.i.ng ter.minatiun oE Varianre No. 1529 to tt~e Planniny lleparrment:. 6. That subject pro~:ecty sha11 be developec~ substantial.ly in accotdancs with plans and sPecifi.cations on file witn the City of Anaheim m~rke~ Ext~ibit Nos. 1 thcough 3; provid~dr howc~ver, tha~ kitct-en e£fici,er-cy units may t~e ins~alled in na more l-.h~in twenty-five peccenk (258) o£ the motel units, wikh a maximum c~f 6-cubic toot refrigerarors, two•-Uurner stove, excluding oven aric] baking facilities, ~nd single compartment. sinks, except that the managsr's unit will be allowec7 to have Eul.l kitchen Lacilities. . That prior to issi.tance of a buildiny permit, or within a psriod uf oc-e year from the daLe of this re~olution, whichever occurs first, Condi.tion Nos. 1 and 5, above-menti~ned, shall be complierl with. ~~;~' Extensions for furrher. time tio canplete satd condxr.ion~ ntay be ;, yranted in accocdance with Secrion 18.03.090 of the Anaheim Munir_ipal Code. '~ r..:,4 ..., •- 2- ~C8G--10 ;: ~`~t :?;., ,,~; +~rh~ r" \ ! 1, r ~ ~r~ e~ - .. . ~~;1 i l~,~,`~` ,' f ! S'~ " 8. That prior l•o final bui.ldi~na and zoning inspections, Condltion Nos, 2, 9, anc3 G, above-mentioned, ~hal.l be cornplied with. 9. 'l'hat atiy installaL•a.on oi a satellite dish shall ue fu11y screened or ~hall be l~cated so as to nat be visible f.~o~n adjacent streets and propert•i~s. BE IT I'i.~R7'E3ER RF.SOLVED that the An i~ieim City Planning Commission `~~' does herebx find and determine L-har adoption oE thia Re~oluCion is expressly N'1 predicated upon apQlicant's compliance with ~ar.h and all of the c~nditions f' hereinabove set forth, Should an such conditions or an Y , y par~ rhereaf, bs declar.ed invalid or unenforceable by thc final judgment of any court of competent jurisdicL-ion, tliPn this Resolution, and any approvalu hereirt contained, sha1T be deemed nu11 and void. ~., 'PH~ FOREGUING RGSULUTIGN is signed and upproved b~~ me this 6tri day of ~' January, 1986. . -, , :; ~•':.~~ ~ r G. /_~~, _~_-~`'~c~ - C ~~C: ~ :- ~-~=- '~ CFiAIRWOMAN, ANAFiGIht CITY .PI,ANNTNG COMhIISSIUN A'.CTESl' _______ 1~.•~...L~' ~/4'~'-~ ~ SLCRLZY RX, ANAHEIM CI'.PX ~LnNNING COt9F1ISSI0N STATE OF CAL~IFORNIP. j COUN`i'Y U1? UHANCG ) ss. c:ITY OL ANAHEIt+ ? I, Ldith L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci~y Planr.ing Commission, do hereby certif~~ that the Eoreguin~ reso.lution ~~ras passed and adopted at a r.iee~ing of th~~~ Anah~im ~'ity Planning Commission held or~ ~7anuary 6, 1906, by the tollowing vet~ of the members thereof: ~~~~ AYES: rOMM:CSSIONE'RS: EiOUAS, ['RY, F(LRBST, LA CI,AIRF, MC BURNEY, MESS~; tl('ES: CUtdPtISSTGN~R~: NONE AIISf:N'P: rGMMISSIOtJF:RS: LAwrCKI TN WITr~L•'SS WHEktGUF', I have l~ereur.to seh my h~nd this 6th day pC January, 19Cs6. --_____-~=~.-Q~~~~~___1~~ :;I;CRL'1'P.'RY, AP1AIi~TM C!`PX PLANNING~ SI~N r~ ~ ~ -3- ' PC$6-10 ; : ; ,~ ~~. Y ~ 11 2 ~ <~q ~'r ~ ~ ~l ~ ~ ~~~~ ~ r ~ :F ~Y ~ ~~~~`. ~.~. . . . ... . ~. . flr~.e..... ~ .,_ .. ~. ~ . . ~. i . ... . .~t: '~ .i . . ... .. . . ., . ..~. . ..,~ .. .. .. .. . . .. ... .. .. . .. .. ., ...,...~,w.....~.,_..~