PC 86-101~~ RGSOLUx'ION NQ. F'C86-•lU.l ,~ A R~:iOLUTION UE~ `.CHE A~IAHETM CI'PY PLAtdNING CCt~iihtSSIGN TERMINA`l'II~G ALL PROCLEDiNG5 iN CONN~,CTTON WI'PH CONDI'PTONAL USE PERMIT NQ. 14~39 :, WEfEltEAS, on August 5, 1y79~ Conciii:iona:l Use Permi.t No. 1484 was granted ;~~ under R~soJ.utiorl No. P'.;74-155 by the Anaheim City P.lanning Cc~mrnission fo "' ~~rmit an e~iclosed re~;taurar-t wxth a cocktai l lounge in the ML "7~ight r> Inuustc'ial" Gone on a rectangularly-shaped parr.el of land ~onsisting of approxitnately l.b acce:s lo~-ited on the easG sid~~ of Tustin Avenue, approxi,mately 35U feet south of the renterline of L~. Palma Avenue, and further describep as 1U74 Nurtt- 1'ustin Aven~le (Bessie Wa.lls R~skaurant). WEiEREAS, 71hi.1 de Carion (Bessie Walis R~stauran~) has subm:.tted a letter ray~l~stii,g termiriation ui` Conditiuna:l Us~ Permit Na. .1484 in sak.:sfachior~ nf a coriuii:ion at the yranriny of Conditional Uye Perntit 1Qu. 2685. N~~W, ~.l~i~Lk`r;Fvi~E, GL I`:' :?~'SU?~~~LP. ?~tiw!: t:t:~= Anaheim CiLy Plan~iing Co .imission does h~reby t~rmirtate ~li pr.occ~oinys in connection with Conditicna.t Ose Yetmit No. 14a~~ on rue t~asis o~ t.he toregoing tindi~iga. THL l'UREGUING RL.3ULU'I'IUN is signed und appcoved by me this 14th day ot ?i~ri..i, 19db. J ; ~ ~J`i C~C; t~L ~ ~ C' CHAlAWUt9Atl, ANAHE~M CITY PLANNING CUMMISSIOh A'.C'lEST: ~ . ~ ~ ___.~;~_ ~ , ...,~-~-~ - SliGRE;'CAi.1: ANAHF.IM CI.CY PLANP~IP7G CUMMISSIO~J S~i'ATli c:1F' C;AL I E'ORN I A ) CUUN'1'Y UI' ORANGE; ) ss. CTTY UE ;~NP.HLIM ) 1:, ~;uitr, L,. tiacris, S~cretary ot t.he Anaheim ci.r.y Planning Coinmi~siuri, ao nereby certity rhat r..he L-oregoir , r, ~o:lution 4ras pastied and aUOpCBU at a tnee-:t;ing ot tn~. Anaheim City Planniny Commission he'ld on April 1~}, lyt~b, k~y rhe tol iowiny vote o~`. th~ mr:mbecs kherpuf: AYES: ~'UMMI:;S:[UNEk~: 50UAS, LA c:L.4Ik2E, Lf~W.iCKT, MC DURNE:Y. MESSL NUES: c:0~1~]IS~IONERS: NONL, AF35EL~T~ COf4MISSIONERS: FRY, tiERGS`C IN WITNLSS WHL•,RGOF, I n~~ve r,~reun!-o c~et: my ~~~.~n:~ hhis 14th day of AE~ril, 1y86. /, _~~- ,~: .~'~~~~~.. SGC[2G'PARY, ANAH~IM CI.iY PLANNI[:G COMMISS70N ~ U7tilt PCE3G-101