PC 86-107•~, RL•'SOLUTTON N0. PCEin-107 •~~~, A~2GSOLU'PIUN OF THE ANAEIETM CT'P~ PT~ANNING COMMItiStON THAT 1'F:TTTION rUR 12F'CL~ASSIFICA'1'ION N0. 85-•$6•-29 IIG GRANTED WEiF.R~R5, the Anahe:im City P.l~~nning Commiss.io-i did receiv~ a veri.fi~d ~eNition for Reclassif•ic:ahion fzom CrARA V. HA.l'LG c~'o f3B~I F. HAII~E, 3053 •- B-Via 5erena ;outh Laguna :ii115, CaliFornia 92G53 and AFCO PETROLEUM PRODUCTS COMPANY, 515 South Elower. Street, P. Q. Eic~x 2679 'P~1, Los Angel.es, CA 90051, AT'I'N: CARL FRLllrRICK, owners, and I~IUNSON PROPhRTI~S-1ZOD~R~P H. CROWTHER, 16~380 Harbor Boulel~~rd, Suite 1U2, Fountain ~Ja1J.ey, Calif.ornia 42708, agent for cer.tain ceal prop~~r.~y situatec~ .in tf~e Cil:y ot Anahei.m, Coun~~y oL- Orange, State o.f California, ~iescribed ~~s follows: THF' EAS'P 152 FI;ET OF' 'PFIE SOUTH 78 Ff.FT OF 'PH~ NOR'Pl~f :L092 FE,~T OP' THE FF,ST. HALL' qE THE EA.ST 20 ACnES GE THE SCIUTHGP,ST QUARTI~F, OF THE SOU'PHW!a'S'i' (~UARTER OF SE~~'i'TON 7, TOWNSf:1SF ~ SUUTH, RANi ~E 1 U WEST, S.f:s.B. & M.; ANP. PARCE;L 2 UF P,~IRCEL MAP NU. 89•-248, iN T[•?L CI`P~! QE ANA3L•~IM~ COUNTY OF ORA~IG~I;, STATta Or' CALT.FJRNIA, AS SHqWN OPI A MAP l?I[,CD IN li~~OK 202, P.aGL•'S 14 T~NT) .15 OF PARCEL MAP:i,. IN TfIE OEF :'E QI' THE COUNTY RL•'CO'ZD~R Qe Sf1ID COUNTY, ~1HEF;EAS, the c;.i_ty Planriinq Commissi.on clid hold a Fublic hzacing at the Civic Center in the ~ity of An~l~~eim un April 'l8, 1986 at 1•3'l p.m., notier~ oL• sa.id public heari.ng having bten duly c~ivc~n as reqetired by la~~r ~~nd in accordanc~ with the f~rovisions af. the Anaheim Munici~~~l Code. (:hapt~er 16.03~ L-o hcar and consider evidence for and a.g~ainsL said prope~sed rF~classificati.on anu t~ inve~tigate and mak,e Eindings ~ncj recommendations in c~~r~,aection ~.herewi.th; a~id WEiEREAS, saicl Commis:,ion, aPter due ins~eutiori, i.nv~st::yat:ion and ~tudy made k~y it:~~l.i and .in its beha.lf:, and atter due consid~ratior.~ of alJ. evi~ience ;~nd reports of L-erecl at said hear.int7, does t`ind and d~~termin~~ l:h•r. Eollowing tacts: 1. 'Phat t.he peti~:ioner proposc., reclas;;i; ir~tion of subject ~~rope[t}~ Er.um the RS-A-q3,Of.lU (Resi.dential-Ayricultura~) "Lone to t.he CL (Comm~arcial, Limited) 'Lone. 2. That the Ar~aheim Cener.•al E~lan de~ignaces :;ubjecl- pro~er~.y for general c~;nmercial land u.es. 3. Tt~,a~ i•f~e proposed r•_~1as,sif.ication o~ sul?ject propecty i.s neces.~aL, and/or dC, !~le Eor. }:he arclerly and praper. clevelqpment ~~1' Che commun:i ty , 4. That the E~rc~posec~ reclassification of su:~ject proPert~~ ~oes properly relate to the zones and their r~ermitted uses lo~ally ~astabli~t:e~9 i n ~J.r,se proximity to subje.r.t pro~~erty and lo the zones and t:h~ir. .E~ermitte~a unes g~nerally establ.ished tr~rouc~h~~i.t the commun.ity. - ~~, 5. That pne intereskcd peraon indicated his pr.es~nce at said public h~aaring; and thal-. ;~o correspondencA was received in opposil•ion to subject- pekiti.on. f~NVIRONf9ENTAL IMPACT FINDING: Tnat ~he P.naheim City nlanr~ing Cummissi.on has reviewed the propc~sal to reclassify subject propexty from the }t:~-t;,-43,OOD (i~esidenti.al-Agricultural) zonc to the C[, (Commercial, Limited) Zone L-~ construcL- a 16,368-sq~are foot retail. c~nte.r in two phases with waivers of ma:cirnum sl-ructuxal height and minimum structural setbach on an irr,ng~larly-shapec? parce.l oE land consisting of approx~mately 1.3 acres and composed of two lots loc.ated north and west o~ the northwest cor.ner of Lincoln Avenue and Gilbert Street, and htiving frontages of approximately 140 Feet on tY~e north side oi I,i:~~.oln Avenue ~~n~ 125 fee~ on khe wPSt side af Gilbert Street, and further desc;ribed as 1].5 Nor~.h Cil.l-~ert Street; anci does hereby ap~,rove tY~e Negative Dec;.aration upon f.inding tF~at• it has considered the I~egative Declaration together with uny cr~mm~nts receiv~d duricig the public view process and further findiny on the basis uf the initial study an~l any ~•urnmenl•s received tha~ ther.e is no substantial evidenc:e thaL• the pzoject will have a siynifir.anl- efEect on th~_ envi.r~nment. NOW, TFIFREG'()R~,, f~E I`i' R13SOLV~D that the An~hei.m City P1~nning Com~iission does hereby grant subject Petit:ion Eor Ftecl. ~~ification ar~d, by so doinca, tizat 7.'itle 18-Zoning of: the Anaheim Municip«1 Code be amended to exclude Lhe above-described property from the RS-A•-43,U00 (Residentia.l-Agricultu.rall 2one and tc incorporate said describea property into the CL (CommEr.cial, Lin~ited) Zone upon khe fullowi.ng condit,ioris which are herebx Lound t.o be a n~ces:ary prer~c;uisil:e to th~ pr.a~osed ~~.se of subject ~r~~perty in ord~r ko prescrvt~ the safety and general welfare ~1° the Ci~izens of• the Cit~y ot Anaheim: 1. Th1t th,e owner of subject ~:r~per~y shal.l pay !-~ the C'ity of Anaheim a tee for tree planting purposes alor.g Gi.lber.t Skr~eet and Lincoln Avenue .in an atnaur.t ati detertninecl by ~h~ City Council. 2. 7'hat pr.ior ~-., rhe int•.roduct:ion of zn or.dinance cezoning subjer.t ~~oper'~y, Condition t~o, 1, abave-mentione~, sl;all be completed. The provisions or r.ight:s qrante,~ b;;~ this resolukion shal.l become null and coid by ar~tion c~f the planning Cammissiun un].ess said conciit:ions are complied w.ilh within one year L-rom the date of this res~~lution, or. s~~~h s:ur. L-her ti.me as th~ Planning Commis:;ion may grant. BE I'P F(7RTH~R R~SOLVLD that the Anaheim CiEy Planning Commissi~n doEs hereby ~lllca and cletermine that ado~,ti~n o£ this Resolutzon is expressl.y precicated upon aoplicant's c~a;np.lianc~ with ea~~h and ali of the cojtditi~ns hereinabov~ s?t f.~cth. Should any such conuition, or ar~y part r_here~f, bc~ declared inv~alid or ununforceable by the final judgmeiit of any cc;ur.t ot- corn,~~etei7t jurisdict~.on, tnen h.his R~solu~ior., anti any approvals h?rein conL-ained~ shall be dE~camed null and void. -2" PC86-107 ... . .. .,....... _ .. ..... . ....... . . ,;.~ .. r ~.i..:..,,. .~,....:. . . .. .. . . . - , ~- , .,. . ..__ .. . .. . . ._. , ... ._ .. . .... ..rtn ;~ ., -,....~ . :y `1 `rH~ FOR~GOING 12~;SOLUTION is signed and ~~pproved by me this 28th day of. April, 1986. )~ ~~. (/%/L.~~~~~ 'Gl ~ "' ~ .~___.~._ ~.~c .. „~ 4~ ~,~' ~~;~.-~~., CHAIi2WOMA~1, ANAHE:[M G'I.TY PLANNItdG COMMISSIqN <'' ATTEST; ~ ;<;; ~ ,... , ~~,"" ~ Me. _...~.~"'"'~"'~"~-~ ' \ r/~.~^ ' - SECRETARY, ANAHEIP". CTTY YLANNING CO[M :StON ~TATE OC CF!LIb'ORNIA ) COUNTI OI~ G'IlANGE ) ;;5, CITY OF ANAHEIM, ) ,; ;'; Commissi I, Edith L. on, do h~reby Earris, S~cretary of tr,a Ana}~eim City Planning aertify that th ;, adopted at a m~el:iny of: e foregoing resolu~ion was passed and tt.~ Anah~im City Plannin ;; 1986~ by g Comrniss.ion held on Anri1 Z8, th~ following vote of th~ members thereo~; ti4~ ~.: r~ ~ AY~S: CQPIMTSSIOIdEkS: BOUR: , FRY, HERRST, L;~ CLF~II?E, L,AWICKI, MC BURN~Y i , MESSE f NOE~: COMMTSSIQNERS: NOiQE ' ABSENT: COMMISSIONGRS: NONL Iy WITNc"SS WfiEREOF, I have heeeent~ set tny han~3 thi~ .'.8th day of Apri.l, 198G. ,. ~: . c~.-e-'+:-,% ~ ---.---- ~ ---~~ _ r . SECN.FTARY, ANAIIETM CI7'y 1~I.AN~II.NC, COMMISSION ~`~4 ~t~~t ~ w _3_ PC8 fi -].0 7