PC 86-116,~ ~~~~*~ 'i'i,;'. re KGs~r.u~r:oN No. PCH6-.116 A.Ft!•.SOLU'P10N ON 'PFI~ ANAfiF:IM CI'PY PLANNING COMi~1ISST_UN '1':I~'i' PE'CITION F'OR CUNllT`PIONAL USE P~RM:[T N0. 2793 F~G GI:AN'PF'U WHE1:T:'AS, th~ l,n~~heim City Plannin,y Comrni::sio~l did receiv~ a verifi~ed Petit.ion f.or Condi;:~.~na.l Usc•: Peemi.t from PATTtTC[( .I. SHEi,TON A~in SUSAN F.. SHE,LTON, 2:['l North State College Boulevard, An~~heim, Ga.liforn~a 92AU6, owners af cectain rc~a.l pro~erty si.Luated in thc City of' Anaheim, Count,y of Orange, StaL•~ uf CaliEo.•nia, c3~}scribed as: LU'1' 6 UG T12AC~r .t635, AS PER MAP ;~t~'CORDEll IN DOOK 49, PAGEE 1 ANb ?., FtTCORDS 0[' SAID COUNTY. WHGRGAS, the C.ity Plannino Commission did ii~la ~~ pubtic hearing at the Civic renter in Lhe CiL•y oL- Anaheim on April 28, 1986, at 1:.30 p.m., notice of saic: publ.ic li~aiing havi;~~7 k~een du.ly yiv~n as c~equired i~y law and in accardance with the pruvisiona oF the Anahr:.im Municipal Code, Chapter 18.03, to heac and con,ider evidencE~ for and ayainst said proposed condlt.ional use L e~~mit and to ir.vestie~a~e and make Lindings ai~d r.ecurrmAndations in conn~ct.ion lherewitt~; ~~n~i WHEREAS, ~aid Ccrranission, after dury inspection, inves~igatio~t Znd study made by .iL-selF and in its behalt, :ind afi:e~ c~u~ consideration of alJ. evid~~n~N and re~~orts oEEered at said hcaring, do~~s f.ind an~l ~i?t~rminc~ the E~llowing facts: 1, Ti~at thN ~roposed use is r~roperll one for which a condit;ion~1 use pernit is authorized by Anahe:~r~ t4unicipal Cod~ Se~:tion 18.44.Oh0.1~l; Y.o wit: 4•o expan~j ~n exi,L-ing docl-or.':c ot'fice in a convert~d re:~iden~ial structure wi r.h waivet oF: :.L' '.~^::C .G."vo.~~v.ulil, - Mi~imum number oE -~~;rkttilg y~iaces ~ 18.06.Ob0 (iU seice:~? reyuired; 6 spaces existi~tg) Af~ll .1~.44.UGG.USO 2. 'Phar, the C@c]U!?; ced ~oaiver i:: hereby yranred on t.he ba5ic ~hat ~he park.ing waiver will nc~l can^e a~i increase in tr.aiE.ic congesti.~n i.n the immediate vicinity nor adv^c~:~~ly ~~f[ect any adjoininy lan~1 uses and granting ot rhF~ t~arkiny waiver undec the eonc;ition3 im~osed, if any, will not be ~'eL•rimentaJ. to th<~ ~r:~ce, health, safer.y and general welf.a r~ oE thn cir,i~~.nn of th~ CiCy of Anahcim. 3. .'hat tti~ proposerl use will not adversely afEeck the adjofning land uces and ~he ~rowth ar,cl d~vc~lo~ment of. the are~ in which it io ~CO~OS~?CI t0 11i: 1~~Ci1tF~d. ~. Tha!_ r.he si:.~: ~nci shah~ nf the ~ite propuse~3 for the u~e is adequa~e lr~ a11ow the Eul.l deccic~pmcr,t n[ t~~~ pro~osed use in a mann~r not detrimental to the par-:icul~r are;.t nor Co the ~~e:ace, health, safety and gPnecal ~~eifarF; of thN Ci~il~il:i o~ the CiL•1 of: Anahe.irr~. 5. ~1'hat Chr~ gran~ in~ nf ~}1~: CUCIC~IC7,Ulidi rise PtCUiiL i~~~r~er the conditioiis inp~sea, it aily, .+il.l. not be detrimenkal to th2 E,ea~~, health, sai-~ty an~! ~31?n~ra.i. wrl£et'c aE Cf1C ~.itiz~n:~ of th~~ City o£ T,natz~im. p799r PC86-I16 ~~ r "Ji~YT, i i ` `;'i " i , 6. That the tr.~~[fic generatcd b1~ tl~ie pcoposed use wi11 nok impose an undue burd~.n upun rhe streets anc3 t~.ighw~ays de~igned and im~roved to caery Lhe trat:fic in the area. 'i. 'Pt~ar, no one indicated their p~:es~'nce at said pub.lic !~earing in oppouil•ion; ancl tha~ no corrr-.sponc~ence was r~c~eived in u~position to khe subject pet.it,ion. I:NVIRONt~EN`.C1~F~ TMPAC`: .I'INDING: ~hat t:he An~~heim Cit~l Plann~.ng Cammisrion ha::i evi~:wed ti~n Etir~iposal L-~ ex~anii an existing d:~c~or.'s oftice in ~ ~;on~crk~r) ~sidentiaJ. stru:ture with waiver of m.inimum number of pack~ng Spi.1CeS an a re~=tangularly•-sf~a~ca c~ar~el of. land consistinc~ of approxxmatel.y oY EeeL- on ~he ea~t side oF St~te Colle~e Ruulevard, and Eurther described as 212 N~~rth State Collf~ge 3nuleva~~c9 (Patrick ~Ie Shelt.on, D. P. ~i., Inc.); and does hec~by a~~~rove thf~ Negative Declaration upon £indina t`:Zt it has ~~onsi8ered t,he Negative lleclarati~n toyether wiCh ~~ny conimen~s received during the public review pracess and fuc~ther Einding on t.t~e basis of the initial study and any coir~ments received that khere is no suUstuntial zvid~nc~ that the project will have a significant eELect an tFie cnvironment. hiGW, 'i~iEREF~RE, El~ IT C2G50LVr,~) t~hat the Anah~im ~ity Planning c:ominissior. doe:= her.e~y grar~~ subje.ct Petit.i.on fo~ CnndiY.?anal. Use Nermit, upon the following condit;ions which are herPby found to be a necessary prerequisite ~o L-uc ~~:oposed tase ot the ;~ubject ~~ro(~~~~'L-y i.n ~rdFr ku pre.~erve the 3afety and c~eneral we~~are c~t Lht_ Cititens uE ~he Ci.ty uf Anahei.m: .l. That r~ricr to i:,suanc~ ~L• a building permit, L•hc: ~~ppropri.ate ~raff.ic siyi~~.l assessment [ee sh~all bu ~aid ta the Cit•y oP Anaheim ir an ar~~unt as der_crmi n~~d by Lhe c:i ty Co~~nci.l £or r~~w conmec•cial builciings. Z. T}~ai, the owner. ot sub jact proper .y shall pay to ~h~ City of Anatieim a :p~ for street liyhr.ing alcng State Colleye IIoulevard in ~•n amount .as r~eterm.~.u~:~.~ by the City t:ouncil. 3, ~T,,.~C r_h~~ okner c,t subjecC ,~r~~pt~rfy sha.1.L pay tu t:he Ciky o: Anaheim a Lee for tcee planting purposes alnny SL•aL-e rol~eg~~ Boulevard in an amount as determin«~d i.>.}• the City Council. 4. 'i'h~+t subj~~c;t pro~erty sha:ll be developec sub~tan~a.aily in accordance wit.h plans and :spF~cifiratior~s on file wi.th r_hc~ City of nnat±eim rar.ked F:'xl~inir_ Nos. 1, '1. ~.~nd 3. 5. Tnat prio: to iss~iance uE a buildiny per.mit , oc wit:~.in a period of on~ year Eron~ the dac:~~ oE this resol.,~tion, whichc~ver occurs firsC, C~ncl.ition Nos. 1, 2 and .3, abc~ve-ment:ioned, shall ae complied witF,. Extc~nsion:; tor. f:urthc;r t i rn~~ to c~mE~let~a sai.~ condi~ionr may be granted i.n acc:o:clanr.e wit:h Sec^tion 1d.03.09L' of the 1lnaheim Municipal Code. 6. ~t~ha.t ~~cior. Lo ti:,al hui.ldir,y anra •>.,oning inspections, Cand.ition No. 4, cZbUV~? ;;,tnti~~n~~(~~ $Il~'ill ~!? CUlll~~.lt?~ W~tit. rr _2_ PCBG-116 ~ .. ;,-, ~ f;~ , ~;• , ~,.. , ~, r,'~,~, 4~ . ~. . ~.., ^ ~ ~ ' ' ~,~ BE TT 1'URTHC,R RF.SOLVF.D that. th~ Anahezm City Planning Commission does .` hereby Lind and determinc; that adoption u£ this Re~olutian is er.pressly predir„ated upon apPlicant's c~mpl.tance wi~h each ~and ali oP the co-ic~itions hereinab~ve set Lorth. Sh~uld any su~:h conditions, or any part khereof, be cleclared invalid ~r. unenf.orceable by the £irial judgm~n~ of any court o£ campetent jurisdiction, then this Resolution, ar~-7 any approval~ hecein containep, shall be deemed nu11 and void. 'I'HU E012EGOtNG RFSOLU'I`ION is signed and ~ap~,raved by me th.is 28th day of Apr.il, 1.yg6, . !' f ~ f ,~ . ,~ C.~/l < ~-~.~~ _ ~'1 ~`~=~'- _ ~- ~ c.~-C,{_{i ,i CHAiktWUMAtJ, AA~AEIEIh1 CITY PLANIdING COMMISSION ~TT`r;ST: ~ ~ ~ Q~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~,_.._.,L~.,~l~`il~t..~.e~.. i S';CRL•'TA Y, ~~NelfiEIM C1'1'Y (~LANNIfdG CUD1M~ ISS;[pN S'.'ATE OC ~;ALTE'~~~tNIA ) COUN'!'1' OI~` (?RANGF j :-;, , C' ,' : C GF Afdt,llE? ^; ) t, Edith i,. H~rri.:;, Secretar.y oL- the Anaheim Cit~: Plannang romm.iss.io.n, do herzby certi.fy th~t the foregoiny re oluti~n w~-~s passed and adopted at a meeting oP Ch~ Anaheim City Planning Commission helc cn April 2a, 1936, by th~a f~~llowi-tg vote oL thH me:nbecs theceoL: 11YESs COMMISSIONERS: BOUAS, FRY, L'A l°I~AIRE, 1,AWICK.C, MC BUR~IEY, MESSF NOES: COh:.4£SSIONERS: NONE ABSEId'i': COMMI.SSTUiJERS: NOP1E A9STAZN: CUMMIS:TONERS: iiERf3S'P rN WIi'NESS 47FfF.ltEUE', I i~~v~ FI~LEl171hG ~et my han~3 this 'l8th day ot April, 1986. ~.~ . /; ~ . ~ .~s.--~~r . ~ .~_...~,,. ,. - . SFCI2E'.CARY, ANAHGIM CI`PY PLANNING ~'OMMISSrON ~3~ PCSG-.116 „~:.,,.._... _ ~ .. . , . ..... .,.~ ... .._. _ _ ~ „~.,,,.;~:r„