PC 86-125. n : •-, ;; i ~ ~ RESOLUTION N0. PC36-125 A R~50LU'CION OF T'NE PLA.N[~I.r.7G COMMISSION OL :li~ CITY. OF AIr'AEIE'Iht '.' DELETING CONllITIUN N0. 1 QF 1t~SOLUTIUN N0. PC75-175 ADQPTF;ll ~y~~ IN CONNLCTION WiTH CONDITIONAI:, USi3 p~[tNItT [~0, 1556 ~ "+' WI-lE1tEAS, the Planning Commission o' the City of An~~heim. tieretofare adopted Resoiutiori No. PC7.5-175 on August 1~, :1J75, apF~roving ~.n parL, Conclitional L'se Uermit No, .L556~ 3L1C~ WHE~;AS, Condition No. 1~s se~ forth in Res~luLion No. PC75-175 provides that saicl use ~atiali expire, or o[:heL~wise b~ sub ject ~r~ r:vie~v f.or a possi.ble extens:ion of li.me on Au~;usk 18, 19233; and 41~LEI~;AS, tlie permittee 1135 tiereCofore f.tl~d an applic~tion for an c_xtension o.l: said tirne .Lim:~t~iLiar. or delelion of said Cime limikation concliti.nn p~irsuant to the prc~visio~is oi 5ec~ion 18.~J3,093 of the Anaheim Municipal Code; aud WHF.REa5, Lhe Ylanning Couunissian held a duly nottced public hearin~ o:~ said application ~n May 12, 1986, at WEl:~rfl hearing the Pla~aning Commission did receive ilC1C~ constd~r ev ~dec^.e, both oral ancl docuroFntary, re.Lating ~neretu; and Wt11;R1;~S, lhe I'1~nnica~; Commission hereby 1'.inds thaf. r1eJ.etiou ~f s~~.ch time limitati.on i.s nec~s.~ary to p~rmi:: reason:ible oper~[:iar~ under the pFrmit as ori~inally ~;ranied. C"~iJ, Tlii;[t~r0i:r, B}. :LT t2L;SUC,VEll 5y tl~n I'lanni.n~ (:onnai j~j],OC~ of the City ~~F Anlheini tha~ said applic.allon Eor del,.tion of s~?d time limitalion condition I.s hereby approved, TH.L T'URCGO:C[~G [~LSOLU'1'ION is sibnr~d acid appro~ecl ~y nie Ltiie 1'.~.th day of May, 1?86. ,~, <' ji c_.~ ~,- ~ C~' C ~C -~,.-e . ~iY<< ~l Q.G-~~'. > CF1AIk~h1AN, r1N~1HL•'Thl GITY Y.LA.P1NiNG Cppil~lISSIUfJ ATTEST: `~ , ,J ~'~~Q~..~ ~~ ~ -CCit~uu~,.= SECI~TATZY, AlVAHH;:[rl C12'Y N1~r1NNING CC~rL~IISSION 0808r PC86-i25 ; STATL' OF CALIFORN'iA ) ; COUNTY O F Oltt\IQGL' ;) s s. ; ; :,iTY OF ArIAHETri ) I, L'~ti.th L. Hurris, Secret-ary of the e~nzheim City Plannin~ ' Commissi on, c~o hereby cert:ify that the for~~oing resolution was passed anc ' adcpted at a maeting o l lhe Ariaheim City Planuing ~omniiss:ton lield ou Tiay 12; ~~ 1986, t~y ehe fol.l~win~ v~te of tt~e members thereo~: ~ AYES: COMh1ISSIUNLRS: BQUAS, FRY, 1{ERBS'1', LA CLAII~, LA~JICKI, blLSSE~ NUES: CONiMtSStONERS. NONE ABSLNT: COMMISSIUN~itS: MC BJRNEY P; IN WT.']'NES~ WiiEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 12th day of May; ;a iys~. ,: ~ ~, ~ ~~~~~a.T.u.~. ;~ SECKE`fF.R , ANAI•[~TNl. C.l'TY PLANNJ:NG COMI~ITSSION -2- ;t`:`" . -~,.-~~.,i. ~', nC$Er 1'l5 .``?~ ;.1.K! ' ~~ ~.~+.P ~ . ~ . ~ . . , ~. ~ .~ . ., _ . . _r.~.,.'t'~