PC 86-13. ••~ RESQLUZ'ION N0. PCfi6-13 .~. A RESUL'JTIUN UE' 'Pf~F: ANAHEtM CI'i'Y PLANNING COMMTSSIOh '1'E{AT YE7.'2'i'ION 1~Oft VARIAN"'F NU. 3527 B1's GRANTL•'D WHC:~EAS, the Anal~eim City ~lanning Commission ~9id receive a verifiec] ~eLition for Variancc Eram G~HALD R. BUStIORE AND fiP;V~RI,LY V. BUSHORF, 721 North Guclid Street, #202, Anah~im, Calif-orna.a 928p1, own~r of c~rta.in r~a.l property ~.ituated in th~ City ot An~heim, County of oran~e, State of California descCib`d a~: ~Artc~:c, i : A YORTiO[d 0[' SEC'1'IUN l, TN '"dWNSIaIP 4 SOUZ'H, RANGE 9 WEST, SAN BI.RNAKD'iN0 BASE ANU Ml~:R7DIAt7, IN `.CHE CTi'X UF' ANAHG~M, DESCRIElEll AS E'OI.LUWS : BfsGINNIN~ AT THE 50UT}ii~ASTRRI.Y COEtNER OE A C~RTAXN 1.086 ACFtE PA1t~~L GE' I,AND SHUWIV ON A~d~1E' SURVEY R~CORI)EU TN IIUOY. 41, kAGE 45r P.L•'Cni.U OE' SC1tVEYS, IN TftE OE':I~'E OF TfIk~ COUN'.PY RECURUER OF SAlD ORPP7GE CUtIN'PY; 'I.'EII:NC~ SUU'1'H 55° ~6' OU" F7EST 353.17 rEEfi; ~i'HENCE ;~ou~rt{ 24° 50~ 40" ~~s~r 131.ao .rer; TH~NCG tao~~rti 65° 41' i~" ~;AS'C ::.10.3G FF~L•''f; TEiENC:L•: IJOI2TF1 6° h1' l:0" WEST 137s35 ['F;F'.T `'PO `PfIE POTN1' UF :5r~vi:l.^I7N(i. WFI~;HG1~S, ti~N r_'ity Plarining Comniission dici ho.~~i c. ^~~blic h~eAr.ing at the Civir. C~ nter .'tn ~he Czty ok An~nei~r, ~:^ .~anuar.y 6, 7.9E36, at 1:3u A,m. , n~tice oE said publ~c hzar.ing having been ciul,T gi.ven as reyutrc~? hy 1a.w and in accocdanc~ with ch~_ provisions of the Anaheim Municipal Co~]e, Ch~pter 1~t.03, to t~Par and consid~r E~videnc~ toc ar~~i against saia proroAed variance and to inv~stigate and make [inc~ings and r.ecormntn~ations in connection therewith; and WHLREA~, said C'om:nission, ailer due fn~pc~cr.ion, investigati~i- and stud~~ made by i~~-r:lt and in it:; b~hal.L, ~n~~l uEl•er du~ %~una.iderat;;.on of. a1.1 eviaenc:~ ar.~ r~~~orts uffereu at ~aic~ iiearing, does Eincl an~ deter.m.ine Che Eollowiny iai~r:;: 1. ThaL• the petiLionF~r ~CO~UJGJ wat-+er: oL the [ollewing Co cunr~truct a;;ingle-family rr~si.~.iunce, ~~~ASr h,?~-.~° and det~ched aceessocy gacage: (~t) .SEC'('ION 18.23.Oh3.U20 ~ i~inimutu ~i~~F~_r;~ard sFtback. ~~ ~ { t0 Lc~~t r~~Ruicec3; 7 feet propu~ed) (Y,) SF'.C'i'IUN .1~:.23.U63.U30 - M.inimum rear vaKCl y~tback. ~ ~ `~ ('l5 feeh require~i; 9 feet p[~posc~d) l. Tr,ac ttle ab~ve•-mention~d waivers are heteby granteci on the basfs th.:c rtie~e are special circumstances applicable to the pcop~~cty ~uci~ as si7.e, sha~~e, topoyraphy, locution ~~nc] surr~undings which do not appl~• to othec identically 'LOfi~:Cj property in thP ~ame ~icinity; and r.hat stci~t arplication oE the 'Loning t:ode depxives ~lie prop~rty of privileqes enjoyed Ly o*her. f:,rop~rtie. in L•he identical zone an~ c.lr,ssitication in the vicinity. ~~a ~-FiRfir ~~-::~• r ~. . _ . .. FCBG-•13 /;~,'~ tii'y: i ;Y~ . vtf . N~~~ r v. ~~ ~ . - ~ . ~ ~l`1~ l~l 3. '1'hat thece are exceptiunal ot extraordinary ciraumsLances or conc9itio~s apglicable to the pruperty involve~ or l:o tl~e int:ended use of the ~coperty that do nuk apply yenerally t~ the property or class of use in the satne vicinlt-.y and zon~. 4. That the reque,ted variancE is n~cessacy for tPi~ pr~servation and enjoyment o.t a substankial proAartX right po:;,e~sed by other property in the sarne vicir,it,y and rone~ and denieu to the ~ro~~r.ty in yuestion. r 5. T:~at: the reque:~tecl variance will not b~ mat~rially rletcimenta:! to th~ pubiic welfare or injurious L•o the propErty or i.mprove~nent~ i.n sur,h viciniLy an~] r.ane in which th~ property is l~cated. 6. 2`t~at nu one ir.dicated their aeesence at sai.d public h~aring ~ in oppositiun; and L•hat no corresponde~ce was receiver~ in oppo,ition to ~' sub;ec~ peL•ition. ~! ~ ENVIRQNMrN`.CAi~ :Mk~ACT 1'INllTNG: '1'he Planning Director or his ~ authorized repre~entaL•ive has C3?kP.CO1.1I1G'C~ t:h~t the propnsed project falls ;; wi`ti~~~ the ~1nEiniti.c>n of Cat-eyoricaJ. L•'xemptions, Class 5, as defined in ~'i the Skate BIR Guidelincs and is, ther~:for~, aategorically ex~mpt from the '~ requirement to pzepare an LIR. NU4v~ `P:iL•'RL•'FURE, DL L~ 12CSOLVL•'D that the Anaheim Ci~y Planning Cotnmission does hereby grant ~ubject Petition for Variana~, upon the followiny conditions wk-~ich are hereby found to be a necessary prPrequisite to ~he propo~ecl us~ ot the subject ~ropezt,y in order to preserve the saf.ety and general welPare oL the Citizens of the City at Anaheirna 1 ; ~~-}`.^g '{ ) . ~ . ~ . ~`v~i:. . '~I 1. That ~rior. tc~ issuance ot a building permzt, appro~r~iate ~ark a~~d recreati~~n ir~-:~i cu fees Uhall be paid to the Cit.y of Anahzim in au atnounl as determined k:y the Ci.ly Gounc:il. t. 2hat prior to issuance o1: a I~~uildin~ F~ermiL, the ~ppropriate fir.afEic signal asaessment Pee ,h.~ll l,F p~id L-c~ the City of ' Anaheim in an amount as determined by lhe City Counc:fl ~'or each n~~w dwelling unit. 3. '1'tiat pcior to i:suance of a huilc]ing permit, L•;,? uwner oP ~ ,ub,ry'ect propecty shall pa,y the appropriate rl[ainlgc' assessm~nt fees to ~hn City oF Anah4irn in an .~mount as determin~:d b,y ~he ~ City Engi.nFer. 4. T;i~t drainage ot ~ubjec:t property ahall be dispo~~d of in a manne:r. satisEactory to tiie c:ii:y Enyineer. ' 5s That E~rior lo issuaar,~: of a building ~ecmit, pritnary water rnain Lees .~ha1J. be paid to the City o.f Anaheim, in an amount as , derermine~.i by the OEL•ice nf the Uti.l.ities General 'rfannger. 6. That the propeaea guesL house r~hall br_ used only by persons employed on the premises or by l•emnorary guests o"r the occupants of tl~e pcemi~es and shall not be rented separate2y nor us~d for c~mmerciaJ. parpo:~es~ _1_ PC86-13 ,. •7, ,"i`. _ ~ i~ ~ ~. .~. - y. ~~~ ; ;~'s; ~ ..~ ~ru,~ ~ ~ . ,~.,:~ ~ . :'r: ~ 1 ~ . . ~ . . ~-'~ , ".% ?:r: 7. 2'hat. prior C~ the issuancc ~f a h~xilding perr~it, the owner s hall pay $920.00 foz financing and con~truction ~f the i~oothill/Fastern Z'ran~p~rtation Corridor as requir.ed by the Major x'horoughfare and RridyP l'ee Program, adogCed by City Council ~n SPpI•ember ?4, 1g85. 8. That subject property shall be developerl substanti~a'l1y in accordance with plans and s~aeci ficationN on Lile with lhe City oi Anahei.m mur.ked Exhibit Na:f. 1 thr.ough 3. 9. That p~ior t:o is:;uan~~~ of a ~ui.lding permil, or withi.n a period c~f one y~ar [rom the date of thi.s resolut.ion, wt~ichevet ocr.urs first, Conditiun Nos. 1, 2, 3, 5~nd 7, above-tnentionecl, shall be complied with. E:cten~ions for further ti.me to complete sa~.d conditions may L-,e gr.anted in accordance with Secti~n 18.03.090 of the Anannxm t4unici.pa.l Code. :i0. Tt~at pri~~r to final uu~:.a~nn and zoni.ny inspections, Condition Nos. 4 and 8, abQVk-mentioned, shal.~ ue comglied wit.h. HE IT EU12'.L'tiER RL•'SOLVED that the Anaheim City PZanni.ng Commission does hereby tind and de~ermi.nc ~hat adoption ot this FesoJ.ution is expre:.=,sly predic~ted upon applicrant's compliance with each ancl a17. of. the con~itions hereinabove s~t L-nrth. Sliould any su~~l~ condition, or any part thexa~i', be deciar.ed i.nvalid ur u~~enEorceable by t:he final judgment of any cc~urt c~t competent: jurisciiction, tt~Pn this Resolution, and an,y approvals herein conk.ained, shall u` dee-ned null and void. 'PFiE 'r'ORrGt~I~JG RE:30LUTTON is sigr:cd and apprc~v~.~d by me this 6th day ot January, 19~36. C ri`'~~;•.~~~ .~~~('~c~_ l `~~'"cYC..,c_ 'e_~' - CHATR410[4AN, ANIIIIEIM CT:Y PLANNING COMM:iSSIUN r~~r~r~; s~~ : L • ,2/.~~e~ ,~`~~ ~~.-~ .r. SL•'CRE2'A1tY, ANAfIE:iM CI'iY NLANNING COMMlSS:rON S`l'A'1'E Ol~ CALIE'U:2PlIA ) COUNTY UF OftAt3GL ) sF. CITY Ul ANAHLT.M ) I, Gdil-h L. Harris, 5ecreL-ary of tl:e Anaheim City Plar~ning C~mmission, ~io her.eby certily ~hat the L-oregoi~iy reso~utiun w~~s passed and ado~ted at a meet~ng of tt~c Anah~.im Cit1 PZanning ,:ornmi.ssion held on Janua~y 6, 1986, ~y the follcwi:-g vote of tt~e memb~~~s khereo~: AY~;~: C:OMMISSIUNERE.+: BOUAu~ HE:RBS'i~ LA CL,AT.RE~ NfL•'F;.iE NUES: CQMMISSIqNERS: NUNE ABS~:NT: CUMMISSIOL9ERS: FFtt, LAWICKT, Ml: BURNI,Y !N WITNh,SS WHEREOF, T have h~:reunto Uet ml hand thi~ 6th day of Janu~ry, 198~. ~ ~ ~,~n-n..~.t. ._._.._.~~ - SECRL•'TAP.Y, ANAEIF'IM CITY P[~ANNZNG COF1MIuSJON -3- PC86-13 ,, ;~:~.; ,~:r~„', ., i+e