PC 86-140,..,,~ ~ • Rk:SULUTiON N0. PC86-1~+0 ~~ ` ~~ ' A Rl%SOLUTJUI~ U!:' TtIE ANAHE,IM CT7'Y PLANNLNG CO~1MI55ION TrtA'I' l'~'T1'i'IUN FOI~ VAK7AN(:~ V0, 356~- BL' DENI~;ll WHL[t33AS, Che Anahci.m Cily Yiannin~ Commtssion did receive a ver:C~ieci PeCiLion ~ar Variance Lrom L1C. 'LNC., 431 SJest 5evenCh Slreet, l~os Augeles, Calitornia 9UU14, A'L'TN: JUHiv i~~1'1'tiWAY., owner, an~t LAURT BUkKL, 15641 Produc:l Lane, l~Al'l, Fiuntinvton jieach, Cali.Forn~a 9'LbG9, a~enC for c:crt_ain real properLy si.tuatcd tn the C.ity of Anaheim, L'~~unty of Uran~e, Sta.te of CaliEorni.a descri.bed as: YARCEL 1: AL1., 'rHA'r PUlLT1UN UF 'THI~ SOUTttwEST (~U11R'L~R U[' 'l'Fi~: S()U'1:liWL~ST i~U~1ltTY:K , Ur 5P:CTiON 23, TUWNSti]:P 4 SOUTH, !(t1NGE lU iJL;S'i, IN T.klh' EtANCtiO SAN ' JUAN CAJON DL SAN'LA ANA, II~ TIiL C1'.L'Y OF ANA~ih IM, CUUN'lY Uk' Of<P.NG~, ti STATL' OF CALIFO1tNI[3, AS P~;1Z PSAP L2ECUItD1:U IN IiU UK 51 !'AG~ 10 UF ~1ISCEL!.t~".d~ciUS MAPS, IN TEiL OFFICI: OF TH.Is CUIIN'CY itF,CORllLR OF SA:CJ . COUN'iY. , llESCRIBEll A5 1~ OLLOWS : BLf;INA:LNG A'.l A POi~'.l' IN TH~ :~lOK'rH 1,INB OF '!'HE SOUTHWf~S'r I~UAKTh:K UF '.CHG SUUTHWEST CZUAR'lElt OF SAT1) 5ECTION 23, 288.34 rl;is'P lJE:9T Ulc 'CkiE NUIt'LHBt\ST CURN~kt U1 SAill SUUTtIFJJ"sS'r QUAR'llsR 'LkiL'NC}s SJU'CH 4'~° G3FST 722..10 FE~T TO A I'UI~J'L' UF 'iHE ~]:,N'1L;k LIIJL; UF 7:H~ SZATE HI'yI,WAY AS CUNV~:Y1:U TQ Tl~'r'. 5'lA'Pl; Ui C:ALTFC)1:NtA, B`.t llk~~~U ~tL'CO1~llE> JULY :L(:, .LJ14 TN 1300K 25~i PAGE ~6 U.l" UELll~ TfILNCL' N(.`•4t'THki1;5'.CERI.Y AL~)P;G THE CENTI:i~ LiT~I; OF SA:CU ~it~Tl: H.LGHWAY 4yti.S T'~;~'.C TU A POIN'1' 1'L5 F~E'1 5UUTH OF e1 1'OTNT 1~)d I'~}~T LAST U'r" '1N~: NOR~rriw~s'C CUftNER UF 'THk; SOU'x1iWEST ~UAftTER 0'r' Tklk: SQJ7:ti1~fE5'1' QUt1R7:I:ft OI" 5r1.Cll S~,CPTU~ 13, Tti1:N(:L; NOKl:H 1'l5 I'~BT TO TE-iL iVUit'1'(f LINE UF ~l~lll SUUTHWuS'T QUART~1t 'LHf.NCL 1~.AST 833.66 Z~EL"T 'I'0 'PHI; 1.'OLN7.' OI' ~tL:UTNNIR'G. [:X(:1:YT '1k1L1tEFfLON1 7:HL; Rl~tl'.L'~UF-WAY 1~Ok A K.[~ILILUAD ~~5 CUNVLY~;U iQ 'T~1L; YAGtFI(; ihil'R()VlihiL,.N'i COhii'ANY, i~ t;URPURATION, 1iY 1)L~ll lt1,CURDLD JUN~: Z(i, J.88$ IN tiUUK 4G1 Yt1GL 'll OF llLr:llS, ~tr'COItilS UF LGa EINGLLES CUUN'LY, Cf11.IF'OKNif~. ALSU EX;;~P"1 THELiLL'li.Urt THA'1' ~(?l?TCUM OE 5Aiu LA~.~lJ AS CUNVEY~ll TU LUU1S FJ. Be~GGUTT AN1) WCF'E tiY llB~ll N~CUIIll}sll OCiUBELL 9, 19'lb iN HOOK 6$4 PAG1:, 8 U1~ DLI;I)S, llL,~.i(:R1.13l~1'1 AS FG1~I~UWS: ~, :,f. ~,'`' BEG~iNN1NG AT A P~"iiNT OL~ IN'11:ftSLC i 1.Uy UF 'L'kiE CIsN'iL1t 1.INE Ub' TEIE STa i'E FIL~HWAY AS IT E\IS'i~~) ON OC1U13f~lt 9, ly`L6 WI'L'FL THf. 5~)U'iL:lEAS'1~12LY L'iNF' Ul '1H~ 7'RAC~T ~)f.' LANU i~Oltl4EKLY UWNEll I~Y ALVA ~:, HARGRUVL AND L'!.l'LABL:TH HAKGRCy~E, SAIU .l'UINT !i~'ING 50U'1H '-5° WEST 722.l.0 I~r;.G'1' ERUh.I A PQINT 2$~.34 r~~'1 WL51 ~~ THL NUt~Tki1:;11ST CURNEIt ~F TH~ SOUT1iWES'~: QUAI<TL•:lt Oi' '.l'Hls 5UU'iHWE5T (jUAlc'~~;R ai' SATU SliCiJ.UN 23 Tt1~N(:E NUR'TtLWE5Ti:R1..Y P~LONV SALU (:~NZ'Elt LIN~; C)E 'L'kiL S~'ATL HIGH~JAY `l11 F'F:k:T 'J'L~ll:Ni:)'s NOK'i'H 45° LAST 'L57.75 FLI:'1 '!'tiEN(:~ SOUTHLAST.~KLI" 211 rL1:T, MUitL OR Ll:S5, TU A FO1N'i' tti SAtU SUU'TLiI~ASTEKLY LiNI: UF THE Le~Nll UWNi:A l3Y HAKC1tUVE 273,5 rEE'P NUIZTti 45° H;6~ST U.E' 'rHls PU7:NT OH ti~C;IN[~fiNG, 'rHENCE S()U'1'k! ~-5° '~11:5'1' 273.5 I'H1~~T ALUNC SA.Lll LINF. 'iU Tt{H: YUI.NT UC 13h:G:CNNiNG. 1~823r PCBb-14U ^ '';~ ,r;~~ . , ~~ ~ ri: AL,:iU EXC~,P'1 TLiL•'1tEI'1tUDi TNA'1 PORTIUN AS 1)LSCRT}1E17 IN Tl•1L lll~~ll TQ THL STA7'L Ol~ l.t1LiFUltNiA, .ltl' IGR1il~ll r~~;v~:rit;~x 9, .L96l+ IN BOOK 7'l93 PAGE 770 or orr zc ta~ izT~coi~us . 1~~xcr:L z: ALL TIiAT Yt)ftT.LU[J OF.' 'iEiL Wh:S'1' 1~lAl,l~ UN '1F1L SOUTHWEST (~UA1tTF~it UF 54:;CTION ~,3, TOWNShlIY 4 SUUTH, 1t6~NG~ 10 WL'.ST, S.B.B. J~ iK., DLSCFIfiLD ~~5 ~OLLU'W5: A S'i'K1P Oh LAND 5U I'ELT WillE: iN SAIU SLCTIUN 'l3, B~;:CNG THAT YU1tTT.ON UF THL'. .';0 FUU'T S'1RIY UF L,ANll llGSCR.IIiLll iN Ti{~ llLBll Fft0i~1 PACTFIC ~`'''' iMPROVErI~.NT COM~'~'1I~Y '10 SOU'.l!{L[tN PACZPtC HAiLl20All CONIP~.iVY llt1Tf:U MAV 2~, 1i~89, R1:CURf)Ell JU(JE 'l7, .1.$$y IN I300K 57(i PAGI: 2~8 OF ll~EllS, 1:L:CUItllS OF LUS ANGL~L~ COU137:Y, CALIFU1tNIA, BUUNJ)ED AS FOLLU6r'S : ON THL W1;5T 13y TfIL CENT~:1? L,INL Uf? THE GALTFO1tIVIA STATE: HTGHWAY (ROUTL ~IIl:-ORA-'1.-D) AS CONV~Yf:U 'fU Tt i:; STATL UP CAL:LFU~LI~i].e1 }~Y D~~L'U ft};COltl)EU .1ULY 10, .1914 TN 130UK 25t3 pAGE 66 0]? llE;:llS, BEL'VG A CUR.VE r,un~cavL E~~'PL;EtLY, (~EaViN(; A RAUIUS UN 8U0 P~i:']' AN1) A[v AKC 1..LN~TH UF SGI.'Z.:S FEET, AS ;,k1U~1N UN A MAY f'ILED iN '1H~ S~AT~: IiIGt1i~~1Y i~lE1Y i~U~K IVO. 1, PA~L 7'L-A, IN 7.'1-11: ()FFL(:l: UF 'THL: COUNTY KECU:~lll:lt OF SAIll COUNIY, CAI,IFURNIA ~1Nll 130UNUEU f)N 'i'1-.iE EAST liY TH~; EAST J1INE U e T1fE WEST HA LF' UF Tkll: S()UTI~IWEST QUAR'.l'}sLt UF 5AIll Sis'C7'IUN 'L:~. . PA1tCEL "3: Tli(~.T I'OhTTLIJ UI' '1't!1~ NUF.<'1'HIJli9'T QUAitTGK OF THL SUUTFIWL:ST QUARTLR OE' SECTION ?3, TUIJNSkiLY 4 SOUTFI, 1tANGL 10 w't~ST, IN TNE Ite~NC1iU SAN JUAN CAJON lll: SAN'1:-1 ANA, CI'.CY OF t1N[~lil•;Ihl, i;UUN'1'Y UI~ Olt(~NGC, STA'r}~ UF CALIIOktI~IA, AS 1?F'lt ~~IAP RECpRL~Ell ]:N BOUK 51 PAGB lU UF h1tSCELLANL"OUS MAE'5, iZF,CUfillS UF SAiU COUN'iX, LYING SOU'xHLAST~;1tLX OF TkiE SUUi'H1:ASTEkLY LIN1; Ur 'iHL L:~~JU lli:SC1tIBEL IN ULLD TO ALVA ~. HAKGROV~ AND tJilE, 1tE;CO1tUL~ SLPTLr11~Llt ~~"lr 1N43 IN ~OOK 12U6 PAr,f3 5:Zg Og (?1 FICIAL itL;CORUS Of' SALI) CUUNTY. WFl1:Rtse1S, C!ie C.i.ly Yl~nn.i.n~ Can~e~:LsSion dtd tiold a publl.r. tiearing aL- t_he C:Cv.ic CentPr in the C:i.ty of llnalie9.ui on riay 2tS, 198G, ~~t 1:30 p.m., notice oE suLd pub.ltc hc;ar~f.n~ having bcen du.ly given as r.eyuired by 1aw and Ln accordance wt.tt~ the provts.io.:s oi ttie Anahei.~ Niunic.ipal (;ode, Ch~pt~r 18,p3, to liear cind coci~ider evid~ncc: f~z ~:tad tt~;ain.sL said propo~ed var.i.ance an.d to :i.nvesti.+;ate aild make findtn~s ~nd reconuuen~,lations in c;~rinecti.on ther~wi.th; ~nd WHLIiI~AS, sa:Ld Cuu~m~Lssiony r1LCer clue tns1:ecLton, invesCi~utiun and study mude by itself ancl i.n i.~s behal.E, anct after due c~ns:I.de.ration of all ~vi.dence and rtport5 oEi~r.•ed al: sai.d he~~-ring, does Find and determi.ne Che foJ.lowin~ facCs: l. Th~~t Lhe pet.it~Con~r E,ropose~s wa.ivers ot ~he followiog to erect Fi fr.eestand~.n~; E:Lgn: (a) Sl:CfIUN 1$.U~,U93.U21, - Maxi.mum nun-ber of Frees~:~ndLn~ s~.~ns. ~ 1~.U5.098.U11 (onc~ (J.)p~rmCtted; two ('L) pruposed) APdD 1t3. 61. Uh 7 0823c YC86-140 1 :,'j :' ; ~; r~ '~~ ~ ~ T ~ V'l ~ ~~.~ ~ ~~,~~. ~ ;,~,;, ',~+ 1~ (b) 5L'CTION 18.U5.09t3.U11. - hlinimuni ~;round r_Sc~arance of. Freestand.tng R 18.U5.Oy3.025 si~n. (de.leted) ~ AND 18.U5.093.0?51. :~ . 'i'hat tlie above-menti.oned wa~.vers are her~:by det,ied on the bas~.s th~t there ar.e no special circun,s~ances appLic~ble to the proper.ty sucli as s.ize, shape, topograpl~y, ,LGl.Bt.~.Qll and surroun.dings which do not apply to otiier identa.cally zonad pro~erty in tlie ~flme vi.cinity; and thaC stri.ct appli.cation of thc Zoni.n~; Cocle does not depri.ves Lhe pr.operty of privile~;es enjoyed by ~ther ~roperties in the :LdenCica:l z~ne and classi.fication i.n the vic3niCy; and ~:h.it au undc~sirable precedenL may be esl-ai~lished 3.f tt71s praposal were permittedr 3. 'That there are na excepttonal or exttaor~i.~.nriry circumstances or cunditions appl.ic.able to Lhe pruper~:y involved ur to the intended use of the ;, pro~erly Ghat dQ nut a~~ply ~;euer.ally ru the proper~y or c.lass of use :in the ;,, same vicinity and zone. 4. That the rec~uested var.i.anc:e is not necessary L~r Lhe preservation ~ind enjuy~nent oE a subslanti.al propF:r.~y r.:.C~;h~ pa,seased by oCh~r properly in the same vicictily and zone, ar.d denied to the prop~rr.y t~t ~uest3.on. 5~ 'Phat the r~quc:st~d vari.ance will be niaterial.ly deLr.tmental to lhe publtc weltare or :Cnjurl.ous t~ Ll~~ proper.~y or improvemeiits in suct2 vic:in.~ty ancl zone tn ~ah.icti the X~roperty i.s 1oca~ed. G. Ttiat one. per~on i.ndi.caLed his preaenc~: at saxd piibl.~c hearing i~i opposi.tion; and that no correspondence was r.eceived :in op~~osition ta subject ~(_~1~'~UR. ENV:C1tONb1L'N'L'Ai, Zhll'ACl 1~1N1)I.DiG: Thr_ Plar~ning D~Lr~~ctor or Ilis ;% author_t~::ed repr~senLah ive has determ~_n~:d thal the; proposed pro~e~:.t .Ealls ~~ wiLh~.n Lhe definttion of C3te~orLcal ~xempLionS, Cl~as 11, as cl~~finE~d i.n the StezCC: ~1Lt Cu.ideltnes ai-~d 3_s, ChereYore, categor:lcally ex~mpt Prom the ry r4~qu.~.rement to prep~re an EIR. NUW, '~kiLIZL;FOIi~;, 131: I'J: [u:SULVl3ll r_r-ar. th4 Anaheim City P1Anrling Carumtss.i.oti does hereby detxy subject Pe[tti.on for Variance ~n tlic basis of ttie afaremeutionect Lindin~s. 'PHh: E'U1~L;GOt~U LtL;SOLl1'I:l.UN 3.~ si.gned and approved by me Chls 'l8thi da;,~ oc Nlay, 1.9t36. __~~ ~ ~. .. CHATkWUrIAPl, ANAH~ l~.l CI'1~~Ni~ Mh1ISSIUN ci1"II:ST: ~ C,.r!~ ' ~ . a~ .~~~, ~, r. _~..~.._.~.._. ~ -~.~....:.~ 5ECRBTAI Y, luVAtlfslM (.ITY YLANN.LNG CUMf~tI5S7.ON -3~ _ _ _ ~ ~ ':'i Y ': ~ . vnN~~JYJ. f•~l .. . ~. . . ~:i1~~'I~ ~~, t +~ ~l . ~ . I,.i~~ . .~,R . . - ri . 1 +C~E ,, `>,;: STAT~ UF CALIrUItNIA ~ ' '~.;'~', COUNTY Ol~ U[ZANG~ )" ss. CITY OF ANAHL"iM ) ' '?;;^ I, Ldi.tta L. Harris, Secretary of the Anaheim Ci.ty Planni.ng Commi.ssion, do hc:reby certif.y that ttie furego~ng reso.'.uti.an was f.assed and /` adoptF~d aL t~ meet~.n~ of Lhe ~lnahei.tn Ci.ty Plannin~ Coutmission he:Ld on ~iay 28, `:~~±, Ly,gG, by thc~ fo7.lowin~ vote of che members l-hereof: ;:~,;, AYES : COMhiISStUN~125: l30UA5, FRY, liL'IttiST, LA CLAIRE, LAWICKr, MC BUIZIVEY, ~1I:~ ~ S ~ NOt3~ : COMh1ISSI.UNLRS : NONL ABS~,N7.': COMMI5SIONEKS: NUNL iN tJITNLSS W1-11:it1:UF, I t-ave hereunco set my tiand thi.s 'l8th :lay of May, 198G. /, ~_cf ) , -L-~iE.iL. J~ SE C1tET 1tY, ANAH~3IM Ct'LY l'LANN]:NG COI~iTSSIUN ;; r: r :;ti.; ; ?~ :; y~ ;rrd ~ . ;rlt ' 1!~ n~> '.-...,fylr ~ :~/' r;V '(; :r -4- '5::. ,Fl. r~', ~';s ~