PC 86-148r•'~'~v ItL•'SULU'.PiUN N0. PCii6-1.4Et A Itf:SUI~L'TIU[~ U[' 'fdl: ANAtI~;tM CI'i'Y PLA!~NING CUMM:I:iSION '!.'Ni\'1 P`r.".l'L`P1UN 1~'U!i CUNll.L'1'IONA)., Uuls Y[;FttdlT N0. 27t34 E3~; llE;NlF U WHLItEAS, th~~ Anaheim Cit.y Planniny Ccmmission ciicl r.eceive a verif.i~d L~etition Lor. Conaition~al C~se Y~rmit L.um f.DA I. HI~llON, W~:LLS E'A.itGU ~I~NK NA TxU;5~1'~:~;, )iiOU Santa Munica 13oul~:v~~rd, i~eve~cly Eiill~, Calitorn.ia 9021U, owner, ~, and ANC;SLU'~, llLNN15 41ILLTAMS, P[tE,;.LUEN~1~, ~l1 tvurth i~each Ho~levaC~, Ar.aheim, C~~lif.ornia 9'1t3U1, ayent ~or CLCrr]111 r~al ~~roperty situated in the Cily of : Ana„ ,ii~, County c~L Uranye, State o~ Calitarnia, desei:ik~c:i1 as; :l'N:.' NUit'PH HAt~c' Ui 'r11~ ~;AS`i' flAL~r 0[~ THL•' ~ourEi~AST uUARTElt Of ~i'I!E ~C)U'1'H~AS'P uUAlt'f(:'.K U1' SL:CT7(~N 11, 'PUWNuIIIP 4 SOUTfi, RANG~ 11 WEST, :iAN F3F:itNAttDINO LASM' ANU ML''12,uIAN, EXCCPZ'ING TllBc2RFRUM THE NU1.L~)WINI;; (A) THr~`P PUii'1'IUN UF Tlir; ~AS'P HAI~F OL•' TF1E~ ;;OU`I'k{H;AS`.C ~UAk'.L'BR UF 'PH~ SOU'PtiGAS'C ~~~lAktTEk UF 51:C~rtur~ .11, TUWN,~FiIP 4 50UTH, RANGE; 11 j Wt~u'!'~ :iAiV ilEhtdARllItJU t3A~i: AN!) PfL•;ilI!IIAiV, INL;LUUEll WITIIIN A S~'RTP l Ul' LA[Jll 11U E'~:L•"F WIllE LYING `.i`i FE:~'L' UP~ EACH SIDE U[' `1'H~; FOLLQWING llli51:1?It3~U C~C<'.l~:tt ~._tcar;: ; i L![:c;lNf~.[IJC; A'P '1HE: SUI;'Pfl~;A:i'1' (:OKNE;!2 Ci'r' u'A~U 5GC`i'IUN 11 (`P(iE WE5'.L' l~:[Nt. UF 5i:CT~:ON 13 U'r' SAiil 'i'G'/dN:iFiil' .4ND l2AhGL•' f3EAlt:i SOJTH 0" 09' 5U" h;,~5'.;'~ E'RUM SA7,U 5UU'Pli~'AS'P CUkir'~ft); 'PHI:\C~: ALONG '1'HE EAS'P LI[~E UF SAII) SLCTIUN ll; (~P.:IU I:'A~~' LrNE IiEINC; ALSO THE CLNT[;R LINF' OE' .:i'iADI`1'UC~ AVk:NUi;, bU E~F:'1' WIUE, A:; UL''~C1.Ait~1) t3Y AC'CIUN UP 'L'HF Sp(1RU c11.~ SU~L•'RVISO'r.S UF SAIU CUUPi`l'Y), NORTH U° 11' lU" WL'S'r, A llI5'SANCE U'r 61"l.'L3 'r'EiiT; THrNCF1 ;JUtt'Cft~:rci~Y ALUPIG A CUL2V'r: CO[JCAVE WFS'.l'ERLY~ TANV::N'P 'PU ':'ii1: LAS'I' ll~SCfiIt1::'ll COURSE ANI) HAVING A RADIUti UE l~"l7.CU ~ F'f;'r, 'Cii12UUGtl AN AD!~L~; UE ly° 58' SU" ~ AN ARC DTST,ANCE OF tidi.7.3 h'f:}~,'I'. ( ki ) `Pt{A`1' E~Uit'P IU[l Uh' SAS U EA`~~' HALF Jh' 'PHL•; SOUTf1l:A5'r ~UAit'P.:R UF '1'HE: S~~U'1fiEAS'1' ~UA1tTL•'!t UF SAiu uEC`CIUt~ 1.1 LYINV L'ASTERLY UE' :HE an5~l~~rti,Y t.iNL UY ~l~tf~: At~t~'JF' 1)r;5i:i~.iaEn ilU-EOU~I STKiP 0!~ LA~lU. WtiEttF'A5, t.he Ci.ty P.lannii~y Co-~imi:;sion ciid ho1cJ a public hea~ .ing at the Ci.v.ic CNnLer in tt~c C'ity of An-~he'tm on A~~ril .14, 19~fb at 1:3U p.tn~, notic:e ~~ said publi~: hea.ciny havi.ny bF~en duly yivt;n as requiced I~~y law and in ~~ lccorcia~c~ witi~ th~. ~~~•ovi~ions of Che Anahei:~i Munici~~al Code, Chapt-:K .:t3.U~, '; lo hE:dY and c~nsiuer ~.viclence Eor anU ayainat said p[a~~osed conditional u~e •;~ ,~Frmit and tr~ lilJt?.iCic~~Gr~ atl:i i~ake L'inciin~s and recoma,~n~iacians in conn~ction therewiLh; sa~d public hear.in~) h~viny been conl•inued to tn~. Ulann~ng CUIIIR~1:;51U[1 I~Q~?~:1p~J 'JL ~JUII? y~ ~.~~~b j uR~l Wlilil?k;A:i~ Shcd C~>IIl1C1SS1Uq~ l~t('C C~UE' .n:.~~F~CL'i~)!1~ inves.:.tyation and :;turiy m~-c1e oy it:~~lE and in ~ta behalE, und after di:e conaideratian oE all. ~Vl.d~llc:t; t1f1U C!.'j~OCtu CLCE?Ci_'U c11: Sil)': F!".~tC1.t1~J~ CIUCS L?~lCj ~;1G~ JNkE~rmine Lt12 fc-ilowi.ny factU: , 's oc+air ~cah-iaa . ~'A ,~ 1. `1'h~t Lhe ~%CU~OS~~~I use is E~rap~rJ.Y une toc whicl~i a r.onditiona.l use permit is auhhoCi'L~ci by Anaheim Munici~al Code SecLi4i~s ].5.49.U50.0~.0 ~rd 1~.44.U5U.3UU l-.o w.iL-: Co E~er.rnit on-sale b~ec ~nd wine and an outdoor eatim~ area in conjuiictio~i witl~ aci existiny resta~r~nt wiL-h waiver of L-he .foll~wing; SE.::'1'IONS 1~.U5.U70.0_"lU_, •- Minimum ~i~tance nF ~ drive-throu~h 'lane. 1(i.OG.USU AND ' 1tf.44.U66 2. That t.he prof~o~c~d use is hereby deni~d on the basis ~ha~ the ~~xist.iny restaurant, WL~IIUUt ~~n-sale b~er ~.nd ~ri.ne and an outcioor Fating area, '~c~ :,ausiny trafiir. ana noise ~robl?m~ in the area; and that ad;jacent E~roperty ~~wnErs and law enC-ozcemenL- ay~ncies axe requi.red to provid~ additian~l ~ecuricy mcasur~s l:o miti.gate par.kiny and ~raffic congestiun E~roblems and the ~on~3reyation ot persons atl.cactc:d k~ ~ne area by the overE:low ot this resl-ai~cant's cusGomcrs to ~ai~1 ~id jacent parM:iny J.ots. 3. Thal•. L-he E~eo~ose.~i usE wi11 adversely aEfect the ~idjoininy l.~nd uN~s and yrowth anci d~veloE~ment o~ the area ir- which it is ~ro~~osed to be locateU. q. ~Pn~-i. L-ii~> :;.ize and shauf+ of the site proposec] [ot the u;ie is not adequate L•o al.low nc~: tul.l ~iev~lop~n~nt ol the proposed use in ~a rnanner not dekCirne~~ta? to tk~e particular ~irea nor tu the ~~eace, healti:, sai:ety a•id yeneral ~.~+elta[e of the r.iti~en ~ of: the City of Anaheim. 5. '.chat tlie ~~rantiinc~ of t.tie cond.itinna.l use per~nit will k~e detr_imental to th~~ peace, n~~a.ir.n, sate~y, and y~n~.~ral. welFare of the C:~ti zens ot the City ~~f Anaheim. b. `:hat: the trattic yeneratcci by lhe ~rupo.>ed use will impose an undue burden upc~n t}~e :;r_re2LS and I~ic~hways desiyn~~! and iinproved to carr,y trss trafi'ic in the ar~a. 7. ~i'hat r,hi: reyuiasL-~:d waiver was delc L•ea ~ftar puUlic r~otice wa:~ i, ~ ~l i n~: { yiven. 8. Tnat lU pec~s~~n:5 ind~.cate~i ti~f~ir ~C85~[1C@ in uE~position at tYie+ A~:ri1. 28, 19No, public heatiny, a~d :;ix (6) Persons indicated the:r prE~sence~ in opE~osii.ion ~+t the June 9, 1~:+tiG, public heariny; and that two letter.s in f~~:or of the rwy~_est wer~: sut~mitted and a~e~~.it.ion siyned by a~k~roxlmately 690 patron5 ot Anyelo's indicat.iny theic supp~:rt was receivea. ENV:[ftUtJM'L•'N~I'AI. :It4NACT k'ihUING: 'L'hat thr. Anaheim Gity Planning Commission has cevi~:wed ti~e propo~al to C~e'[mit on-sale heer and ~aine and an outdoor eatiny area in conjunction with an existiny r.estaurant and with waiver oL mir~imum diatan~:e oY. a dri.ve-thcouyh lane (cieleted) on a cectanyulaCly-:~h~~ped naXCZl oE ).and coi-,;istiny oE apF>roximately 0.57 acr.e, haviny a Frontay~ oE ap~caximate.ly 15U f.:et: on the ~~rzsr. si.de of iieach ~3oul~vard, bcainy lucate~l approximately ~~`iU Er,et north et the cenrec~ine of Lincaln Avenu~: ~~nd furttier desc:rib~d as 2"ll Nartt~ Beach ~oulevard (Anyelo's); and do~s neceby ci.isappcovt~ ~t.e rleyz~tlve Ueclaration up~n Einc~iny lhat it has cansi~.ered che Ne~3ative Ueclacarion ioy?th~:r with any cemmenth CpCeLV~d d~~ring the Nubli~. ~eview proce:~s and E~irthe: f.indin~~ u:~ the ha: is of the lnitial stuJy and any c:oininents recN'_ved that there zs substanr.ia.l Nvi.clence that tne pr~ject wi.l have a si.gnificunt etEec*_ on thF, envirunment. pC86-14~+ -2- °~' - ,;,:.: ~ .,-;~5 ~! ~ NUW, THEt2LI~'URE, F3E IT. ttL~OLVF;ll ~hat Y.he Anahei.i,i City Planning C~in~n:i.3sion doe, hereby deny subject Pet:i.tion for ConditionaJ. Ur;e Perma.t, on Cti~: basis af tl~e atoLemc~ntioned f indir.g5. 'PNE 1'U1tL•:GUING RI.SULUTION is siyned and appCOV~d by nte this 9rh day of June, 19~E~. , ~ '" 'r < t' ' l - ~~~. ' :--L L'~s_.i f CHASKWUf9AN~ I~NAIiEIM CI`T.Y F'LANNT.JG COMMISSION ~~1~~~.~ ~'~i ~ ~.C : .S~~i - " - ~ ~ ~ SLCRL"i'AR1~ ANAkiEIM CI'1'Y PLANNTPlC; COMf~ITSSIUN STATL UF CALI1 Uk2t~tA CUUNT~ OP URANGt~ 1 ss. CIT'1 Ok 1'~WAH~IM ) I, Edith L. Haxr.is, Secc~tary of the Anaheim City Plant~ing Commission, do hereby certif'~ that tt~e L-oreyoing C~SOIUtl011 was passed and adopted at a meetiny o~ thF Anaheim City P].anniny Cq1-1101S5J.OI1 held on June 9, 1985, by the Eollowi.ny vote of the members r.hereo~: AY~S: COt9MI:;5lUN~;t25: l3UUA5, CKY, tiERI~S't, LA CLATKr., LAWICkI~ MC BUk2C1L•'Y, MESS~, NUES: CUMMTSSSONERti: 4~UNf: At3Sk;I~T; CUM~1:[S:iTU[JLtt~: NOI4L'' .LN WiTNL•'S5 I+IHf.1tuOF, I hav~ h~reun~:.o set m,y hand this 9th d'ay ot June, 19t35. . ~ ~~~~ ~ . h SN;CR~TA1tY, ANAHEIM CI'TY E'LANNJ.N ~ COMMISSION ,~~~ ~ 'i -3- .r;.:. . ,. . . BC86~iaa ~ ..,, , i."j. aY~l