PC 86-149.~~~ It~SOLU'1'TON N0. PC66-149 A ltE;5U1:~UTIUN OT '.I'HG A[~,AHEIM CI'PY PLANNING CUMMISSION TIiA'1' PLTI'1'ION F.'0.R Rh~CLASS.LFICA`1'TUN NU. 85-$6-3G BE GRAI3TEll,. UNCANUITTONA[,LX ~r1HEl2EAS~ tt~e e~naheim C.i.ty Planning Cv~ntnission did receive a verific:d ~ petilion toC Recllssificati.on Lrom -tAMON CA'LDERON AP7U LILA CALUERON, 1633 lties~ ;~ 21~th Strent, Z~orrance, CA 90501, owners, ar-d CO1tA B. LLF.RA, .127 North Grand ,:; Street, Orar~~~e, Ca.lirorni.a y'1Ei66, a~?nt Eor certain r.ea1 pruperty situated in tt..: City of Anaheim, Cowity o•~ Orange, StaL-e oC CaliFornia, described as Yollows: :,' 'rH'r; 5Ul3T1i1;1ZLY 9U E'Eh`~ UF' LU't~ b ADlI) `Ii•IE NOR~r~a~~t,Y 20.31 FEE'.P UF LOT 7 ~; UE TRACT N0. 230, IN '.CHE r.ITY UE' AP7AHEIM~ Il~ `!'HL CUUN'PY UE' URANGE~ t~ :;'PA7.`E UE CALIEURNIA, AS PL12 hiAP (2~;CORllE;ll IN ~OOK 13~ PAGE 25 OL' ~~ M:LSCE;LLANLUilS t1APS, IN ~PHE Ur1I::f~ UF THL CUUN'PY RECORDER OF SAIU ;~ C:UUNTY. ~~iF1Cl2L•'A5, the Ci~y Planniny Co~nmission did hald a public hearino at ttie Civic C~nt•:r ir~ the Ci~y ot Anaheim on June 9, 1986 at 1:30 p.rn., not.ice 01 said ~ublic heariny h~vir-y beerl duly yiven as required by law and in accordance with the },~r.UVisic~ns of the ~nuhe'_m Municipal Code. Chapter 16.03, to litar and COll:~ider evidence for an.1 ay~insl• eai.i oropc~sed reclassification and to investigaL-e. and make findin~~7 -ind reconu;~endations in connection therewith; and Wfi~ltF:AS, :;aid Commission, atter due inspecl-ion, investigatiun and study mada by itselt and in its be'ia.l~, and aFter dse con~iderati.on of alZ evic'.ence and report,5 ofLer~d at said tiearir~y, does f.i.nd and detertnine the ~ollowing t~.cts; 1. 'Chat ~he ~etit.ioner ~roposes re~classification ot subject proUerty from the I?~4-1'l0U (ftesid~ntial, I4ultiplc-Fam.il~) 'Lone tc ti~e CL (COmmerciaJ., :,iinited) Y.~ne. 'L. 'Pt~at tne Anaheim G~ner.al Plan c]~signates subject propert;Y f.or general comi~~ercial land uses. 3. `1'hat r_hc E~co~o:s~d rer.la:;sification of subjecC prap~tty is neeessacy ar~d/or desirak~le for the ordecly and C~rop~r develo[~me[tt of the commur~it~. 4. 'i'hat the pro~-~~:~ed rac.lassitication of ~ub ject ~roperty c9oes pcoperly relate ko the zon~s ~ind their perinitr,ed uses locally established in close pruximity Co ;;ub~ect ~r:~perty and Co the zones and their permitted uses generally estub.lished throuyhout the community. 5. 'Pnat na one indicate~l i:hei~ ~.~r~~sence :1t said ~uhlic hearinq in opp~sition; anc+ thaL no correspondence wa.. rer.eivec;i iri aE~~osi.tion to sut~ject pet'ttion. U832r ~C86-1A9 i.~'sr f, . ~~ .. .. . _. . . ~ ,. . . . '' . . ., . . . . ~ . ... ~;11~ i~r . ~'i:i ~;NVT1tONM,~NTA'L IMYACT FINllINC: That Lhe Anaheim City P.Iannin~ Cornmir,si.on has reviewed thc~: RM-1ZOU (Itesic~ential, Multiple F mi1~)tULO~ee1~oJ~~~h, "'`~~ect ~raperty from the Zone and to ~erm:it a chiropract.ic clini.c in a~ exiskiny res~i~dential~ structure on a rectanyu].arly-;;h~pe~ Narcel of .land co-l~istin of a located on the easG side of Anaheim Boulevard a g PPzoxxi1iately 60 Feel- the c~ntFzrline of VerinonL• Avenue, and Lurther depcribed~ a,s 890 Sout.h nAnahei n BoulPVard; arid doe~ hereby approve the Negative Deacl~~ration upon finding that it h~s cons.ideced th~: Negative Declaration tr~c~ether wi~h atty comments receiv~d ducing the public revi2w Z~roccss and furtl~er fi,nding on the basis o: the iniL•ial study and any -~omments recezved that hhere is no s~.~bsta;,i:,ial evidence that the project will have i;1 .Talgl:.if'icant e~£~ct on the envi,:onment, I~UW, '1'HGkF:['ORE, I~E 2T FtLSULVED that tl~e Anaheim Gity Planninc~ C~rnmission does hereby yrant sub1~;,;, perition for Reclass.itication ar~d, by So doing, thal- ~'itle .18-Zoniriq of the rlnaheim Municipal Code be amended ho exclude the aGOVe-described ~roperty t"rom the RM-1'l0U ~~ Multiple-Family 'Lone anc] to incorporate said des~cribed ~~~"lderitial, (Conunercial~ Limii.~U) Zone. I?C~perty inta the CL TH~: ~U1tEGpIN~ RI.SULU~PiUN is siy~;ed ;;~nd aPproved by me Lha.s 9th day of Jiane, 1986. ; _ ~ ~ 4.... - ~ ~ ~ i /, .. .- ...~~ i. ~~1'! ,( ~_ . ~ ~ ~. . . ' ~ • " 1 ~. (..._ i.. ~',...~~C.~-.r.~~.....~~.~~ l ,C. C. -~ . .(~.... A't"i'LST : ~ CNAIRWOMAN, AAJAH~•zM CI'1'X PLANN,ING COMMIgg;,UN ~~ I S~CR[;TARY~ ANAHE;IM ::.I'.CY PLAp.1JlN~CUMf~I]":~:.iTOIJ ~T'1TE OE CALI'r'URNlA ) (:UUN'1~Y UI' OkANGE; ) ;;;; , CI~'Y Ol~ nNAHE;.It~l ) ':, EciiLh L. Flarris, ~E~LrE:~dY ' Commission, do her~u,y ceCriY'y that Ehe t~re oir,tt~ resoluftion a„~~~ P~'~nning adopt~d at a meet:iny oF the Anaheim City F~la ning Commission he.lcl onS.7unea9a •13~~ ~~~Y ~he Lolluwing vole ol the ~~emb~~rs thereof: AY~S: C~Jl~lhllSSTUNL•'l:S: UUUAS, E'RY r Hk~Rk3S`!'r GA CLAIR~, LAWICKI, MC k1URN~Y, MLSSL NOES: C~JMM1,iSI~JNL''it3; NU[Ql•; AB~LN'P: CU[4~~lISSIUNL1tS; NUf~I; ~N WI7`NEaS wHLit1:U['. I h~iv~ hereunto set i~y hand lhis 9th day af ,June, lyt~6. i SEC1tE'PAR , ANAHLIM ' ~ f -""' ~"O (.Ii'Y PLAMhLNG COMN1ISSi0N ,J ~ ~~jiJ(';? ti ~ . . \~~{ ~ !'{y~.~ ~/lvl~xl'A~tff;~{ ,~r ~Y.r{ t:~l t t 1 ~r ~~ ~Y/ .. , . , -2- PC86-149 ? J: ., : ~S~