PC 86-151i: r~~a, { R~SOLUTION N0. PC86-151 ~,A'"•~ A RE,30LUTIUN UF THE ANAH~TM C1'PY PLANNING CUMMISSTUN THA`P PL'1'[`.l'lUN F'OR CONUI'1'IONAL U5E PLRMIT N0. 'l$06 BE GR?.NTEll WHGi2EAS, the Anaheim City Planning Commission did receive ~ ve..ri£ied Petition far Condi.tional Use PermiL Proin PROPER'I'IES LIMIT.Ell, 27405 Pue~ta Rea]., ~30U, t~lission Viejo, Californi.a 92691, owner, and LORAL EN`PERPRISES, ATTI~: AL,BLK'i' SMtTH, i242 La L,ama Circle, Anaheim, Californi.a 92806, agenr for certain r~al pra~erty situated in the City of A.naheim, County o£ Orange, State of Cali.f:ornia, clescribed as: TH11'I' PORTTON UF ~rr~~ WL5~P. tIALE ~JF LUT 2 IN tiLUCK lA UF 1.'HF~ GULDFN S`PA'i'L '1'RAC'P, ANll THA`P PORTIUN OP 'PHE; EAST HALF UI ~~JT 1 IN BLOc"K 13 Ol~' THE GUL,ll~N S'PAxE 'rRAC'P, AS SHOWN ON A MAP RECOf2DED IN 13C~OK ~, PA~,;LS 66 AP~D o7 UF MiSCEGLP.NEUUS MAPB, RECORllS OE' ORAI~GG CO(JNTY, CALIFURNTA, llL~CRIBEll AS rOLLUWS: PAl:CLL 5 AS SHUWN UN A MAY F'1L•EU :CN fiOUK 124, PAGE 23 UF i'ARCE1:, MAPS IN THli UFi'I(:E UF 'PHE CvUN'PY RT;COEtllElt UF Ok2ANGR COUNTY CALIE'URNIA. ~n~HER~AS! the Cit~~ Pl.anniny Cc~rnmissiun did hold a public heariny at the Civic Center in thE. City ot Anaheim on Jui~e 9, 1986, at '1:30 p.m., n~tice of said public hearing havi.n9 been duly given as required by law and in accordance with L-he ~rUVisions ot the Anaheim ~~luni.cipal. Code, Chapter 18.03, to k,;~ar and corisicler evidenre for and agai.naL- s~id proposed conditioiial use kermit anc~ ko inveatigate and ~naice finda.nys and recommendations in connection therewith; and WHL:lLAS, sa.id Commissi.on, ai-t•er due inspection, investiqation and study made by itselt and in its behalE, and after due consideration of a.11 evicience and r~E~orl:s off:ered a:. said he~.~riny, docs find arid determin~ the Fc~lluwina ~ac~s: 1. '1'hat the pro~~os~d use i.s ~rouee!y one Por ~+hich a conditianal use p~Lmit is author.i2ed b~ ~naheim t~lunxcipal Code Section 18,61.0~0.07U to wit: to permiL- an automobile repair. Eaci.l~.ty in ~n ~xisting industria~ c;omplex in th~ ML (Industrial, t,imited) 'Lone witn waiver o~ the following: S~C~i'TU~IS 1~.U6.0!iU.U2l2 - Mini.mum numUec of parking~:paces. 18.U6.050.0221 (G3 spaces requireci; 58 sp~~:es existing) ~$.06.050.U31 lEi , 06 . UtiO ANll 1F~.61.U66.050 ~,k~ ; I~,^." f : 1..., r 2. That ti~P requ~sted waiver i.~ herc~:~y grant~d on the ~asis that the parking waiv r will. not cause an increase in traEfic corigescion ili the imtnediate vicinity nur adveesely afCecL any adjoinin~~ land us~s anci graz~tin~ c~t the paCkir-g waiver undec the condi.ciors i~aposed, if any, will riot bA detrimental to the peace~ health, saiety and yener•al ~~elEare of the citi.zen~ of the City of Anaheim, 3. 'rhat the proposed use sha11 be :l.imJ.ted to the ~urrent business opera~or (Albett ::mith, L,ura1 L'ntcrprises) alid yha11 terminate if and wh~n said business ~erm:tnat~s. U834z PC86-1S1 ..,`;y ~~*~ , 4. That. the proposed use wi.l1 not aclversely a£fect the adjoining ~ land uses and the growth aind development oE the area in ~ahi,;h it .is ~~oposed ' to b~ locatede 5. 'I'hat trie size and al~ape of t:ye site propcsed Lor the use is adeq~:aL-e to a11ow the Pull development of Y.he proposed use in a manner not detrimental to r_he particular area nor to the peace, heal~h, safety and general welfare o~ I:he Citizens ^~ i.t~e Cii:y of. Anaheim, 6. That the grantiny of ~he Ccm ditional Use Permit under the conditions imposed, i.E any, will ~iok ue de'tr.imental ta the peace, health, safety and general welfara o~ L-he Citi.zens af the City ok Anaheim. 7. `1'hal the t.eafPic ;yQner~Led by the proposed use will not impose an undue burden upon the streets and hiyhways desiyned and improved to aarry the trai'.fic in the area. 8. Tha~ no one indicated their pres~nce a~. said public hearing in opposition; and thai: no correspondence was received in oppasitian to the subject petition. ~NVTktUIVMN.NTHt, TMPAC'1' EINllING; That the Ana~;eim City Planni.ng CJ711I11).SS],OI1 has reviewc~d rn~ propusal k:o permit an automobile rep~ir facility i_n a~i existi.ny industrial com~lex in the ML (Tn~9uctrial, Li-nited) 2one wiL-h waiver of rniniinum number. oi 1~ar.king spac~~s an an irregularly-shaped n~ircel af lanc~ consistiny of: appruximately 1.44 acres, Piaving a frontagP of ap~:roxirnately 385 feet on ~Il~'_ so~.ith szde oF La L~ma Circle, and £utther describe~i ay 1'l4'L La Loma i:ircle; and c~ue:~ hPreby ap~rove the Negative Declaration upon fir.diny ~,~c-st it has considered the NEg~lrive Declarat:.on toyathar with any cominents received during the public review process an~ further Lind~.ty on the basis oE the i.nitial study and any commen~s received that l;her~ is no substanti.al evi.dence L-hat the project wi1.L have a.igni.ficant etiect on i:he environmei~t. NUW, '1'li~;REi ~~t2L, k313 I'1' RESOLVED Lhak th~ Anaheiru City Planning Coiomission d~es hereby gtant subject i~etition for Cnnditional Use Pat:mi~, upon h.he iollowiny conditicns wtiich are t~ereby fou~id to bP a necessary ~rerequisite to the proposed use o~ the subject pr~~trty zn order L-o ~aceserve the safety and gener.al welkare oF t.he Citizens o£ the City o~ Anaheim: 1. 'i'hat subj~:ct pr.operL,y sha11 be developed substantially in accorclance with ~la~xs aiid speciEications on ~i1e with l:he City ot Anaheim marked Exhibit Nos. 1 and 2. "l. Tt~a} this usc~ permit shal.l b~: iimited to L-he aurrent ausir,ecs operatox (Albert Smith, Loral L•'nterpri~es) and sha.ll tPrminate if and when said business L-erminates. HE i:' FUR`.CHLlt RSaOJ~V~u L•hat l:he Ar,aheim City Plannzng C~mmis~ion dpes hereby Eind and c,ietecmine that adoption of this Rrso.lutien ia expressly predicated apon applicanL-'~ cornpli~ince with ear.~h and all oE the conditi.on~ tiereinabove set forLh. ~huuld an~ such cnnciiCions, or any parL- thereof, be declare~.i invalid or unenEurcew~].e by the ~ina.l judgmant oE any couri: o~ cam~eL-en~ jur.isdic*inn, then this xesolution, and any approvals herein conta.ined, shall bN deeined null a~c~ voi~. 'l' PC86-151 !~ . ".Yf:'! ~.~ . ~ .. . .. ~ . - .. ,. ~. . ^ ,~ adopted at a meeting eL- the Anaheim Cit.y I~lanning Cammisszon held on June 9, 1986, by the Pollowing vote of the membei:s thereof: AXE~: CUMI~IISSIONEIl:;: 80UaS, FttY, Eix~RBST, 'LA CL,AIRF, LAWICY.I, MC BURNEY, DiL'55L, NO'L'S: CC~~IMTS:.,IUNI;RS: [~ONE AtiSENT: CuMMISSIUN~R:,: NOlJ~3 iN WI`PN~SS WF{E1tS~)[ , I havr hereunto set my hand i:Y-is 9th day aF June, 198ti. ~ 1~/ t'. ~,F1~. S~CI2~'T.ARY, A~IAIiEIid CTTY PLANNING COMMI55IUN THE F'OREGUING RESOLUTIUN is signed and approvec~ by me this 9th ciay of June, 1986. ,; ./' ~'~ '-' . - ^~ ,s~?~~ .r , % ~.~ _, ~~_~.~.. ~'. ~~,, f ~ `~ /~ ~ ~ •~ •,= ~....~:..., ~ CHATRItiOMAN, AhAH~It~I CIT.Y PLANNING COtdMISSION ATTLST: • ~ .~ r _sLy~~(~ __.~e~~ SECRETAR , APJaHGIM CITY PLANNINC~; COMMISSION ~'rA'.['E OF CP.LIFOt2t~'IA ) CUU~TY OF Utt~NGh ) ss. c:I`PY OE' ANaHETM ) `, I~ Ldith :~, liaxris, 5ecr.~etary of the Anaheim City Planning Commission, do herct~y ce-~rtify tnat the Furegoi-ig resoYutioil was passed and -~- PC85-151