PC 86-153.~..~., RB~.;U1.UT:LUN NU. YCBG-153 d~' ~ r A Ris~OLU'1`IUP~ ~E' '.l'Fi~ ANA;II.II~i CI'PY f'LANNIP~~ COMMtSSIUt3 ; 'i'IiAT F.'L'PI`.CIUN NUIt CONllTT]:UNAI, ~15L PEl?MI:C NC). 2810 BE: U~NT~ll ~9H!'1tF;AS, the Anai~eim City ~lanning Co-nmission diu ceceiv~ a verifiec3 . Petition tor Conditi.on~~l Use Fermit Erom AllEL ATA F.LI, 24~25 llaphne West, r;' hiissic~n Vie~o, Ca1.iEornia ~2691, owner, and 'PALA:' RAllWAN/ABRAHAM A~,I, 271Q'l ~~ So]_F~ciail, N,is:~ion Viejo, California 92692, agent Eox certain raal pr~perty ~iteated in the City of Anahe~m, CounL-y uz Orange, State of i:al..ifarnia, ~1esc[ibed as: ~ `~HL NUI2'iH lU3.U0 F'3~T UE' 7:MG WLST 2U7.U0 lEG`P Ol THF.' NOR`PHEAST ~~A}tTLlt UE~' 'i`HL NOR'Ptlt:A:i'T uUAil'PL1't 1.1F S~C'1'ION 21, `i'UWNSNII~ 4 SOU'PH~ RANc;~ t 0 W~;ST, iN THG RANC;iO SAN JUAN CAJOU DE SANTR ANA, IN THf: CITY UL' ANAH~~I[~I, AS SHOWN ON A MAF~ R~CURUEJ~ IN t30UY. 51~ PAGE 1Q, OF MI:~CFLLANL•'UU5 MAPS, IN 1'HE Vi'FiCL UI' 'Pli~ CGUN~Y RECi)Rl)E!t OF' , SAlD CUUNTY, SAIU LANll I~ ALSl3 SHOWN AS PAR~'LL 1 UN A MAP RLCUitDEll IIJ !3c)UK 10, P11GE 44 UE' }?ARCt~L MAPS. ~1tiL.ttE;AS, th~ City Plannin~3 Corn~~is~ic~n ciid 'no1c1 a publi.c heacin~ at ,;~ r,ne Civic Center in the Cit~~ oE Anaheim on .1une 9, 19E~6 at 1:30 p.m., notice of said E~ublic I1P,il~iny_ i~a~!iny been c~uly yiven as required by law and in ' accorcance r:it.h tt-e provisions ol` thc Anaheirn Municipa.l Code, Chal~t~r 1d.Q3, to hea.r and consider evidence Lor and ayainst said ~roposcd conditional usP E~ermir. anci f:,o invec,tiy~te and ~r,ake rindinys anc] recommendation~ in cc~nnectXOn ~here~~itii; and WiiLx~:nc~, said Comm.ission, atl•er du~ inspect.ion, 1nV~;Stiyation nnd stud~l made by it;s~1L- and in i~s behalf, and a"rt~r due consideration of a11 evidence and r.e~,vrts oECered aL- s~3id hearir~y, dr~~s find uncl dcterinine the Lol.~owing f`acts: 1. 7'hat ti~ie ~,~opo~td use i~ I~roper~y ~ne Eor which a conditional usc~ .>erinit is auth<~rized b~ Anahexm MuniciNal Code 5ecti~n to wit; to E~ecmiG the construct.%on of a canvenience market w.i::h gasoline sales and ofl:•-sale beer ~nd win~~. 'l. 'Pi~aL- the ~ro~o:;ed uec~ cprisistin,y ut ~a cnonvenience inarket with ~ ~aasoline sales and c~tf-sale be~c and wine a~~d beiny c~~en oF bu:~iner,n For 24 `~ nour~, will adver~ely aEEect thc: adjoini.n;~ land uscs anr.i che yrowtli and develo~rnent ot ~he ar~~~ in whic.h il- i~ pCOEx~yed to ne locaccd. 3. That the sizc: anci ;~h~:ne oti thP site proc~os~d for the use .is not :~Jequate to a.llo~~ the fu.ll develo~~ment ol th~ ~ropo~~_d us~ Ln a r,~anncr not detr irn~nta.l w the ~~rticu].ar are<< nor tu the E~eace, healLh, saEeCy and ~a~anecal ~~eJ.far.e oL the Cit?~ens of tt~e CiL•y cst Anat-a.iin. 4. 'Ihar. ti~e yranti.ny ~t tn~ conciitiona~ use E~ermit to include c~asoline sales and of[-sa1C bear an~.i wine will be detri~ne~ital tn the pear,e, hea3.tt~, yafecy and ~~en~ral we.lfaxe or Lhe C.ir,izen~ oE the City ~f Anaheim. 5. ~Pnat the r.zaY.fic yenerated hy the propo:,er~ us~ will impose an -- undtse buCrien upon tne scteeCS and hi.yhw..~ys d~~si.gned and improved to car[y the l~ ;i ; traff'.c in thE area. ' ~.~? r~Y Jri3br PC86-lti3 -., ~ .-- ~ ^ ~ 6. 'i'haL• ~ per.sons indicat~d t~heir presence ~~t saicl public hPariny in o~pusition; and that a petitian cantaininy approximarely 53 siynature~ was received ir, ap~o~ition t:o the subject pptition; and Chat a petirion r~,ntaining a~pr.oxim~itely 20U :•ignatttres was receivec] in supp~rt cF the request. F:NVIRONN,Gtd~CAi, Tt4F~ACT FiNllZNG; `Phat tne Anaheim Cit,y Planning Com~nission ha~ r~vit~wed t•he proposal to permit l-he constCUr.t.ion of a ;~ conveni~nce market wikh aasolii~e sales and with o~i-sale beer and wine on a recl:angularly-shaped parc~.l oC land consisting oE approximately 0.5 acre, located at Lhe southe~~st corr~er of Ball ltuad and ~,Jalnut Streei:, and fuCtheC ~lescribed as 1198 West Ba.t1 Rr~ad (~etvice stati.cn); and ~oes hereby approve the Neyutive UeclaKation upon finding that it has considerea the Negative ueclaration togethcr with any cotnment~ rec~iv4d duxing the pub].ic r~view process and L"urther tindiny on tile I~~sis of the initial stuc:y and any ~~ornments zer_eived L•hat khere is no substantial evidence ~ha~ the projec~ wi11 have a siyniti~a~~L• effect c~n the environmcnt. N~~~, ~'~j~%NLEORL;, BE t~!' k2E50LVEl) i.hat the Anah~eim Ci.~y p.lan~ing Co-r.mission does hcr.eby d~~n,y Sub~ect Petition for C~nd.ilianal Use Permit, an th~ })3515 of the aEcremsntioned Eindings. `PHE E'URE~qItJC; RE;SOI,U'PIUN is siyned ~;nd approved Uy ine tnis 9th ciay of June, 19~5. ~, .; ~: ~': „i ~ l ~- ~:. C~ ~'- ~ ~-r_ •~ ? ( . _ c' ~( `„C ,( C}IAIRYJI?Mr~N, ANAt~I~;IM CT PY PLANf~ING COMMISSION A`i'T E;ST : _ . ~~L~~w"t_.~, SL•'CRE'L~Ak~Y, AtJAHLIM ~'T'.1'Y PLA[~NTI~G COMM3SSLUDI SPti`1'L•' ~~[' CALIFUi2NIA ) CUUtd7'Y UI' ORANG~ ) sy. c:ITY c)F' ANAIiE:IM } I, L~diti~ L. tlarris, Secretary ut the Anaheii~ City pianning Commission, do nereby certiiy that the Eoregoiny resolutian was passed and adc~~t~d ah, a mee~i.ny oE the Anaheim City l~lanning Commission held on .June 9, 1986, by the followiny vote ~~ thc: memUers thareof: AY~:~: Cp~iP1J.5SLUNEi15: BUUAS, b'1tY, ~i~a~s'P, LA CLASI2E~ LA4JICKI, MC BURNEY, Ni~SSL~ GJO~;S: CUMMLSSIUtdLktS: clUNL•; AtiS~P~`1': CUf4M~I5~.,UNf::~2ti~ N~JtJL IDi wI'l't~ik;~; WtiL1tL•'UE, i have hexeunto ~•et my nanc3 this 9th day of June, 19 Fi h . . C ' ~~~t.ts., ~ S:.'CRF.TARY, ANAHLI[d CITY ~LANNTN~: CUMMI55IUN -'L ~ PCt~6~J.53 ,: ;~ ;~ :;% '~~, '~ s~,;