PC 86-16'..~, ~'I~ ~ itLSOGUTIUIJ N0. PC86-16 , ,~~~ ?r ~;: ; A RESQLU'TIUtJ OE' `.PF~F' ANAlI~1M CITY PI~ANc~:[NG COMMISSTQN RE^OMMF.NDING TO TfiE CI7'Y COUNCTG APPttOVAL 0(' R~VTSLD PLANS ANU CUNllI'1'IONS IN C~~1NE;C'i'ION WI'TH GONDITIUNAL U5E !'~RMIT N0. 22'74 WHE;I2LAS, on llecember 29, .1981, the Czty Counci.2. grant;ed Cc~nditional Use Yermit No. Z274 to permit ~~r uck and he~,',y equip;nent r:torage yard on an irr~gu.larly-sliaped par.ce.l of land c;oi~si~tiny ~f approximately 19.2 acres, having a tcontage oi approximately 1,336 feet on the east ~ide of P.ichfield Ftoad, and further c3esr,ribed as .1.124 Nort11 Richtield Road; and WH~I2EAS, the petitic~ntr has reque,ted approval of reviyed plans and ;; conditiuns to permit e;cpansion of khE exi.sting truck ind heary equipment ~s r,torage 1ard b,y develop.iny approximalely two (2) acres located to the east of tl~e exist.ing 17.'L acre site li~ inclu,~e a 400-square Loot oi'f•ice trailer and a ' 60U-square took ofPice L•railer; anci F WIi~RE;AS, Lhe Cit.y Planning Commi~sion did hold a~~ublic hcaring at '~ ;; the Anah~3m Civic Center, Council Chaipberr 20U South Anaheim Roulevard, .~ Anaheim, ~r. .lanuacy 6, 7.9UG, at 1:30 p.m., nolice ~f- ~ai.d public hearing ~z having been dui; qiven as required by law and in accorciance with h.he provisian~ of i:he Anah~~.^~ t4un~cipal Co:~, to heat and cunsider avidence t~r and against said consider.ation ~f` revised pJ.~r.s ~or tt~e co-iditiona.l use permit and to i:~vestiga~e and make finu~n~as ~nd r.ecrymmendationy i.n connec~ion „ therewich; and WIIERL•'AS, •i:iF: Commission, aiter due inspecti~n, invest-igatiorl and study ;~adc~ by i 1- ,clt uk s~i~3 public hearing, DOES HCftrt3Y FIND: 1. ~rn~-i_ r~~~~ expansion or ~;:~: exisi_~.ny use will not adver.sely afEect the adjoininy lancl uses an~? thE yrowth ~n~1 ~iev•alop~~ent cP the area fn which it is ~,ro[~osed t~ be lc~cated. 2. Thar. L•he sizt~ and :;napc~ of thp site propo~eu Eor hhe expansion oF L•he existing u::e is ~~dcquate ~o ailow thA fu11 developmpnt of the pc•oposed use iri a manner nut rl~trimentu:l to L•he rarticulzr ar.,~a i~or. c~, t~he pe~cQ, hea.lth, ..-3Fet,~ ai~d geucrral weifarn ot the Citilens of the City oE Anahei~u. .i. ThaL the appro~~a.l o[ rEVised plan3 [oc L•he exp~n~ion of the ' c~ndit.iona.l use perr~~it under the candition~ imposed, if any, will not be '~ dF~tri,~,pnta.l to r.he E~c-~ce, hv~ tth, saEe~y and general welfare of. the c:itizens °, nC th~: r.ic; of Ar.aheim. ~? , ~ 4. Thai. tt~~ traf.t-~.~; yenec~r.ed ~y the e;cpansion of ttiµ existing usc~ will. not impo~e un ui~dut hucden upon ti2:~ si:rer~~; and highYrays designed and improvecl to curr.y the t.r%~fLir. i~ the area. 5. `1'l~~c no onc: in~icat~d ~l~nir ~re~enc~ at : ai.d pui,lic hearing in fav~r; an~ thar_ ;~r~ corr.espondc~nce wa~ r.ec~iv~~~i ir~ ~,p~~sition t.cs the ~ubj~et Ueti.tion. U60~t PC84-1G '~ 1! ' '~~~~ ,.,,, :~r,~ >,,, :;; LNVIRONh1~;N'i'AL .IMPAC'!~ E'INDING: A Ntgal:ive lleclaratton was previously a~proved by c:ity Cuuncil on Decembec 2~, 1981. NOW, 2'HE~2L•'rORE, BI; IT R~SOLVEll that L-he Anaheim Cily Planninq Commiasion does her.ek~y ycant subjecl-. l~etition for Cunditional Uae Yermit, upon the following conciiti.ons whir.h are h~ar.eb,y f.ouald to bc~ a neces3ary prerequisi.te to the proposed utie cf the subject ~ropert:y in or.der to pre4erve the saf.~t}• and gereral welfure oE Che Citizens of the Cii:y ot Anaheim: ~~~ ~` 1. 'Pha ~ thz owner i s) of :;~;bjecL• propPrty ~ha ~:1 p~y the tr.~Ff ic signal assessment fee for open space ~nd the oEfice tra.ilers. 2• `ihat trasti slorage areas sha11 be provided and maintaine~ in r; accordance with appr.ovt:c~ F~lans on Pi1e wi~h the Stree~ Maintenance ~~ ~nd 3anitar_ion Division. 3. That [~r1oL' to commencement ~P structural framing, fire hyur~~ntm shall bF installed and charged as rcquired anci detecmined to oe necessacy by t,he Chief of the E'ire Deparl•ment. 4. Tha~ plans sha.ll be sub;nitte~] l•o th~ Building Di.vis .on showiny comp.li.ance ~dith the rninimum s l-ar.clards of the City of Anaheim, including the Uniform E:ui:~ding, P.luml>;ng, Electrieal, Mechanical ar.d Fire COC3P.a^ a~ adoptec7 by l:he City a£ Anaheim. The appropriate permi.ts shall be obtained f.or any n~_ce~~sary wark. ~. .~hat subjecr. propezky sitiall be dev~:7.opec7 subsL•antial.ly in accordan.:n w.ii:t; plans ~nd specif.ications on [ile with i;he Cit~+ oE Ar~a.heim marked Exhibit Nu, 1. 6. '.chat Conditio;~ Nos. I anc] 4, above-mentioned, sha.ll be completed wi~hin a peri.od of nir~ety (9U) days fr~~m ~h~ dal-e oL ~his resc~lution. 7. That priar to Einal buildiny and zonir,g inspections, Condi.i~ion Nos. 2 a~~d 5, ~3bove-m~r,kianed, ak~all be comp.lied witt:. I~E IT FUR`l'IiF,R F;J;SOLVLD that tl~e Anahei~n City Planning ~c>mmission does hereby i~nd ~end dNtecniine that adapt.io:~ c~E t:~is Resolutiun is e;cpres~ly pred.icat~~d u~on applicar:t's conr~lianc~ ~~it•h each and a11 of the aonditions h~rei.na~~ove ~et [orth. Shr~uld any :~uch con:3? t ions, ~r any part there~f, b~ deGlared invali.d or unenforceable by ~he f.inal judgm~nt of any court of cumpeterit jurisdicticn, ~hen ~hi:. Tiesolution, and any ~zpprovals hecei~ contained, shall be deemcd nu11 and void. 'PEIE E'0}2EGOING RLSOLUZ'T!)N is signed ~~nd appcov~d by mE t.h.is 6th da~~ of ' .January, 1986. " ; j / i; •---.. ,~__. ~ . /...~~=''L ~`.~.:.c_ i ~ -C~C~ , ,~_,~ ~---=%-'l, G.-.- S.- CHAIP,WQMAN~ ANAHEIM CITY E'I,ANP7Il`1G COMMTS:iIUN n:'T~S'P: ~ . .. ~~-~ _~~ii~. }' SLCREZ~ARY, ANAHF:IM CITY ~'LANNING COMMISST'~tJ ._. -2- Pc;86-1.6 ,. :t; '1:! ~~,x~ `,~ ~" ^, ~` r ~~ ~ `F > ,',~ ,;, `:c ,, i S`i'ATE OE` CALIrURNIA i ;?;~`, CUUN`i'Y U E' ORANGE ) sS, CI:['X OF ANAHk~Ti~1 ) ';~; ,,' I, Edith L. Harris, Secretary ~f. the A~~ahe.im City Pl.anning ;a ~ Commissi un, do hereby cer.tify lh.~t the for~gning resolution was passed ttnd ' ,: adopted at a meeting oE the Anaheim Ciky PZanning Commission r~e1d ~n January ~ ~~ G, .19A5, by the ~allow~,ng vote af the memb~t•s thereof : <.,, . `~~; . AYEa": COI4MISNIONER5. I30U1~S, ~fERBS'P, LA ~~i~1+:iRF, MESSE ~~ ~~r ~ ~ NOES: COMMISSIONERS: NQt3E ,~ . ~. ~ • ,;' ; ~ i AASEN'P: COMMI5SIONFRS: F12"!, LAWT~KI, MC E3UItNEY ` °'~'~`. ,?~. ' ,,; ~ IN WITNESS WEir:ItEOF', I have herrunto set my hand this 6tn day of ; '~ : .Tanu~ry, 1986. ; ~ 5 ~ . ~ ~ ` ,; ,. ~ ; ~`FG~%~ . .____~--,c: ~,~:~==~. ~ • ;`2 ~ _ -.-, :iECRETA}?Y, ANAiiFIM CI7'Y PLANNING COMMT•".^,TON ,r -3' PC86-16 ;.: a~ ~G~` ~t, .v : , :.,:.