PC 86-174„*{ ~`,~.~ , h ~. ',N1 i: ~ l2ESULUTJUN NU. PC86-17A A ItESULUTiON UI? `l'HL ANAI~iLIM r_ITY N1.ANNIIVG COMtdZS~IUN THA`P PE`PI`i'i0N PUIt VAR.TANCE N0. 3575 13E llL;N~Ell ,; wi~.LK~;~s, Fhe Rnaheitn City Pl.annxng C~;nmi.5sion did zeceive a ve~i£ied ';~:,,, Petition f_or Var.ia.~i~e fcom llOYI~E L. 5M7i'E! ANU MARJURIE L, SMI'PH, P. 0. Bex "~' S~U P. rluevo, Cal.if.ornia N2367 and N~;VI:LLE LiaBY AND VIULF:'P T,IEiEiX, lobl We~t ~" Cetzikos Avenue, Arlahei.m~ Ca.l.ifotnia 9?.~02, owner.s, ar~d t~;,R1~LD k. BiJSHORE, 721. N~rth Eucl.zd Stzeet, Suite~ 202, AnaYieim, California 9~8Q1-4116~ ayent .'o* c:er. tain ceal pr.~~:~er t~~ situated :in Lhe City ~~t Anaheim, C~unty o~ or.~a~iye, StatP of (;alif.nr.ni.a descr.ibed a5; L,U'.I' 3 ~~L' TRACT ].32"l, AS PLf2 A MA~~ RL•'CUltl)L'I) ZN 13VOK 411~ c'AGF~ 7 OF MISCEL~ANLOUS MAYS T~f Tt~~ UFI~ ICL OF T[iE; CUU[~t~Y RE;CURll~N '.)F SAIll URAN(ir; COUNTX, CAi,zl'OFtNIA. L,CT 4 Ot~ TRACT N~). 131"1. AS PP.R MAP N.~:CORllE.D IN i30UK AU~ PAGE 7, MI~CELLP.NGUUS MEl!~S, IN `1'HE OFF~CL' c.`F 'rH~ COUNTY l2ECO1tA~R UF SAID CUU:ITY. WHE;REAS, th~ Ci.ty Pl.anniiiy (,'()IilIII:iSS1011 did h~ld ~~ public hFatirig at the Ci~ic: Center. in the City or Anahri.an orl aune 23, 13~b, a':. 1;3U p.m., nntice ~~ saict public hF~aring having been dul.y g:iven as required by law and in accor.dance with the prc~visions o:(: th~e Anah~~zm h]unicipal Cod~.~, Chapcec 18.U3, to hear and c~nsider. evidence f.oc and ayainst sai.c! pronosed var.iance and ~~ in~iestigate and rnake f.:incla.nys ~nd r.eco~nm~n~ati~ns zn connection ther_ewith; and 1vtSl;ttLA~, saiC Commissxon, ai"L-~r. due ir~s~ection, investi,ga~ion and sF:udy made by itself ~nd in iks beha'Lf', and a.~tec clue conszderal:ian of. all evidence and r.e~nrts :~.r'k~r~d ~~t sai~ h~~ar.in~, d~es ~ind and cieteirn~ne thc foJ.lnwzrty tact-s: 1. '1'hat th~~ petitioner. pr.opc~ses w~iver.s o~ the f~llowiriy tc~ establish a~-lot, kt~-'7"l,Gll Gone sinyle-~atnil~ cesidential subdivisi.nn; (a) S~CTJ:UN 1.ti.U1..1:f0 - ttequic~d ].ot f.r.ontaye. ~ ~ (Fr.ontaye on dedi~ated skteet or alley requ:~red; r.~ivate ~kree~ .I'ron'tage f.or. Lots 'l ~htouyh 7 propt~sed) (b) SLC'~'Ic~N - i•iini.mujn l~t ar.ea. (72(lQ :;r i.~rr.e rett requir.ed; Ei,~4~ sq~iar.~ feet f.ur t.,ots 'l ~nd 7 and 6,465 squ~r.e f`c~e:t Far Lots 3 th~ouyh G proposed) ~ (ci SECTION 1ti.26.U61.p"l0 - Min:imutn l~~t width ar~d xxpntaqe. (7U £c:~:t =equi.r.ed; 4~ r'FAt f.or Lc-,ts 4 and ~, 57 ieet Eor Lnts 3 and h, and 66 Eaet f.o1. Luts '1. and 7 pCOpr.i~ed) r (d? SLCTZ~JN ].~."16.0ti5.U10 ~- Yecmirt:ed nr.iencation ~f rccurc.ur.eR. (Skxueture5 rec~uir.ed t~~ r.eac-~~n ar.tetial hi.yhways; gtzuctures ~n Lots .1 and ~ pr~posed to side-r,•1 Cerritr~s Avenue) ~~~~~~;~ ~ ~ 035~c PCBti-174 .:` y.. ~~~. r~, .,~, ~• That the abc,v~:-menti.oned ~aa:ivEZS are her.eby denied on che basis that there Gre no special. cir.cumstanr.~s applicabl.~ to the property sueh•• as size, shape, topoycaF~hy, location anci surco~~,ndz~gs Which da not apply t4 other identxcall.y zoned prn~ccty i.-i the same vi~:inz.l:y; and tha~: stz.ict application of the Z~niilg Cc~de dnes ilot deplClVe rhe pr.o er.t of ' othez p Y Privi.l.eyes en joyed uy propext.ies iri the :identic~]. z~ne and cl.assif.ication ir. the vicinity. 3. 'rhat ther.~~ ~±re no exceptiona] or extzaoGdinaty ciecurnstances or ~:ondici~ns ap~lieal~l.e to tne t~roper.l:y involv?d ~r ~o ~he i.nL-ended use pE the pr~~per.ky tuat d~ not a~.~pl.y ycn~ra:lJ.y to the property r~;. clas: of use in the sam~: vicinity and zo~le. 4. 'Phat ttie r.cyuested variance is not n~c:essary Eor the preservation and enjoyinent af a.,ubstant.ial praperty~ r.iy_ht pos,~s,;ed bl o-;her ~roper~y i.n the ~a~rie vi~i~ztv and zonF, and deniec; to the pr.opetty zn queGLion. : 5. 'Ph;~t the requesL-c:d varianc:e wzll be inattcia.i~y detrimc:nt:al to the pub].ic welfaxe or injur.:i.ous t~ the proper.ty or ~imj>rovement5 in such vicinity and ~ann~ in which t;he proper.ty is l.ocated. 6. '!'hat a~~~r.c~xiinat~al.y ~0 pa~op].e ~.ridic~ted the:ir ~:resznc~ at said N~ublic he~~r.iny :in oppositic.ri and one pershn indicated t~sis ~~resence ~~~ favor oE `~uUJ~~=~ p~t.ition; aiicl that no ccncre::pond~nce was r.eeeived in oppnsitian tn ;=ubject petition. ~, ~NVI.ttONM6N~I~AL ~M'r~~C~!~ EINll:~NG: That Lhe Anataeim CiL-y ~lanni,ng C~~mi~is~i~n !~as teviewecl the or.~posal to ~;stabl.ish an tt-lot, 1~5-7200 (Residential, Singl.e-Family) lon~: Siny.l.e-Eariily re:;idei1tial suuciivision :~ith waivez.^., o£ cequir:ed l~t frr~ntaye, minimum l~t area, mxnimu~n ].ot width and tr.~ntage and ~er.i~itteU or..entati~n of. stcuc~ur.es on a rectan ~?lar.l pazc:e'1 ~~~ land ~c~nsist:iny of. aNpr~ximafel.y 1.5 a<:r.e, approximaLely 2?8yieec~~on _ ttie norkh side ot: Cexritos At~enu` and beiny located ai~proxirrtately 575 ~<:et ~ ~~s~ ~~~ .~.h~~ c~:nL•erl.inc oY' Euclic! S:.reet, and 1`.urth~r dar • r ' 1651 We,t Cerr..itns Avenue; and <~r~~G ,, , ~~ribed a~ 1b43 ~tnd ` h~rEi~y approve the Neyative Declarat:~pn ;' upon the .f.indiny tha~ it ha:; consider..ed Lt~e Neyati~/e llr~c.la):~lion koyethc~[ w;ith `: any ~oliun:~nts Leceived uuLiny the pub].:ic r:eview ~,r~~;:~ss and f.urthex £indiny on t the basis ~i the ~nita.al study anu any c~mments r.eceived that there is nn ', substanti;al evidence thcat ttie pro~~~ct wil.l hzve a,iynific:a-it ~EEcet on the , environment. , NUW, TfiLR~hUhL, k3~; i'1' lt~~ULVLll that the Anahexm Cii~ ?lann.:ny ~ Comrni.ssi~n d~~s her.c~~y deny sub~ect Petitinn Eor_ Var.~~nce: on the basis of. the % atorementzoned Li~dinys. i 'PFi~; FU1tE~UiN~ kte:S~t,UY'IUN is siy!~ed ~r:c~ apptoveci by me ttiia 'l3rJ day ot June, ].y~b. f ,'s ~ ;: ~ ,- !.,~'l t:l 1 i...~~,__..,.•-);1; j l ... CffAIlt'nlUhiAN~ ANAHI~IM CI7'Y Pi.ANNINc;~ CUMI•iT.:iSZON A'.I'Tr'S`l : ~ ~ ~ SL•'CRIsTAKY, ANA:fEIM CI'PX PLAhNIN~ cUrir~iT55IU11 _~_ PCbb-J.74 ,,;~i , .', s~ ,._., y""~ ~ ,, `~'~ ~~ ~ ~ . . ..~1~•,~t'1 s2~A~~r, uF c~LxF~uxr~zH ) CUUNTY Ui' URANGf: ) ss. CITY UF ANAH~~IM ) z, Edith L. ll~rris, Sec:zetar.~ oE th~ Anan:~im City Planning Cornmi~siun, do hereby c:ertif.x thaF th~ tor.e~ozny resoluki4n was pass~d and ad°:'red at a meeting oL- che Anaheim City planriing Co~n-r~issio-i helc! on June 23, 1.9~b, by the fnllowiny v~te ot the members theceof; AY~;S: COMMISSIOIV~H5: f3UUA5, E'RX, HERtiST, LA CLA'T.~2E, LAW.CCKT, MC BURNEY NOES: COMMISSIUNER~: NUNk; AtiS~;N'P: COMMI~SIONEttB: h1l.5SE IN 14ITNESS W1;~k.L•'uF, I have hereuntn set my hand ~his 23rd day Q~ J~'tl~~ l.y$6. l.-'r~.~.--- ~ .1`~ SECKk;'.C Y, ANAHE.T.M CI`PY 1~LANN N~ Mlggl'.ON ~~~ ~c~~-i~~ t'i i