PC 86-178~1 ; ~ ~ ~ :. ~ „~ ~M~ RESOLU'i'T.UN NU. ~'C86--178 ?~ lZFS(~LUTIUN Uf~ THL ANAHEIM CTTY PLANNZ~G CUMDII~SIUN T1iAT L~E`1'.T.'r:fCiLJ rUR CUN1)I`PIUIVAL US~; PEil!~17:'1' f~0. 'lttl.9 kiE GRAIvTEll WHEREAS, the Anaheim City Planninc,~ Commission did receive a v~r.ified i?eti.tion f.or Condi'tion~'_ Use Pecmit ftom d) AD1D D DEV~LUPME~.+T COMPANY, 711 East Imperial Highway, ~izea, Ca.lifor.nia 926'll, A'Px'N: CAMILLL CUUIt'PNEY, owner of. certairi ce~t propecty situated ~n the City o~' Anaheim, County o1 Utange, ~tate ox Cal.~foxnia, desczibed as: FAkCLL 2, IN 'PH~ CT.2'Y l)r ANAFiE7:M, COUIJTY UF URANV~;, ,~~t'ATE OF CAL71~u12NI~~ AS ;;HU4JN ON A MAP F7LE1) .T.n l3UOK 169, PAVE 'lti UF' PAltC~.L MAPS, 7 N TNL UEl~ 7.CE uE 'i'h~; CuUN'PY Hk~CUR.DEN. UP' SAID C'UUNTY . WHLR~;AS, the City ~I.ann:iny Commission did hold a puulic heariny at khe Civic CenLer. in the City o£ Anaheim on June 23, 1y~6, at 1:3(1 p.m., notic~e ~~ Gaid pub.Lic hear.ing haviny been duly giveri as r.equ~,zed by ].aw and in accor.dance ~vith the provisions of' tl~i~ Anaheim [d~~iticiNal. Code, Ctsaptez I8.Q3, to l~ear. and consider evidence far and ;,yyai:lst said ~roy~ased conditional use per.init and to ~nvestiyate and make f.indinys and rer_orninendations in conn~cti.on ther.ewith; ancl WHLK~AS, said Com:nisCion, a~ter. due insp~ction, :investig~tion and study ~nac+.e by icu~:a.f and in its beha.lf, and af:l-.er due considetation oi a17. evidence and ,.eX~o;:ts offecec! at saia hear.in~~, does find and determi.ne the ~ol.lowin,~ f'.a~:ts: 1.. ~:hat~ the proposed use i5 pzopeKly one f.ot which a conclitiona.l. use permit is aurho~ized by Anaheim t~lur~icipal Code 5er,tiori 1.d.4i3.050.160 to wit: l-.o permi~- on-sal.~ a.lconc~l.i~~ bevecages (compl.irnentar.y, "Happy Hour." fot yuests only) irti an exiCtiny rnoke]. c].ubhou:~e with araiver. af the x~il.owiny: SLC`i'IU[J~ 1~.4~.Oti6.0511, - Minimum nurnber. ~f. pur.kiny spacFS. J.t3.Ob.OSQ.Q'14.L (yl spaces Tc:c~lllt~d; 7'1 spciC~eq (85`~} AN1) ].8.p6.08U exist:ing) 2. That ~:he reqii•^G~cd ~~aiveM is h.~reby gr. ar~ted ~n the basis EhaF the Par.lcizig wa:iver wi.ll not cauGe an inctease i~1 ttakF.i.c ronyEStion in the i.mmer?iate viciri:i.ty rlor ad~~et:sely G~f.e~t any adjoir.ing :Land usev and ycant:ny 01: the pazkii~y w~ivex under the ~.onditions imp~se~, if any, will. noi: be •~; d~~tr.in~enta.l t~~ the neace, heal.th, saf:Fty an~ yener.al we.lF.~~ ze ot the citizens ~'` vi ch~~ ~ity of A>>aheim. {::~ 3. '.Cha. l-.he ~rop~sed use wil.l not. advetsely afEec.t th~ ad;joininy J.and us~s anci tki~ yrowth and C~f.V@~.npl?lf;fl~ ok the area i-~ whicz it is pr.cpUSe~ to be located. 9. That thr si~e and st?ape, c~f. the site ~.~:.oposed f.or th^ use is adeyuate co allow thc full devel.opmen~ o~ the propored use ~in a manneL nnk deL.:~m~nta.l to the par.ticu.l.ar. axea n~~z to th~ pea~~, hea].th, sa£ety and gener.al wc:.l.fare oF. the Citizen~ of. the City ~f. Anaheim. O~i62t ~ ~, . . ' 1 /~L,'{ ,'. ~ ~ ~ t.. ~i ~I." 5• vond:~t ons '"hat i tti~: yr.anting <~f the Cunclitional U~e PetrniE undez tt~e ~ saEeL•y and mposed, if any, y~ner.al. we7.far e of wi].~. the not be Citi detr.imental. to the ~eace, hea].i:t:, ~ ' . . zens o1 the Ci~y of. Anaheim. ~. ur~due bur de That the trai'L-:ic yEnetated uy the pra.~~osed use ~~i,11 not ~mpose an . n upon l r f ti the streets and ;~iyhwaks r~esi~~ned and im~coved to cars th . .a . c :in the ~tte a. y e 7• That no one indicated trieiL ures~nce at saici pub].ic hearing in oppositzon; and that no corr.espondence was r.~:ceivecf in opposition to the ~uUject petition. LNVIRUNMEN'PAL .LhI~AC~l' L~INlliNG; '1'hat the Anaheini City Planniny ',~ Cc~rnm:ission has r.~eviewed khe pcopo,al to per.mit on- ~ate alc~hol.ic beverageg (com;~l.irnentary "Haur. Hour." f:or gu~sk. on.ly) in an existiny more]. clubhouse with 'I waiver of minimum numuer ot Uark:ing s~ace;; an a r.ectangu.tarl.y-shap~~d parcel uE ~ land coilsistiny o~ appcoxiinate].y ]..43 ~ctes, kiavir~* a xrontage o~ , app=orimately 250 f.eet on kb~ e~~t or Harr~ot Boulevar.d; being Iocatec3 appror,imately 4:~p te~t l10Lt11 oi: th~ centerli.ne o2: UranyewouU Avenue, and fur thet desctibe~, ~s 'lQ9tl s~~uth riacboc L{oulevard ( Kaf£le `s T~ijl); and doea hereuy approve tr.e Negakive peclardtiott upon f..ziiCiny that it has considered - i:he 1~tyaLive llecJ.arakic~~l s ugerher with any couunent:: t~ceived during thP public r.evi.ew pr.ocess and ~ur.ci~er. Lindiny on the basis of the inicial study and any r.amrnen'ts r~c;~ived that, ttiLte is na siibstaritial evidence th<it the projECt will ~zave a siynif`icant ef.xe~k on th~ ~rivironment. ~~W, `.L'HEkEi'Ulth', 13E I'L~ RLSULVED tt7al: the Anaheim C.ity Planning C~7mm:ission does her.eby yrant ~ub~e~t Petition !'.or Coridikional Use Fetmit, upc~n the f.ol.Iowing co• tions which a~ ~ hereby I:ound t.o be a necessar ~ to the pr.opos~ad use ot` thn sub~Act pzoj~er. cy in ord~z to y~'r.et..quisite preserv~ the saf~ty artd generai welf:ar.e oF ti~e Cit~zens af: t~ e Ci.ty ok Anaheim~ 1. That al.l dr.~iv~ways sh~1.]. ae con~~t.cucted or ~ accotnmodai:~ ten (:(.0) f.o~at r.adius c~rb :etur.ns as requir~dGky~ khe City Tza~tic Gnyin~~ec , ~. That the n~ovision o!: alcoho.lic beverayes is intend?d to u~ ~ restr.icted to a.:om,~yiment;xz~_,~LVZG~; ~Q UuesFs ~E the mote1.jhote1 ;' on~; and, kh~'c ther~ be abso].utel.y no outdoor advectisin5 the sa:Le/or the prcvision oi alcohoiac l,zverayes, coinp.l:imeritary or ocher.~,,i^e, t~~ tYi~ yener.al. publ.~.~. ' ~. 'lhat tt:~ submitked parkiny stud~, sup~o~:t~iny the r.e~ uesked ~ waiver.. be approv~d ior n;~A_ ~, „ ~ parki.ng ; Y~a:• lhat a:Eter one ytax ch~ petiti.oner sha?.1. r.cquesL- an exten„ion ;;L 'ciine :in wzitiny and that upon a rindi.ng ~ that the existi.nq par.kiny r.oncinues L-o be suf:ficienk to sarve the proposed use, no othe~ r.eyuesks r.or extension o~ titnA will be neces~azy. ~ 4. That sub~ect l~r.opert.y sha11 be developed sua~taiit~aliy ln accocdance w.ith plans and spec:ifications on fi,l.e with the City of. Ananeim tnar.ked L'xhibit I~os. 1 khcouyh 9. .;; 5. That pr~,or to comrnencemAnt of. th~ activity herein a~~prove6 or pzzor to Einal buildi~~g an~ ror,iny inspecl•:i~ns, whichever occuts f.izst, Condition tJos. 1 and ~l, abov~-mention~d, sha].1 br comp.lied rrath. ~l^ PC85-17$ ;',j ,:, ~1 r . . ~. ~J( . .. , :1 ~~ ~~ 9 ,``'.~ ~ );<. , : .S . ~~ ~'i r , . „ , „ _ ;, ;. , , . • ~ ~,~~ ' .- - , _ „ . . , . ... . .. .,n.,.,. ~ . . . ~ . ~N\~~.}, ~M~~ Il ~~~r~ ~ ~ ,, ai se~ ~ ~'-? 'a ti~, t.'1' EUK~t'Ht:tt Rh.SU~V~u that. thc Anahei.m City P]~jnn.iny Commis:~ion doe:s h^r.ebv f.inrl and detr.r.~n~lnc ttia~ r.idoNkioi~ of. ttii~ ~~~~ol.ution is ext~zc:~W1•y pr.ti~di.cate~l upon a~~plicanc' G uo-nNl.iance with each and all oY: the c:ond~ltions he:r.einat~~ve :~et roxth. ::houlc; any ~uc:h ~ondi,tions, ot anl {~ar.t ti~exeof., be dec'I.ar.ed i.nval.id ~7~ u~ienF.or.c<~ab1<: by the f:inal ;tudg:nent ~+F <in,y couct c~i` ~oin~~~tent jur.iGdxction, th~;n tll.ly tte~,,.luti~~~i, and any appL~vala hecein cont~~ined, 9hc~1i. b~ d~e~ac:ci niil.l. and 'ro.i~l. ~lii~ FU-ZdliUi[JCi R~:SVi.U~P:f~.~N iF ~iyned and apNc~vcd uy inc thi.s 1:3xd clay ~ oE ~-une, 1)tsb. ~ ; j ,' ~ / ~ ~:f~s.. , , \.,. , j • { ,, ` ` r ~ ; i CFiAT!tWU~tAIi, ANAHETt-1 CI'i', PLANP77NG CUMI•II.SS.T.U~' tl`i'i'L57'~ . ..ri ~ ' Q~''-.Y SECI2F:TARY, ANAt{}3.TM CITY PLF.Nf~f7CJG CUMt~1J5:iT~)N :i'PA'PE UF CAi.TI~I~NN]"A ) CUUN'1'Y Uh ORANC;c: 1 ~~~ • CI'i'X U~ ANAHEThi ) ~., l;dith ~. tfat.r_i:~, ~"~z"•t~~'.~' ~f- r.tin Anal~ei~n City rl.anning C~mmis5i~n, do l~e~~^_by cer.:.ii'~ that ti:e kaceyoiny r.e:-olution was pas~ed anc3 ailopt«td nt ~ rnee~iny ~~£ ih~ An~shaim City Planniny Comm.is:~ion hr.ld ~~n Jun^_ 23, 1.9~6, by tli~ f.~~l.l~~,+i:~y v~~te ~>r: tr,e mEmber.:~ tn~r.eo~: Ay~~; C~M19155IUNL•'tt5: -5UUA5, L~ttY, iiGltrsS'i', L~A4~l7C'K.i., hIC t3Utt[J~Y Nq~;y: CUt4M].S:iTUVEkt:~: NU[vt: At351•~N'P: CUMMTSSiUNf:-t5: Lr1 CLe1[tti:, t9E5:%~: (t~~ WTTNr55 r!t-~t?r:Jt', t havc her.~~unto 5et my han~ this :LjL~ ~aY ~~ ,Iunc, iyKb. ~ - ~l . /~;J `'' , ~.~~L~., ' ..~ Sf:C'Ftt;'1'nx2Y, F~i~Ak{ETM CT'1'Y E'LAV~l7NV CUMMI~:;TUN -.i - t~Ca4-178. ; `-;;} : ... .,.C ~r~