PC 86-194~ ~Y 'i ' RESULUTION N0. PC$6-.194 A RESOGU'.CiON OP THE A~lAHEIM CI'!'Y PLANN2NG COMMTSSION THAT PE'.PI'PION kOR VARIANC~; IJO. 35a2 13E GRANTFD WHERhAS, the Anak,Pim City Planniilg Commisrion dic~ receive a variE.ied Petiti.on fur Variance fcom 1VAN Ni. ~~UR1~TN ANll DARGENE K. TUkPrN AS TRUSTEE9 Or' THE TURPIN TRU,~T, 5330 Sunr.rest Roacl, Ar.ahFim, Ca:~if~rnia 92807, owners af c.~,, certain real pro~erty situated in ttie City ut Anaheim, Countl oE Orange, State „ oL Cal.if~rnia d~scri.bed as: L~OT 10 UP TRACT 10998, AS SFiUWN ON A MAP R~CURDEll TN BOOK 532~ PAGES 20 TO 25 INCLUSIVC OF MISCGLLi1NE0US MAPS, RE:;O.RUS Oc^ 012ANGL COUNiY~ CALXFURNIA. Wt~LREAS, the City Planning Commis~ion dy.d ho.ld a public t~eacing at the Civic C~nter in the City of Anaheim on July 21, .1986, ~~t 1~30 p.m., not:ice ; cF said puU1i~ i~earing having been duly yiven a;: r~:yuired .by law and in accordance witn the provisions ~f the Anaheim Miinicipal Code, Cflapter 15.03, to hear and consider evidence for and a~ain~l. yaid proposed variance and to inve:shiyate and make findings and cecommer:Ba~ions in con~~-ection therewiGh; anc~ ,.. W1iExEAS, said ;'oit;mission, aEter due inspection, znvestigation and stttdy made by itse.lf an~.: in its behalf, antl af-ter due consideratio~i of all evic~ence and r.eports otfere.~ at said hearing, does find and derermine the tollowing facts: ,•:,: l. Tha~ the petitioner proposes waivet of the Golluwi~g to construct a two-st•ory~ aingle-t~mily residence: SEC"PION 18.84.09'L.G11 - Maximum sl-ruclur4]. heiqht. ~ ~ (25 Eeet in,Scenic Corr~dor permittnd; 35.5 t~et pro~~osed) 2. 'I't;a~. tha ab~~ve-men~ ioned waiver iFS hereb.y yranted on the basis that there are apecia? circumstarices appl?.cable t~ tl~e prop~rty such as ~ize, sl~ape, topography, 1~cat.ion and surroundings which do no: a~~ly ~:o other i.dentically zoned properk.y in the saine vicin.ity; and L'nat strict app.lication of the Zorsing Code deprives the proper.ty of privileges c:njuyecl t~y other prop~rties in the id~ntical zone and c.l.a~r~ification in the vicinity. 3. ~hat tt~~r.e ~re excepti.nna.l or ext taordiriary circumstar.ces or conditions a~pAiuabie to the pro~erL-y involved or L-o Lha intended use aF the property that dc not a~~ply yen~ra'lly L-o CI1P. Ur~perty or class o~ use in ~hc 3ame vicinity and zone. 4. That the reques~ed vacianc? is necessar.y for thc pre;servation and enjUyment ~f a~uk~stantia.l pLOper.ty right pogse~sed by other property in the same vLcinity and zone, and denied to the p::o~arty ir questi~n. 5. That tht requested variance wi11 not be ma~erially detrlmental to the p~~blic weltare or iajurious to the property or improvements in such vicinity and zone in which r.he FropErty is located. 6. That no one .indic~ted ~heir presence at said publlc tiearing in opposition; and that no corre~pundee~c~~ was reeeived in ooposition to suk~ject petition. 0882r PC~6-194 ;.W-, ~~ . ~;,v: { ENVTRJNMEN~I~AL tMPAC'"i' k'INDTNC: The P1ar.ni.ng Direckor or hi~ authori~ed representative has d~tecrnined thaL• the proposed praject ~alls wikhin the d~:finitiQn of Cateyorical Exemptians, Class 3r as defined in the State ~T22 Cuidel,tnea and is~ therefoce, categorica).ly exempt ~'rom tne cc~quiren~ent +:o prepate an E:iR. NUW, THERb,i'GR~, BG I~l~ RESOLVED thaL the Anaheim City Plannzng Commis~ion cioes hereby yrant subject~ Petitiotl C~r Vari~lnc~, upon the Eoll~wing cancliti~ns ~:, wnich are h~reby founcl to b~ a necessary pcerequisi~e to i:he propo~ed us2 af the y;; ~uhiect proper.ty ~.n ord~r to ptese:ve th~ safet~y and general trel~are af the Cii.i~ens of th2 Ci'ty of Ana heim: 1. 'Chat subject ptor~erty shall be cleveloped substaritially in accordancE with p~ans and Gpeci~icahions on f.ile with che City oE Anaheim marked Exhibit ;i Nos, 1 l:hr.ou~7Y: 5. RE I'1' I'URTtiER 12ESOLVEll that the Anaheim City Planniny C~mmission does '` hernby fi-id an.d dQterrnine thaL• acla~tian of i:hi.s Re~o.lution is expres~ly pcedi.cated upor- applicant'U compliance with each ancl all ~f the conditiun: hereinaUove set `:; furth. Should any such condition, or any ~art thereof:, be dec.lared invalid or unenforceabl~ bp L•he final judgmen~ aE any courk ot competen:. juc°.~diction, then `~~ this Resolul:ion, and any anpLOVals herein contai.ned, shall be deerned nu11 and void. THG FORFGO:LNG R~SQLUTIOfJ is s~.gned ~.nd ap~roved by me this 21L-h day of ~Tu].,y, 19FiF,. ,.~-`'-~' / . Y~.,; -L~•~I , c,~%b ~ ~` / ,v a .~ . ~ HAII2MAN, ANAc L':[M, CI'1'X PT,, NNTl~1G COMMISSION a~r~.c t: s~r : ' ~~. ~._,(1"~ -~ ~S~ %, . .~ SECRET~':RY, ANAHLIM CI'~Y P ANNING COMMISSIUN STRT~ OF CAt,IE0R~IIA ) CUUN'PY qG' ORANGE ) ss, CITY OF ANAHEIM ) ,' I, Ecii.th L. Ei~rris, Secr~7l-.ary of the Anahc~im Ci.ty Plunnin~ Commission, do ' :~e~r.eby c4rtify that L•ne foregoiiin resoluti~n ~~aas ~assed ar_d ;~dopted at c m~etinc~ ~"• ~f the; Anaheim Cii:y Planning Commis~ion he.lcl an ,IUly 21, ]9t3G, by the Eoll.owing ~; vote of the membcrs there~t: Y;; :f ; AYES: CUt4MI5SI0~VERS: L30UAS, E'RX~ H::RfiST~ GA CGI~TRF., i,AWT~'KCr MC t~URNEY, ~1 LSSF NOES: C:OMMISSi0NER5: NON1; ;i, t5~i AH5ENT: CUMMISSIONERS: NGNr 19 E16 . }?jti ~ ;;'... t~~~-, ~~~+,4tifty ,. ;,r;. ~y I ~~i~ ~- ~ y+t~ G~p' . t '~!,/1~,,;«t~~~rJ,, . ~'S 5 N ~r , ~~~~~ ~ ~, ar~ ~~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ , ~ ~,;~,~ ~, ~ ~.~u '~, ~~ ~ {r~ f:3~Z ~ r -' , L~_~<-,~. . IN ~~7TTNGSS WHERLOE, I r~~zve heceun-~o set my hand ~his ~lth day qs July, `:~ .,~--` ,O ~' ' !~ ,4 . .,/ . ..c'. - SECRE'~ARY, ANAHG_T'9 CI`.CY PLANNING COMMTSSInN ~~- I~CBG-I94 ,,s